Partner Sales Strategy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Partner Sales Strategy


Partner Sales Strategy Contents: Buying behavior Target groups Acquisition process Customer problems and solutions Basel II – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Partner Sales Strategy

Partner Sales Strategy
  • Buying behavior
  • Target groups
  • Acquisition process
  • Customer problems and solutions
  • Basel II

Partner Sales Strategy Unit Objectives
At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able
  • Describe the buying behavior and buying criteria
    of small and midsize companies
  • Define your customer target group
  • Describe the acquisition process
  • Describe potential problem areas facing small and
    midsize companies and how to solve them using SAP
    Business One
  • Describe Basel II and how it effects small and
    midsize businesses

Factors Determining Choice of Software
Factors determining choice of software by German
Trade journals/other sources
Confidence in hardware/software vendor
Known solutions
Software consultant
Source SoftTrend study 205
Buying Behavior
  • 70 of decision makers place quality before
    price. 59 of decision makers would not buy any
    unknown brands.
  • Small and midsize business customers expect
    software vendors to offer more than software to
    help them face the problems common to the SMB
  • Knowledge of business environment
  • Ability to offer guidance
  • Solutions
  • This is the work of the SAP partner.
  • Source SG Cowen Research 2002

Sales Opportunities

Sales to SAP customers or subsidiaries and
Sales to industries linked to other applications
Solution sales
Sales to small companies that have not used any
IT software or little software to date
Product sales
Project Business and Product Sales
1. Project business
2. Solution sales
3. Product sales
  • Sales from Consulting
  • Actual data analysis
  • Feasibility study
  • Process analysis

Customer has to pay for that!
Customer knows
Customer does not know
Customer Target Group
  • Which customers do you want to targetand how?
  • Project business?
  • Solution sales?
  • Product sales?
  • Which industry? (e.g., trade and services)
  • Where do we have the most experience?
  • Customers interested in other products (HR,
    production, and so on)?
  • Lead-generating concept?
  • Customer contact concept?

The strategy of the SAP partner determines which
approach is selected.
Acquisition Process 1
  • Steps
  • Define suitable target group
  • Compile addresses ( Address publisher)
  • Collect information on customer/industries
  • Conduct telephone inquiries (name of contact
  • Conduct mailing (SAP Marketing offers templates)
  • Phone call to potential customerGive me 30
    minutes and I will show you how helpful and easy
    to handle SAP Business One is and how many
    reports Business One offers for your daily

Acquisition Process 2
  • First contact
  • If possible only conduct initial talks with
    managing director or other decision maker
  • Request permission to give presentation WITHOUT
  • Duration Depending on time allocated by customer
  • Content What does he want to see? What do I want
    to show additionally?
  • Aim of presentation
  • The presentation must make a very good first
    impression on the decision maker.
  • You never have a second chance for a first
  • Finally ask the customer Do you think that
    Business One is of interest for you and your
  • If no, ask him why he thinks so!

Acquisition Process 3
  • If yes, find out about the processes,
    requirements and requests.
  • If possible ask the members of the managing board
    about their wishes, needs and expectations (top
    down approach).
  • Prepare further (targeted) presentation for the
    customer (more detailed).
  • If necessary make provision for queries/solutions
    or similar.
  • Dont forget
  • After the second presentation the customer is
    able to decide!
  • Ask him!!!

Customer Contact
What should you target? Area of interest or aim
of customer?
Aim of customer
Area of interest
Enterprise management
Improvement in reliability Improvement in
efficiency Simplification of processes
Improvement in quality of information
Growth and change
Ability to secure capacities Ability to offer
flexibility Ability to adapt to new situations
Cost control
Improvement in productivity Reduction in costs
Reduction in purchasing costs
Service for end users
Improvement in service Demonstration of
performance Improved monitoring of customer
Human resources
Reduction in personnel costs Personnel
development Information on performance
Management Problems and Solutions
SAP Business One helps through
CRM tool, learning from gained and lost
opportunities, help with promotions through
contact management
Dwindling market share, increased competition
Gross profit at any time at the touch of a
button, release procedure, competitor and prices
in contact management
Decline of profit margin
Drill down and DragRelate function
Poor control because of missing data
Last prices of vendor, alternative vendor
Rise in costs for sold products
Quick overview of stock levels alert if minimum
quantity shortfall occurs opportunity pipeline
(CRM tool)
Not possible to meet customer requirements
Gross profit in every phase of sales negotiation,
calculation helps (last prices), release
procedure (discounts)
Diminishing manufacturing profit
Opportunity analysis (CRM tool) to determine and
evaluate why objectives were not reached
Objectives not reached
Multiple currencies, multiple languages
Problems and Solutions in Accounting
SAP Business One helps through
Multiple reporting, DragRelate, simple writing
of queries, formatted search
Lack of accurate reporting
Multiple reporting, DragRelate, simple writing
of queries, formatted search, dunning system

