Title: - Group Name - presentation date-
1- Group Name- presentation date-
- - Name of Study Club Member -
- - Anonymous Patient ID -
2Facial Photo Patients Background
3Medical History
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5
- Item 6
- Item 7
4Chief Complaint
- Complaint 1
- Complaint 2
- Complaint 3
5Dental History
- DentHx1
- DentHx2
- DentHx3
- DentHx4
- DentHx5
- DentHx6
- DentHx7
6Family History
- FamilyHX1
- FamilyHX2
- FamilyHX3
- FamilyHX4
7Dental Findings
- DentalFinding1
- DentalFinding2
- DentalFinding3
- DentalFinding4
- DentalFinding5
- DentalFinding6
- DentalFinding7
- DentalFinding8
8Dental Findings, 2nd slide if needed
- DentalFinding1
- DentalFinding2
- DentalFinding3
- DentalFinding4
- DentalFinding5
- DentalFinding6
- DentalFinding7
- DentalFinding8
9Periodontal Findings
- PerioFinding
- PerioFinding
- PerioFinding
- PerioFinding
- PerioFinding
- PerioFinding
- PerioFinding
10Radiographic Findings
- XrayFinding
- XrayFinding
- XrayFinding
- XrayFinding
- XrayFinding
- XrayFinding
- XrayFinding
- XrayFinding
11Facial Photo/Frontal intraoral photo (full arch,
12Facial Photo (normal smile)/Facial Photo
(exaggerated smile)
13Facial Photo (lips relaxed)/Profile Photo
14Maxillary Arch, occlusal photo/Mandibular Arch,
occlusal photo
15R Posterior photo, in occlusion/L Posterior
photo, in occlusion
16Probings, maxillary/Probings, mandibular
17X-rays, right half/X-rays, left half
18UR Posterior, buccal photo/UR Posterior, lingual
19Probings, UR Posterior/X-rays, UR Posterior
20Probings, U Anterior/X-rays, U Anterior
21UL Posterior, lingual photo/UL Posterior, buccal
22Probings, UL Posterior/X-rays, UL Posterior
23LL Posterior, lingual photo/LL Posterior, buccal
24L Anterior, facial photo/L Anterior, lingual
25Probings, Lower Anterior/X-rays, Lower Anterior
26Probings, upper/Probings, lower
27X-rays, right/X-rays, left
- Diagnosis1
- diagnosis2
- diagnosis3
- diagnosis4
- diagnosis5
- diagnosis6
- diagnosis7
29Diagnoses, 2nd slide if needed
- Diagnosis1
- diagnosis2
- diagnosis3
- diagnosis4
- diagnosis5
- diagnosis6
- diagnosis7
30Problem List
- Problem 1
- Problem 2
- Problem 3
- Problem 4
- Problem 5
- Problem 6
- Problem 7
31Problem List, 2nd slide if needed
- Problem 1
- Problem 2
- Problem 3
- Problem 4
- Problem 5
- Problem 6
- Problem 7
32Etiology and Contributing Factors
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5
- Item 6
- Item 7
- Item 8
33Etiology and Contributing Factors2nd slide if
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5
- Item 6
- Item 7
- Item 8
34Prognosis, Short Term
35Prognosis, Long Term
36PAUSE HEREforDiscussion
37Treatment OptionsProposed to patient
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5
- Item 6
- Item 7
- Item 8
38Treatment OptionsProposed to patient, slide 2
- Item 9
- Item 10
- Item 11
- Item 12
- Item 13
- Item 14
- Item 15
- Item 16
39Treatment Optionsaccepted by patient
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5
- Item 6
- Item 7
- Item 8
40Treatment Optionsaccepted by patient
- Item 9
- Item 10
- Item 11
- Item 12
- Item 13
- Item 14
- Item 15
- Item 16
41Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
42Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
43Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
44Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
45Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
46Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
47Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
48Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
49Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
50Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
51Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
52Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
53Post-Treatment Photos(if available)
54Post-Treatment Photos(if available)