Title: Communications%20Laboratory%20Lecture%20Series
1Communications Laboratory Lecture Series
- Digital television broadcasting
Presentation by Neil Pickford
2Digital Television Broadcasting DTB
- What is digital TV
- How was it developed
- What are the systems
- Enabling technologies
- Transmission technology
- Compression technology
- Content services
- What is happening in australia
- The future
3Broad Objectives of DTB
- Overcome limitations of the existing analog
television systems - Improved picture
- High quality (no interference)
- Resolution (HDTV)
- Format (169)
- Enhanced service related features
- Additional data capacity available for other
value added services
4Digital Media
- First media systems were analog
- Most media are converting to digital
- Computer storage
- Music (LP-CD)
- Telecommunications
- Multimedia
- Radio (DAB)
- Television
5Standard Definition Television SDTV
- The current television display system
- 43 aspect ratio picture, interlace scan
- Australia/Europe
- 625 lines - 704 pixels x 576 lines displayed
- 50 frames/sec 25 pictures/sec
- 405504 pixels total
- USA/Japan
- 525 lines - 704 pixels x 480 lines displayed
- 60 frames/sec 30 pictures/sec
- 337920 pixels total
6Enhanced Definition Television EDTV
- Intermediate step to HDTV
- Doubled scan rate - reduce flicker
- Double lines on picture - calculated
- Image processing - ghost cancelling
- Wider aspect ratio - 169
- Multi-channelsound
7High Definition Television HDTV
- Not exactly defined - number of systems
- System with a higher picture resolution
- Greater than 1000 lines resolution
- Picture with less artefacts or distortions
- Bigger picture to give a viewing experience
- Wider aspect ratio to use peripheral vision
- Progressive instead of interlaced pictures
8HDTV - Have We Heard This Before?
- The first TV system had just 32 lines
- When the 405 line system was introducedit was
called HDTV! - When 625 line black white came alongit was
called HDTV! - When the PAL colour system was introducedit was
called HDTV by some people. - Now we have 1000 line systems and
digitaltelevision - guess what? Its called HDTV!
9Interlaced Vs Progressive Scan
- Interlaced pictures. - 1/2 the lines presented
each scan1,3,5,7,9,11,13...............623,625
field 12,4,6,8,10,12,14.............622,624
field 2 - Because the fields are recorded at separate times
this leads to picture twitter judder - Progressive pictures - all the lines sent in the
one scan.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8................623,624,6
25 picture - No twitter or judder.
- But twice the information rate.
10Question - HDTV
- Have you seen HDTV pictures?
11Do You Use A PC?
All Current Generation PCs use Progressive Scan
and display Pictures which match or exceed
HDTV resolutions although thepixel pitch, aspect
ratioand colorimetry are not correct.
12Digital Television
- Why digital?
- Noise free pictures
- Higher resolution imagesWidescreen / HDTV
- No ghosting
- Multi-channel sound
- Other services.
13Digital Television - Types
- Satellite (DBS)
- Program interchange
- Direct view / pay TV
14Digital Television - Types
- Cable
- HFC - pay TV
- DVB-C / 16-VSB
Main Coax
15Digital Television - Types
- Terrestrial (DTTB)
- DVB-T / 8-VSB
- Free to air TV (broadcasting)
- Narrowcasting/value added services
- Untethered - portable reception
16Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting - DTTB
- Regional free to air television
- Replacement of current analog PAL broadcast
television services - Operating in adjacent unused taboo channels
to analog PAL service - Carries a range of services HDTV, SDTV, audio,
teletext, data - Providing portable service
17Mobile Digital TV Onboard a Tram in Cologne -
18How Was Digital TV Developed
- Japanese Europeans wanted to improve analog TV
- bigger pictures, more resolution - Japanese developed muse 1125 lines 60 Hz
- Europeans worked on HD-MAC 1250 lines
- Americans broadcasters wanted to protect spare
unused TV channels from the land mobile service
and told FCC they required the channels for a
future analog compatible HDTV system.