Diminishing liquidity
Multiple reporting, DragRelate, simple writing
of queries, formatted search, opportunity
pipeline and analysis
Bank talks missing documents or reports
Problems and Solutions in Warehouse and
SAP Business One helps through
Physical inventory support, release procedure,
Too much stock in warehouse
Determination of minimum stock level and alert
Alternative Items
Too little stock in warehouse caused production
stop because components missing
Allocation of route already possible whenplacing
order Alert function as a reminder/alternative
items, pick and pack
Delivery problems
Reminder functions
Dates not met
Create purchase order from sales order
Purchase failure
Problems and Solutions in Sales
SAP Business One helps through
Opportunity pipeline, analysis, and contact
management (CRM tools)
Numerous reporting options (queries) for
customers analysis analysis (CRM tool)
Evaluation and analysis of customers
Numerous reporting options (queries) for sales
analysis (CRM tool)
Evaluation of performance of salesperson
Easy to complete forms, access to existing data,
last prices, gross profit, adaptable forms
Scheduling and processing quotation,delivery and
Gross profit pushbutton, last prices, definition
of discount margin
Price policy
Arguments and Headlines from SAP Marketing
  • SAP has 18,000 customers throughout the world,
    half of which are SMBs.
  • SAP is the leading provider to small and midsize
    businesses andknows the problems.
  • SAP has worked successfully in this area for
    approx. 30 years.
  • SAP supplies the entire SMB market with
    individual solutions and is the solution provider
    to small and midsize businesses in all industries
    and for all sizes of company.
  • SAP provides solutions to every problem, whatever
    the size of the company.
  • SAP works only with highly qualified and
    certified partners.
  • SAP helps you to grow.
  • The decision for SAP Business One is a safe

Basel II What is it?
  • Basel I
  • Supervisory rules for banks (developed by the
    Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Basel,
  • Basel I is used in over 100 countries.
  • If banks grant credit to companies, the companies
    must deposit 8 of the credit volume in the form
    of equity capital.
  • The collateral and creditworthiness of customers
    play a secondary role.
  • Basel II
  • The aim is to obtain information about how secure
    and reliable thefinancing of small and midsize
    businesses is in the future.
  • Consequences of Basel II
  • Selection criteria is tighter to minimize the
    risk to the bank.
  • Lending has been made more restrictive through a
    stronger evaluation of creditworthiness and
  • Conditions have been relaxed for companies with
    good creditworthiness, and tightened if the
    oppositeis true.
  • Bank risk surcharges are to be placed on credits
    for companies with low creditworthiness (could be
  • A rating scheme for customers and companies was

Rating under Basel II
  • Bank customers are assessed for creditworthiness
    and legal standing.
  • Criteria
  • Country risk
  • General legal conditions (national/international)
  • Analysis of the country of origin of the credit
  • Industry risk
  • Competition trends
  • Industry analysis
  • Company risks
  • Market position
  • Qualitative analysis
  • Management and personnel resources
  • Business strategy
  • Financial flexibility
  • Quantitative analysis
  • Annual reports
  • Financial budget/financial analysis

Impact on Small and Midsize Businesses
  • The rating goes from 1 8
  • 1 4 Credit without problems and without
    "risk surcharge" (can differ)
  • 5 6 Credit plus "risk surcharge"
  • 7 8 Credit limit may be reduced or
  • Activities aimed at improving the rating
  • Check your accounting policy (check accounts not
    only from a tax point of view).
  • Use all available financial instruments (outside
    and equity financing).
  • Exploit opportunities (do away with out-of-date
    models, unprofitable customers and over-complex
    cost structures).
  • Shake up your information policy (disclose
    economic ratios and the results and company
  • Initiate improvements to systems and processes
    (introduce integrated business application
    software such as risk management, management
    information, Accounting and Controlling,
    Personal, CRM, value chain, retailing and
  • That is the approach for selling SAP Business
  • Source Basel II and SMB, 2002, SAP and National
    Bank, Essen

Group Work
Which features and functions of SAP Business One
are essential for inclusion the first time we
give a presentation at the customer? Priority
1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Time allowed
Display results on board after 30 minutes.
Exercise 1 Preparation for a Presentation
A Z Office Supplies is interested in acquiring
new software for enterprise management. Scope of
supply Office supplies / office furniture / PCs,
printers and accessories / computer accessories
The company has no retail outlet, however, it
has a showroom for consulting. Deliveries are
made from two warehouses to keep delivery costs
to a minimum. The company covers a radius of
approximately 150 km from each warehouse.
Deliveries are made on different routes with
proprietary delivery vehicles. A-Z Office
Supplies has 33 employees of which 20 are users.
Warehouse1 5 persons (2 drivers, 1 secretary,
2 warehouse workers) Warehouse2 5 persons
Sales office 7 persons (6 salespersons 1
head of department) Showroom 4 consultants
Accounting 2 persons Human resources 1
person working half-days Marketing/advertising 2
persons Management 3 persons (manager,
assistant, secretary) Temporary personnel 4
persons Existing hardware Compaq,
Hewlett-Packard and Lexmark Existing software
Microsoft Windows XP, Word, Excel, Sage Line 50
(preparation of monthly and annual financial
statements for tax adviser) The manager, Mr.
Runge, wants to expand his business activities in
the near future, and is looking not only for a
solution with growth potential but also for more
options within CRM and company reporting. Mr.
Runge has contacted you and arranged an initial
presentation to be able to see how the product
works in operation. He has about an hour at his
disposal for a presentation and discussion. Your
task Work out the best presentation for this
situation and prepare yourselffor the
Partner Sales Strategy Unit Summary
You are now able to
  • Describe the buying behavior and buying criteria
    of small and midsize companies
  • Define your customer target group
  • Describe the acquisition process
  • Describe potential problem areas facing small and
    midsize companies and how to solve them using SAP
    Business One
  • Describe Basel II and how it effects small and
    midsize businesses
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