Title: European Funding Update: November 2004
1European Funding UpdateNovember 2004
- Amanda Crowfoot
- UK Research Office
- amanda.crowfoot_at_bbsrc.ac.uk
2The UK Research Office
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
Economic and Social Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
3UKROs Services
- Web http//www.ukro.ac.uk
- Information Services http//ims.ukro.ac.uk
- Advice to ELOs and researchers
- UK briefing visits
- Brussels meeting room
- Training events
- UK Mobility National Contact Point
4(No Transcript)
5Overview of Presentation
- Update on FP6
- Mid-term Review of FP6 New Instruments
- The Marie Curie Programme
- Development of FP7
- Overview of Non-FP Funding Opportunities
- European Proposal Writing
6The Framework Programme
- EU Programme for RTD
- 4 years in duration (FP6 2002 2006)
- It involves
- Contract research
- European collaboration
- User driven approach
- Prioritised research areas
7FP6 Programme Structure
Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for
New/Emerging ST and Policy Support
Information Society Technologies
Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences,
Knowledge-Based Multifunctional Materials and
New Production Processes and Devices
SME Activities
Specific Activities Covering a Wider Field of
Aeronautics and Space
Food Quality and Safety
International Co-operation
Sustainable Development, Global Change and
Citizens and Governance in the Knowledge Society
Science and Society
Research and Innovation
Human Resources and Mobility
Research Infrastructures
Co-ordination of Research Activities
Development of RTD/Innovation Policies
8FP6 Instruments
9New and Traditional Instruments
LSH-2003-1.1.5-3 Functional genomics of inner
ear development and disorders INTEGRATED
should be on using functional genomics approaches
and animal models to further understand the
mechanism of hearing, to identify the genes that
are essential for inner ear functions and those
that predispose to severe hearing impairment,
thereby facilitating development of new
preventive and therapeutic tools.
LSH-2003-1.2.2-3 Molecular diagnostics in
mitochondrial diseases STREP. The objective is
to foster research into the understanding of
function, regulation and structure of
mitochondria as vital metabolic organelles,
thereby providing insight into diagnostics and
treatments of diseases related to mitochondrial
10Mid-term Review of FP6 New Instruments
- Report by high-level expert group, chaired by
Professor Ramon Marimon, recommended that - New Instruments should be maintained in FP7
- Many design and implementation aspects to be
improved - Commission should classify instruments according
to their aims and establish guidelines for their
use - NoEs should be designed to cover different forms
of collaboration and sizes of partnerships - Clarify differences between IPs and STREPs
- Larger role for STREPs and small IPs
- Emerging groups should be attracted to
participate - SME participation should be improved
- Two-step evaluation should be introduced
- Administrative procedures and financial rules
should - be simplified
11FP6 Issues
- Responding to the Work Programme
- Confusion over instruments especially NoE
- Variable success rates
- Industry/SME participation
- New Member States participation
- Third Country participation
- Innovation and originality
- Gender Action Plans
- Consortium management
- Consortium Agreements/IPR
- Reporting and auditing/audit certificates
12Evaluation Criteria
Integrated Projects
Relevance to the Programme
ST Excellence
Management Quality
Consortium Quality
Potential Impact
Mobilisation Of Resources
Networks of Excellence
Relevance to the Programme
Excellence of the Participants
Organisation and management
Quality of Integration
Potential Impact
13Evaluators Comments 1
- Include Gantt chart (or similar) to show timings
of work programme - More consideration to management of large IPs
- SME participation more prominent/explicit
- Marketing experts more involved from early stages
- Links to national initiatives explicitly
mentioned - Better feasibility studies and more risk analysis
(e.g. SWOT analysis) - More technical details and quantified measurement
needed in order to examine ST excellence of IPs - Inclusion of take-up initiative to spread results
wider - Work in IPs should improved by the integration
- into a single project
14Evaluators Comments 2
- NoEs need industrial guidance and participation
- NoEs need clear linking of activities and
resources needed - Commitment towards durable integration must be
visible in an NoE - Attention must be given to IPR issues
- Novelty and originality should be clear in a
STREP - Breakthrough rather than incremental
- Efficient consortium rather than collection of
research units - Good scientific insight does not guarantee good
management - Often benefit from less democratic
