Title: 1500-1600 Italian
11500-1600 Italian
2Leonardo da Vinci Madonna of the Rocks, 1483,
oil on wood
3Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper, 1495-1498, Santa
Maria del Grazie, Milan, oil and tempera on
4Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa, oil on wood,
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6Raphael Marriage of the Virgin,1504,oil on
wood, Milan
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8Raphael Madonna in the Meadow, 1505-1506, oil
on wood
9Raphael School of Athens (Philosophy), Vatican
Palace, 1509-1511, fresco
10Raphael Castiglione, 1514, oil on canvas
11Raphael Galatea, Villa Farnesina, Rome, 1513,
12Michelangelo Pieta, 1498-1500, marble, St
Peters, Vatican City
13Michelangelo Moses, Pope Julius II tomb, Rome,
1513-1515, marble
14Michelangelo David, Academy, Florence,
1501-1504, marble, 17
15Michelangelo Sistine Chapel, Vatican City,
1511-1512, fresco
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17Michelangelo Last Judgement, Sistine Chapel,
Vatican City, 1536-1541,fresco
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19Sangallo Villa Farnese, Rome finished by
20Michelozzo Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, Florence,
21Alberti Palazzo Ruccellai
22Alberti Santa Maria Novella façade, Florence
23Bramante Tempietto, St Peter on the Mountain,
24St Peters Basilica, Vatican City
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26Palladio Villa Rotonda (Capra), near Vincenza,
Italy, 1550-1570
27Palladio San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy,