Title: Braided Funding Through Collaboration
1Braided FundingThrough Collaboration
- Working Efficiently and Collectively
- Head Start and Pre-K
2Ground Rules and Guidelines for Braided Funding
within Head Start Participation
- ACYF-IM-HS-01-06, Financial Management Issues In
Head Start Programs Utilizing Other Sources of
Funding - (Cost Allocation Plan is a Must)
- ACYF-IM-HS-01-13, Budgeting for Partnerships
between Child Care and Head Start - ( Cost per child after the fact
determination. Can be a double check but should
not be the guiding force for budget
determination.) - 45 Code of Federal Regulations part 74 part 92
- OMB Circulars A-122, A-87 (Cost Principles)
- OMB Circular A-133, (Audit Requirements from
Single Audit Act) - Head Start Program Performance Standards (45 CFR
Part 1301 et seq. basic head start definitions) - Two Iowa State Reports
- Iowa Case For Change (2004)
- Iowa Strong Start (2006)
3Case For Change
- We know from the Iowa Learns Councils 2004 Case
for Change that governor Vilsack built this
council on one of the premises being - There are valuable resources currently available
to help families with young children, but too
many families cannot access these resources , as
there simply are not enough quality early care
and education programs to meet the needs of
working parents. - (Show example)
4Brain Growth vs. Public Spending
- The critical importance of human development in
early childhood as OPPOSED to Iowas low
investments in early education.
5 The Promise of an Educational Opportunity for ALL
- Impacts of the Duplication of efforts
- Financial Impact The cost of recreating the
wheel of services in an already tough economy
would cost the creator monies that come out of
one or more pots, and as a whole giving the
community more poor quality services, instead of
a collaboration of one big pot addressing all
areas of quality. Thus diminishing federal
funding for all programs. - Impact on Children and Families This
duplication would mean weaker services to the
children and families by not addressing the needs
in all areas of the childs development. In all
environments. - Impact on Staff - With less monies to pay for
quality staff, duplication of services would also
effect even the most dedicated of our work force
and begin prioritizing the competition between
services instead of where the priority needs to
be, on our children and families that we serve.
6 Seamless Educational System
- A need for a seamless, aligned education system
as OPPOSED to duplication of efforts, lack of
common purpose, and articulation from one level
to the next.
Monitoring Throughout System
EHS 0-2 yrs old
3-4 yrs old collaboration
K 6 grades
7 8 grades
9 12 grades
Private Schools may not choose to and
Home-Schools cannot be infused on site but can be
through recruitment, a single community
pre-school application, health staff, and
trainings for staff that come available through
the federal, state, and public programs.
7The Goal
- To create the highest quality Pre-School Program
Possible through collaboration. - To eliminate all turf wars between programs
within a community. - To eliminate any labels put on children.
- To increase accountability of all involved.
- To reach out to all organizations in a single
community while putting the children at the
center of our focus through the collaboration.
8Quotes to live by
- It is no longer we and them,
- it is us.
- Charletta Sudduth 2008
- (Waterloo Schools)
How many of us really do care about our
neighbors children? Ken Tousley 1997 (My
9List and Contact all Potential Collaborators
- Local Head Start
- Local School District
- Any local for profit Pre-Schools
- Any local non profit Pre-Schools
- Any Faith Based Pre-Schools
- Any Funding Resources
- Empowerments
- Shared Visions
- State Wrap Around
- United Way
- Etc
- Area Education Agency
- Public Health
- Many others
10Two Part Collaboration Meetings
- Administrators
- Principals
- Directors
- Fiscal Officers
- Administrative Assistants
- Etc.
- Administrators
- Principals
- Directors
- AEA Representatives
- Education Specialist
- Enrollment Specialist
- Teachers/Staff
- Parents reps
- Etc.
11Fiscal Braided Funding Step One
- At the first meeting the purpose of the
collaboration must be discussed and everyone must
agree to its importance. - Therefore, the purpose is to understand The
Goal. - The beauty of the State Pre-K monies is that they
will not be awarded to a community without
collaborations being made or attempted between
all pre-k organizations within a school district
area. - So you must be able to tell the difference
between all individual entity funding then
equally braiding those into a collaboration
benchmark. - In other words Identify Separate basic funding
from all outside or side funding. - After the separation is done, State Pre-K monies
and other side funding sources are now easily
identified as an additional aid for the
collaboration. As it is meant to be used.
12Separate Funding Sources Step Two
Example is a Fully Programmatic Infused Program
In Osceola Iowa.
- Basic Public School Funding
- Basic Head Start Federal Funding
- Basic Village Tuition Funding
- State ECSE Funding
- State Empowerment Funding
- State Pre-K Funding
13Classroom Cost Allocation Step Three
- Show All Costs Using A Single Classroom, Staff,
20 Children - Focus only on Two Types of Cost Allocations
- Budget Line Items for the single classroom (Done
at beginning of developing budget) - Allotted student slots for that single classroom
(Done at end of developing budget to determine
cost per child, and double check budget figures)
14Budget Line Items ConsensusStep Four
15Line Item Annual Cost AverageStep Five
16Introducing the Braided PatternStep Six
17Using the Side Funding to AID in costs Step
18Final Braided Funded DocumentStep Eight (5
classroom example)
19What does it look like?
- Staffing Patterns
- Schedules
- Professional Development
- Braided Funding
- Blended Programming
- Physical Locations
20(No Transcript)
21Full Infusion Collaboration Model
22Center Funneling Collaboration Model
23Flip the Switch Collaboration Model
24Staff Criss-Cross Collaboration Model
25Seamless Educational System
Monitoring Throughout System
EHS 0-2 yrs old
3-4 yrs old Collaboration
K 6 grades
7 8 grades
9 12 grades
eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov QUESTIONS?