configuration - Avoid disproportionate funding
- Need rationale for relation between effort and
15Marie Curie Programme
MC Chairs (EXC)
Re-integration Grants (IRG, ERG)
Institutional funding
Excellence Grants (EXT) Awards (EXA)
Transfer of Knowledge Fellowships (TOK)
Individual funding
Intra-European Fellowships (IEF)
International Fellowships (OIF, IIF)
Return funding
Conferences Courses (SCF)
Excellence funding
PhD (or 4 years)
Research Training Networks (RTN)
Early Stage Training (EST)
Early Stage
16Marie Curie Key Features
- Human Resources and Mobility programme
- Research training and transfer of knowledge
- Bottom-up approach
- Individual and host actions
- Opening of actions to 3rd country nationals
- No age limit, but experience criterion
- Re-integration and excellence promotion measures
- Life-long learning concept
- Personal/family situation of researchers
17FP6 Success Marie Curie Call 1
18Marie Curie 2005-2006 Key Changes
- Two-stage submission/evaluation for RTN and EST
- 1st stage limited to 10 pages (RTN) or 8 pages
(EST) - 2 criteria only content of project and training
activities - Full criteria evaluated at 2nd stage
- Two-stage evaluation for IEF, OIF, IIF, EXT and
EXC - 2004 RTN deadline targeted to inter-disciplinary
and/or inter-sectoral projects - Only one more deadline for EST
- Cross-border consortia in EST mono-sites
- No further funding for large conferences
19Marie Curie Deadlines Individual
20Marie Curie Deadlines Host
21Framework Programme Budgets
Billion Euro
22Towards FP7
- January 2004
- Commission Communication on Basic Research
- February 2004
- Commission Communication on Financial
Perspectives 2007 2013 - June 2004
- Commission Communication on the Future of
Research - 2005 (first half)
- Formal Commission proposal on FP7
- 2005 2006
- FP7 negotiations (EP, MS etc.)
- Late 2006/early 2007
- Launch of FP7
23Proposed FP7 Structure
Co-ordination of National Research Funding
Research Infrastructures
Human Resources (MC)
Collaborative ResearchProjects
Competitive FundamentalResearch Funding
24Technology Platforms
- Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
- Nanoelectronics
- Nanomedicine
- Plant Genomics and Biotechnology
- Water supply and Sanitation
- Photovoltaics
- Sustainable Chemistry
- Global Livestock Development
- Road Transport
- Rail Transport
- Maritime Transport
- Mobile and Wireless Communications
- Innovative Medicines for Europe
- Embedded Systems
- Aeronautics
- Steel
- Textiles and Clothing
- Manufacturing Technologies
25European Research Council?
- Credibility
- Free from political steering
- Bottom-up, scientific decision making
- Proportionality
- Individual teams in a balanced programme
- Adequate means
- Appropriate and sufficient funding
- Efficiency
- Lean management, minimal admin for applicants
- Autonomy
- Independent of the FP and national funders
- Accountability
- Appropriate reporting regime
26Further Information
- http//www.ukro.ac.uk
- http//www.cordis.lu/fp6
- Call for Experts
- http//www.cordis.lu/experts/fp6_candidature.htm
- DG Research
- http//www.europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/research/index_
en.html - Future of European Research Policy
- http//www.europa.eu.int/comm/research/future/ind
ex_en.html - Mid-term Review of FP6 New Instruments
- http//www.cordis.lu/fp6/instruments_review
- UK Office of Science and Technology
27Non-FP Funding Opportunities
POLICIES AgricultureCompetition Economic and
Financial AffairsEducation and
CultureEmployment and Social Affairs Energy and
TransportEnterprise Environment
FisheriesHealth and Consumer ProtectionInformat
ion SocietyInternal MarketJustice and Home
Affairs Regional Policy ResearchTaxation and
Customs Union
EXTERNAL RELATIONS DevelopmentEnlargementEurope
Aid Co-operation Office External Relations
Humanitarian Aid Office ECHOTrade
28DG Education and Culture
Education SOCRATES Education LEONARDO
Vocational Training TEMPUS / EU-USA /
EU-Canada YOUTH Mobility of young
volunteers eLearning Jean Monnet Erasmus
Culture Culture 2000 MEDIA-Plus and MEDIA
- Aim Improving quality, fostering innovation and
promoting the European dimension in vocational
training - Actions Mobility (staff and students) Pilot
Projects Language Competences Transnational
Networks Reference Materials Joint Actions - Amount Up to 200,000 per year up to 75
Community contribution - Duration 2000 2006
- Participation Any organisation involved in
vocational training of any type at least three
partners from EU, EEA, and Candidate Countries - Deadlines Mobility 11 February 2005, 10 June
2005 others 30 September 2005
30Example Culture 2000
- Aim To encourage cultural creation and mobility
access to culture for all dissemination of art
and culture intercultural dialogue and knowledge
of the history of the European peoples - Actions Specific annual activities Multiannual
activities Special cultural events (e.g.
