Basic Nuclear Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basic Nuclear Physics


Marie Curie. 1867 1934. Discovered new radioactive elements ... The unit of activity, R, is the Curie, Ci. 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 decays/second ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Basic Nuclear Physics

Basic Nuclear Physics
Milestones in the Development of Nuclear Physics
  • 1896 the birth of nuclear physics
  • Becquerel discovered radioactivity in uranium
  • Rutherford showed the radiation had three types
  • Alpha (He nucleus)
  • Beta (electrons)
  • Gamma (high-energy photons)

More Milestones
  • 1911 Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden performed
    scattering experiments
  • Established the point mass nature of the nucleus
  • Nuclear force was a new type of force
  • 1919 Rutherford and coworkers first observed
    nuclear reactions in which naturally occurring
    alpha particles bombarded nitrogen nuclei to
    produce oxygen

Milestones, final
  • 1932 Cockcroft and Walton first used artificially
    accelerated protons to produce nuclear reactions
  • 1932 Chadwick discovered the neutron
  • 1933 the Curies discovered artificial
  • 1938 Hahn and Strassman discovered nuclear
  • 1942 Fermi and collaborators achieved the first
    controlled nuclear fission reactor

Ernest Rutherford
  • 1871 1937
  • Discovery of atoms being broken apart
  • Studied radioactivity
  • Nobel prize in 1908

Some Properties of Nuclei
  • All nuclei are composed of protons and neutrons
  • Exception is ordinary hydrogen with just a proton
  • The atomic number, Z, equals the number of
    protons in the nucleus
  • The neutron number, N, is the number of neutrons
    in the nucleus
  • The mass number, A, is the number of nucleons in
    the nucleus
  • A Z N
  • Nucleon is a generic term used to refer to either
    a proton or a neutron
  • The mass number is not the same as the mass

  • Symbol
  • X is the chemical symbol of the element
  • Example
  • Mass number is 27
  • Atomic number is 13
  • Contains 13 protons
  • Contains 14 (27 13) neutrons
  • The Z may be omitted since the element can be
    used to determine Z

More Properties
  • The nuclei of all atoms of a particular element
    must contain the same number of protons
  • They may contain varying numbers of neutrons
  • Isotopes of an element have the same Z but
    differing N and A values
  • Example

  • The proton has a single positive charge, e
  • The electron has a single negative charge, -e
  • The neutron has no charge
  • Makes it difficult to detect
  • e 1.602 177 33 x 10-19 C

  • It is convenient to use unified mass units, u, to
    express masses
  • 1 u 1.660 559 x 10-27 kg
  • Based on definition that the mass of one atom of
    C-12 is exactly 12 u
  • Mass can also be expressed in MeV/c2
  • From ER m c2
  • 1 u 931.494 MeV/c2

Summary of Masses
The Size of the Nucleus
  • First investigated by Rutherford in scattering
  • He found an expression for how close an alpha
    particle moving toward the nucleus can come
    before being turned around by the Coulomb force
  • The KE of the particle must be completely
    converted to PE

Size of the Nucleus, cont
  • d gives an upper limit for the size of the
  • Rutherford determined that
  • For gold, he found d 3.2 x 10-14 m
  • For silver, he found d 2 x 10-14 m
  • Such small lengths are often expressed in
    femtometers where 1 fm 10-15 m
  • Also called a fermi

Size of Nucleus, Current
  • Since the time of Rutherford, many other
    experiments have concluded
  • Most nuclei are approximately spherical
  • Average radius is
  • ro 1.2 x 10-15 m

Density of Nuclei
  • The volume of the nucleus (assumed to be
    spherical) is directly proportional to the total
    number of nucleons
  • This suggests that all nuclei have nearly the
    same density
  • Nucleons combine to form a nucleus as though they
    were tightly packed spheres

Nuclear Models
  • Liquid-Drop Model treat the nucleons like liquid
    molecules. Good on estimating the nuclear binding
    energy but not on the finer nuclear structures
    such as the stability rules and angular momentum.
  • Independent Particle Model (shell model) treat
    nucleons just like atomic electrons. This model
    can explain many nuclear properties such as the
    magic number etc.

