Alcohol - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Alcohol Alcohol Use: A High-Risk Behavior Chapter 25 Lesson 1 Consequences of DWI Driving while intoxicated is the leading cause of death among teenagers. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Alcohol

  • Alcohol Use A High-Risk Behavior
  • Chapter 25 Lesson 1

Do Now
  • Make two columns on a sheet of paper. In the left
    column, list at least three reasons teens give
    for drinking. In the right column, list at least
    three reasons teens give for choosing not to

Lesson Objectives
  1. List reasons young people choose to drink.
  2. Describe some factors that affect teen alcohol

Lesson Health Concepts
  • Alcohol is a drug that has great potential for
  • Drinking is against the law for minors, and it
    can have serious legal consequences.
  • Drinking alcohol can be a high-risk behavior at
    any age, and it can damage or even ruin ones
    health, one's life, and the lives of others.
  • Teens who drink alcohol do so for variety of

Alcohol Use A High-Risk Behavior
  • Activity 1 Turn to a Neighbor
  • Define the following terms and provide examples
    for each term
  • Ethanol
  • Fermentation
  • Intoxication

  • Using alcohol on weekends or only once in a while
    is harmless.
  • People can get into serious health, legal and
    social situations anytime they use alcohol.
  • When a person has a hangover, coffee, a cold
    shower, or fresh air will sober him or her up.
  • These practices do not speed up the livers
    ability to break down the alcohol, so they dont
    help to sober a person up.
  • Drinking alcohol through a straw filters out
    the alcoholic content of the beverage.
  • The alcohol content remains the same no matter
    how the drug is delivered into the body.
  • Someone who doesnt seem drunk cant be drunk..
  • Many people, particularly those with alcohol
    problems, can drink a lot without showing the
    obvious signs of drunkenness.
  • Beer and wine are safer drinks than hard
    liquors like whiskey.
  • One standard serving of beer, wine, or spirits
    contains the same amount of alcohol.

What is Alcohol?
  • Alcohol, or more properly speaking, ETHANOL the
    type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages- is
    a powerful drug.
  • Ethanol can be made synthetically, or it can be
    produced naturally by fermentation of fruits,
    vegetables, or grains.
  • FERMENTATION is the chemical action of yeast on
  • Water, flavoring, and minerals are added to
    ethanol to form one of several beverages,
    including beer and wine.
  • Alcohol can also be processed to create spirits
    or liquors such as whiskey, rye, gin and vodka.

What is Alcohol?
  • At first, alcohol may give the drinker a certain
    energy and buzz.
  • Soon, however, its true nature as a depressant
    takes over, causing the central nervous system
    to slow down.
  • At some point in the consumption of alcohol,
    a state of intoxication sets in.
  • INTOXICATION is physical and mental impairment
    resulting from the use of alcohol, and can range
    from an inability to walk to unconsciousness.

Alcohol and Teens
  • In recent years, as evidence of the harm drinking
    can do has increased, alcohol consumption among
    adults has declined.
  • Yet, its use among teens has risen.
  • At any age, alcohol use can become a high-risk
    behavior that affects the lives and health of
    drinkers and those around them.
  • For teens, alcohol can have a negative impact on
  • What can alcohol effect?

Alcohol and Teens
Alcohol and Teens
  • Half of all teens who die each year die as a
    direct result of alcohol or other drug use, and
    many of these deaths happen in accidents.
  • Alcohol is a factor in many unplanned pregnancies
    as well as in cases of sexually transmitted
    diseases, dating violence, rapes, suicides, and
  • Nearly 5 million problem drinkers in this country
    are between the ages of 14 and 17.

Why Do Young People Drink
  • To escape pressures or problems,
  • To feel better or get over being sad or lonely,
  • To deal with stress and relax,
  • To feel more self-confident in social situations,
  • For excitement,
  • Because their friends are doing it,
  • To deal with boredom,
  • To get away with something they are not supposed
    to do, and
  • To fit in.

Factors that Affect Teen Alcohol Use
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Advertisements- many of these ads are aimed at
    teen audience and include one or more of the
  • Young people who are handsome, attractive, fit,
    and healthy looking.
  • A party-like atmosphere with upbeat music.
  • An otherwise healthful environment, often in the
    beauty of the outdoors.
  • Problem-free drinking
  • A verbal message that really does not say
    anything about the risks of using the product.

Effects of Advertising
  • Alcohol is an aid to successful, romantic, and
    problem-free relationships.
  • Working situations.
  • Recreational opportunities.
  • Sporting events are sponsored in part by
    liquor or beer companies.
  • T-shirts and hats are promotions given to
    people to sell their product.

