Title: Unit 2 Week 1 Theme: BASEBALL
1Unit 2 Week 1 Theme BASEBALL
2Oral Language
- Access Prior Knowledge
- What does it mean when a pitcher throws a strike?
- What are the basic rules of baseball?
3Focus Question
- Describe the players uniforms.
- What kinds of skills do baseball players need?
- Legendary
- Muttered
- Gaped
- Snickering
- Insult
- Fluke
- Flinched
5Round Table (kagan)
- Students will read Women pick up the Ball on
page 150-151 - If you find unfamiliar words look for context
clues. - Descriptions in the paragraph may help you to
understand the unfamiliar words.
6Making inferences and Analyze/Authors Purpose
- Good readers use their own prior knowledge and
details that the author does include to make
inferences, or draw reasonable conclusions, about
the characters and the plot. - When making inferences, readers can compare the
characters experiences to their own experiences.
7Core Selection
- Listen to Mighty Jackie
- Unfamiliar words you might come across
- Exhibition- an event for people to watch just for
fun - Pitcher- the member of the baseball team who
throws the ball - Major-league- the highest level in professional
8Vocabulary Mapping
- After listening to the core selection
- Students will begin working on the first 3
words, definitions, illustrations, and sentences
on the vocabulary mapping sheet.
9Fluency (single slasha pause, double
slashstop.)Listen first
- And now she was finally going to have her chance
- to play on a real baseball team,/ to pitch to
real - players.// The stands were packed.// A crowd of
- four thousand had come to see the strange sight
of - a woman on the pitchers mound.//
- She stood tall on the field and looked back at
the crowd in the bleachers.// They were waiting
for her to make a mistake,/ and she knew it.//
They were waiting for her to prove that baseball
was a mans game,/ not her game.//
10Echo ReadA-Teacher B-Students
- And now she was finally going to have her chance
- to play on a real baseball team,/ to pitch to
real - players.// The stands were packed.// A crowd of
- four thousand had come to see the strange sight
of - a woman on the pitchers mound.//
- She stood tall on the field and looked back at
the - crowd in the bleachers.// They were waiting for
her - to make a mistake,/ and she knew it.// They were
- waiting for her to prove that baseball was a
mans - game,/ not her game.//
11PhonicsDecode words with ch and tch
- The consonant digraphs ch and tch are used to
represent the single sound /ch/. The ch digraph
may be found at the beginning, middle, or end of
a word, as in cheese, rancher, or couch. - The digraph tch may appear in the middle or at
the end of a word, as in matches or batch. The
digraph ch can be silent, as in yacht. The
digraph ch can also be used to represent the /k/
sound, as in anchor.
- Chimney
- Practice/Apply-
- Cheddar chore church much which watch p
atch pitcher hatchet chord - Underline the digraphs ch and tch.
- Read the words aloud.
- Which word does not have the /ch/ sound
15Social StudiesDifferentiated Instruction
- Share the Think-Tac-Toe with students letting
them know that they get to choose 1 activity from
each row to show what they know. - If they get done with those 3 they can do as many
more as they want.
16Think-Tac-Toe Name________________ Unit
Theme Baseball
Create a survey for another class about baseball. Email and attach document using ePals to share with the class. Make a poster that compares the individual number of homeruns of two different baseball players. Include on your poster career HRs, Left and right handed HRs grand slams and inside the park. Display for the class. Read an article about a famous baseball player and write a one-page summary.
Write a poem about baseball or a famous baseball player. Read it for the class. Create a collage of adjectives and nouns expressing how you feel about baseball using wordle. Design a PowerPoint presentation about your favorite baseball player to share with the class.
Make a baseball collage of pictures that you find interesting about baseball. Write a convincing dialogue to role-play one sports reporter from Chattanooga and one from New York. Each should present a short description for the chosen hometown fans of how Jackie pitched against the Yankee stars. Come up with a dance for the song Take me out to the ball game. Be prepared to share at the end of the week
17Writing-Persuasive letter
- One purpose is to invite someone to do something.
- The audience is the person you are inviting.
- Show Transparency 22.
- Prompt Write a letter to convince a friend or
family member to do something. - Choose a topic Students should create a writers
list of ideas, including all the specifics about
where the ideas came from.
18(No Transcript)
19Begin Pre-write Stage
- Pick a topic
- Complete a graph like the one shown.
- Keep your purpose and audience in mind
- Provide convincing reasons and details
- Use a persuasive voice and refer to their
21Sample Letter
- 650 S. Apache
- Wichita, KS 67207
- October 13th, 2009
- Dear Jorge,
- I really hope you will come. Its going to be at
Wilson Field in June. Professional ballplayers
will teach us how to play every position, and we
can improve our batting averages. So talk to you
later. -
- Your pal,
- David