Title: Milestone 5 Review Control Phase Complete
1Milestone 5 ReviewControl Phase Complete
- Cost Data Integrity Project
- February 28, 2008
- Control Phase is fairly straight forward
- Monitor progress on Trend Charts Four Initial
Projects Only (QC02, LB02, VM01 GS02) - Implement Improvements on all remaining projects
(over 12 projects subject to control) - Start Trending remaining projects for FY2008
- Long Term Goal 80 of all monthly project costs
are at Sigma Level 5 by end of FY2008.
3Good Progress
Invoices Not Posted
Timesheets Not Submitted
Project Before After Before After
QC02 10 2 3 1
LB02 12 5 1 0
VM01 8 2 1 1
GS02 3 0 0 0
NOTE This progress took place over a three month
time frame during the course of this project!
Very good progress with timesheets invoice
processing requires a new control procedure.
4Continuous Improvement Practices
- Desk Side Mentoring and Assistance to fully
institutionalize the changes - PMO will continue to track defects within PMS
through the end of FY2008 (9/30/08) - PMO will evaluate how to automate control
procedures - Comparison of Invoices by Invoice Number between
PMS and FMS - Email notification and kick-out reports when
timesheets are not submitted
PMO Project Management Office PMS
Project Management System
5Project Close Out
What was this projects overall cost performance?
The project came in under budget since fewer
resources were required to complete the project.
Also, the solutions to improve the processes were
fairly easy to develop and implement. So this was
a good quick win type project. Final Project
Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . 364,000 Project
Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
522,000 Under Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 158,000
Is this project now complete?
Yes, this project is now complete. Any remaining
work has been turned over to the Project
Management Office (PMO).