19Development Race
- Americans embarked on a HDTV race to develop an
analog HDTV system - Digital television was seen as impossible.
- General instruments developed first digital TV
system for satellite pay TV from experience with
NASA deep space probes - HDTV race became a digital HDTV race.
- Race outcome - poor performance but demonstrated
digital could be done.
20DTTB Transmission Systems
- 3 systems are being developed at present.
- Europe DVB COFDM
- Japan ISDB band segmented OFDM
218-VSB - USA
- Developed by the advance television systems
committee - ATSC - Developed for use in a 6 MHz channel
- A 7 MHz variant is possible.
- Uses a single carrier with pilot tone
- 8 level amplitude modulation system
- Payload data rate of 19.3 Mb/s
- Relies on adaptive equalisation
- Existing technology developed to near limit
22COFDM - Europe
- Developed by the digital video broadcasting
project group - DVB - Uses similar technology to DRB
- Uses 1705 or 6817 carriers
- Variable carrier modulation types are defined
allowing data rates of 5-27 Mb/s in 7 MHz - Developed for 8 MHz channels
- A 7 MHz variant has been produced and tested
- Can use single frequency networks - SFNs
- New technology with scope for continued
improvement development
23ISDB - Japan
- Japanese are developing integrated services
digital broadcasting (ISDB) - System integrates all forms of broadcasting
services into one common data channel which can
be passed by satellite, cable or terrestrial
delivery systems - Video services
- Sound services
- Bulk data services
- Interactive data services
24ISDB - Concept
- Proposed to use band segmented transmission -
orthogonal frequency division multiplex (BST-OFDM)
25BST-OFDM - Japan
- BST-OFDM is a variant of the European COFDM
system which allows segmenting of the data
spectrum into 100 kHz blocks. - 2 receiver bandwidths proposed.
- 500 kHz portable / mobile for sound and data
- 5.6 MHz fixed / mobile for SDTV and LDTV
- 5.6 MHz fixed for HDTV
- Individual band segments can be allocated to
separate services which can use different
modulation systems
26BST-OFDM - Japan
- Allows separate services to be replaced for local
area broadcasting - Allows for variable ruggedness for fixed / mobile
/ portable reception - Could straddle other existing services.
- Primarily being developed for japan as a solution
to cluttered broadcasting spectrum. - In early stages of development
- No hardware available at this stage
278-VSB COFDM - Spectrum
28Traditional SCPC Modulation
MinimumCarrier Spacing
29COFDM - Orthogonal Carriers
30Spectrum of COFDM DTTB
Carrier Spacing 2k Mode 3.91 kHz 8k Mode 0.98 kHz
1705 or 6817 Carriers
6.67 MHz in 7 MHz Channel
31Digital Modulation - 8-AM
Before Equaliser
After Equaliser
8-VSB - Coaxial Direct Feed through Tuner on
Channel 8 VHF
3 Bits/Symbol
2 Bits/Symbol
4 Bits/Symbol
6 Bits/Symbol
3564-QAM - Perfect Failure
3664-QAM and QPSK
6 or 2 Bits/Symbol
37Non Uniform 64-QAM
2 4 Bits/Symbol
38Non Uniform 16-QAM
2 2 Bits/Symbol
398-VSB - DTV - Development
- 1987 FCC inquiry into future TV systems and
advisory committee on ATV service was
established - ACATS - 1990 digital TV systems developed
- Competitive testing race undertaken
- 1993 poor results announced - grand
alliance (GA) formed by the contestants.