European Capitals of Culture) - Amount Up to 60 Community contribution
Specific annual activities 50,000 150,000
Multiannual activities up to 300,000 - Duration Extended to 2006
- Participation All artistic and cultural fields
- Deadline Annual deadline (October)
31DG Employment and Social Affairs
Action Programme to combat discrimination http//e
index_en.htm Fight against poverty and social
exclusion http//europa.eu.int/comm/employment_soc
ial/soc-prot/soc-incl/index_en.htm Tenders
32DG Justice and Home Affairs
AGIS Framework programme on police and judicial
co-operation in criminal matters ARGO Action
programme for administrative co-operation in the
fields of external borders, visas, asylum and
immigrationDAPHNE II Actions against all forms
of violence Co-operation with Third Countries In
the area of migration Exchange Programme for
Judicial Authorities Fundamental Rights Research
and evaluation programme INTI Integration of
third country nationals Judicial Co-operation in
Civil Matters European Refugee Fund Victims of
terrorist acts
33DG Information Society
eContent Production, use and distribution of
European digital content eTEN Deployment of
telecommunication networks based services
(e-services) with a trans-European
dimension Safer Internet Action Plan Dealing
with illegal and harmful content on the Internet
34DG Health and Consumer Protection
- Public Health Programme
- Health Information
- Threats to Health
- Health Determinants
35Example Public Health Programme
- Aim To protect human health and improve public
health - Actions Networks Co-ordinated responses
Sharing of experience Training Dissemination of
information and knowledge - Amount Commission usually funds up to 60 of
project costs (up to 80 in exceptional
circumstances) - Duration 2003 2008
- Participation Any public or private body active
in the field of public health no minimum or
maximum partner numbers Member States, EFTA,
Candidate Countries (subject to signing of
memorandum) - Deadline Annual deadline call launched November
36DG Environment
LIFE III Environment SMEs and Local
Authorities Nature Birds and Habitats
Directives Third Countries Baltic and
Mediterranean http//europa.eu.int/comm/life/home.
htm General Call for Proposals Yearly call
areas vary. http//europa.eu.int/comm/environment/
funding/general/index_en.htm Accidental Marine
Pollution http//europa.eu.int/comm/environment/ci
37DG Energy and Transport
Intelligent Energy Europe TEN-E Trans-Europe
an Energy Networks
Marco Polo Intermodal Freight Transport
TEN-T Trans-European Transport Networks
38DG External Relations
Mediterranean MEDA EUMEDIS
Asia Asia Link Asia-ITC Asia-URBS ASEAN-EU
University Network Programme
Latin America AL-Urbs ALFA II ALßAN _at_LIS
39Example Asia Link
- Aim To promote regional and multilateral
networking between higher education institutions
in EU member States and South Asia, South East
Asia and China - Actions Curriculum development Human resource
development Institutional and Systems
Development - Amount Up to 750,000 in 2005 up to 75
Community contribution (90 for least developed
Asian countries) - Duration 2002 2004 (to be extended on annual
basis) - Participation At least two EU Member States at
least two from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei,
Cambodia, China, East Timor, India, Indonesia,
Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal,
Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and
Vietnam - Deadline Two deadlines annually
- (February and June 2005)
40Other Funding
- European Social Fund
- http//www.europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/es
f2000/index-en.htm - European Regional Development Fund
- (Interreg III, Urban II)
- http//www.europa.eu.int/comm/regional_policy/inde
x_en.htm - European Science Foundation
- http//www.esf.org
- European Cultural Foundation
- http//www.eurocult.org
41Planning your Proposal
FP6 Structure
WP (1)
WP (2)
WP (3)
Instrument (1)
Instrument (2)
Instrument (3)
42Building a Consortium
- Respect the minimum requirements
- Ensure a range of complementary expertise,
disciplines, sectors, countries and human
resources - Industrial partners needed PLEASE!
