Title: Consistent customer
1Consistent customer communications with care,
compassion and commitment
2Development Communication
The Art Science of Human Communication applied
to the speedy transformation of a country and its
people from poverty to a dynamic state of
economic growth, in order to achieve greater
social equality and the fulfillment of the human
3- Governments Communication Messages
- Ensure a better life for all
- Fighting poverty
- Providing employment opportunities
4Cluster Message
- Mandate
- Ensuring a better life for all
- Safety and Security
- Realising values of the Courts
5Department of Justice and Constitutional
- Mandate
- Ensuring a better life for all
- Access to Justice for All
- Transforming Justice
6Public Education and Communication
- Marketing
- Education on access to services
- 360 Customer Feedback Mechanism
- Perception Management
Justice Communication fulfils the communication
needs of the Department by providing effective
communication and education services, which
ensure mutual understanding and learning between
the Department and its many publics.
- A centre of communication excellence, which will
- effectively and efficiently serve its internal
and external customers - inculcate a culture of Ubuntu and promote the
principles of Batho Pele at all times and at
all levels and - speak to, listen to and address the needs of the
organisation and the broader SA community as a
9PEC Structure
- Office of the Chief Director
- - Deputy Information Officer
- - Division on Promotion of Access to
Information - Public Education and Liaison Services
- Publications and Language Services
- Corporate Affairs
- Media Services and Ministerial Liaison Officers
- Office Services
- Database of Justice Sector Partners
- Public Education / Information Material
- Workshops / Information Sessions
- Vulnerable Groups
- Other Government Departments
- Labour Organisations
- Local Government
- Tertiary Institutions
- Schools
- Media
- Radio Slots
- Projects / Campaigns
- Irish Aid Citizens Advice Desks
- 16 Days of Activism on No Violence
- Against Women and Children
- Events, eg. Court Openings
- Exhibitions
- Newsletters (internal)
- Website
- Development of Promotion of Access to
- Information Manual for the DOJCD
- Assistance with the Transformation of the
- Judiciary, eg. Judges Symposium 2003
- Towards a Small Claims Court Blueprint
- Ten Years Celebrations
- International Judges Conference
- Launch of Constitutional Hill
- Securing and Financial Management of Donor
- Funds for Communication Activities, eg.
- Justice for All TV-series Part 4
- (Switzerland R4.8 million)
- The Court is my Friend (DFID R1.3 million)
- Donor-funding totaling R13.8 million
- Annual Reports
- Department of Justice and Constitutional
- Development
- SA Law Reform Commission
- Judicial Service Commission
- Monies in Trust Masters Business Unit
- Calendars
- Policy and other documents, eg
- UN Report on the Elimination on All Forms of
- Racial Discrimination
- Child Justice Bill background document
- Office Services
- Archival functions
- Management of Codified Instructions
- Record Management
- Postal matters, Messenger, Switchboard,
- Reproduction Services
- Maintenance, upgrading and translation of filing
- system
15Future for the next 12 months
- Aggressive and proactive marketing of
- departmental offerings
- Educate on access to services
- 360 Customer Feedback Mechanism
- Perception Management
- Imaging
- Proactive engagement with the media
- Intranet, Government Gateway
16Flagship Projects
- For 2003 / 2004
- 16 Days of Activism 25 Nov 10 Dec
- Constitutional Education
- Reprint of Constitution
- Learning Materials in 12 Official Languages
- (including Braille)
17Flagship Projects
- TRC Recommendations
- Popular / Schools Version of the TRC Report
- A first draft of the Popular Version has been
- completed
- Funding has been secured for the Schools
- Version
- Community Education / Outreach
- Domestic Violence, Maintenance, Childrens
- Rights, Recognition of Customary Marriages,
Guardian Fund
18Flagship Projects
- Justice Exhibits monthly showcasing of the
- successes / achievements of the Justice and
- Constitutional Development Department
- Community Development officers (NGO
- partnerships)
- Education Campaign
- Promotion of Access to Information
- Equality Legislation (Equality Courts)
- Administrative Justice
- Financial Resources
- Restructuring / Capacity Building
Consistent customer communications with care,
compassion and commitment