Title: Nuclear Weapons Today
1Nuclear Weapons Today
- A presentation prepared by the Medical
Association for Prevention of War
2Nuclear Weapons Today
- The Weapons
- The Effects
- The Locations
- The International Response
3The Basics
4Nuclear Weapon Cores
- Fission weapons require fissile isotopes
- Most important - plutonium-239 (Pu-239) and
uranium-235 (U-235) - Some weapons are made from both isotopes
- Basic nuclear weapons rely on nuclear fission
chain reaction to produce large amount of energy
in a very short time
5Nuclear Explosions
- Explosive power measured by the mass equivalent
of TNT - A 1 kiloton bomb has an explosive yield
equivalent to 1000 tons of TNT - A 1 megaton bomb has an explosive yield
equivalent to 1,000,000 tons of TNT
- Weapons grade - produced in military
plutonium-production reactors specifically for
nuclear weapons use - Reactor grade - produced in all nuclear-power
reactors - For electricity production, but can be used to
make weapons
- Powerful nuclear explosive
- Highly radioactive and toxic
- The half-life of plutonium is 24,500 years
- Remains hazardous for 250,000 years
- Naturally occurring uranium contains 0.7 U-235
- Weapons use highly-enriched uranium (HEU) -
proportion of U-235 increased - Weapons grade - usually enriched to greater than
90, but lower percentages still useable
9Separated Plutonium Stocks
Country Military plutonium Civil plutonium
Russia 95 tonnes 88 tonnes
US 47 tonnes 45 tonnes
UK 3.2 tonnes 96.2 tonnes
France 5 tonnes 78.6 tonnes
China 4.8 tonnes -
Israel 0.6 tonnes -
India 0.4 tonnes 1.5 tonnes
Japan - 5.4 tonnes
Germany - 12.5 tonnes
10Estimated HEU stocks
Country Military highly-enriched uranium
Russia 1070 tonnes
US 575 tonnes
UK 21.9 tonnes
France 29 tonnes
China 20 tonnes
Pakistan 1.1 tonnes
11Core requirements
- A 20 kt nuclear bomb requires
- 4-5 kg of weapons grade plutonium OR
- 10-15 kg of weapons grade uranium
- A 1kt nuclear weapon could be made with
- 1 kg of weapons-grade plutonium OR
- 2.5 kg of weapons-grade uranium
12The fission process
- Nucleus of U-235 or Pu-329 captures a neutron -
U-236, Pu-240 nucleus formed. - U-236, Pu-240 very unstable, rapidly split into
two (fission) - Neutrons and a large burst of energy are emitted
- Complete fissioning of 1 gram of U-235 releases
23,000 kilowatt-hours of heat
13The fission process
14Critical mass
- Each nucleus undergoing fission must produce a
neutron that splits another nucleus - Critical mass - the minimum mass of fissile
material that can sustain a nuclear fission chain
reaction - Sphere is optimum shape
15Nuclear explosions
- Nuclear explosions occur at super-critical masses
- Basic weapons contain fissile material less than
critical mass. - Within half a millionth of a second
- Temperatures - hundreds of millions degrees
centigrade, and pressures - millions of
atmospheres, build up
- Isotopes of hydrogen - deuterium and tritium
- Extremely high temperatures required for reaction
to occur - Require a fission bomb to provide energy to
initiate reaction - Used mainly to boost fission bombs - increase
fission rate by providing more high energy
17Main Components Of Nuclear Weapons
- High quality, high purity conventional high
explosives and reliable detonators - Electronic circuits
- A tamper and neutron reflector
- A core of fissile material
- A neutron source
18Detonation techniques
- Gun technique
- Only used with HEU
- Mass of sub-critical HEU fired at another - sum
of two masses supercritical - Simple technique
- Long assembly time
- Hiroshima bomb
19Detonation techniques
- Implosion technique
- 1/10 the assembly time of the gun technique
- HEU or plutonium can be used
- Fissile core surrounded by conventional high
20Detonation techniques
- Implosion technique
- Explosives detonate and uniformly compress the
core and increase its density, making it
super-critical - Neutrons also fired into fissile material to
encourage fission chain reaction
21Delivery Systems
- Gravity Bombs
- Ballistic Missile Warheads
- Cruise Missile Warheads
- Other Forms
- Anti-ballistic Missiles
- Anti-submarine Warfare
22Tactical vs. Strategic Nuclear Weapons
- Tactical
- US and Russian definition - less than 500 km
range - Strategic
- Intended to be detonated in other countries, i.e.
