Israel and Lebanon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Israel and Lebanon


Israel and Lebanon March 1978 the PLO launched an attack against Israel from Lebanon and Israel responded with and invasion 3 years after the invasion Israel set up a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Israel and Lebanon

Israel and Lebanon
  • March 1978 the PLO launched an attack against
    Israel from Lebanon and Israel responded with and
  • 3 years after the invasion Israel set up a 9 mile
    safety zone between the two nations.
  • In June 1982 Israel attacks again in response to
    continuing attacks by PLO forces and occupy all
    the way up to Beirut. They scaled back shortly
    after but kept from troops in Southern Lebanon.

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1st Intifada
  • In 1987 Palestinians living under Israeli rule
    rebelled in places like Gaza, West Bank, and East
  • Violent and Non-Violent resistance was common.
  • 1,100 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces
  • 164 Israelis were killed by Palestinians.
  • In addition, an estimated 1,000 Palestinians were
    killed by other Palestinians because they were
    seen as collaborators with Israel

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1991 Gulf War
  • Israel did not participate in the war, but
    Palestine sided with Iraq as Hussein launched
    attacks into Israel.
  • Two Israeli civilians died from these attacks,
    and approximately 230 were injured.
  • US convinced Israel not to retaliate against
    these attacks

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Oslo Accords
  • 1993 agreement between Israel and PLO
  • Yasser Arafat PLO
  • Yitzhak Rabin Israel PM
  • The Palestinian Authority would administer the
    territory under its control.
  • Israel would withdraw from parts of the Gaza
    Strip and West Bank
  • A five-year interim period was established in
    which negotiations for a permanent agreement
    would begin
  • Interim Palestinian self-government was to be
    granted by Israel in phases
  • Israeli government recognized the PLO as the
    legitimate representative of the Palestinian
  • PLO recognized the right of the state of Israel
    to exist
  • PLO renounced terrorism as well as other
    violence, and its desire for the destruction of
    the Israeli state

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Peace with Jordan
  • IsraelJordan peace treaty normalized relations
    between the two countries and resolved
    territorial disputes in 1994

Failure of Oslo
  • Accords popularity were damaged by
  • Continuation of Israeli settlements
  • Continuation of Israeli checkpoints
  • Deterioration of economic conditions in the
    Palestinian areas
  • Israeli public support for the Accords waned as
    Israel was struck by multiple suicide attacks
  • 1995, Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a
    far-right-wing Jew who opposed the Accords

New Millennium
  • Ehud Barak Prime Minister of Israel authorized
    the withdrawal of troops from Southern Lebanon in
  • Camp David Summit was held with Arafat and Barak
  • Palestine wanted full Palestinian sovereignty
    over the entire West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
    Cited SC Resolution 242 after 1967 War
  • Israel was concerned that a complete return to
    the 1967 borders was dangerous to Israel's
  • Heavy disputes over Holy Sites in Jerusalem
  • The Summit broke down and no agreement was formed

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Second Intifada
  • Allegedly, Palestinian rioting erupted following
    Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple
  • A Muslim mosque is constructed at the Temple
    Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem a location
    considered the holiest site in Judaism and third
    holiest in Islam
  • Palestinian tactics ranged from mass protests to
    armed attacks on Israeli soldiers, security
    forces, police, settlers, and civilians, suicide
    bombing attacks, and launching rockets into
  • Israel see it as terrorism. Palestine sees it as
    struggle for liberation
  • Thousands died in the intifada which culminated
    in 2004 with the death of Arafat.

