SCI Foundation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SCI Foundation


SCI Foundation – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SCI Foundation

SCI Foundation Humanitarian Services
Disabled Hunter Pathfinder Award SafariCare
SafariWish Sensory Safari Sportsmen Against
SCI Foundation Mission Statement SCI Foundation
funds and manages worldwide programs dedicated to
wildlife conservation, outdoor education and
humanitarian services.
In 2008, the Safari Club International
Foundation, together with the Friedkin
Conservation Fund, built and completely outfitted
two solar-powered clinics in Tanzania.
Where needed, fresh water was supplied by digging
a well and providing a water tank.
Sportsmen Against Hunger, the SCI Foundations
food-sharing program, provided 411,254 lbs. of
low-fat, hormone-free wild game meat to food
banks and relief organizations during the 2008
season alone. Thats enough for 1,645,016 meals!
In September 2008, 25 hunters were part of a
9-day special deer hunting season for youth and
disabled hunters. Sponsored by the SCI Kansas
City Chapter,15 of the 25 harvested deer,
including a 13-year-old who took a nine-point
SCI Great Falls Montana Chapter members Carl and
Joanie Templeton and students from a local school
filled two SafariCare bags for the children of
the Naletsana and Silent Valley Primary Schools
in South Africas Limpopo Province.
The childrens song of thank you was so beautiful
that it brought tears to their eyes.
At age six, Cole Tucker, who has cerebral palsy,
said that someday he hoped to hunt a big deer.
Three years later, his wish came true when SCIs
Central Missouri Chapter sponsored him on a
whitetail hunt where he harvested a 9-point, 150
class deer. His ear-to-ear smile says it all!
Since 2007, the SCI Foundation has been
partnering with the Sportsman Channel in
Hunt.Fish.Feed events held in 10 cities
including New Orleans, Washington DC, New York,
Detroit, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Santa Ana,
Denver and Orlando. At each event, sportsmen
donate venison to feed a home-cooked meal to the
less fortunate.
In 2008, SCIs Montana Chapter and other donors
sent 19-year-old Kori Wilkerson to South Africa
on safari. Paralyzed from the waist down since a
car accident when she was just 13 months old,
Kori nevertheless harvested four animals and had
the trip of a lifetime.
SCI National members David and Darla Maple
deliver two SafariCare bags filled with warm
clothing, school supplies and toothbrushes to the
children of Namibias Otavi School. The 250 in
cash they also brought helped to purchase school
uniforms and cover tuition and hostel payments
for many children, as school in Namibia is not
6,200 visitors made their way through the SCI
Michigan Chapters Sensory Safari trailer at
Michigans Annual Huntin Time Expo in Grand
Rapids in January. The 2-1/2 day event features
over 400 hunting and fishing-related outfitters,
vendors and exhibitors from around the world.
During the 2008 season, deer hunters donated
23,650 lbs. of venison to the seven processing
plants in the SCI Central Missouri Chapters
Share the Harvest program.
Young hunters Jonathan Riley and his little
brother, Austin, both have muscular dystrophy. At
a fair in Georgia, Jonathan was dumped from a
Ferris wheel, both legs broken. The family was
told he would never walk again. At Childrens
Hospital in Greenville, South Carolina, members
of SCIs Georgia Chapter presented him with a
special SafariWish hunting knife.
In 2008, the SCI Foundation treated 17-year-old
Kyle Wyss, who is in remission from brain cancer,
to a Colorado elk hunt at Keyah Grande Ranch.
The hunt was filmed and televised on an episode
of SCIs TV program, Expedition Safari, on the
Outdoor Channel.
When members of SCIs New Hampshire Chapter took
9-year-old Concord resident Keith Locke moose
hunting in 2008, he subsequently decided to
donate 775 pounds of meat to charity to help feed
the hungry.
While visiting Zambia in 2008, SCI National
Member Chris Sarpy contributed goods and cash to
the building of a new school (right) in
Chifundaone of five that his safari operator has
built in the area. It was a memorable experience
for Chris, but more particularly for his own
children. The old school is pictured below right.
625 students passed through the doors of the
Orange County Chapters Sensory Safari trailer at
the Annual Science Discovery Day at Cameron
Elementary School in Barstow, California, in
April 2008.
Four disabled hunters participated in the SCI
Blue Mountain Chapters York County deer hunt in
October 2008. Three of the four hunters harvested
deer and were lucky enough to put some tasty
venison in their freezers!
In November 2008, when the Utah Food Bank
received its brand-new Hobart commercial meat
grinder from the SCI Foundation, members of SCIs
Utah Chapter were on hand to also donate a cooler
filled with1,000 lbs. of prime buffalo meat.
