Entertainment Marketing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Entertainment Marketing


Title: Lesson 1: Overview & History Author: ISD 279 Last modified by: Osseo Admin Created Date: 11/30/2005 4:32:33 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Entertainment Marketing

Unit 4
  • Entertainment Marketing
  • Finally!

Lesson 1 Overview History
  • Think about your week.......
  • What have your spent money on?

  • defined whatever people are willing to spend
    their money and spare time viewing, rather than
    participating in
  • sports and the arts, viewed in person or in
    broadcast or recorded form
  • movies, theatre, the circus, traditional athletic
  • professional wrestling is an exaggeration of a
    real sport
  • Can you provide another definition?
  • TV Movies Radio Performing Arts
  • Internet Theme Parks Travel

  • "American children and adolescents spend 22 to 28
    hours per week viewing television, more than any
    other activity except sleeping. By the age of 70
    they will have spent 7 to 10 years of their lives
    watching TV."-- The Kaiser Family Foundation
  • At present, about two-thirds of the people in the
    United States are Internet users.  These people
    spend about just over one hour per day on the
    average using the Internet. Young adults average
    10 hours online per week .http//www.zonalatina.co
  • The entertainment industry is a 200 billion/yr
  • During 1990s movie revenue doubled from 12.8 to
    24.9 billion dollars with over 500 films released
    each year
  • Theme parks collect over 5.5 billion per year in
    ticket receipts

Two Ways to Look at it
  • market entertainment as a product pursue the
    free time of people who can also pay for the
  • 2. using entertainment to market a product or
    service is hiring celebrities to endorse related

market segment
  • group of people who have the ability and desire
    to purchase a specific product
  • Common practice is to collect marketing
    information about the largest market segment for
    the product, then customize products or services
    to the tastes of the market.

Marketing to Baby Boomers (1946-64) from
  • -surge in Boomer spending began in 1993 and will
    continue to grow until 2008 when the number of
    46-year-olds begins to decline
  • -impact on leisure time activities, such as
    entertainment, will continue the major consumer
    economic surge started in 1946 with diapers and
    baby formula
  • -Boomers wont retire soften the line between
    complete retirement and work

So what are some benefits of marketing
entertainment to a small audience (Boomers) than
to the masses?
What type of entertainment do you think Boomers
prefer? What about people in their 30s?
Tweens? Why?
Lets look at the Opening Act on page 14
3 TV Shows Products

What do you think entertainment was like in the
early days?
  • Before understanding magnitude of entertainment
    marketing today, we need to go back and see the
    beginnings of entertainment

  • One of the oldest forms of entertainment, and
    probably the LEAST promoted!
  • Have you been to any plays, musicals?
  • What are some famous plays/musicals? How did
    they get to be famous or well-known?

  • Primitive
  • members used dances to calm the supernatural
    powers, get rid of evil spirits
  • European / Greek Theater
  • Started by the Ancient Greeks. Women were not
    allowed to perform. Early Roman actors were
    slaves owned by managers. Later actors were
    citizens and became famous and wealthy.
  • The Renaissance Theater
  • More worldly, plays were performed in inns,
    hotels, and halls, and slowly moved to theaters
    of their own.
  • 19th Century Theater
  • Due to the Industrial Revolution, many classes of
    people moved into the cities and theater began to
    change. New forms of theater were created for
    working people such as Vaudeville Burlesque The
    United States still depended on Europe for it's
    drama theater styles.
  • 20th Century Theater
  • Modern stages have newer technology and special
    effects. People not only come to theaters for
    drama, but they come for music,
  • entertainment, education,
    and to learn something new!

Marketing of Theater
  • mostly posters, newspapers, magazines, and
  • Little promotion on billboards, radio, and
    television, upscale or theater magazines and
    other publications
  • Word-of-Mouth major source of promotion for
    Broadway shows
  • Manhattans district is on Broadway between 42nd
    Street and 59th Street
  • Has anyone heard of 42nd Street?
  • Rosie ODonnell is credited with increasing sales
    of Broadway tickets because of her endorsements

  • How do you report the history of music? starting
    with basic vocals and natural sounds in
    prehistoric days up through wide variety of
    styles and genres.
  • Today, music is varied, with real instruments and
    technological advances.
  • MTV debuted in the 1980s
  • Dire Straits Money for Nothing

Music Marketing
  • Lets look at the Opening Act on page 176
  • How many of you listen to rap? Favorite artists?
  • Why do you think so many listen / like rap?
  • Why would rappers be advised to soften their

