DBS Update Service Employer presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DBS Update Service Employer presentation


It is now based on the type of workforce and no the longer ... not the home address where the work is being undertaken or any other individuals employed or living ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DBS Update Service Employer presentation

DBS Update ServiceEmployer presentation
www.gov.uk/dbs October 2013 Version 3.2
  • This presentation will help you understand and
    get the most out of the Update Service.
  • What information is included?
  • background to the Update Service
  • other changes coming in at the
  • same time
  • who could benefit and how
  • reusing a DBS Certificate
  • how applicants subscribe
  • using the Status Checking facility
  • next steps

Find more help online
  • At www.gov.uk/dbs
  • employer guidance including
  • frequently asked questions
  • quick guides
  • how to carry out Status Checks
  • the Status Check results
  • how to do multiple Status Checks
  • employer and applicant YouTube videos
  • downloadable posters

Update ServiceBackground to the Update Service
The background
  • What customers wanted
  • transferrable checks
  • quicker checks
  • The governments commitment
  • To make criminal record checks more proportionate
    and give the public greater control over their

The background
Keeping our key principles
  • rebalancing the role of the employer and the
    state recognising that disclosure and barring are
    one part of the wider recruitment process
  • providing a proportionate balance between
    upholding civil liberties and safeguarding
    vulnerable groups
  • trusting employers to make rounded decisions
    about who they employ checking references and
    ongoing management
  • reducing bureaucracy and delivering quicker and
    transferable checks and less costly services

The background
  • The DBS presents the Update Service
  • Applicants can subscribe to the Update Service
    with a new application or Certificate. The Update
    Service will then keep their Certificate
  • Reusing a Certificate
  • Once subscribed the individual can then take
    their Certificate with them from role to role
    where the same level and type of check are
  • How much will it cost?
  • There will be a 13 annual subscription fee. It
    is free for volunteers.

The background
  • What is a Status Check?
  • With the individuals permission, you can go
    online for a free and instant check to find out
    whether the individuals Certificate is still
  • How to make a Status Check
  • You will enter your name and your organisation
    together with the applicants name, date of birth
    and DBS Certificate number.
  • You do not have to register or subscribe to carry
    out a Status Check.

Update ServiceOther changes coming in at the
same time
Other changes coming in at the same time
  • Applicant-only certificates
  • The DBS will issue Certificates to the applicant
    only, putting them in control of their own data.
  • Certificate reprints
  • If you applied for a new Certificate as a result
    of a Status Check which showed a change in
    status, and the individual has not shown their
    new Certificate to you within 28 days of its
    issue, you can then request a copy of it from the

Other changes coming in at the same time
X61 Position Applied For field on the
application form At the same time as the Update
Service was introduced the DBS began using a new
relevancy test when releasing non-conviction
information about the individual. It is now based
on the type of workforce and no the longer actual
job role. This change means that DBS Certificates
can be taken from role to role within the same
workforce working with children or adults, both
or other. To accommodate this change you must
use both lines - which total 60 characters - in
the Position Applied For field (X61) on the
application form.
Other changes coming in at the same time
  • Registered Bodies must now complete this field as
    follows, failure to complete the field correctly
    may result in the form being rejected, it may
    also prevent the applicant from using their DBS
    Certificate for future employment or volunteering
  • X61 Line 1 Write one of the following form of
    words to indicate the relevant workforce(s)
  • Child Workforce
  • Adult Workforce
  • Child and Adult Workforce
  • Other Workforce
  • Other Workforce must be written if the person
    is not working with children or adults.
  • X61 Line 2 Enter as you do now a description for
    the Position Applied For up to 30 characters.

Update ServiceWho could benefit and how
Who could benefit and how
  • 4.2 million DBS checks done last year how many
    people could benefit?
  • The 12 of those who applied for more than one
    DBS check last year. Thats 500,000 people paying
    about 88 per year for DBS checks.
  • The 40 of those who were rechecked by their
    employers. Thats 2.1million people paying about
    44 per year for DBS checks.
  • You will also benefit from the free online Status
    Checks rather than making a new application each
    time you need to check an individual.