intercontinental delivery
23Launch on Warning (LoW)
- Retaliation with nuclear weapons to a perceived
nuclear attack by another state - Response to a warning (by radar or satellite
sensors) of attacking missiles - Decision must be made in minutes
24The Effects of Nuclear Weapons
25August 6, 1945
- US detonated a 15 kiloton bomb over Hiroshima,
Japan - Deaths 66,000
- Injuries - 69,000
26August 9, 1945
- US detonated a 21 kiloton bomb over Nagasaki,
Japan - Deaths - 73,884
- Injuries - 74,909
- 6.7 million square metres leveled
27Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Ground temperatures reached about 7,000 degrees
- Black rain containing radioactive fallout
poured down for hours after the explosions
28One-Megaton Bomb Detonated In The Air
- Flash
- Intense flash of light, a thousand times brighter
than lightning - Pulse of heat radiation - sets fire to
combustible material 14 km away - Pulse of X-rays, lethal within 3 km
29One-Megaton Bomb Detonated In The Air
- Fireball
- Forms after the flash and rises in the air
- Can permanently blind people up to 80 km away
- All exposed body parts burned deeply within 10 km
- Superficial burns within fifteen km
30One-Megaton Bomb Detonated In The Air
- Blast
- Powerful blast wave - starts immediately, but
travels slower than the flash and fireball - Destroys everything within 2 km
- 100 fatalities within 3 km
- 50 of people killed within 8 km
- Major damage to buildings within 14 km, windows
broken out to 20-30 km
31One-Megaton Bomb Detonated In The Air
- Blast
- Hurricane force winds, first outwards, then
inwards - Tornado force winds (six hundred km/hr), within
four km - can drive glass splinters into people - People picked up and hurled into any object
strong enough to be still standing
32One-Megaton Bomb Detonated In The Air
- Firestorm
- Fires started by the first flash coalesce
- Cause sufficient updraft to form their own wind,
which blows inwards from all sides - increasing
the intensity of the fire - Fire uses all available oxygen
- People caught in the open would melt, those in
shelters would probably be baked
33One-Megaton Bomb Detonated In The Air
- Acute Radiation Exposure
- Central nervous system dysfunction
- Gastrointestinal damage
- Uncontrolled internal bleeding
- Bleeding from gums or within the skin
- Massive infections
- Death
34One-Megaton Bomb Detonated In The Air
- Delayed Radiation
- Everything in vicinity of explosion radioactive
- Hiroshima - radioactive rainstorms
- 1/3 of original fissile material not destroyed
- Widespread contamination
- Increased risk of developing cancer for survivors
35One-Megaton Bomb Detonated In The Air
- In case of a nuclear bomb - dont bother to call
your doctor - No significant medical response possible
- Hospitals destroyed, most health care providers
36One-Megaton Bomb Detonated In The Air
- Medical response barriers
- No electricity, water or telephone service
- No drugs, sterile IV solutions, bandages
- Impassable roads, inaccessible areas
- Overloading of emergency/ hospital services in
surrounding areas - Rescuers risk radiation exposure
37One-Megaton Bomb Detonated In The Air
- Medical problems one city of 1-2 million
- Fifty times more severe burns than burn beds in
North America - A years supply of blood for transfusions needed
immediately - Bottlenecks and delays due to the need for
radioactivity assays - Most of injured die, even from easily treated
38One-Megaton Bomb Detonated At Ground-Level
- Enormous crater - 400 metres wide and 70 metres
deep - Major fallout of radioactive particulates,
potentially lethal hundreds of kilometres
downwind - Area of blast damage and immediate deaths about
one half of air detonation scenario - More deaths days to weeks after bomb due to
radiation sickness from fallout
39Effect Of Nuclear War
- Many nuclear bombs exploded
- Radioactive contamination of whole continents
- Permanent large scale damage to environment
- Nuclear winter
40Nuclear Winter
- Airborne contaminants absorb and reflect the
suns rays - Results in an extended period of semi-darkness
and freezing temperatures - Potentially generated from less than 100
41Nuclear Winter
The view of the Earth from Apollo 10 (18 May
1969) from 26,000 nautical miles on its journey
to the Moon
42Nuclear Winter
This is what the world would look like after a
large-scale nuclear holocaust
43Nuclear Winter
- Nuclear winter could occur with detonation of 100
nuclear warheads over major cities - 30,000 weapons currently, deployed 90
reduction of deployed weapons could still cause
nuclear winter - This puts nuclear weapons are in a league of
their own
44Nuclear Weapons Testing
45Nuclear Testing
- 2,058 nuclear test explosions by 8 countries
- United States 1,030
- Russia (USSR) - 715
- France - 210
- United Kingdom - 45
- China - 45
- India - 7
- Pakistan - 6
46Effects of Nuclear Testing
