Agape Feast - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Agape Feast


Gateway Adventist Centre A ministry of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church & – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Agape Feast

Gateway Adventist Centre A ministry of the
Seventh-Day Adventist Church ?
Ministry started by a few SDA young people 19-22
y.o.? A network of care groups (small group
ministry) and many overseas care groups? New
Church in the city of Melbourne. 1st church
grew from 35 to 150 in 4 years. 2nd Church
started May 08 now with 80 people. Planting
our 3rd inner- city Church (40 people in care
groups) ? Training Centre to train young people
to be soul-winners for Christ courses to
reach the community via needs-based
courses? Church sponsoring the Student Club
(Adventist Student On Campus) at 3
University Campuses
What is Gateway Adventist Center (GAC)?
Gateway is an Outreach center over 100
baptisms With 90 retention rate top 3 churches
in Tithe
Our Current Vision
Gateway will be a soul-winning and training
centre that multiplies churches in 3 years.
Gateways Online School
Gateways Online Training School
  • Seventh-Day Adventist Identity
  • Discipleship
  • CARE Group
  • Personal Ministry
  • Evangelism
  • Church Leadership
  • Church Planting

Running Bible Schools to train young people for
Adventist Youth Conference a training program by
Gateway Other Churches
2010 AYC was attended by 1,200 young people
Mel, Syd, Cairns
Harvest is ready but the labourers are few
Training Bible workers at GAC
  • Gateway Training Centre
  • Bible Workers Training
  • 3- 4 months Practical Field Bible School (150
    hours of class)
  • Like a bible worker internship

Harvest is ready but the labourers are few
Training Bible workers at GAC
Gateway Training Centre Bible Workers
Training - June 23 for 4.5 months
Practical Field Bible School
Harvest is ready but the labourers are few
Training Bible workers at GAC
2010 Bible Workers
Gateway Training Centre Bible Workers
Training - Students Doctor, Teacher, Event
Mgmt, PR, Editor, Nurse, IT, HR - 3 - 4 months
Practical Field Bible School
1. Why do we giving Bible Studies?
1. Great Commission
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded you and ,
lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of
the world. Amen Matthew 2819-20
The greatest work the noblest effort, in which
men (and women) can engage, is to point sinners
to the Lamb of God. Gospel Workers p.18To
save souls should be the life work of everyone
who professes Christ. We are debtors to the world
for the grace given us of God, for the light
which has shone upon us, and for the discovered
beauty and power of truth. Testimonies Vol 4
1. Great Commission
2. To Develop Our Character for Heaven
God could have reached His object in saving
sinners without our aid but in order for us to
develop a character like Christs, we must share
in His work. In order to enter into His joy, the
joy of seeing souls redeemed by His sacrifice, we
must participate in His labours for their
redemption. - Desire of Ages p.142
2. To Develop Our Character for Heaven
The Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let
him that heareth say, Come! Rev 2217. Everyone
who hears is to repeat the invitation. Whatever
ones calling in life, his first interest should
be to win souls for Christ Christ would have
His servant minister to sin-sick souls. - Desire
of Ages p.822
3. To Finish the Work
The work of God in this earth can never be
finished until the men and women comprising our
church membership rally to the work and unite
their efforts with those of ministers and church
officers. Testimonies Vol 9, 117
4. But it is NOT our work but the work of the
The Jesus answered and said to them, Most
assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing
of Himself, but what He sees the Father do for
whatever He does, the Son also does in like
manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows
Him all things that He Himself does and He will
show Him greater works than these, that you may
marvel. John 519-20
4. But it is NOT our Work. Work of the Holy
Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your
advantage that I go away for if I do not go
away, the Helper will not come to you but if I
depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has
come, He will convict the world of sin and of
righteousness, and of judgment. John 167-8
2. Preparation for Giving Bible Studies?
Four steps to prepare to be a Bible Teacher
Four steps to prepare to be a Bible Teacher
That which was from the beginning, which we have
heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we
have looked upon and our hands have handled
concerning the word of life, the life was
manifested and we have seen and bear witness and
declare to you that eternal life which was with
the Father and was manifested to us that which
we have seen and heard we declare to you, that
you also may have fellowship with us and truly
our fellowship is with the Father and with His
Son Jesus Christ. 1 John 11-3
Personal Experience
It is only by daily consecration to God that you
can become soul-winners God can work with those
only who will accept the invitation Come unto
Me, all you that labor and are heavy-laden, and I
will give you rest. Testimonies Vol 6 p.318
Personal Experience
Four steps to prepare to be a Bible Teacher
We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, praying always for you for this
reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not
cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be
filled with the knowledge of His will in all
wisdom and spiritual understanding. Colossians
13, 9
The Burden for Souls
Begin to pray for souls come near to Christ,
close to His bleeding side. Let a meek and quiet
spirit adorn your lives, and let your earnest,
broken, humble petitions ascend to Him for wisdom
that you may have success in saving not only your
own soul, but the souls of others. Testimonies
Vol 6 p.318
The Burden for Souls
The Burden for Souls Using a Prayer Card
Four Reasons to Pray for Souls 1. Prayer enables
God to speak to us about the sins in our own
lives that are a hindrance to successful
soul-winning. 2. Prayer deepens our desire
concerning the things for which we are
praying. 3. Prayer puts us in touch with divine
wisdom. 4. Prayer enables God to work more
powerfully than He could if we did not pray.
Prayer Card
Who to pray for?
Evangelism Dates
Evangelism Name
Four steps to prepare to be a Bible Teacher
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a
workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly
diving the word of truth. 2 Timothy 215
Preparing the Study
If you take upon you the sacred responsibility
of teaching others, you take upon you the duty of
going to the bottom of every subject you seek to
teach. Special Testimonies on Sabbath School
Work p.59
Preparing the Study
Preparing the Study
The Bible is Gods dynamic agency for soul
winning. No man or woman can be effective as a
soul winner unless they know how to use the right
text at the right time to generate decisions.
Persuasion by Pr Finley, p.12
Preparing the Study Using good tools
  • Tools you will need
  • 1. Bible
  • Study Guides
  • Prepare a Bible Study folder
  • Go through all lessons
  • Review the lesson you plan to teach
  • Answers to Difficult Bible Text
  • Amazing Facts Book by J Crews
  • Studying Together by M Finley
  • 4. Bible Study Record Book

