Title: Nuclear Proliferation
1Nuclear Proliferation
2Nuclear proliferation vertical proliferation
the spread of nuclear weapons throughout a
countrys armed forces hortizontal proliferation
the spread of nuclear technology, including
nuclear power plants but especially nuclear
weapons, from country to country
3Controlling horizontal proliferation Internationa
l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) founded in
1957 autonomous body to promote peaceful use of
nuclear power and inhibit the military use
4Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) signed on
July 1, 1968 restricts the possession of nuclear
weapons most sovereign states (189) are parties
to the treaty however, two out of seven nuclear
powers and one possible nuclear power have not
ratified the treaty. only five states are
permitted by the NPT to own nuclear weapons
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These 5 countries are the permanent members of
the UN Security Council.
7The 5 Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) agree not to
transfer nuclear weapons technology to other
states, and the non-NWS state parties agree not
to seek to develop nuclear weapons. Three states
- India, Pakistan, and Israel - have not signed
the treaty. India and Pakistan are confirmed
nuclear powers. It is an open that Israel
possesses nuclear weapons, although it has never
conducted nuclear tests.
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9In addition, there are three countries that are
thought to be pursuing nuclear weapons programs
or in possession of nuclear weapons. Iran North
Korea Ukraine
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11North Korea attempted to obtain nuclear weapons
since the late 1970s named as a member of the
"Axis of Evil" by US President Bush after it
revealed a clandestine nuclear weapons program in
violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
and a 1994 U.S.North Korea nuclear pact.
February 2005 officially announced that they
"have manufactured nuclear weapons for
self-defense" and will "bolster our nuclear
weapons arsenal"
12North Koreas Perspective North Korea and South
Korea are still officially at war (1948) 15,000
American troops (and armaments) in South Korea -
publicly regarded by North Korea as an occupying
army The US has rejected recent North Korean
calls for bilateral talks concerning
non-aggression pact, insisting that only
six-party talks that include nearby countries
like Japan and South Korea are acceptable.
13document leaked March 2001showed that the US was
willing to use nuclear weapons against North
Korea North Korea claims that its nuclear-weapons
program is no more than a valuable deterrent
against aggression by the US.
14Iran nuclear program goes back many decades in
recent years, due to global political changes
Iran is finding its program under severe
scrutiny maintains that the purpose of its
nuclear program was the generation of power any
other use being a violation of the NPT, of which
it is a signatory U.S. has alleged that Iran is
seeking to develop nuclear missiles
15After three years of continued controversy and
pressure, mostly in the Western media, as of
January 2005, neither IAEA has found any evidence
to support the charges that Iran has a nuclear
weapons program, nor has the US or any other
countries provided any evidence to support such
16Ukraine inherited about 5,000 nuclear weapons at
independence 1991 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in
the world transferred all of these to Russia by
1996 recent news due to a clerical error Ukraine
may still possess several hundred warheads which
were not accounted for in the transfer to the
17In any case, even if Ukraine does possess these
weapons, they are technically missing and not in
a deployed state or any part of Ukraine's defense
18- There is currently only one Middle Eastern
nuclear power - Israel
- in 1986 Israels nuclear weapons program was
revealed semi-acknowledged by government - 200 weapons, 6th largest in the world
- but Israel has never been challenged or punished
for its nuclear weapons program
19- In 1981 Israel attacked and destroyed Iraqs
fledging nuclear weapons program.
20- Especially alarming to Israels Islamic
neighbours is the growing relationship between
the right wing extremist government of India,
which tested their bomb, and the government of
Israel. - Both see themselves as being "surrounded by
21- concern now is that Israel may feel the need to
increase its arsenal - given the countrys international clout,
especially in the US, Washington and its allies
may turn a blind eye to the escalation - in turn would further infuriate the Arab states
in the region and lead to unchecked proliferation
in the region
22- This is why the leaders of the US and the West
attach so much importance to securing a realistic
and permanent peace between the Palestinians and