Title: Rome: From Republic to Empire
1Rome From Republic to Empire
2Last Time
3The Romans An Overview
- Focused on the practical and purposefulutilitaria
n - Great civil engineers ? many roads still in use
- Very effective administrators
- Legal system
- Incorporated aspects of conquered nations
cultures if they bettered Roman practices - Greeks very reluctant to do this
4Timeline Rome
5Prehistoric Italy
6Earliest Italian History
- ca. 2500 BCE Paleolithic ? Neolithic
- ca. 1500 BCE Neolithic ? Bronze Age
- ca. 1000 BCE Italic people invade
- ca. 800 BCE Arrival of the Etruscans
7Geography Italy
- Italian peninsula, in the center of the
Mediterranean Sea - Alps to the North
- Apennine Mts. on the eastern coast
- Broad, fertile plains in the north and west
8Most Italians at this time were
9Rome was (part of) a kingdom
10The Etruscans
- From Asia Minor?
- Government independent city-states, in a
confederation - Religion powerful priesthood, complex rituals
- (Greek influencegthuman-shape gods, temples)
- Society men women more equal in status
- Aggressive conquerors
12The Etruscans
- Ruled Rome as kings until 509 BCE
- Influence in Rome
- dark gloomy religion
- brought in some Greek influence, education
- urban development
13Founding of Rome The Legend
14Geography Rome
- Rome is located
- On the banks of the Tiber River
- On and around seven hills
Why would this geographic location be an
15Life in Royal Rome Government
- King had to be approved by Senate, officially
voted in by the people - ? imperium
- Senate kings advisors, served for life
- Curiate Assembly all citizens, divided into 30
groups, group voting
the right to issue command and to enforce them
by fines, arrests, and corporal punishment
16Life in Royal Rome The Family
- Paterfamilias
- Materfamilias
- Family was the center of Roman life
Virtue Dignity Seriousness
17Life in Royal Rome Religion
- Polytheistic belief in more than one god
- Absorbed gods of othersincluding Greeks
- Lots of public festivals feasts and
celebrations to honor the gods goddesses - Temples for worship to ask for divine assistance
18Life in Royal Rome Clientage
- Patron
- physical protection
- legal protection
- economic help
- Client
- fight for patron
- give political support
- work patrons land
19Patricians Plebians
- Patricians landholding upper class
- Plebeians farmers, merchants, artisans, traders
- Slaves
20In 509 BCE...
the Romans overthrew the Etruscans