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After Arafat
  • Israel removed all Israeli troops from Gaza in
  • Hamas would win elections in 2006 for the PNA
  • After many clashes with Fatah (more moderate)
    Hamas was removed from the PNA but retained
    control over Gaza

2nd Lebanon War
  • 34 day military conflict in Lebanon and northern
    Israel between Israeli forces and Hezbullah
  • Hezbollah fired rockets at Israeli border towns
    as a diversion for missile attacks on two
    armored trucks patrolling the Israeli side of the
  • At least 3 soldiers were killed and some were
    believed to have been captured by Hezbullah
  • Israel responded with airstrikes and on targets
    in Lebanon that damaged Lebanese civilian
  • Israel imposed an air and naval blockade
  • Israel also launched a ground invasion of
    southern Lebanon.
  • Hezbollah responded by launching more rockets
    into northern Israel

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2nd Lebanon War Continued
  • The conflict killed at least 1,300 people, mostly
    Lebanese citizens
  • Severely damaged Lebanese civil infrastructure
  • Displaced approximately one million Lebanese
  • 300,000500,000 Israelis were also displaced.
  • In August 2006, the UNSC unanimously approved UN
    Resolution 1701 to end the hostilities.
  • It was approved by both Lebanese and Israeli
  • It called for disarmament of Hezbollah and for
    withdrawal of Israel from Lebanon

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Gaza War
  • A three-week armed conflict that took place in
    the Gaza Strip and Southern Israel during
  • Israel launched a military offensive with a
    surprise opening air strike against the Gaza
  • Israel's stated aim was to stop rocket fire which
    was being launched from Hamas controlled
    locations in Gaza
  • The conflict resulted in 1,100 and1,400
    Palestinian and 13 Israeli deaths. Many civilians
  • In September 2009, a UN special mission produced
    a controversial report accusing both Palestinian
    militants and Israelis of war crimes and possible
    crimes against humanity and recommended bringing
    those responsible to justice.

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  • On May 19, 2011, President Obama declared that
    the borders demarcated before the 1967
    Arab-Israeli war should be the basis of a Mideast
    peace deal between Israel and Palestine.
  • He also said that the borders should be adjusted
    to account for Israeli settlements in the West
  • The Israeli government protested immediately,
    saying that a return to the pre-1967 borders
    would leave Israel "indefensible,

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Palestine in UN
  • Israel vehemently opposed the effort begun in
    September 2011 by Mahmoud Abbas for full
    recognition by the United Nations SC.
  • After failing to get full status recognition the
    Palestinians pursued non-member state status
  • On Thursday, 29 November 2012, In a 138-9 vote
    (with 41 abstaining) General Assembly resolution
    67/19 adopted, upgrading Palestine to "non-member
    observer state" status in the United Nations.
  • The vote was a historic benchmark for the
    sovereign State of Palestine and its citizens,
    whilst it was a diplomatic setback for Israel and
    the United States. Status as an observer state in
    the UN will allow the State of Palestine to join
    treaties and specialized UN agencies
  • It shall permit Palestine to claim legal rights
    over its territorial waters and air space as a
    sovereign state recognized by the UN.
  • It shall also provide the citizens of Palestine
    with the right to sue for control of the
    territory that is rightfully theirs in the
    International Court of Justice and with the legal
    right to bring war-crimes charges, mainly those
    relating to Israel's illegal occupation of the
    State of Palestine, against Israel in the
    International Criminal Court.
  • As of 27 September 2013, 134 (69.4) of the 193
    member states of the United Nations have
    recognized the State of Palestine as sovereign
    over both West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
  • In November, to protest the Palestinians membersh
    ip efforts at the United Nations and pursuit of
    power-sharing with Hamas, Israel carried out a
    threat to suspend the transfer of about 100
    million in tax payments to the Palestinian
  • On Nov. 30, under strong American and
    international pressure, Israel agreed to transfer
    the money.
  • http//

  • The downfall of President Bashar al-Assad would
    deal a major blow to Iran and so would be
  • But without a central authority, Syria could
    descend into being a land of chaos and terrorist
    bases on Israels northeast border.
  • Israeli officials and intelligence analysts say
    they also worry about an increased presence by Al
    Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and the possibility that
    Syrias large storehouse of arms could end up in
    the hands of Hezbollah and other anti-Israel