12-year-old Clint Brewer, diagnosed with
osteosarcoma at age 8, has lost part of his femur
and endured 19 surgeries. In 2008, SCIs Kansas
City Chapter outfitted him with all necessary
gear and sponsored him on a whitetail hunt at Oak
Creek Ranch, where he harvested this
huge10-point deer.
In 2008, Vaughn Karol Gourley of SCIs Desert
Chapter distributed 200 lbs. of supplies, which
their church and the Chapter had helped them to
gather, among five rural schools in Zimbabwe.
They enjoyed a program of dancing and singing,
and shared in the heartfelt gratitude of the
children and teachers.
Dolores Brodesser of SCIs Naples-Ft. Myers
Chapter presents a check for 5,000 to members of
LIGHT of Southwest Florida, a local charity which
helps underinsured area residents pay for cancer
treatment by assisting with co-pays and
deductibles to ensure that they can continue with
necessary treatment.
On a crisp, sunny morning in February 2008, SCI's
Chesapeake Chapter had the pleasure of sponsoring
a controlled upland bird hunt for a group of
wheelchair-bound veterans representing the
Paralyzed Veterans of America .
With funds provided by SCIs Central Ohio
Chapter, Mark Wehinger and family pack a huge
duffle bag of medicines and bandages for the Save
Conservancy in Zimbabwe, where a nurse treats a
community of over 500 people whose closest
medical care is over 1.5 hours away by vehicle.
When you see the peoples faces, says Mark,
you will quickly understand why SCI and the
hunters of the world participate in SafariCare.
Each spring, members of SCIs Louisiana Chapter
look forward to presenting a Sensory Safari at
the National Federation of the Blinds state
convention in Louisiana. Seven-year-old Emily
(below), who lost her vision almost overnight a
year ago, captured everyones hearts and
subsequently got front-page coverage in the
Outdoors section of the Shreveport Times.
On January 14, 2009, members of SCIs Orange
County Chapter donated more than 4,000 lbs. of
commercial sea food from Andersons Sea Foods,
plus elk, deer and bison from chapter members, to
Orange Countys Second Harvest Food Bank.
In July 2008, members of SCIs Northeast
Wisconsin Chapter treated Vern Baehman, suffering
from terminal pancreatic cancer, to his first big
buck hunt at Wolf River Preserve. He harvested
this beautiful 176-inch buck and hung the mount
over the hospital bed in his living room. Sadly,
Vern died five months later.
When Steve and Peni Hendryx of SCIs High Desert
Chapter visited South Africas Oppermanskraal
Combined School in Kwa Zulu Natal Province with a
SafariCare bag full of clothing, school supplies,
toys, candy, and soccer balls, the kids could
not believe the gifts were for them. The candy
and soccer balls were the biggest hits!
During the Minnesota Chapters summer picnic on
July 23, 2008, attendees were asked to donate
non-perishable foods. The items, which filled the
back of a pick-up truck, were then given to the
food shelf at St. Peter Claver Church in St.
Paul, Minnesota, which mainly donates to inner
city families with children.
12-year-old Cory Stone suffers from multiple
birth defects, but he didnt let that stop him
from harvesting this Texas White Dall sheep at
Indianhead Ranch in Del Rio, Texas, courtesy of
SCIs Ohio Chapter. It was Corys first-ever big
game hunt.
Members of SCIs Central Ohio Chapter pick up 300
lbs. of processed wild game meat to donate to the
food shelves of Agape Ministries in St. Marys.
According to Agapes director, the meat came at
just the right time!
When word came that the MotherWell Lodge and
Ranch in Craig, Colorado was looking for youth
and disabled veteran hunters for an elk hunt at
their scenic 12,000-acre ranch, SCIs Four
Corners Chapter voted to sponsor ten youngsters
and veterans.
In summer 2008, the local California Montessori
Project school in Shingle Springs was sending 11
teachers to help build a new school for Malawis
Acts III Childrens Home. Though not SCI
members, theyd heard about SCIs SafariCare
program and brought all the materials they had
created for the school in Blue Bags sponsored
by SCIs Sacramento Chapter.
During the SCI Iowa Chapters 6th Annual Great
Buffalo Giveaway, 1,000 pounds of ground elk and
bison meat was donated to three homeless shelters
in the greater Des Moines area. As always, the
meat was delivered the day before Thanksgiving.
