Title: The Compound-Complex Sentence
1The Compound-Complex Sentence
2Compound-Complex SentencesDefinition
A compound-complex sentence has one complex
sentence joined to a simple sentence with a
conjunction. Example While Clara reads comic
books, Clarence reads romances, but David only
reads nonfiction.
Notice, the example sentence above contains both
a subordinating conjunction and a coordinating
3Because Kim Jong Un has many pairs of Air
Jordan shoes, he would like to meet Michael
Jordan, but Michael Jordan will not visit him
at his home.
4Even though the zombie attacked the great
white shark, the shark ate the zombie for
lunch, yet the zombie continued to attack the
shark from inside.
5Because the panda eats shoots and leaves, he is
able to play, and playing makes him happy.
6So, a compound-complex sentence contains two or
more independent clauses and one or more
dependent clauses. Fill in the blanks Because
____________, we______________, and
we_________________. I had to ___________, and
I had to _________ because _______________________
_. Remember, the types of conjunctions being
used will help you to determine whether a
sentence is compound, complex, or compound