Unilateral Action?
  • In May 2012, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak
    said that Israel should consider imposing the
    borders of a future Palestinian state, bypassing
    a stagnant peace process.
  • Mr. Barak called for an interim agreement, maybe
    even unilateral action. Referring to fears that
    Jews will become a minority in their own state,
    he added, Inaction is not a possibility.
  • Calls for direct action are based on the
    arguments that negotiations are no longer
    feasible because of enduring political divisions
    on both sides
  • The Palestinian Authority has opposed any effort
    by Israel to decree the contours of its
  • The Obama administration has strongly opposed
    unilateral action by either side, and some senior
    Israeli officials have worried that such a move
    by Israel could provoke an uprising by

West Bank land
  • In late June 2012, Jewish families moved quietly
    but not willingly from their homes in Ulpana,
    which were declared illegal because they sit on
    private Palestinian land. 
  • Israels Supreme Court had ruled that five of
    Ulpanas 14 multifamily buildings had to be
    removed by July 1
  • Many experts and advocates said the handling of
    Ulpana and two other settlements on private
    land, simply proved Netanyahus commitment to the
    settlement enterprise and made any future
    two-state solution less likely.
  • Most of the international community considers all
    Jewish settlements in the West Bank territory
    that Israel captured in the 1967 war to be
  • Israel distinguishes between those built with
    permits on state land and those constructed on
    private plots or without government
  • http//
    Netanyahu on settlements.
  • http//
    Palestine on settlements

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Gaza Again
  • On Nov. 14, 2012, Israel launched one of its
    biggest attacks on Gaza since the invasion four
    years ago and hit at least 20 targets.
  • One of those targets was Hamas military
    commander, Ahmed al-Jabari. Al-Jabari was the
    most senior official killed by the Israelis since
    its invasion in 2008.
  • The airstrikes were in response to recent
    repeated rocket attacks by Palestinian militants
    located in Gaza.

Moving Forward
  • By Nov. 16, 2012, according to officials in Gaza,
    19 people had been killed from the Israeli
    airstrikes. Heavy rocket fire continued from Gaza
    while the Israeli military called in 16,000 army
  • Throughout mid-Nov. 2012, Israel continued to
    target members of Hamas and other militant groups
    in Gaza while Hamas launched several hundred
    rockets, some hitting Tel Aviv.
  • Both sides agreed to end hostilities toward each
    other and Israel said it would open Gaza border
    crossings, allowing the flow of products and
    people into Gaza, potentially lifting the 5-year
    blockade that has caused much hardship to those
    living in the region.

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was elected to
    a third term in January 2013

Peace Talks
  • On Aug. 14, 2013, Israelis and Palestinians began
    peace talks in Jerusalem, the third attempt to
    negotiate since 2000. The talks began just hours
    after Israel released 26 Palestinian prisoners.
  • Palestinian officials expressed concern about
    Israel's ongoing settlement building in the West
    Bank and east Jerusalem, land that would be part
    of an official Palestinian state.
  • Israel freed another 26 Palestinian prisoners as
    part of the current U.S.-brokered peace talks in
  • Soon after the prisoners were released, the
    Israeli government reported it planned to build
    1,500 new homes in east Jerusalem, an area
    claimed by the Palestinians.
  • The settlement announcement was seen as a
    concession to the right after the prisoner
  • When Israel failed to release the promised last
    batch of prisoners in late March 2014, U.S.
    Secretary John Kerry headed there in an attempt
    to rescue the peace talks. Israel had promised to
    release Palestinian prisoners in four groups and
    released the first three groups.
  • But Israel's failure to release the last group of
    26 prisoners as well as their continued
    settlement expansion in the West Bank threatened
    to derail a peace agreement that was supposed to
    be reached by the end of April 2014.
  • Palestine said that the peace talks would end on
    April 29 if Israel did not release the 26