- Extra development - 1994 re-testing of GA system
408-VSB - DTV - Development
- 1996 FCC adopted ATSC standard
- 1997 each full-power broadcaster loaned a
second 6 MHz TV channel for
simalcasting DTV. - 1997 FCC announced DTV service and mandated
8 year transition schedule - 1997 demonstration, laboratory testing and
field trials of 8-VSB in Australia
418-VSB - Transition Schedule
- 1/5/99 coverage of 10 largest markets
- 1/11/99 coverage top 30 markets
- 1/5/02 all other commercials on air
- 1/5/03 all non commercial stations
- 2006 switch off analog service and recover
138 MHz of spectrum
42(No Transcript)
438-VSB Equipment
- Still at the prototype stage
- First chips are being tested now
- This year domestic receiver
44European Development - DVB
- 1991 European launching group (ELG)
- 1992 ELG developed MoU for cooperation
- 1993 ELG became digital video broadcasting (DVB)
project - a forum for all interested in digital
TV to participate in research and development as
a unified group. - DVB is a consortium of over 200 network
operators, broadcasters, manufacturers and
regulators in 30 countries working together.
45DVB Project
- The DVB philosophy - open, interoperable,
flexible, market-led, global standards for
digital TV - 1980s MAC systems under development gave way to
all digital technology - Based on common MPEG-2 coding system
- Integrated set of standards allowing flexible
operation across cable, microwave, satellite and
terrestrial distribution
46DVB - COFDM - Development
- Easier satellite (DVB-S) cable (DVB-C) systems
were developed first. - DVB-T is the terrestrial member of the DVB family
of standards. - OFDM transmission originally developed for cable
systems, adapted to digital radio broadcasting,
extended by DVB to digital TV - DVB-T based on COFDM technology
47COFDM - Transition Schedule
- DTTB test transmission programs are currently
occurring in Denmark, Holland, Finland, France,
Germany Italy - 1998 Britain Sweden on air with SDTV DTTB
system using UHF band. - 2001 Spain plans DTTB to be operational,
achieving 100 coverage by 2010. - Simulcasting is expected to be around 20 years in
Europe. Focus is SDTV to EDTV
48COFDM - Commercial Receiver
- News data systems - system 3000
49COFDM DTTB Equipment
- System 3000 - NDS
- Project mummy bear - NDS zenith
- Dvbird - Thomson SGS Philips
- 3 chip receiver - Philips
- Test receiver - ITIS Harris
- Chip set - Hokia Siemens
- Over 20 manufacturers showing hardware
50COFDM - Current Hardware
51Dvbird - Receiver
- 4 VLSI COFDM receiver
- Implements an 8K FFT (2K/8K mode)
- 1/4,1/8 1/32 guard intervals
- Onboard tuner
52Enabling Technologies
- Source digitisation (Rec 601 digital studio)
- Compression technology (MPEG, AC-3)
- Data multiplexing (MPEG)
- Transmission technology (modulation)
- Display technology (large wide screens)
53Digital Terrestrial TV - Layers
. . . provide clean interface points. . . .
1920 x 1080 1280 x 720 60,30, 24 Hz
Picture Layer
Multiple Picture Formats and Frame Rates
MPEG-2 compression syntax ML_at_MPorHL_at_MP
Video Compression Layer
Data Headers
Chroma and Luma DCT Coefficients
Motion Vectors
Variable Length Codes
Flexible delivery of data
Packet Headers
Transport Layer
Video packet
Video packet
Audio packet
Aux data
VHF/UHF TV Channel
Transmission Layer
7 MHz
54Digital Television Encode Layers
Picture Coding
Data Coding
Control Data
MPEG-2or AC-3
MPEG TransportStream Mux
Program 1 Multiplexer
Control Data
Program 2
Program 3
Other Data
Bouquet Multiplexer
Control Data
188 byte packets
MPEG Transport Data Stream
Error Protection
Modulator Transmitter
Control Data
Delivery System
55Digital Television Decode Layers
Data Decoder
Picture Decoder
MPEG Transport Stream De-Multiplexer
Demodulator Receiver
Error Control
Delivery System
56Transmission Technology
- The transmission system is used to transport the
information to the consumer. - The system protects the information being carried
from the transmission environment - Current Australian analog television uses the
PAL-B AM modulation system
57Digital TV Transmission Technology
- The transmission system is a data pipe
- Transports data rates of around 20 Mb/s
- Transports data in individual containers called
58Terrestrial Transmission Problems
- Multipath interference - ghosts
- Noise interference - snow
- Variable path attenuation - fading
- Interference to existing services
- Interference from other services
- Channel frequency assignment - where to place
the signal
59Digital Modulation - Functions
- Spreads the data evenly across the channel
- Distributes the data in time
- Maintains synchronisation well below data
threshold - Employs sophisticated error correction.
