Title: News and Social Media
1News and Social Media
- And How we Can Work Better Together
2The Media
1. Why we Need to Care
2. Working with the Media
3. A Changing Landscape
4. The Future
3Why do we Need to Care?
- 81 of Americans access news each day
- 57 watch TV news
- 40 read a newspaper
- 36 listen to news on the radio
- 33 get news online
- 19 from a mobile device
4Keep this in Mind . . .
- The majority of people polled expect the Internet
to be their 1 news source within five years
5If 2008 was any indication
- 46 went online to research the candidates
- 35 watched online video of the candidates
- 10 used Facebook and Myspace to get political
info - 5 posted their own commentary
6So What?
- The media and online world shape our perception
of reality - Twitter continues to take off like wildfire
- Businesses are watching what people are tweeting
about them and responding faster than ever
7NASA Using Twitter
- Rumors circulating that NASA found water life
on Mars - White House supposedly briefed on the matter to
hide from public - NASA sends text via Twitter to 32,000 subscribers
hoping to stop it - Heard about the recent news reports implying I
may have found Martian life. Those reports are
8Why we Work with the Media
- The public wants to learn more about health
- The media are there to help sift through that
health info - They need us to provide experts
- We need them to help build the reputation of our
9Some Dos
- Have a Plan
- Learn what the media want
- Come up with ways to tell our story in a way that
meets their needs . . . - Its about relationships with the media
- Build equity during the good times in case
something goes wrong - Because something will go wrong
10When Something Goes Wrong . . .
- If you mess up, fess up, and then dress up.
11When Something Goes Wrong . . .
- Get ahead of a bad news story (Get something
out fast) - Tell the truth tell the same story internally
and externally (Remember, employees
watch/read/listen to the news) - Be humane and empathetic Show you care
- Explain whats being done to fix it
- Apologize, if possible
- Have a Plan B
12When Something Goes Wrong. . .
- Message
- Home base Your core message. Its the one thing
you want people to remember - We will do whatever it takes to keep our
patients safe. . . - Use facts to support your home base
- Thats why we have educated all employees about
. . . - People always come first
- You dont know what you dont know . . .
13When Something Goes Wrong . . .
- Be positive Use positive language
- Dont use jargon/acronyms
- Dont use marketing language
- Call others Crisis experts, legal - the more
great minds, the better your ability to respond - Dont use no comment
- Always take the high road
14The Media
1. Why we Need to Care
2. Working with the Media
3. A Changing Landscape
4. The Future
15Working with the Media
- Have a Plan
- Learn what the media want
- Build relationships find out what stories your
reporters are interested in - Its not about youits helping them
- Establish trust
16What makes a Good Story?
Compelling Story
17Increase Your Chance of Coverage
18No Comment
- Viewed as you have something to hide
- The story will proceed whether or not you say
19The Media
1. Why we Need to Care
2. Working with the Media
3. A Changing Landscape
4. The Future
20A Changing Landscape
- Deadlines arent what they used to be
- Someone needs to be reachable 24 hours a day
- All media have instant abilities to post stories
- Internet playing an increasingly important role
21In Broadcast
- Laptops with wireless cellular cards allow for
near-instant posting of story synopsis - Rush is for first online
- Videos live there forever and can be shared or
reused - Your reputation is on the line in blogs and
comments on those stories as well
22In Print
- Publication Its not just the morning paper
anymore - Online means constant deadlines
- Constant posting
- Measuring by hits instead of papers sold
23Speaking of the Cap Times
24Shrinking or Expanding?
- It depends
- May have less space in print but much more online
- Now can include related documents, files,
databases, etc. - Also multimedia (video, slideshows)
25The Media
1. Why we Need to Care
2. Working with the Media
3. A Changing Landscape
4. The Future
26Social Network Growth
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30Now adding roughly 700,000 NEW users a day!
31Facebook 2009 Stats
- 30 million users update their statuses at least
once each day (13 million did per month at the
beginning of the year) - 10 million videos are uploaded each month (up
from 4 million) - 900 million photos are uploaded to the site each
month (up from 700 million) - 1 billion pieces of content (web links, news
stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.) are
shared each week (up from 15 million per month) - 35 million active groups exist on the site (up
from 19 million) - 30 million users access Facebook each month
through a mobile device
32ANYONE can be Media
- Qik.com, kyte.tv offer live streaming from your
cell phone - Politicians main targets right now
- As camera phones get clearer the technology will
catch on
33The social media universe is big, so where do you
34Making the Most of Social MediaLook before you
- What is the end-in-mind?
- Listen for comments, compliments and areas for
improvement at St. Marys both internally and in
the community - Engage with the community and staff through the
same vehicles that theyre already using - Be a resource for the community on wellness and
health-related news - Supplement an integrated campaign
35Making the Most of Social MediaLook before you
- Words of caution
- Social media doesnt run itself. Determine before
you start how much time you can dedicate to
social media initiatives. - Focus on a couple initiatives at first to get up
and running. - Network support. Does your company have the
bandwidth other technical capacity to meet your
social media needs? - Whats your comfort level? Social media is about
engagement and conversation. Is it ok if youre
not in the drivers seat?
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38Making the Most of Social Media Dip your toe?
Or, do a cannonball?
- Decide what approach is right for your
organization - Dip your toe model
- Monitor external blog chatter through Technorati,
BlogPulse, Social Mention - Post relevant news on social bookmarking sites
like Delicious and Digg - Add a Share This or Add This option to your
website - Set up news alerts through services like Google
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40Take Advantage of Googles power
- Set up comprehensive FREE monitoring
- http//alerts.google.com
41Take Advantage of Googles power
- Set up comprehensive FREE monitoring
- http//alerts.google.com
42Making the Most of Social MediaDip your toe? Or,
do a cannonball?
- Decide what approach is right for your
organization - Cannonball model Dip your toe plus
- Video assets? Create a YouTube channel
- Build a Facebook fan page. Add targeted groups.
- Think about who can contribute. Just the
administrators? Anyone? - Create a Twitter account for news health tips.
- Employee blogs anonymous or names required?
- Try a Ning site for departments to share their
specific information.
Feature Stories
Hospital News
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45Making the Most of Social Media
- Keeping up with social media may seem daunting
- See whos saying what about you
- Use tracking to quantify your ROI
Note link shortener built in
Use send later to stock up on tweets
Track your tweets
See which tweets are getting results
50Tracking your Tweets
51Watch it all in Realtime twitterfall.com
52Try a Social Media Release
53Build Your Social Media Release
54The Final Result
55Dont be Afraid to Try
- If youre concerned, try setting up a Facebook or
Twitter page - Dont advertise
- Monitor how its being used
56Stay Connected
- steve_van_dinter_at_ssmhc.com
- 608.258.5700
- Twitter.com/stmarysmadison
- Facebook