Hamas and Fatah at Peace
  • In April 2014, the troubled peace talks hit
    another snag when Palestinian leadership and
    Hamas forged a new reconciliation agreement.
  • The new unity deal angered the Israeli
    government. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin
    Netanyahu reacted by saying that Palestinian
    President Mahmoud Abbas was choosing "Hamas, not
  • On April 24, 2014, the day after the Palestinian
    leadership announced its new unity deal with
    Hamas, Israel responded by halting the peace
    talks. The deadline for this latest round of
    peace talks passed without an agreement a week

Tensions beginning
  • Later in June, three Israeli teenagers were
    kidnapped and killed while hiking in the occupied
    West Bank. Their bodies were recovered days later
    and a burial was held in early July.
  • The day after their burial, the burned body of a
    missing Palestinian teenager was found in a
    forest near Jerusalem.
  • The incidents increased tension between Israelis
    and Palestinians, including riots in East
    Jerusalem and an exchange of rocket fire in
    Southern Israel and Gaza, where Israel targeted
  • Within a week, several Israeli Jewish suspects
    were arrested in connection with the killing of
    the Palestinian teen.

War with Gaza
  • The situation continued to escalate throughout
    July. Hundreds of rockets were launched into
    Israel by militant groups in Gaza. The rockets
    reached areas in Israel that previous rocket
    attacks could not, such as outskirts of
  • In response, Israel launched an aerial offensive
    in Gaza, killing dozens of Palestinians, and
    called up thousands of reservists for a potential
    ground operation.
  • On July 17, Israel launched a ground offensive
    into Gaza.
  • Israeli officials said that the mission's main
    focus was tunnels near Gaza's borders that were
    being used by Hamas to enter Israel.
  • As the violence continued and the casualties
    mounted on both sides, U.S. Secretary of State
    John Kerry pressed Egyptian, Israeli, and
    Palestinian leaders to negotiate a cease-fire.
  • In the midst of his urgent diplomatic outreach,
    16 Palestinians were killed and more than 100
    wounded in an attack on a UN elementary school in
    Gaza on July 24.
  • Israel denied launching the attack, saying Hamas
    militants were responsible, missing their target.
    Demonstrations followed the attack, and
    Palestinians in the West Bank protested to show
    unity with Gazans. At least five protesters were
    killed by Israeli fire.
  • http//

End of Another war
  • After fighting for seven weeks and attempting
    several short-term cease-fires, Israel and Hamas
    agreed to an open-ended cease-fire on Aug. 26.
  • The agreement was mediated by Egypt. The interim
    agreement still had Hamas in control of Gaza
    while Israel and Egypt still controlled access to
    Gaza, leaving no clear winner in this latest
  • However, Hamas declared victory. Meanwhile,
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was
    criticized in Israel for how costly the conflict
    has been. Since the conflict began in early July,
    2,143 Palestinians were killed, mostly civilians,
    with more than 11,000 wounded and 100,000 left
    homeless. On Israel's side, 64 soldiers and six
    civilians were killed.

Tensions Rise again
  • Two Palestinians, armed with knives, meat
    cleavers, and a handgun, entered a synagogue in
    Jerusalem during morning prayers and killed five
    people on Nov. 18. Four of the people killed were
    rabbis the other was a police officer who died
    hours after the incident.
  • The two attackers were shot and killed by police.
  • Hamas praised the synagogue attack, claiming it
    was in response to the recent death of a
    Palestinian bus driver.
  • Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the
    attack. In a televised address, Netanyahu said
    that Abbas' condemnation wasn't enough. The
    incident increased tension in Israel, which was
    already on high alert after a recent rise in
    religious violence.

  • On Dec. 2, Netanyahu fired Finance Minister Yair
    Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni in a
    statement. The statement also called for
    dissolving the parliament as soon as possible and
    quoted Netanyahu as saying, "I will not tolerate
    an opposition within the government any more.
  • I will not tolerate ministers attacking
    government policy from within the government."
    The dismissals showed a deep divide in the
    current government. Both leaders of separate
    centrist parties, Livni and Lapid had been
    Netanyahu's most vocal critics in recent weeks.
    The current government has only been in office
    since early 2013. An early election was set for
    March 17, 2015, two years ahead of schedule.