Four steps to prepare to be a Bible Teacher
Keep Learning
But the path of the just is as shinning light,
that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
Proverbs 418The disciple is not above his
master, nor the servant above his lord.
Matthew 1024
Keep Learning
For the successful Bible teacher there is no
cessation to preparation. To reach a certain
stage of preparation and remain there, is to fall
into a rut, which eventually kills progress and
greatly limits results. How to Give Bible
Reading p.25
4. Bible Study Plan
Bible Study - Sequence
  • Before attempting to teach a subject, he should
    have a distinct plan in mind, and should know
    just what he desires to accomplish. He should not
    rest satisfied with the presentation of any
    subject until the student understands the
    principle involved, perceives its truth, and is
    able to state clearly what he has learned.
    Education p.233

Bible Study Step by Step
Major Themes in the Bible
God is Love (1 John)
Gods Love Gives us Freedom to Choose
Gods Law Gods Character
1000 Years
The Cross Life Death Resurrec- tion of Jesus
Today - Our Choice?
War in Heaven
Jesus Second Coming
New Heaven and New Earth
Creation and Fall of Man
Jesus came to be Man
Death Sleep
2300 Days
70 Weeks
457 BC
34 AD
1844 AD
Topics available e.g. Search For Certainty Lessons
  • Lesson 1, "How to Understand the Bible"Lesson
    2, "Our Day in the Light of Bible
    Prophecy"Lesson 3, "A World in Turmoil"Lesson
    4, "The Manner of Christs Coming"Lesson 5,
    "How to Find Personal Peace"Lesson 6, "The
    Secret of a New Life"Lesson 7, "Good God! Bad
    World! Why?"Lesson 8, "Revelations Most
    Thrilling Message"Lesson 9, "The Bibles
    Longest and Most Amazing Prophecy"Lesson 10, "A
    Date With Destiny The Judgment"

Topics available e.g. Search For Certainty Lessons
  • Lesson 11, "Whats Behind Rising Crime, Violence,
    and Immorality?"Lesson 12, "Christs Special
    Sign"Lesson 13, "Tampering With Heavens
    Constitution"Lesson 14, "Modern Cults
    Identified Five Ways!"Lesson 15, "Our Greatest
    NeedNew Lifestyle!"Lesson 16, "The Real Truth
    About Death"Lesson 17, "Gods Love in the Fires
    of Hell"Lesson 18, "How to Successfully Bury
    the Past"Lesson 19, "A Financial
    Secret"Lesson 20, "Growing as a Christian"