The Independent Particle Model
Maria Goeppert-Mayer
  • 1906 1972
  • Best known for her development of shell model of
    the nucleus
  • Shared Nobel Prize in 1963

Partial Nuclear Energy Diagram of 131Xe
Nuclear Spin and Spin Magnetic Moment
  • Proton or neutron has intrinsic spin 1/2
  • Nuclear orbital angular momentum ?I(I1) (I
    integer or half-integer, nuclear spin quantum
  • Nuclear magneton ?n(eh)/(4?mp)5.05x10-27 J/T in
    analogous to electron ?B 9.274 x 10-24 J/T
  • Magnetic momentum of a free proton is 2.7928 ?n
    and a free neutron -1.9135 ?n

Nuclear Spin Angular Momentum
Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Principles of MRI
Principles of MRI
Principles of MRI
Nuclear Forces
Nuclear Stability
  • There are very large repulsive electrostatic
    forces between protons
  • These forces should cause the nucleus to fly
  • The nuclei are stable because of the presence of
    another, short-range force, called the nuclear
  • This is an attractive force that acts between all
    nuclear particles
  • The nuclear attractive force is stronger than the
    Coulomb repulsive force at the short ranges
    within the nucleus

Nuclear Stability, cont
  • Light nuclei are most stable if N Z
  • Heavy nuclei are most stable when N gt Z
  • As the number of protons increase, the Coulomb
    force increases and so more nucleons are needed
    to keep the nucleus stable
  • No nuclei are stable when Z gt 83

Binding Energy
  • The total energy of the bound system (the
    nucleus) is less than the combined energy of the
    separated nucleons
  • This difference in energy is called the binding
    energy of the nucleus
  • It can be thought of as the amount of energy you
    need to add to the nucleus to break it apart into
    separated protons and neutrons

Binding Energy per Nucleon
Binding Energy Notes
  • Except for light nuclei, the binding energy is
    about 8 MeV per nucleon
  • The curve peaks in the vicinity of A 60
  • Nuclei with mass numbers greater than or less
    than 60 are not as strongly bound as those near
    the middle of the periodic table
  • The curve is slowly varying at A gt 40
  • This suggests that the nuclear force saturates
  • A particular nucleon can interact with only a
    limited number of other nucleons

Marie Curie
  • 1867 1934
  • Discovered new radioactive elements
  • Shared Nobel Prize in physics in 1903
  • Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911

  • Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of
  • Experiments suggested that radioactivity was the
    result of the decay, or disintegration, of
    unstable nuclei

Radioactivity Types
  • Three types of radiation can be emitted
  • Alpha particles
  • The particles are 4He nuclei
  • Beta particles
  • The particles are either electrons or positrons
  • A positron is the antiparticle of the electron
  • It is similar to the electron except its charge
    is e
  • Gamma rays
  • The rays are high energy photons

Distinguishing Types of Radiation
  • A radioactive beam is directed into a region with
    a magnetic field
  • The gamma particles carry no charge and they are
    not deflected
  • The alpha particles are deflected upward
  • The beta particles are deflected downward
  • A positron would be deflected upward

Penetrating Ability of Particles
  • Alpha particles
  • Barely penetrate a piece of paper
  • Beta particles
  • Can penetrate a few mm of aluminum
  • Gamma rays
  • Can penetrate several cm of lead

The Decay Constant
  • The number of particles that decay in a given
    time is proportional to the total number of
    particles in a radioactive sample
  • ?N -? N ?t
  • ? is called the decay constant and determines
    the rate at which the material will decay
  • The decay rate or activity, R, of a sample is
    defined as the number of decays per second

Decay Curve
  • The decay curve follows the equation
  • N No e- ?t
  • The half-life is also a useful parameter
  • The half-life is defined as the time it takes for
    half of any given number of radioactive nuclei to

  • The unit of activity, R, is the Curie, Ci
  • 1 Ci 3.7 x 1010 decays/second
  • The SI unit of activity is the Becquerel, Bq
  • 1 Bq 1 decay / second
  • Therefore, 1 Ci 3.7 x 1010 Bq
  • The most commonly used units of activity are the
    mCi and the µCi

Alpha Decay
  • When a nucleus emits an alpha particle it loses
    two protons and two neutrons
  • N decreases by 2
  • Z decreases by 2
  • A decreases by 4
  • Symbolically
  • X is called the parent nucleus
  • Y is called the daughter nucleus

Alpha Decay Example
  • Decay of 226 Ra
  • Half life for this decay is 1600 years
  • Excess mass is converted into kinetic energy
  • Momentum of the two particles is equal and