- Equalises the channel for best performance
60Digital Has to Fit In With PAL
- We need a digital system that can co-exist with
the existing analog broadcast TV currently in use
in Australia - We use the PAL-B with sound system G
- Australian TV channels are 7 MHz wideon both VHF
UHF - Australia uses
- VHF bands I, II III
- UHF bands IV IV
61Digital Has to Fit In With PAL
- World TV channel bandwidths vary
- USA / japan 6 MHz
- Australian 7 MHz
- Europeans 8 MHz
- Affects- tuning, filtering, interference
system performance
62Digital Has to Fit In With PAL
- Digital television system development is focused
in Europe USA - The systems standards are designed to meet the
needs of the developers - They focus on their countries needs first
- Australian input is through standards
organisations such as the ITU-R
63Channel Spacing
- Existing analog TV channels are spaced so they do
not interfere with each other. - Gap between PAL TV services
- VHF 1 channel
- UHF 2 channels
- Digital TV can make use of these gaps
Ch 8
Ch 7
Ch 9
Ch 6
Ch 9A
VHF Television Spectrum
64Digital Challenges
- Digital TV must co-exist with existing PAL
services - DTV operates at lower power
- DTV copes higher interference levels
- Share transmission infra-structure
- DTV needs different planning methods
Ch 8
Ch 7
Ch 9
Ch 6
Ch 9A
VHF Television Spectrum
65Digital Service Area Planning
- Analog TV has a slow gradual failure
- Existing PAL service was planned for50
availability at 50 of locations - Digital TV has a cliff edge failure
- Digital TV needs planning for90-99
availability at 90-99 of locations
66TV System Failure Characteristic
Edge of Service Area
67TV System Failure Characteristic
Edge of Service Area
68Digital Provides New Concepts
- Single frequency networks (SFNs) can help solve
difficult coverage situations - SFNs allow the reuse of a transmission frequency
many times in the same area so long as exactly
the same program is carried - Allows lower power operation
- Better shaping of coverage
- Improved service availability
- Better spectrum efficiency
69Compression Technology
- When low bandwidth analog information is
digitised the result is high amounts of digital
information. - 5 MHz bandwidth analog TV picture º170 - 270
Mb/s digital data stream. - 270 Mb/s would require a bandwidth of at least
140 MHz to transport - Compression of the information is required
70Compression - Types
- Two types of compression available
- Loss-less compression 2 to 5 times
- Lossy compression 5 to 250 times
71Compression - Loss-less Types
- Picture differences - temporal
- Run length data coding - GIF
- 101000100010001001101 1 4x0100 1101
- 21 bits source 12 bits compressed
- Huffman coding - PKZIP
- Short codes for common blocks
- Longer codes for uncommon blocks
- Lookup tables
72Compression - Lossy Types
- Quantisation - rounding
- Motion vectors
- Prediction interpolation
- Fractal coding
- Discrete cosine transform (DCT)
73Compression - DCT
8x8 Pixels
74MPEG-2 - I, P B Frames
Uncompressed SDTV Digital Video Stream - 170 Mb/s
Picture 830kBytes
Picture 830kBytes
Picture 830kBytes
Picture 830kBytes
I Frame
B Frame
P Frame
B Frame
100 kBytes
12 kBytes
33 kBytes
12 kBytes
MPEG-2 Compressed SDTV Digital Video Stream - 3.9
- I - intra picture coded without reference to
other pictures. Compressed using spatial
redundancy only - P - predictive picture coded using motion
compensated prediction from past I or P frames - B - bidirectionally-predictive picture using both
past and future I or P frames
- Compresses source video, audio data
- Segments video into I, P B frames
- Generates system control data
- Packetises elements into data stream
- Multiplexes program elements - services
- Multiplexes services - transport stream
- Organises transport stream data into 188 byte
76MPEG-2 - Formats ML HL
- MPEG-2 defines profiles levels
- They describe sets of compression tools
- DTTB uses main profile.