Topics available e.g. Search For Certainty Lessons
  • Lesson 21, "Gods Church Identified"Lesson 22,
    "Prophets and Prophecy/Visions and
    Dreams"Lesson 23, "The Mystery of Spiritual
    Babylon Revealed"Lesson 24, "Holy Spirit and
    Unpardonable Sin"Lesson 25, "From
    Disappointment to Triumph"Lesson 26, "The Mark
    of the Beast and the Mystery Number 666"Lesson
    27, "The United States in Prophecy"Lesson 28,
    "Armageddon and the Seven Last Plagues"Lesson
    29, "Revelation Predicts 1,000-Year World
    Blackout"Lesson 30, "Revelations Glorious

Additional Topics e.g. Search For Certainty
  • Lesson A Why are we here?
  • Lesson B What is Faith?
  • Lesson C How to Prayer?
  • Lesson D Who is Jesus?
  • Lesson E What is the Bible?
  • Lesson F Seven Ingredients for a Happy Life

Make sure your Bible student see value
  • A religion is worth pursuing if it benefits you
  • How will this Bible Study change you?
  • John 415
  • Matthew 1345-46
  • Philippines 37-8

5. Delivering the Bible Study Gaining Decisions
You can gain decisions
  • Four steps people take in making decisions
  • Information must be clear
  • Feel a conviction
  • Desire to do it
  • Take Action

For every decision we need
Information accumulate facts regarding the
decision to be made
For every decision we need
Conviction sense what seems to be right
decision I.e. sense of rightness
Information accumulate facts regarding the
decision to be made
For every decision we need
Desire is the stage where people figure out not
only what they ought to do but what they want to
Conviction sense what seems to be right
decision I.e. sense of rightness
Information accumulate facts regarding the
decision to be made
For every decision we need
Action Individual actions
Desire is the stage where people figure out not
only what they ought to do but what they want to
Conviction sense what seems to be right
decision I.e. sense of rightness
Information accumulate facts regarding the
decision to be made
For every decision we need
Action Individual actions
Desire is the stage where people figure out not
only what they ought to do but what they want to
Conviction sense what seems to be right
decision I.e. sense of rightness
Information accumulate facts regarding the
decision to be made
1. Information
  • Profound truths presented in simple ways
  • Use of parables unbelievers
  • Picture story/ illustrations - emphasize
  • Adequate/overkill to make right decision?
  • One sentence of Scripture is of more value that
    ten thousand of mans ideas or arguments.
    Testimonies Vol 7 pg 71
  • Be very careful how you handle the word, because
    that word is to make the decisions with the
    people. Let the Word cut, and not your words.
    Manu 42,1894

Structure of the Bible Study
  • First few studies
  • 5 minutes make friends
  • 20 minutes give study, answer questions, appeal
  • Subsequent studies
  • 10 minutes develop friendship
  • 45 minutes give study, answer questions, appeal

He should increase
Jesus the Significant other And I, if I be
lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto
me. John 1232The wonderful love of Christ
will melt and subdue hearts when the mere
reiteration of doctrines would accomplish
nothing. - Desire of Ages p.826
Deliver a Christ-centred Bible Study
  • Christ Centred
  • I present before you the great, grand monument
    of mercy and regeneration, salvation and
    redemption--the Son of God uplifted on the cross
    of Calvary. This is to be the theme of every
    discourse." - 5BC p.1137

Bible Study Structure
  • 1. Christ Centred
  • 2. Love Focused
  • 3. Personal stories (minimum of Two)
  • 4. Mark notes that you will emphasize
  • 5. Application how does this affect the persons
  • (One per section minimum of three per study)
  • At the end of each study
  • 6. Applications/ appeal make into a decision
  • 7. Decision use a decision text
  • 8. Prayer

Delivering the Study Dos and Donts
  • Dont over proof your subject
  • 10 verses are adequate
  • 15 verses are great
  • 22 verses are over-kill!
  • Hit the key points with bible verses and use them
    to answer questions
  • It is not the best policy to be so very
    explicit, and say all upon a point that can be
    said, when a few arguments will cover the ground
    and be sufficient for all practical purposes to
    convince or silence opponents Evangelism p.482

Delivering the Study Dos and Donts
  • Do NOT mention as fact those things can only be
    proven from The Spirit of Prophecy e.g. Mary
    Magdalene was the women caught in adultery.
  • Do NOT allow your bible study be a social event
    or worse a gossip.
  • Avoid controversial subjects early in the series

Delivering the Study Dos and Donts
  • Do not at the outset press before the people the
    most objectionable features of our faith, lest
    you close their ears to those things which come
    as a new revelation Evangelism p.201
  • If asked, e.g. re Sabbath, jewelry, diet etc say
    That is a good question, Would you like to study
    this topic? Plan for it but later on in the
  • Keep to the order of bible study truth is