- 2.4 million people estimated to die from cancer
as a result of nuclear testing - Tests sites around the world contaminated
47Nuclear Terrorism
48Nuclear Terrorism
- Only 20kg of HEU and 10kg of Plutonium needed
- Possibilities
- -primitive nuclear explosive
- -attacking a nuclear-power reactor
- -nuclear weapon
- -transport attack
- -dirty bomb
49Nuclear Material Availability
- Fissile materials are not controlled or accounted
for effectively - At least 40 kg of weapons-usable uranium and
plutonium has been stolen - Only 1/3 of an estimated 600 tonnes of
weapons-usable material in the former USSR has
been secured
50Terrorism And Nuclear Energy
- The International Atomic Energy Agency has
confirmed that current nuclear power plants are
structurally vulnerable against the Sept. 11
attack scenario - Over 120 documented cases of nuclear sabotage
- Credible threats reported by security agencies
51States Possessing Nuclear Weapons
52Nuclear Weapons -Declared States
Strategic Tactical Reserve Total
USA 4530 780 5000 10,310
Russia 3800 3400 11000 18,200
France 290 60 350
China 400 150 550
Britain 185 15 200
53Nuclear Weapons - De Facto States
- Israel 75-200
- India 40-50
- Pakistan 25-50
- Nth Korea - ?
54Nuclear Weapons
55Numbers by Region
56Arms Control and Disarmament
57International Law and Nuclear Weapons
- Multilateral (3 or more states)
- Bilateral (2 states)
- Unilateral (1 state)
- In existence proliferation, testing, geographic
limitations - Not in existence complete disarmament, fissile
material control
58Key Terms
- Disarmament
- Decrease in number
- General and Complete
- Weapon Specific
- Abolition
- Arms Control
- Limitations
- General and Complete
- Weapon Specific
- Non-Proliferation
59United Nations
- Main roles
- Forum
- Facilitating
- Verification Enforcement
- Education
- UN Treaties
- Antarctica Treaty, PTBT, Outer Space Treaty, NPT,
Sea-Bed Treaty, NWFZs, CTBT
- Established by UN in 1957
- Nuclear non-proliferation
- Nuclear Science and Technology in Sustainable
Development - Nuclear Safety and Security
61Conference on Disarmament
- UN Body
- Established in 1979
- 66 countries are members
- Agreement by Consensus
- Based in Geneva, Switzerland
62Major Treaties (Bilateral Multilateral)
63Intermediate-Range Forces (INF) Treaty
- Missiles with ranges of 500-5,500 km
- World-first in disarmament talks
- Nuclear arsenal reduction
- Category of weapon eliminated
- Extensive on-site verification
- Signed 8 December 1987
64Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties (START)
- START I - signed in 1991
- US and Russia agreed to reduce ICBMs, SLBMs and
warheads - START II - signed in 1993
- Reduction of strategic nuclear arsenals to
3,000-3,500 by 2007 - START III superceded by SORT
- SORT not verified or reversible
65Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
- Opened for signature in 1968
- More signatures than any other arms control
treaty - Two-part bargain between nuclear weapon states
(NWS) and non-nuclear weapon states (NNWS)
66(NPT) Article VI
- Each of the Parties to the Treaty
- undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith
on - effective measures relating to
- cessation of the nuclear arms race
- at an early date and to
- nuclear disarmament,
- and on a
- treaty on general and complete disarmament
- under strict and effective international
67(NPT) Safeguards
- The International Atomic Energy Agency is
responsible for a safeguards system to verify
compliance with the NPT by conducting regular
inspections of signatories to the Treaty
68(NPT) The Review Cycle
- Review Conference (RevCon)
- every 5 years over 4 weeks
- meetings held at United Nations in New York
- 1995 NPT indefinite extension
- 2000 13 Point Action Plan
69NPT 2005 Review
- 2-27 May 2005
- Disagreement over conference agenda
- -Nth Korea, Iran, CTBT, disarmament, non-NPT
states, past decisions/agreements - No substantive text produced
70Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
- Opened for signature 24 September 1996
- Bans all nuclear tests
- All 44 Annex II must sign and ratify
- 3 Annex II states still to sign
- 11 Annex II states still to ratify
- CTBTO working from Vienna
71Fissile Materials Cut-Off Treaty (FMCT or
- First suggested at the UN over 50 years ago
- Enthusiasm for a FMCT from early 1990s onwards
- Talks at Conference on Disarmament deadlocked
- Disagreement over
- -Existing stocks
- -Scope of the treaty
72Security Council Res 1540
- 28 April 2004
- Threat from Non-state actors
- Calls on states to enact national legislation
- Member states must report to the 1540 Committee
73International Court of Justice
- Advisory Opinion, July 8, 1996
- ...the threat or use of nuclear weapons would
generally be contrary to the rules of
international law applicable in armed conflict,
and in particular the principles and rules of
humanitarian law.