Issues with Lebanon
  • On Jan. 18, 2015, one Iranian general and six
    Hezbollah fighters were killed during an Israeli
    air strike on the Syrian section of Golan
  • After the attack, Hezbollah leader Hassan
    Nasrallah threatened retaliation. Ten days later
    Hezbollah fired anti-tank missiles into an
    Israeli-occupied area along the Lebanon border,
    killing two Israeli soldiers.
  • Israeli forces responded with ground and air
    strikes on several villages in southern Lebanon.
    While there were no reports of Lebanese
    casualties, a Spanish peacekeeper working with
    UNIFIL was killed.
  • The exchange was the worst fighting between
    Hezbollah and Israel since their 2006 month long
  • Despite the attacks, both sides quickly sent
    messages that they were not interested in an
    ongoing conflict. On Jan. 29, an Israel official
    said that UNIFIL, a U.N. peacekeeping force
    located in Lebanon, had passed on a message that
    Hezbollah was not interested in escalating the
    conflict. Israel responded, via UNIFIL, "that it
    will make do with what happened yesterday and it
    does not want the battle to expand."

Iranian deal
  • On March 3, 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
    Netanyahu addressed Congress in an effort to sway
    the Obama administration against continuing
    negotiations with Iran over nuclear weapons.
    Netanyahu called the negotiations to get Iran to
    freeze its nuclear program "a bad deal."
  • In his speech, he said the deal that the Obama
    administration wanted "could well threaten the
    survival of my country" because it would not
    prevent Iran from having and using nuclear
    weapons. To the contrary, he said, the deal "will
    all but guarantee" nuclear arms in Iran.

  • After polls leading up to the election had him
    behind, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
    and his Likud Party won the March 17 election.
  • Netanyahu's Likud Party took 30 out of 120 seats.
    Likud's main rival, Zionist Union alliance, led
    by Isaac Herzog, won 24 seats.
  • The win for Likud meant that odds were highly in
    favor of Netanyahu serving a fourth term as prime
    minister. Netanyahu must form a government, a
    task which could be harder after he vowed leading
    up to the election that no Palestinian state
    would be established while he was in office, a
    vow that insulted Arab citizens and alienated
    some political allies.
  • However, after a backlash, Netanyahu backtracked
    from the statements against the establishment of
    a Palestinian state that he made leading up to
    the election. In a March 19 TV interview, he said
    that he remained committed to a two-state vision
    and Palestinian statehood if conditions in the
    region improved. "I don't want a one-state
    solution, I want a sustainable, peaceful
    two-state solution, but for that circumstances
    have to change," Netanyahu said in the interview
    two days after the election.
  • https//

3rd Intifada?
  • During the first two weeks of Oct. 2015, 32
    Palestinians and seven Israelis were killed in
    what was the biggest spike in violence the area
    has seen in recent years.
  • The violence broke out in part over what the
    Palestinians saw as increased encroachment by
    Israelis on the al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple
    Mount in Jerusalem, a site important to both
    Muslims and Jews. However, the violence quickly
    spread beyond Jerusalem. On Oct. 16, at the
    request of council member Jordan, the United
    Nations Security Council held a meeting to
    discuss the area's increasing unrest.
  • https//
  • https// (12
  • https//

  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • (Netanyahu 2014)
  • http//
    (Netanyahu with Andrea Mitchell

  • http//
    Pro-Israel op-ed
  • http//
    wo-state-illusion.html?refisrael 2 state
    solution op-ed
  • http//
    Op-ed 1 state
  • http//
    srael-and-a-hostile-world.html?_r0 (Op-Ed Israel
  • http//
    es-nuclear-option.html (Palestine should back up
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