For every decision we need
Action Individual actions
Desire is the stage where people figure out not
only what they ought to do but what they want to
Conviction sense what seems to be right
decision I.e. sense of rightness
Information accumulate facts regarding the
decision to be made
2. Conviction
  • Conviction is an inner sense of what God wants
  • Conviction grows, impulse is flighty
  • Conviction needs to be actioned, otherwise dies
    out, eg.Felix Acts 2424-25 or the rich young
  • when a person who are under conviction are not
    brought to make a decision at the earliest period
    possible, there is danger that the conviction
    will gradually wear away - Evangelism pg 298

Discern whether the wind is blowing? John 31-7
  • The Holy Spirit does the work, NOT us
  • It can be seen
  • It can be heard
  • It can be evidenced

Generally, a human agent must be involved in this
process of decision.
Discern whether the wind is blowing? John 31-7
  • When the truth is preached, there should be
    wise, understanding workers, ..who derive
    wisdom from the Source to make personal efforts
    for those who are under conviction. Manual
    Script Release Vol 3, p.15
  • Souls under conviction ..need to be visited and
    labored for Evangelism p. 306

  • Your success will not depend so much upon your
    knowledge and accomplishments, as upon your
    ability to find your way to the heart.
    Evangelism p.437

  • Strike when the iron is hot!

Conviction the most essential element !
  • Positive indicators
  • Negative indicators
  • Joy
  • Sharing/ telling others
  • Personal applications
  • Tears
  • Cant stay away
  • Lighting up of live
  • Becoming friendly
  • Questions
  • Studying
  • Positive attitude changes
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Restitution
  • Peace
  • Praying about it
  • E.g. Samaritan woman
  • Sorrow
  • Rejection
  • Argument
  • Tears
  • Avoidance
  • Anger
  • Resistance
  • Objections
  • Refusal to study
  • Negative attitude changes
  • Rebellion
  • Denial
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • E.g Peters denial

For every decision we need
Action Individual actions
Desire is the stage where people figure out not
only what they ought to do but what they want to
Conviction sense what seems to be right
decision I.e. sense of rightness
Information accumulate facts regarding the
decision to be made
3. Desire
  • Barrier Do not understand all truth
  • - take baby steps John 1235-36
  • are the studies too cognitive / not relational?
  • need a paradigm shift?
  • Interpretation ? Application ? Experience

3. Desire
  • Desire is wanting to act its from God! 1Tim
  • Having a desire is not good enough Act on it!
  • Give benefits of right-doing vs. consequences of
    wrong doing
  • Interpretation ? Application ? Experience

3. Desire
  • 2. Barrier Putting off changes that make them
  • No middle ground - either heart is softened or
  • They think they have time
  • Challenge them! Matthew 631-33

3. Desire
  • 3. Exaggerate the negative consequences
  • Separate the need to from how to
  • Strengthen work on need to 2Cor 62
  • Leave the how to to God
  • Show them success stories from Bible you!

For every decision we need
Action Individual actions
Desire is the stage where people figure out not
only what they ought to do but what they want to
Conviction sense what seems to be right
decision I.e. sense of rightness
Information accumulate facts regarding the
decision to be made
4. Action
  • Every bible study
  • Title/theme
  • Appeal/outcome
  • Application - to verbalise it
  • Discern responses pray accordingly

Gaining Decisions
  • 1. Did you learn anything new?
  • 2. Was it clear?
  • 3. Do you have any questions?
  • 4. Is that your only question?
  • 5. If that was clear would you . . . ?
  • 6. Now that its clear is their anything stopping
    you from . . . ?

Gaining Decisions Gain it by Prayer
  • Through much prayer you must labor for souls,
    for this is the only method by which you can
    reach hearts. It is . The work of Christ who is
    by your side to impress hearts. Evangelism
  • accompanied by the power of persuasion, the
    power of prayer, the power of the love of God,
    this work will not, cannot, be without fruit.
    Evangelism p.459
  • Pray for testing truths involve Care Group
    members in prayers
  • Pray for building of relationship
  • Discernment Wisdom

Important Relationship Skills
  • Develop friendship anchor of bible study
  • Take an interest in them, their family and their
  • Render help whenever possible and necessary
  • Let them know that you are praying for them
  • Christ's method alone will give true success in
    reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men
    as one who desired their good. He showed His
    sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and
    won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow
    Me." GW 363.2
  • Friendship is the anchor.
  • Fellowship gives the belonging.

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