74International Court of Justice - Implications
- Supplements and reinforces the role of
international laws (UN Charter, humanitarian law
NPT etc) - Nuclear weapons are now in effect illegal under
international law
75Nuclear Free Zones (NWFZs)
- Treaties completely banning nuclear explosive
devices in territories - Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco)
- South Pacific (Treaty of Rarotonga)
- South East Asia (Treaty of Bangkok)
- Africa (Treaty of Pelindaba)
- Proposed zones for Central Asia, Central Europe
and the Middle East
76Existing NWFZs
1. Antarctic Treaty 2. Treaty of Tlatelolco
3.Treaty of Rarotonga 4.Treaty of Bangkok
5.Treaty of Pelindaba 6. Mongolia
77Status Of Key Treaties In 2006
- NPT Signed-188, Ratified-188
- CTBT Signed-175, Ratified-122 (Annex 2-33)
- FMCT Treaty in draft form
- NWC Treaty in draft form
78Status Of The Non-proliferation Disarmament
- The risk of nuclear war has not gone away and is
in fact increasing - The opportunity presented by the end of the cold
war was squandered - Multilateral disarmament deadlocked
79The ICAN Campaign
- ICAN stands for International Campaign to Abolish
Nuclear weapons
- ICAN to address the erosion of the global nuclear
disarmament regime - Nuclear Weapons Convention Review, update,
progress - MAPW to take a leading role within IPPNW and the
global peace movement in the ICAN Campaign
81Model Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC)
- Draft text produced by NGOs
- Submitted to the UN by Costa Rica in 1997
- NWC would prohibit
- development
- testing
- production
- stockpiling
- transfer
- use and threat of use
82What ICAN Would Aim For
- IPPNW members feel that a coordinated effort
across states and institutions, in the framework
of voluntary governmental and non-governmental
participation, is necessary if there is to be a
reversal of the nuclear threat. - One element of such coordination will be a
multilateral agreement to prohibit and eliminate
nuclear weapons a Nuclear Weapons Convention.
83How To Work Towards A NWC
- It is strongly felt that the campaign for a NWC
would need to be based on an Ottawa style process
that lead to the Landmines Treaty a strong and
effectively coordinated global coalition of NGO's
and international organisations that drew in
governments, starting with Canada, and achieved a
treaty in the space of five years.
84Phases for Elimination
- All States possessing nuclear weapons will be
required to destroy their arsenals according to a
series of phases.
85Step by Step
- The Convention outlines a series of five phases
for the elimination of nuclear weapons beginning
with - taking nuclear weapons off alert
- removing weapons from deployment
- removing nuclear warheads from their delivery
vehicles - disabling the warheads
- removing and disfiguring the "pits"
- and placing the fissile material under
inter-national control.
86Fissile Materials And Delivery Vehicles
- The Convention also prohibits the production of
weapons-usable fissile material and requires
delivery vehicles to be destroyed or converted to
make them non-nuclear capable.
87Working Towards A Nuclear Weapons Free World
- Today some of these issues may appear
intractable, and there is no guarantee that they
are soluble. - However, a robust and open debate is the most
likely - if not the only - way to generate
creative solutions and engage the broad
transnational and cross-industrial involvement
necessary for a nuclear weapons free world.
88Nuclear Weapons Knowledge
- Nuclear weapons knowledge cannot be disinvented.
However, a vast portion of the knowledge, design
and maintenance information can and should be
destroyed once it is no longer necessary for
89Our Responsibility
- Moreover, and precisely because we cannot return
to a world innocent of nuclear weapons knowledge,
the answer to the "genie out of the bottle" is to
increase scientific responsibility and awareness
of potential proliferation risks.
90Get Involved
- For further information about the NCW, please
see http//www.ippnw.org/NWC.html - or contact the Medical Association for Prevention
of War (Australia) - phone (03) 8344 1637
- email mapw_at_mapw.org.au
91Medical Association for Prevention of War
Australia (MAPW) National Office P.O. Box
1379, Carlton VIC 3053, Australia Ph 03 8344
1637 Fax 03 8344 1638 www.mapw.org.au
mapw_at_mapw.org.au Australian affiliate of
International Physicians for Prevention of
Nuclear War (IPPNW)