Title: What are the symptoms of kidney damage from alcohol
1Symptoms of kidney damage from alcohol
2Symptoms of kidney damage from alcohol
Drinking alcohol is never ever going to bring any
health benefits to your body. It affects almost
all parts of the body, especially there are
severe symptoms of kidney damage from alcohol
which might cause death of the individual.
However, drinking alcohol occasionally may not
cause any sever damage. But for those who are
heavy drinkers of alcohol, the effects caused by
drinking alcohol are irreversible on the kidneys.
3How alcohol affects kidneys? The most important
function of kidney is that it filters the harmful
substances from ones blood. Among these harmful
substances, alcohol is one of those substances.
Now, drinking alcohol has direct effect on the
functioning of kidneys. It will result in less
filtering of harmful substances in the blood.
Apart from filter the blood, it also has many
other functions too. Among all the functions, one
function is to keep the optimum level of water in
the body. Alcohol disturbs the water level of the
body as it dehydrates the body. So, it is one of
the symptoms of kidney damage from alcohol as
kidney will not be able to maintain the optimum
level of water in the body.
The other symptom of kidney damage from alcohol
is high blood pressure. The malfunctioning of
kidney results in high blood pressure which also
results in other problems of body. So, getting
more than two glasses of alcohol will definitely
increase your blood pressure.
4The other symptom of kidney damage from alcohol
is high blood pressure. The malfunctioning of
kidney results in high blood pressure which also
results in other problems of body. So, getting
more than two glasses of alcohol will definitely
increase your blood pressure. All the symptoms
of kidney damage from alcohol appear because of
building up of waste materials in the body which
is responsible for confusion, swelling, lethargy,
shortness of breath and weakness. When kidneys
are not able to remove potassium from the blood
stream then it causes abnormality in blood rhythm
which may lead to death. Of course, in the
initial phase of kidney failure, there will be no
symptoms. At the end, there will be medical
complications related to bone weakness, heart
diseases, damage to central nervous system and
much more.
5The effect of alcohol on kidneys depends upon the
amount of alcohol that a person takes. Drinking
alcohol just change the efficiency of the
kidneys. Drinking alcohol puts extra pressure on
kidneys to function efficiently which leads to
chronic diseases. Consuming alcohol in excess
will be taken as toxin by the kidney and drinking
heavily obstructs the kidneys in eliminating the
toxin as well as waste material of body.
Accumulation of waste substance in the body
results in many other diseases. Consuming
alcohol in excess is just simply putting your
body vital organs in jeopardy and nothing else.
The malfunctioning of vital organs will take you
near your death. The drying effects have some
serious symptoms of kidney damage from alcohol.
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