Heber Simmons of SCIs Magnolia Chapter visits
South Africas Seleka Drop In Centre in Polokwane
with a Blue Bag of welcome supplies and 90 loaves
of bread donated by a local bakery. The chiefs
delight is seen in his big smile and thumbs up
Disabled veteran Ray Durossette didnt have much
experience hunting whitetails. In two years, hed
seen nary a deer. Step in SCIs Oklahoma Station
Chapter and Dan Yoder, owner of World Class
Whitetails in Ohio. This photo tells the rest of
the story!
Joshua Whittecar, 10, has cerebral palsy. In
January 2009, SCIs Greater Dacotah Chapter and
the Sioux River Cheyenne Tribe treated him to a
bull elk hunt. To say he was elated is putting it
mildly. His dad said hed never seen the boy more
excited over anything in his life!
Deborah Gedelian, a National Member from
Michigan, is a teacher who wanted to instill in
her pupils the importance of helping the less
fortunate, so the children of Jefferson
Elementary Schools in Monroe donated all the
items to fill four Blue Bags she took to the
orphans at Omaruru Childrens Haven in Namibia!
Recently, members of SCIs brand-new Northeast
Indiana Chapter made a donation of 3,200 lbs. of
prime American/water buffalo meat to Farmers and
Hunters Feeding the Hungry and their local
Community Harvest Food Bank. 
SCIs Louisiana Chapter helped to sponsor some of
the 35 hunters participating in 2008s Bayouland
Buckmasters sporting clays shoot for Disabled
Hunters. Afterwards everyone enjoyed a sumptuous
Cajun feast of pork fricassée over rice with
sausage poor boys!
During their 2008 Christmas Food Drive, SCIs
Houston Gulf Coast Chapter members donated over
1,000 lbs. of much-needed frozen game and fish,
dry goods, blankets and shirts to Hunters Harvest.
When Dr. Fred Bruch and his wife, Lea, left New
Hampshire for a 3-week South African safari in
August 2008, they took along a SafariCare Blue
Bag filled with school supplies and toys for the
children of their trackers, plus health supplies
for the employee clinic at Bokoma Sasco in the
Orange Free State.
Three SCI Chapters in Colorado--Yampa Valley,
Four Corners, and Coloradoall sent young hunters
to the MotherWell Lodge and Ranch in Craig for an
elk hunt in February 2009. The ranch also offers
fishing, fly fishing and bird hunting.
Every year in August, SCIs Michigan Chapter
sponsors one or more young people who are
handicapped to go to the Legends Ranch in
Michigan to hunt a whitetail buck. Everyone comes
away with a nice trophy and a smile!
Tim and Bonnie Halstead of SCIs Minnesota
Chapter bring much-needed supplies to the
students of South Africas Marken School, where
they were welcomed with singing, many big smiles
and joyful laughter.
SCI Golden Gate Chapter members rally once again
to help feed the hungry at St. Vincent de Pauls
Free Dining Room in San Rafael, donating 677 lbs.
of elk, deer, bison, hog, pheasant, duck, goose,
salmon and halibut to the facility in April 2009.
Each year in September, the Michigan Chapter
sponsors a veteran who has been wounded in
service to the Legends Ranch for a whitetail
buck hunt. 2008s recipient, Sgt. Paul Craig,
sent the American Patriot Award from the Army
National Guard as a thank you to the chapter.
Pathfinder One who discovers a way into or
through unexplored
regions. Websters Dictionary
Two outstanding individuals were chosen to
receive the 2008 Pathfinder Award. Each received
an all-expense-paid 10-day safari Camron hunted
with Jan Oelofse Safaris in Namibia Louis at
Añuritay Ranch in Argentina.
Camron Tribolet Fort Wayne, IN 2008 Winner
Louis Riccardi Nutley, NJ 2008 Winner
SCIF Humanitarian Services Committee 2008-2009 Gen
e Rurka - Chair, Humanitarian Services and
Co-Chair SafariCare Ron Bartels Co-Chair,
Sensory Safari/Disabled Hunter/Pathfinder
Award Jackie Bartels Co-Chair, Sensory
Safari/Disabled Hunter/Pathfinder Award Steven
Rilenge Co-Chair Sportsmen Against Hunger Mary
Lynn West - Co-Chair SafariCare Janet James
Leonard Liaisons, Matching Grants
Committee Sven Lindquist Liaison EC
Committee/Budget Coordinator
Pablo Alvarez Angela
Chapman Scott Chapman
Drake Dawson Richard O. Forsythe James
Lakeman Dave Lundin Harold
McDonald James Noteman
DuWayne K. Schuler
Harry Sharp
Wilson SCI
Foundation Humanitarian Services Manager

The End
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