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... Unintelligible jargon, Inarticulate jargon ... It has no rational meaning but consists of mere ecstatic utterances ... page 23 Definition : Acts 2:1-13 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Tongue Speaking
What is the gift of tongues? What does the NT
Acts 24-5
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak with other tongues, as the
Spirit gave them utterance. 5 And there were
dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men,
Acts 26-8
6 And when this sound occurred, the multitude
came together, and were confused, because
everyone heard them speak in his own language. 7
Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to
one another, "Look, are not all these who speak
Galileans? 8 And how is it that we hear, each in
our own language in which we were born?
In the NT tongues was an identifiable
language heard them speaking in his own
language Other claims today New language,
Prayer language, Language of Adam, Unintelligible
jargon, Inarticulate jargon, Meaningless
sylables, Devotional language
Glossolalia is a phenomenon of abnormal
psychology found in most world religions, both
ancient and modern, and often completely outside
of religious context. It has no rational meaning
but consists of mere ecstatic utterances. Glossol
ilia, Jimmy Jividen, page 23
Tongues in NT
Acts 21-13 Who spoke in tongues ? Only the 12
apostles All were Galileans (27) Mathias with
11 (126) Peter with the 11 (214) Peter and
rest of apostles (237)
Tongues in NT
Acts 21-13 Who spoke in tongues ? What was the
nature of tongues ? Common, known
language Language not known or studied by the
speaker Able to speak as if it were their native
Tongues in NT
Acts 21-13 Who spoke in tongues ? What was the
nature of tongues ? How was this power
received ? Holy Spirit directly on
them Endued with power (Luke 2449) Without any
human intervention As was promised by Jesus
Tongues in NT
Acts 21-13 Who spoke in tongues ? What was the
nature of tongues ? How was this power
received ? What was the purpose ? Fulfilled Joel
228-32 Visible demonsatration of God's approval
of their preaching Able to communicat the gospel
in the native language of hearers
Tongues in NT
Acts 1044-48 It was a like gift - tongues It
came in a similar manner direct from God
Purpose convince Jews that the gospel is for
ALL men Tongues are not related to salvation
Cornelius spoke in tongues before his baptism
Tongues in NT
Acts 191-6 Tongues came through the laying on
of apostles hands Problem their faith was
looking the wrong direction They were baptized in
the name of the Lord Jesus
Tongues in NT
1 Corinthians 12, 13, 14 Brief Summary 12 List
of 9 spiritual gifts, we are a body of different
parts, we need all the parts, must work
together 13 Love is greater, Love lasts, gifts
are temporary 14 Prophecy is more useful than
tongues, rules for how they are used in worship
Tongues in NT
1 Corinthians 12, 13, 14 Comments on unknown
tongue Unknown is in italics added by
translators to clarify meaning Not unknown to
mankind But unknown to the speaker We can not say
Amen unless we understand the language (1416)
Tongues in NT
Tongues was a gift given to NT Christians The
purpose was to aid in the rapid spread of the
gospel It was one of 9 temporary gifts That gift
ceased, faded away Church was well
established Inspiration was complete Copies of
NT were available Need for tongues ended
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