Who could benefit and how
You can work out the maths for how each sector
will benefit.
4.2 million Certificates issued in 2012/13 4.2 million Certificates issued in 2012/13
Education 28.50
Care 14.80
Medical 14.14
Social Work 10.90
Leisure and Sport 7.55
Drivers and Transport 5.06
Childcare 4.27
Commercial 3.82
Religion and Faith 3.09
Security 3.00
Charity and Volunteers 2.66
Fostering 2.20
Who could benefit and how
  • Depending upon how many DBS checks you do, this
    could save you time and money over the years.
  • no more paper forms to complete
  • instant online results
  • less bureaucracy
  • easy to incorporate into your processes
  • speeds up the recruitment process
  • enhances safeguarding processes and
  • may help to reduce your risks

Who could benefit and how
Saving you money
  • Rechecks
  • As a hospital administrator I request
    approximately 1,000 rechecks for staff on an
    annual basis. This meant submitting fresh
    applications at significant cost to the business.
  • Status Checks
  • I will be able to carry out free and instant
    online checks saving about 44,000 in application

Who could benefit and how
Saving you time
  • Rechecks
  • Our admin team submits a lot of applications for
    new employees for our care homes. The recruitment
    process takes a while and we have to wait for the
    Certificate to be returned before we appoint
  • Status Checks
  • If they had subscribed the Update Service, we
    could have carried out an instant online check,
    meaning we could get them in post much quicker!

Who could benefit and how
So encourage people to subscribe to the Update
Service! Next time you recruit or recheck
someone, you can start to benefit if you ask them
to subscribe to the Update Service. Where
possible give them their application form
reference so they can subscribe sooner.
Update ServiceReusing a DBS Certificate
Reusing a DBS Certificate
A primary school teacher has an Enhanced check
with a Childrens Barred List check for the
Childrens Workforce. Which other jobs can she
use it for?
Teacher Youth group leader
Child sports coach Faith group leader
Reusing a DBS Certificate
An adult care worker has an Enhanced check with
an Adults Barred List check for the Adults
Workforce. Which other jobs can he use it for?
Adult social worker Adult respite nurse
Driver for adult care services Adult personal
Reusing a DBS Certificate
A hospital doctor has an Enhanced check with
Adults and Children's Barred List checks for the
Childrens and Adults Workforce. Which other
jobs can she use it for?
Locum general practitioner Psychiatrist
DBS Update Service How applicants subscribe
How applicants subscribe
  • Option one
  • subscribe online when they apply for a DBS check
  • we must receive their form within 28 days of
  • their Certificate will automatically attach to
    their subscription when it is issued

Role Accountant
How applicants subscribe
Option 2 If an applicant didnt subscribe at the
same time as applying for their DBS check, or
they applied on a Welsh application form they can
still subscribe within14 days of the date of
issue of the resulting DBS Certificate.
Role Accountant
How applicants subscribe
  • Some limitations apply
  • Welsh applicants can only subscribe with their
  • manual DBS Certificates cannot be used in the
    Update Service
  • applicants cant subscribe with a Certificate
    issued before the launch of the Update Service
  • the Update Service will only check for updates
    based on the individual for whom the check was
    carried out not the home address where the work
    is being undertaken or any other individuals
    employed or living at that address

DBS Update Service Using the Status Checking
Using the Status Checking facility
With the applicants permission, you can use
their current DBS Certificate and carry out a
free, online check to see if any new information
has come to light since its issue.
Using the Status Checking facility
Using the Status Checking facility
  • What causes the status of a Certificate to
  • For all DBS certificates
  • new convictions, cautions, reprimands or
    warnings or
  • any amendment or change to a current conviction,
    caution, warning or reprimand.
  • For Enhanced DBS Certificates
  • any new, relevant police information.
  • For Enhanced Certificates with a Barred List
  • if the person becomes barred for that list(s)
    checked on the Enhanced Certificate.
  • If the status of a Certificate changes it is no
    longer up-to-date.

Using the Status Checking facility
  • Frequency of updates
  • When a DBS Certificate is in the Update Service
    the DBS will keep it up-to-date by regularly
    searching to see if any new information has come
    to light since its issue.
  • Regularly means
  • Criminal record conviction and barring
    information will be searched for updates on a
    weekly basis as this information can change
  • Non-conviction information, released on
    relatively few certificates changes infrequently
    and will be searched for updates every nine

Next steps
Check your policies and make sure you include the
update service and related changes where
appropriate. Change your websites, guidance and
policies to include information on the Update
Service and links to www.gov.uk/dbs-update-service
. Download the additional guides and save
www.gov.uk/dbs to your favourites. Tell your
staff, stakeholders and customers about the
Update Service.
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