Thursday, Oct. 31st: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Thursday, Oct. 31st:


Thursday, Oct. 31st: A Day (1 :05 release) Friday, Nov. 1st: B Day Agenda Homework Questions/Collect Finish Section 3.3: Electron Configuration ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Thursday, Oct. 31st:

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Thursday, Oct. 31st A Day (1 05
release)Friday, Nov. 1st B DayAgenda
  • Homework Questions/Collect
  • Finish Section 3.3 Electron Configuration
  • Quantum numbers, Pauli exclusion principle,
    electron configuration, aufbau principle, Hunds
  • Electron Configuration Movie/Worksheet
  • Homework
  • Electron Configuration Movie Worksheet

Homework Questions/Problem
  • Isotopes worksheet
  • Atomic Number and Mass Number worksheet

Quantum Numbers
  • Quantum number a number that specifies the
    properties of electrons
  • Each electron has 4 quantum numbers
  • Principal quantum number, n
  • The main energy level
  • Angular momentum quantum number, l
  • The shape of the orbital (s, p, d, f)
  • Magnetic quantum number, m
  • The orientation of the orbital around the nucleus
  • Spin quantum number, ½ or -½ (??)

Pauli Exclusion Principle
  • Remember, each orbital can hold a maximum of 2
  • In 1925 the German chemist Wolfgang Pauli
    established a rule is known as the Pauli
    exclusion principle.
  • Pauli exclusion principle the principle that
    states that two particles of a certain class
    cannot be in the exact same energy state.
  • In plain English no two electrons in the
  • same atom can have the same four
  • quantum numbers.

Electron Configuration
  • Electron configuration the arrangement of
    electrons in an atom.
  • Like all systems in nature, electrons in atoms
    tend to assume arrangements that have the lowest
    possible energies.
  • An electron configuration of an atom shows the
    lowest-energy arrangement of the electrons for
    the element.

Shapes of s, p, and d Orbitals
Each Orbital Can Hold a Maximum of 2 Electrons
  • There is only 1 s orbital for each main energy
    level. The s orbital can only hold 2 electrons.
  • There are 3 p orbitals for each main energy
    level. The p orbitals can hold 2 electrons each
    for a total of 6.
  • There are 5 d orbitals for each main energy
    level. The d orbitals can hold 2 electrons each
    for a total of 10.
  • There are 7 f orbitals for each main energy
    level. The f orbitals can hold 2 electrons each
    for a total of 14.

An Electron Occupies the Lowest Energy Level
  • Aufbau principle the principle that states that
    the structure of each successive element is
    obtained by adding one proton to the nucleus of
    the atom and one electron to the lowest-energy
    orbital that is available.
  • In plain English electrons occupy orbitals that
    have the lowest energy first.

Orbital Filling Chart
  • This diagrams shows how the energy of the
    orbitals can overlap.
  • Because the 4s orbital has a lower energy than
    the 3d orbital, it will fill first.

Hunds Rule
  • Electron orbitals are filled according to Hunds
  • Hunds rule the rule that states that for an
    atom in the ground state, the number of unpaired
    electrons is the maximum possible and these
    unpaired electrons have the same spin.
  • In plain English all orbitals in a given
    energy level must have 1 electron each before any
    pairing occurs.
  • Dont HOG electrons!

Writing Electron Configurations
  • There are 2 different ways that electron
    configurations can be represented
  • With arrows
  • ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
  • 1s 2s 2p 2p 2p
  • Each horizontal line represents an orbital.
  • Each arrow represents an electron with a
    different spin.
  • Which element do you think this this?

Writing Electron Configurations
  • With electron configuration notation
  • 1s22s22p5
  • The big numbers indicate the main energy level, n
  • The letters indicate the orbital type.
  • The superscripts show the number of electrons.
  • Which element do you think this this?

Electron Configuration Practice
  • Use arrows to write the electron configuration
    for an atom of an element whose atomic number is
  • Atomic Number of protons
  • protons electrons 8
  • Use the orbital filling chart to place the 8
    electrons in their proper orbitals.
  • Remember, the s orbital can only hold 2 electrons
    and the 3 p orbitals can hold 2 electrons each
    for a total of 6.
  • ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
  • 1s 2s 2p 2p 2p

Sample Problem C, pg. 98
  • Use arrows AND electron configuration notation to
    write the electron configuration for an atom
    whose atomic number is 20.
  • Atomic Number of protons
  • protons electrons 20
  • Use the orbital filling chart to place the 20
    electrons in their proper orbitals
  • __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
    ____ ____
  • 1s 2s 2p 2p 2p 3s
    3p 3p 3p 4s
  • 1s22s2sp63s23p64s2
  • 1s22s22p63s23p64s2

Electron Configuration Practice
  • Use arrows AND electron configuration notation to
    write the electron configuration for an atom that
    has 17 electrons.
  • Use the orbital filling chart to place the 17
    electrons in their proper orbitals
  • ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
  • 1s 2s 2p 2p 2p 3s
    3p 3p 3p
  • 1s22s22p63s23p5

Movie Writing Electron Configurations
  • Welcome back Mr. Sweatervest!
  • Follow along and complete the student examples as
    they are being discussed in the movie.
  • The rest of the worksheet,
  • front and back, is homework.

  • Complete the rest of the movie worksheet.
  • Next time section 3.3 work day!
  • Dont forget to set your clocks 1 hour BACK
    Saturday night
  • (you get an extra hour of sleep!)
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