- Choice of levels
- Higher levels include lower levels
- Level resolution
- Low level (LL) 360 by 288 SIF
- Main level (ML) 720 by 576 SDTV
- High level (HL) 1920 by 1152 HDTV
77Video Formats - SDTV - 50 Hz
All these formats are Interlaced
78Video Formats - HDTV - 50 Hz
79Common Image Format CIF
- 1920 pixels x 1080 lines progressive scan is now
being promoted as the world CIF. - All HDTV systems will need to support this image
format and then allow conversion to any other
display formats that are supported by the
80DTTB - Content Services
- DTTB was designed to carry video, audio and
program data for television - DTTB can carry much more than just TV
- Electronic program guide, teletext
- Best of internet service
- Broadband multimedia data, news, weather
- Interactive services
- Software updates, games
- Services can be dynamically reconfigured
81Video Program Capacity
For a payload of around 19 Mb/s
- 1 HDTV service - sport high action
- 2 HDTV services - both film material
- 1 HDTV 1 or 2 SDTV non action/sport
- 3 SDTV for high action sport video
- 6 SDTV for film, news soap operas
- However you do not get more for nothing.
- More services means less quality
82Spare Data Capacity
- Spare data capacity is available even on a fully
loaded channel. - Opportunistic use of spare data capacity when
available can provide other non real time data
services. - Example 51 secondBMW commercial
The Commercial wasshown using 1080
Lines Interlaced. 60 Mb of data was transferred
during it. In the Final 3 seconds the BMW Logo
was displayed allowing 3 Phone Books of data to
be transmitted.
83Navigation Systems
- The concept of channel numbers for networks may
disappear with DTV - Television becomes one of a number of services
carried within the data pipe. - Users will select what service or program they
wish to decode. The box then finds it. - Each digital transmission can carry program
directories for all service providers - This area is still under heavy development
84Australian Activity
- ABA report on digital television in Australia
recommended using HDTV - FACTS have set up a specialists group to advise
and direct commercial advanced television
development - Represents commercial television (7,9,10)
- ABA and communications lab have been assisting
this group - NTA, ABC and SBS are not represented
- NTA commenced own trials
85Laboratory Tests
- Tested both COFDM 8-VSB systems
- Investigated operation within the existing
Australian broadcasting infrastructure - Systems evaluated as data pipes
- Both systems operate satisfactorily with only
small operational differences evident - Report on measurements was produced for the FACTS
specialists group
86Laboratory Tests - Test Rig
C/N Set Attenuators
Spectrum Analysers
Plot Printing
87Laboratory Tests - Test Rig
Power Meter
PAL CWInterferenceGenerators
MPEG Encoder
MPEG Encoder
88Field Tests
- Field tests conducted in Sydney on VHF channel 8
during oct-nov 1997 - Both COFDM 8-VSB systems evaluated at over 150
sites using an ABA field vehicle - Comparison of the digital and existing PAL
systems performance at each site - Concentrating on difficult reception sites
- Report on field trials was produced for the
FACTS specialists group
89A Future Digital System Concept
HypermediaIntegrated ReceiverDecoder (IRD)
90Future - Things to Be Done
- Decide on digital transmission standard
- Policy HDTV vs multiple SDTV
- Minimum data rates / quality ?
- Multiplex / content provider relationships
- Pay vs free to air
- Sort out service provider issues
- Conditional access systems
- Ancillary data
91The End
- Thankyou for your attention
- Any questions?