You and Your Decisions About Drinking
  • Everyone has the need to belong, to feel loved,
    and to feel important.
  • It is possible to meet these needs in many ways.

Lesson Review
  1. What is the name of the drug contained in
    alcoholic beverages?
  2. Identify five reasons why many teens drink
  3. Name three techniques that advertisers use to get
    people to buy alcohol products.

  • What Alcohol Does to the Body

Lesson 2
  • Do Now
  • List as many parts of the body as you can think
    of that are affected by alcohol use. Think in
    terms of long-term and short-term effects.

Chapter 25 Lesson 2Objectives
  • After this lesson you will be able to
  • explain the effects of alcohol on the body.
  • describe the consequences of drinking and
  • identify the consequences of DWI and efforts to
    reduce DWIs.
  • describe problems that occur when alcohol is
    mixed with other drugs or used during pregnancy.

Lesson 2
  • Health concepts
  • Alcohol can quickly impair a persons judgment
    and, over time, cause permanent and serious
    health problems.
  • Being in the presence of someone under the
    influence of alcohol can place a persons health
    and safety in jeopardy
  • Alcohol consumed by a pregnant female can damage
    the health of her fetus for life.
  • Drinking and driving or riding with a drinking
    driver is taking a foolish, unnecessary, and
    sometimes deadly risk.

What Alcohol Does to the Body
  • Activity 1 Turn to a Neighbor
  • Define the following terms and provide examples
    for each term
  • Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
  • Designated drivers
  • Fatty liver
  • Cirrhosis
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome

Short Term Effects of Drinking
  • The short-term effects alcohol has on the body
    depend on several factors.
  • Amount of alcohol consumed
  • Body weight
  • Amount of time alcohol is consumed
  • Amount of food eaten

What Alcohol Does to the Body
  • Activity 2 Class Discussion
  • What role food plays in slowing the absorption of
    alcohol in the body.
  • What kinds of food might be more successful in
    slowing down the absorption process?

Short Term Effects of Drinking
  • Alcohol reaches the brain almost as soon as it is
  • It depresses the activity of the brain, slowing
    the work of the central nervous system.
  • Thought processes are disorganized, and memory
    and concentration are dulled.
  • Decision making can be badly effected.

Short Term Effects of Drinking
  • The liver, in a process called oxidation, changes
    alcohol to water, carbon dioxide, and energy.
  • The liver can oxidize only about 1/3 to ½ of an
    ounce of alcohol an hour.
  • There is no way to speed up this process.
  • Until the liver has time to oxidize all the
    alcohol, the alcohol keeps circulating through
    all body parts.
  • Fatty liver is a condition in which fats build up
    in the liver and cannot be broken down.
  • Cirrhosis is condition in which liver tissue is
    destroyed and then replaced with useless scar

Short Term Effects of Drinking
  • The blood carries the alcohol to all parts of
    the body, including the heart, liver, and brain.
  • When alcohol enters the blood, it causes the
    blood vessels to dilate, or widen.
  • The result is an increased flow of blood,
    especially to the skin.
  • This makes the skin feel flush and warm.
  • Body temperature actually decreases, and people
    who go out into the cold are at an increased risk
    for hypothermia.

Short Term Effects of Drinking
  • Alcohol causes an increase in heart rate and an
    increase in blood pressure.
  • It can lead to arrhythmias, or abnormal
  • It can cause scar tissue to build up in the
    muscle fibers of the heart.
  • The risk of heart attack and stroke also

Short Term Effects of Drinking
  • Because the alcohol molecule is very small and
    water soluble, it does not have to be digested.
  • It can be immediately absorbed from the stomach
    into the blood.
  • Having food in the stomach slows the absorption
  • Food will not keep a person from getting drunk.
  • Large amounts of alcohol causes a large amount of
    gastric juices from the stomach lining,
    increasing these high acid juices causes stomach

Driving Under the Influence
  • Also known as- DUI
    amount of alcohol in a persons blood expressed
    as a percentage.
  • Signs of being intoxicated can begin to
    appear at BAC as low as .02

Driving Under the InfluenceDrink Wheel / Drink
Calculator for Breath Alcohol Testing
  • Examples of Blood Alcohol Levels in males (160
  • After 3 hours of drinking (1 drink 12 oz. of
  • Male 5 drinks BAC .076
  • Examples of Blood Alcohol Levels in females (140
  • After 3 hours of drinking (1 drink 12 oz.
    of beer)
  • Female 4 drinks BAC .08

Driving Under the Influence
  • Driving experts and medical researchers have
    found that drinking on any level
  • Reduces the ability to judge distances, speeds,
    and turns.
  • Reduces the ability to judge accurately ones own
    capabilities and limitations
  • Increases the tendency to take risks
  • Slows reflexes
  • Adds to forgetfulness to take precautions such as
    using signals when turning.
  • Reduces the ability to concentrate

Driving Under the InfluenceAdding the Drink
Wheel to Your Site - Breath Alcohol Testing
  • At .02 light to moderate drinkers begin to feel
    some effects.
  • At .04 most people begin to feel relaxed.
  • At .06 judgment is somewhat impaired, people are
    less able to make rational decisions
    about their capabilities (for example,
  • At .08 there is a definite impairment of muscle
    coordination and driving skills this is legal
    level for intoxication in most states.
  • At .10 there is a clear deterioration of
    reaction time and control this is legally drunk
    in all states.

