Title: Embedding reflection in the curriculum through MyPDP
1- Embedding reflection in the curriculum through
MyPDP - Fiona Smith, Ben Brock and Ed Hall
- Geography, University of Dundee
- University of Dundee
- Blackboard Academic Suite ePortfolios adopted.
- MyPDP My Personal Development Portfolio AND/OR
My Professional Development Portfolio - Developed through Careers and Learning Centre
- Available to all students since 2005.
- Pilot Projects in Disciplines under SHEEN Project
(2007 onwards).
3Home page of Dundees My PDP resource presented
via Blackboard Academic Suite? and viewed within
Microsoft? Internet Explorer ?
4Example of a life science students PDP portfolio
constructed using templates provided within the
My PDP resource
5Motivations for piloting MyPDP in Geography
Institution and outside university
Personal pathway -
Level 1
Vacation or Part-time work
Fundamentals of Geography
Personal Development Portfolio
Written work
Sports clubs
Laboratory and field work
Level 2
Analysis, Presentation skills
Career planning or Internship Module
Geographical sub-disciplines
Level 3
Research skills
Mentoring evaluation
Specialist modules
Placement or internship
Level 4
Independent field work
Enterprise Gym
Online professional portfolio
Attributes - teamwork, financial, empathy,
problem solving, creative, ambitious,
self-motivated, reliable, ethical, diligent
Knowledge and skills human geography, physical
geography, communicate, laboratory skills, report
writing, IT skills, research skills, analysis,
critical thinking
6- PEG programme
- Branded for Geography
- Building on existing elements of Geography
curriculum - 2007-08 innovation use of MyPDP to develop
student reflection on learning and personal
development - Not assessed but is linked to curriculum
7(No Transcript)
8Using MyPDP
- In Level 1, semester 1
- Induction session
- Two templates for workshop activities and related
assessment - Writing skills
- Data analysis skills
- Workshop completing portfolio at end of module
- In Level 3
- Careers induction and MyPDP induction in weeks
1-3 (part of overall level 3 induction) - Spain field trip MyPDP template on field
- work and team working skills
9Evaluation Students
- Level 1
- Activities are
- like school dont see the point
- disconnected from Geography studies
- C. 35 saw some use in the exercises
- Otherwise very positive module evaluation
- Around 50 completion
- Some reflection, but can be limited
- Level 3 Students
- Much more willing
- Some elements of reflection, but can still be
10Evaluation Staff
- Learning curve for staff
- Technical issues
- New software, new methods
- Template design
- Too much text, too many questions
- Pedagogic issues
- Adding to an already full curriculum
- Relevance to each year group
- Moving from transition to university to careers
developing reflective learning over time - Does it actually promote professionalism and
11Evaluation Generic
- Problems with wider design and interface
- Set up is often counter-intuitive.
- Format options are limited new work being done
by School of Design on this. - How useful is MyPDP for reflective learning?
- Good students versus weaker ones?
- Compare to use of blogs or other activities
- How to make it sustainable?
12Next steps for 2008-09
- Scale down demands on students (and staff)
- Adjust focus in Level 1 to transition to
University - MyPDP in Advising System
- Getting started in Geography
- Avoid PEG branding integrate into curriculum
- MyPDP is only part of wider innovations in
programme - Placements and internships
- Award-winning Level 3 Research in Human Geography
module - real-world clients
13Next steps
- Re-focus on what professionalism and
employability might mean for Geographers - MyPDP in itself is not the solution to
developing reflection can we make it work
better? - Does the format itself limit reflection and can
it be improved? How can it be more
student-centred? - relies on staff providing templates
- Is Level 1 too early?
- Are other formats (e.g. blogs) or in-class
engagements more beneficial?