Decay General Rules
  • When one element changes into another element,
    the process is called spontaneous decay or
  • The sum of the mass numbers, A, must be the same
    on both sides of the equation
  • The sum of the atomic numbers, Z, must be the
    same on both sides of the equation
  • Conservation of mass-energy and conservation of
    momentum must hold

Beta Decay
  • During beta decay, the daughter nucleus has the
    same number of nucleons as the parent, but the
    atomic number is changed by one
  • Symbolically

Beta Decay, cont
  • The emission of the electron is from the nucleus
  • The nucleus contains protons and neutrons
  • The process occurs when a neutron is transformed
    into a proton and an electron
  • Energy must be conserved

Beta Decay Electron Energy
  • The energy released in the decay process should
    almost all go to kinetic energy of the electron
  • Experiments showed that few electrons had this
    amount of kinetic energy

  • To account for this missing energy, in 1930
    Pauli proposed the existence of another particle
  • Enrico Fermi later named this particle the
  • Properties of the neutrino
  • Zero electrical charge
  • Mass much smaller than the electron, probably not
  • Spin of ½
  • Very weak interaction with matter

The Neutrino ?
Beta Decay Completed
  • Symbolically
  • ? is the symbol for the neutrino
  • is the symbol for the antineutrino
  • To summarize, in beta decay, the following pairs
    of particles are emitted
  • An electron and an antineutrino
  • A positron and a neutrino

Pure ?- (Negatron) Emission
Beta (Negatron) Emission
Positron ? Emission
Fate of the Positron
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Electron Capture
Electron Capture
Gamma Decay
  • Gamma rays are given off when an excited nucleus
    falls to a lower energy state
  • Similar to the process of electron jumps to
    lower energy states and giving off photons
  • The photons are called gamma rays, very high
    energy relative to light
  • The excited nuclear states result from jumps
    made by a proton or neutron
  • The excited nuclear states may be the result of
    violent collision or more likely of an alpha or
    beta emission

Gamma Decay
  • Nuclear transition from an excited state to a
    lower energy state
  • Nuclear excited state can be created by particle
    collision or as a result of nuclear decay.

Gamma Decay
Metastable States and Isometric Transition
Internal Conversion
Auger Electrons or X-ray
(No Transcript)
Gamma Decay Example
  • Example of a decay sequence
  • The first decay is a beta emission
  • The second step is a gamma emission
  • The C indicates the Carbon nucleus is in an
    excited state
  • Gamma emission doesnt change either A or Z

Enrico Fermi
  • 1901 1954
  • Produced transuranic elements
  • Other contributions
  • Theory of beta decay
  • Free-electron theory of metals
  • Worlds first fission reactor (1942)
  • Nobel Prize in 1938

Uses of Radioactivity
  • Carbon Dating
  • Beta decay of 14C is used to date organic samples
  • The ratio of 14C to 12C is used
  • Smoke detectors
  • Ionization type smoke detectors use a radioactive
    source to ionize the air in a chamber
  • A voltage and current are maintained
  • When smoke enters the chamber, the current is
    decreased and the alarm sounds

More Uses of Radioactivity
  • Radon pollution
  • Radon is an inert, gaseous element associated
    with the decay of radium
  • It is present in uranium mines and in certain
    types of rocks, bricks, etc that may be used in
    home building
  • May also come from the ground itself

Natural Radioactivity
  • Classification of nuclei
  • Unstable nuclei found in nature
  • Give rise to natural radioactivity
  • Nuclei produced in the laboratory through nuclear
  • Exhibit artificial radioactivity
  • Three series of natural radioactivity exist
  • Uranium
  • Actinium
  • Thorium
  • See table 29.2

Decay Series of 232Th
  • Series starts with 232Th
  • Processes through a series of alpha and beta
  • Ends with a stable isotope of lead, 208Pb

Nuclear Reactions
  • Structure of nuclei can be changed by bombarding
    them with energetic particles
  • The changes are called nuclear reactions
  • As with nuclear decays, the atomic numbers and
    mass numbers must balance on both sides of the

Nuclear Reactions Example
  • Alpha particle colliding with nitrogen
  • Balancing the equation allows for the
    identification of X
  • So the reaction is