Driving Under the Influence
  • At .12, vomiting usually occurs. Unless this
    level is reached slowly or a person has developed
    a tolerance to alcohol.
  • At .15, balance and movement are impaired. This
    blood-alcohol level means the equivalent of 1/2
    pint of whiskey is circulating in the blood
  • At .30 many people lose consciousness.
  • At .40 most people lose consciousness some
  • At .45, breathing stops this is a fatal dose for
    most people

Consequences of DWI
  • Driving while intoxicated is the leading cause of
    death among teenagers. Each day in the U.S., 11
    teenagers are killed and over 350 are injured in
    alcohol-related motor vehicles crashes.
  • Consequences of DWI
  • Death
  • Immediate confiscation of drivers license
  • Arrest, trip to jail, court appearance, and fine
  • Possible suspension of drivers license
  • Cost of bail to get out of jail
  • Higher insurance rates
  • Possible lawsuits

Alcohol and Pregnancy
  • Scientist have found that heavy drinking by
    pregnant females carries a risk not only to
    themselves but to their unborn child.
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a condition in
    which a fetus has been adversely affected
    mentally and physically by its mothers heavy
    alcohol use during pregnancy.
  • Mental retardation , poor attention span,
    nervousness, and hyperactivity is common in
    children born with FAS

Alcohol and Pregnancy
  • FAS babies also may exhibit some or all of the
    following problems
  • Low birth weight
  • Impaired speech
  • Cleft palate
  • General weakness
  • Slow body growth
  • Facial abnormalities
  • Poor coordination
  • Heart defects

Alcohol and Pregnancy
  • The alcohol the pregnant female drinks moves into
    her blood, then across the placenta, and through
    the umbilical cord into the blood of the unborn
  • Any effects felt by the pregnant female as
    results of drinking are also experienced by the
    unborn child.

Lesson 2Review
  1. What are three short-term and three long-term
    effects of using alcohol?
  2. Identify four ways that drinking impairs driving.
  3. What are some of the characteristics of children
    suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome?

  • Alcohol and Society
  • Lesson 3

Chapter 25 Lesson 3
  • Do Now
  • Journal Entry
  • Discuss in writing why the animated drunk is no
    longer considered to be comical.

Lesson 3Objectives
  • After this lesson you will be able to
  • Relate alcohol poisoning to blood alcohol level.
  • Describe the three stages of alcoholism
  • Discuss the costs of alcohol use to the family
    and society.

Lesson 3
  • Health Concepts
  • You do not have to be an alcoholic to get in
    trouble with alcohol.
  • Alcoholism is a chronic disease that can be
    treated with total abstinence.
  • Alcoholism imposes heavy costs on the family of
    the alcoholic and on society.
  • Not drinking is the only responsible choice.
  • There are many effective ways to say no to

Alcohol and Society
  • Activity 1 Turn to a Neighbor
  • Define the following terms and provide examples
    for each term
  • Binge drinking
  • Alcohol poisoning
  • Alcoholism
  • Delirium tremens (DTs)

Patterns of Alcohol Abuse
  • Although most people equate problem drinking with
    the disease of alcoholism, there are other
    troubled patterns of alcohol use whose effects
    can be every bit as devastating.
  • Some of these patterns can even be

Patterns of Alcohol Abuse
  • BINGE DRINKING Is periodic excessive drinking.
  • This type of drinking, which is popular among
    some high school and college students, can take
    the form of a social event or a contest to see
    who can drink the most in the shortest time.

Patterns of Alcohol Abuse
  • For men, binge drinking is defined as downing
    five or more consecutive drinks.
  • For women, drinking four or more drinks in a row
    is considered bingeing.
  • "Research shows that females have the same rate
    of problems on four drinks as males do on five,"
    Wechsler said. "Thats probably because they have
    a lower body mass and metabolize alcohol more

Patterns of Alcohol Abuse
  • Some binge drinkers mistakenly believe that they
    are not really in trouble with alcohol because
    they do not drink every day.
  • However, even alcoholics can go days on end
    without drinks until later stages of the

Patterns of Alcohol Abuse
  • A danger associated more with binge drinking than
    with any other pattern of alcohol abuse is
    ALCOHOL POISONING A dangerous toxic
    condition that occurs when a person drinks a
    large amount of alcohol in a short period of
  • Generally, when a persons blood alcohol level
    reaches about 400 milligrams per deciliter the
    brains ability to control breathing can be
  • The result could be death.