- No core competitors
- No-one just along for the ride
- Previous European experience preferred
- Meet ALL partners (if possible)
- Long-term relationship expected
43Finding Partners
- FP6 partner search databases
- http//www.cordis.lu/fp6/partners.htm
- http//www.kowi.de/services/IPS/igloservice.htm
- The FP6 Expressions of Interest
- http//eoi.cordis.lu/search_form.cfm
- CORDIS past funded projects
- http//dbs.cordis.lu/search/en/simple/EN_PROJ_simp
44Writing a Good Part B
- Follow the suggested format exactly
- Clearly specify the relevance to the WP objective
(B.2)(e.g., This proposal addresses Strategic
objective number and title in the number call
of the title or acronym Priority. This proposed
project is important to this Strategic objective
because) - Leave nothing to the imagination (BUT remember
that this is not an academic proposal) - Show that you have a clear plan and vision
- Respect the recommended lengths
- Give equal time to all the sections
- Cross-objective proposals vs. Multi-objective mess
45Evaluation Criteria
Integrated Projects
Relevance to the Programme
ST Excellence
Management Quality
Consortium Quality
Potential Impact
Mobilisation Of Resources
Networks of Excellence
Relevance to the Programme
Excellence of the Participants
Organisation and management
Quality of Integration
Potential Impact
46Delivering on Policy Issues
- Lisbon Objectives
- to become the most dynamic and most competitive
knowledge-based economy - Barcelona Objectives
- education and training, innovation
- Gothenburg Objectives
- sustainable development (environment, economy,
employment) - Stockholm Objectives
- fostering entrepreneurship and harnessing new
technologies - Website for all the above Council/Presidency
Conclusions - http//ue.eu/en/Info/eurocouncil/index.htm
- All underpinned by the ERA objectives
- http//www.cordis.lu/era/background.htm
47ERA Objectives
Increasing RTD efforts and Reducing the
competitive gap
- Meeting the Lisbon and Barcelona objectives
- EU to become the most competitive knowledge
economy - Increase in EU RTD spend (esp. in industry)
- Developing spin-offs and enabling access to
investment - More coherent use of public instruments and
48ERA Objectives
Strengthening coherence and Promoting capacity
- Integrating the research potential of CEE
countries - European approach to research facilities
- Better use of electronic networks
- More abundant and mobile human resources
- Greater place and role for women in research
49ERA Objectives
Addressing the broad context and Improving the
impact of RTD
- Common systems of scientific and technical
reference - Developing the research needed for policy making
- Development of effective Intellectual Property
tools - Creation of companies and risk capital
investment - Tackling the questions of science and society
- Promotion of research careers
50Managing the Project
Project Board
Project Office
Feedback and Control
Work-package Co-ordinator
51Submitting the Proposal
52Other Top Tips for Proposals
- Read the objectives of the programme
- Innovation preferred to development
- Include a Gantt chart
- Include feasibility studies / risk analysis
- NoEs should have industrial guidance
- Illustrate novelty and originality
- Consider European added-value
- Collaboration not collection of research teams
- Justify the budget
- Management, Dissemination and IPR
- Register as an evaluator
53Ten-point Proposal Checklist
- Does your project address the Work Programme?
- Is your instrument the right one for the job?
- Have you built an appropriate consortium?
- Have you completed all forms in Part A?
- Is your Part B as clear as it can be?
- Have you addressed the soft issues?
- Is your proposal over- or under-costed?
- How will you manage your consortium?
- What does the Commission get out of this?
- Have you planned your (electronic) submission?
54Where to Find Information
European Research/Liaison Officer - Interpret
documentation, provide support UKRO
(http//www.ukro.ac.uk) - Access to documents,
technical support National Contact Points -
Technical support CORDIS (http//www.cordis.lu) -
Documentation for non-UK partners European
Commission - Crucial if you will co-ordinate an
IP/NoE useful if a STREP/CA RDAs / Chambers of
Commerce - For those useful SMEs other support