Title: Embedding Blackboard
1Embedding Blackboard
Ian McDonald April 2005
2About Westminster-Kingsway
- 17,000 Students
- 700 Courses
- 6 main sites ( all connected on the network)
- 60 off site projects
3Our Goals for Blackboard
Aim to publish electronically all course related
materials WKC e-learning strategy
4What we expect from Blackboard
- Quality management
- Sharing of good practice
- Learner autonomy
- Anywhere anytime learning and widening of
participation - Increased access for those with visual, hearing
or mobility impairments.
5Objectives 2004 - 05
- All courses have course outlines posted to
Blackboard - All courses have some significant content loaded
onto Blackboard.
6Barriers to Progress
- Infrastructure
- Integration with existing systems
- Skills ,Hearts and Minds
- Performance
- Resilience
- Capacity
2 File servers 2 Database Servers 1
Communications Server Terabyte SAN
Storage Failover Configuration
8Skills, Hearts and Minds
- A comprehensive programme of training and support
- Buy-in by senior management and governors
- Induction programme for students
Enrolments and course creation from student
records .Uploaded via GUI
Active Directory Authentication
10Managing Progress
- Targets defined by College Management Board
- Progress Reports to Curriculum managers
- Training programmes specifically target
objectives - Build objectives into appraisal system and lesson
11 The Search for Content
- NLN Materials
- In-house development
- Off-air recording
- Video tape libraries
- Use Learning Resources Staff
12The Digital Divide
How do we remain inclusive in a technology rich
environment. Groups at risk are
- Students from low income families
- Students with little or no English
- Students who are taught in the community
- Any student who is not in a classroom with a
13Blended Learning Changing the way we teach Teach
- We expect Blackboard to change the way we teach
- Transferring knowledge can be done through the
network - Thinking skills developed by teacher contact in
the classroom - Blackboard can me more teacher contact
14Some Questions
- What benchmarks are there against which we can
measure progress. - Where is Blackboard on ..
- Content Search
- Management access to courses
- Pricing