Alcohol and Society
  • Activity 2 Independent work
  • Why it is difficult for most people who have a
    drinking problem to admit they have a problem?
  • What are the differences between problem drinking
    being the cause and problem drinking being the
    symptom of other problems?

  • ALCOHOLISM A physical and psychological
    dependence on the drug ethanol is a disease.
  • Although it is true that there are alcoholics
    that are falling down drunk and, hence, easily
    recognized, a great many alcoholics appear clean,
    orderly, and well groomed.
  • One thing is certain they all need help!

(No Transcript)
Traits of the Alcoholic
  • Alcoholics are unable to stop drinking despite
    the toll it takes on their health and their
  • People with alcoholism may exhibit one or
    a combination of these behaviors or traits
  • They are preoccupied in one way or another
    with alcohol.
  • Once they pick up the first drink, they cannot
    promise or predict what they will say or do or
    how much they will drink.
  • They cannot manage tension without drinking.
  • They may have personality changes or memory
    lapses due to drinking.

Stages of Alcoholism
  • Begins with social drinking often to relax or to
    relieve stress.
  • Gradually it becomes necessary to drink to
    manage stress.
  • Physically
  • Psychological
  • An individual drinks to become intoxicated and
    doesn't remember with whom they are
    drinking with, what they did or what they
  • The drinker makes excuses and tries to
    rationalize his/her drinking behavior.

Stages of Alcoholism
  • Person reaches a point where they can't stop
  • Physical and mental problems evident.
  • Defensive behavior is evident.
  • Drinker denies or tries to hide problem.
  • Body has developed a tolerance and more alcohol
    is necessary.
  • Drinking becomes the central event in person's
  • Performance on job, at school, or at home
  • Frequent absences from work and school occur.

Stages of Alcoholism
  • Drinking is extremely visible.
  • Cannot be denied.
  • Uncontrolled
  • Alcohol becomes constant companion.
  • Malnutrition becomes a problem.
  • Body is addicted to the drug.
  • If alcoholic stopped drinking he/she would
    experience withdrawal and symptoms
  • DELIRIUM TREMENS (DTs) The dramatic
    physical and psychological effects of alcohol

Costs to the Family
  • Estimated 3 million teen alcoholics
  • Up to 5 million young people in this country are
    considered to be alcoholics or problem drinkers
  • Major factors in the four leading causes of
    accidental death
  • Car crashes
  • Falls
  • Drowning
  • Burns caused by fire
  • Factors in 20 to 30 of all suicides
  • Play a major part in
  • Domestic violence
  • Spousal abuse
  • Child abuse
  • Abuse of the elderly
  • Marital separation and divorce

Costs to Society
  • Alcohol is a major factor in the three leading
    causes of death for 16 to 24 year-olds
  • Traffic crashes
  • Homicides
  • Suicides
  • In all, alcohol claims about 100,000 Americans a
  • Off the highway, alcohol contributes to about 6
    million nonfatal and 15,000 fatal injuries per
  • In the workplace, up to 40 of industrial
    fatalities and 47 of industrial injuries can be
    linked to alcohol.

Choosing to Be Alcohol-Free
  • Despite the rise in teen drinking, many teens are
    deciding to remain or become alcohol-free.
  • The most common reason given for not drinking is
    I do not need it.
  • Some teens who choose not to drink seem to be
    saying, I dont have to drink to be popular, or
    I dont need to drink to be accepted, to have
    fun, or to act in some way that I usually

Saying NO to Alcohol
  • Saying no to drinking takes a firm mental
    commitment from you before you go to a party or
    other social situation where alcohol may be
  • Practice what you are going to say in such a
    situation can help.
  • Whatever you do to turn down a drink, keep it
    brief, polite, confident, and to the point.
  • Sometimes humor or the unexpected, creative
    comment can do the trick.

Alcohol and Sexual Activity
  • Alcohol affects a persons judgment and may
    interfere with self-control over ones emotions,
    decisions, and behavior.
  • It may cause a person to do or say things he or
    she otherwise would not normally do, including
    engaging in sexual activity.

Lesson 3Review
  1. Define the terms binge drinking and alcohol
    poisoning, and use them in a single paragraph.
  2. Describe the three stages of alcoholism.
  3. List three of the costs of alcoholism to society
    at large.
  4. Identify four reasons why young people choose not
    to drink.
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