Q Values
  • Energy must also be conserved in nuclear
  • The energy required to balance a nuclear reaction
    is called the Q value of the reaction
  • An exothermic reaction
  • There is a mass loss in the reaction
  • There is a release of energy
  • Q is positive
  • An endothermic reaction
  • There is a gain of mass in the reaction
  • Energy is needed, in the form of kinetic energy
    of the incoming particles
  • Q is negative

Threshold Energy
  • To conserve both momentum and energy, incoming
    particles must have a minimum amount of kinetic
    energy, called the threshold energy
  • m is the mass of the incoming particle
  • M is the mass of the target particle
  • If the energy is less than this amount, the
    reaction cannot occur

Radiation Damage in Matter
  • Radiation absorbed by matter can cause damage
  • The degree and type of damage depend on many
  • Type and energy of the radiation
  • Properties of the absorbing matter
  • Radiation damage in biological organisms is
    primarily due to ionization effects in cells
  • Ionization disrupts the normal functioning of the

Types of Damage
  • Somatic damage is radiation damage to any cells
    except reproductive ones
  • Can lead to cancer at high radiation levels
  • Can seriously alter the characteristics of
    specific organisms
  • Genetic damage affects only reproductive cells
  • Can lead to defective offspring

Units of Radiation Exposure
  • Roentgen R
  • That amount of ionizing radiation that will
    produce 2.08 x 109 ion pairs in 1 cm3 of air
    under standard conditions
  • That amount of radiation that deposits 8.76 x
    10-3 J of energy into 1 kg of air
  • Rad (Radiation Absorbed Dose)
  • That amount of radiation that deposits 10-2 J of
    energy into 1 kg of absorbing material

More Units
  • RBE (Relative Biological Effectiveness)
  • The number of rad of x-radiation or gamma
    radiation that produces the same biological
    damage as 1 rad of the radiation being used
  • Accounts for type of particle which the rad
    itself does not
  • Rem (Roentgen Equivalent in Man)
  • Defined as the product of the dose in rad and the
    RBE factor
  • Dose in rem dose in rad X RBE

Radiation Levels
  • Natural sources rocks and soil, cosmic rays
  • Background radiation
  • About 0.13 rem/yr
  • Upper limit suggested by US government
  • 0.50 rem/yr
  • Excludes background and medical exposures
  • Occupational
  • 5 rem/yr for whole-body radiation
  • Certain body parts can withstand higher levels
  • Ingestion or inhalation is most dangerous

Applications of Radiation
  • Sterilization
  • Radiation has been used to sterilize medical
  • Used to destroy bacteria, worms and insects in
  • Bone, cartilage, and skin used in graphs is often
    irradiated before grafting to reduce the chances
    of infection

Applications of Radiation, cont
  • Tracing
  • Radioactive particles can be used to trace
    chemicals participating in various reactions
  • Example, 131I to test thyroid action
  • CAT scans
  • Computed Axial Tomography
  • Produces pictures with greater clarity and detail
    than traditional x-rays

Radiation Detectors
  • A Geiger counter is the most common form of
    device used to detect radiation
  • It uses the ionization of a medium as the
    detection process
  • When a gamma ray or particle enters the thin
    window, the gas is ionized
  • The released electrons trigger a current pulse
  • The current is detected and triggers a counter or

Detectors, 2
  • Semiconductor Diode Detector
  • A reverse biased p-n junction
  • As a particle passes through the junction, a
    brief pulse of current is created and measured
  • Scintillation counter
  • Uses a solid or liquid material whose atoms are
    easily excited by radiation
  • The excited atoms emit visible radiation as they
    return to their ground state
  • With a photomultiplier, the photons can be
    converted into an electrical signal

Detectors, 3
  • Track detectors
  • Various devices used to view the tracks or paths
    of charged particles
  • Photographic emulsion
  • Simplest track detector
  • Charged particles ionize the emulsion layer
  • When the emulsion is developed, the track becomes
  • Cloud chamber
  • Contains a gas cooled to just below its
    condensation level
  • The ions serve as centers for condensation
  • Particles ionize the gas along their path
  • Track can be viewed and photographed

Detectors, 4
  • Track detectors, cont
  • Bubble Chamber
  • Contains a liquid near its boiling point
  • Ions produced by incoming particles leave tracks
    of bubbles
  • The tracks can be photographed
  • Wire Chamber
  • Contains thousands of closely spaced parallel
  • The wires collect electrons created by the
    passing ionizing particle
  • A second grid allows the position of the particle
    to be determined
  • Can provide electronic readout to a computer
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