Title: HSE Advisors Competence
1Achieving World-Class Safety Performance in a
Multi-Cultural Environment
Presented by Dapo Oguntoyinbo Corporate HSE
Manager Petroleum Development Oman
2- Contents
- Safety (HSE) Challenges in PDO
- Generic Causes of Incidents
- Four Pillars of World-Class Safety Performance
- HSE Leadership
- HSE Management System
- Workforce Engagement
- Accountability for HSE
- Challenges ahead
3- HSE Challenges in PDO
- 4,000 PDO Staff 16,000 Contractor workforce
(60mln mhrs) - 90 of PDO/Contractor workforce live/work in the
interior - Multi-Cultural/Language workforce, varying
literacy levels - PDO has over 100 oil/gas fields, 2,500 wells
drilled to date - PDO Contractors drive 120 Million Km per year
on business - Approximately 12,750 drivers, 7,000 vehicles
- Maintain over 6,000Km graded roads, 500Km
black-top/asphalt - In 1999, PDO achieved its best Safety performance
to date - 70 days 10 million hours worked without an LTI
- No Fatality
- LTIF of 0.37 per million hours worked
4PDO Contractors drive 120 Million Km per year
average i.e. travel round the world 3,000 times
a year (8 times round the world every day !!!)
5PDO Contractors HSE Performance 1986 - 2002
6Historical Trend in Safety
Engineering Systems Hardware issues to engineer
out hazards
Management Systems develop procedures, etc. to
control hazards
Focus on People empowerment and conviction to
7The Causes of Injuries
Fatalities Lost Time Injuries Medical
Treatment First-aid Cases
- Unsafe acts Unsafe conditions
- 96 / 4
8- Generic Underlying Causes of Incidents
- Lack of Effective Supervision (competence)
- Inadequate Hazard Awareness (competence)
- Not Following Basic Rules (compliance)
This has led to Compliance, Competence,
Supervision and Road Safety being key themes for
annual HSE Plans
9The Incident Triangle
One fatality---------------------- 100 Lost Time
Incidents--- 1000 Non LTIs----------- 10,000
Near Misses--- 100,000 Unsafe Acts-
Over 96 of Incidents are caused by People
10- What is PDO doing to achieve world-class HSE
11Achieving world-class Safety Performance via
Focus on People
World Class Safety Performance
Development and Implementation of HSE Management
Workforce Engagement - Winning Hearts and Minds
Leadership and Commitment
Accountability for Safety - Consequence Management
12- Leadership Commitment
- Safety (HSE) is Priority Number One
- Visibility participation in Joint Management HSE
Inspections - Involvement HSE on meeting agenda, ELT sessions
- Target setting TT, staff appraisal to include
HSE aspects - Improving HSE Culture walking the talk,
empowerment - Participation in Incident Investigation Review
- MD Incident Review, with Contractor CEO, for High
Potential Incidents Poor Performing Contractors - Annual CEO HSE Conference
- Site Management support for HSE
Initiatives/Circles - Use HSE Positions to develop high calibre staff
13Joint Management HSE Inspections
Demonstrating HSE Leadership
- Highlights of 2002 Performance
- Participation by 22 CEOs and 10 PDO Directors
- 27 Joint Mgt HSE Inspections Actual vs Planned
90 - Inspections were well received by PDO and
Contractor staff - Presented opportunity for cross learning across
organisations. - Focus for 2003 and beyond
- Continue Joint Management HSE Inspections
- Forum to share feedback from Inspections
14 Feedback to CEOs
15(No Transcript)
16HSE Management System what is its Objective ?
17(No Transcript)
18- HSE Management System
- Objectives
- Manage hazards effects to H,S E in a
structured way - Set performance standards for managing HSE
- Continuous improvement via monitoring, reviews
and audits - Improving workforce understanding of HSE-MS
- Link Hazard Management to Activity
- Understanding What it means to Me
- Define Requirements for 3 levels of workforce
(i.e. Manager, Supervisor and Staff) - Develop Module for Self-Assessment
19PDO HSE Management System
Leadership and Commitment
Policy and Strategic Objectives
Organisation, Responsibilities Standards,
Procedures and Document Control
Hazards and Effects
Management Process
Management Review
20Challenges of Workforce Engagement in a
Multi-Cultural Environment
21 Safety Propulsion Projects in PDO
since 2001
- Road Safety Drive-to-Survive
- Competency of HSE Advisors
- Enhanced Site Supervision (ESS)
22- Workforce Engagement
- ESS workshops to improve hazard awareness
supervision - Working Safely for the workforce at shop-floor
level - Use of Pictorial Prompt Cards (effective
communication) - Safety Circles/Fora (e.g. No-LTI Clubs, ESS
Champions, etc) - Performance Review Dissemination of Lessons
- Enhanced use of STOP
- HSE Advisers Competency Programme
- Contract Holdership Certification Scheme
- HSE Skills Portfolio for HSE and Key Line Staff
23ESS Workshops Coaching
27PDO Contractors Road Safety Performance
Road Traffic Accidents per Million Km driven
28PDO Contractors Road Safety Performance
Rollovers per Million Km driven Reduction
29Target-Zero No Injuries
The Incident Triangle
HSE Management Triangle
LEGEND A Levels covered by HSE Leadership,
e.g. Joint Mgt HSE Insp., Site Management Support
B Levels covered by ESS, Working Safely
Workshops, Safety Circles/Forum
30Target Zero in PDO
LTIF versus Fatality frequency over the years
LTI frequency (LTI/million hrs)
Fatality frequency (Fatalities per million hrs)
31Accountability for HSE the next step
32HSE Management System
33Accountability for HSE
- Main Thrusts
- Aim to protect health and safety of workers.
- Staff are to be held accountable for actions that
can lead to high potential incident or fatality
based on past experience. - Deliberately breaking rules is worse than
breaking rules out of - ignorance
- Same Framework for PDO and Contractors, via
Industry Forum (OPAL) and Govt. - In certain cases management discretion will be
exercised following - incident investigation.
A full investigation must be completed, and
proven case of deliberate misconduct made before
application of rules
34Accountability for HSE Risk Matrix
List of HSE issues addressed and their risk
rating 1- Competence - Failure to attend
Mandatory HSE Courses 3D 2- Compliance -
Failure to follow mandatory HSE Procedures4E 3-
Interfering with the Integrity of Safety
Devices 4C 4- Driving under the influence of
Alcohol 5C 5- Not using seat belts 4D 6-
Driving without PDO license 4C 7- Using GSM
whilst driving 2E 8- Not obeying applicable
speed limits 4E 9- Driving a vehicle without
a valid RAS sticker 4C 10- Failure to apply
safe journey management plans 4E 11- Failure
to follow night driving policy 4D
35Accountability for HSE Framework
37- Challenges Ahead
- In a multi-cultural environment, Accountability
for HSE may be perceived negatively (blame
culture) - Framework presented and accepted by Industry
Forum, OPAL. - Industry Forum engagement ongoing with Government
to obtain support for Accountability for HSE
Framework - Implementation ONLY after effective Workforce
Engagement - Roll out to concentrate on positive aspects of
the scheme - Workforce HSE Culture can be significant
consideration - Goal Convince and Empower the workforce to work
38If you were in this boat, what would you do ?