Todays Top Music
  • Marketing Music
  • sampling inclusion on a CD of excerpts from the
    music of other artists, can be compared to a
    trailer in the movies
  • Concerts promote album sales (primary income
    method of artists)
  • Word of mouth, radio, internet
  • How about rap?
  • Madison Avenue in New York is the home of
    American advertising for rap

Distributing Music
  • Ever heard of ClearChannel broadcasting?
  • They are said to control 90 of the music we
    hear on the radio.
  • Have you bought a CD lately? Why or why not?
  • MP3 and the Music Download business
  • the 12 billion-a-year music industry is taking a
    hard look at its way of doing business
  • Musicians are bypassing record companies to
    market directly to their fans through the Internet

Money in Music
  • Cost to make the average album 125,000
  • In order to get heard/well known you need
    connections (agency/label)
  • Every year 7,000 albums released
  • Artists get approximately 15 (producers,
    agencies, labels, retailers all take a cut of the

  • What can you remember about the history of films?

Film History
  • Louis LePrince first moving pictures in Britain
    in 1888
  • Lumiere brothers first to present a projected
    movie to paying audience in a café in Paris in
    1895, promotion followed with the construction of
    theaters for movies
  • Films were silent and lasted only a few minutes
  • The Jazz Singer the first movies with sound
    (1927)movie clip

Marketing of Film
  • Television commercials, trailers (prior to other
    films in theaters or DVD), newspapers, internet
  • Ever heard of the Blair Witch Project?
  • Rumors on the Internet made people think the
    story was true. Youll learn later how much it
    cost to make and how much money it made!
  • Marketing of Film
  • limited to posters, newspapers, magazines, and
  • Modern Entertainment Marketing
  • technologies of all sorts changed marketing,
    advertising, and distribution forever
  • television, radio, Internet, public buses
    rolling billboard,
  • subway cars ad panels

Why would a movie be released directly to video
rather than a movie theater first?
No More Late Fees!
  • videos are sold at mass-market retailers such as
  • point-of-purchase (POP) displays (big displays
    with catchy life-size display pictures holding
    the DVDs help increase sales)
  • Netflix has changed the movie rental business for
  • Other movie rental companies have followed suit
  • Cable/Satellite pay-per-view services are growing
    in popularity
  • People dont even need to leave the comfort of
    their own homes to get a flick!
  • McDonalds is even renting DVDs (and only 1!)

The American Film Institute (AFI) announced the
100 greatest American movies of all time, as
selected by a blue-ribbon panel of leaders from
across the film community.
  • 1. CITIZEN KANE (1941)
  • 2. CASABLANCA (1942)
  • 3. THE GODFATHER (1972)
  • 4. GONE WITH THE WIND (1939)
  • 5. LAWRENCE OF ARABIA (1962)
  • 6. THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939)
  • 7. THE GRADUATE (1967)
  • 8. ON THE WATERFRONT (1954)
  • 9. SCHINDLER'S LIST (1993)
  • 10. SINGIN' IN THE RAIN (1952)

Top 10 Funny and Scary Films
  • Some Like It Hot (59)
  • Tootsie (82)
  • Dr. Strangelove (64)
  • Annie Hall (77)
  • Duck Soup (33)
  • Blazing Saddles (74)
  • MASH (70)
  • It Happened One Night (34)
  • The Graduate (67)
  • 10. Airplane (80)
  • Psycho (60)
  • Jaws (75)
  • The Exorcist (73)
  • North by Northwest (59)
  • Silence of the Lambs (91)
  • Alien (79)
  • The Birds (63)
  • The French Connection (71)
  • Rosemarys Baby (68)
  • 10. Raiders of Lost Ark (81)

8 Most Expensive Films
  • King Kong 2005 207,000,000
  • Titanic 1997 200,000,000
  • Spider-Man 2 2004 200,000,000
  • Chronicles of Narnia 2005 180,000,000
  • Troy 2004 175,000,000
  • Waterworld 1995 175,000,000
  • Terminator 3 2003 175,000,000
  • Wild Wild West 1999 170,000,000

The Big Eye in Every Room
  • TV

  • television provided a wide-open distribution
    channel to consumers
  • The early days of television and marketing
  • end of WWII (nine television stations and fewer
    than 7,000 working TV sets in the U.S.)
  • October 1945 more than 25,000 people came to
    Gimbels Department Store in Philadelphia to
    watch the first demonstration of TV
  • 1945 American Association of Advertising
    Agencies encouraged the start of television
  • TV advertising hooked the imagination of the
    viewer-consumer in ways not possible by
    newspapers and magazines
  • 1946 NBC and Gillette Company staged a
    heavyweight boxing match viewed by an estimated
    audience of 150,000 watching on 5,000 TV sets (an
    average of 30 people watching the fight on each

History of TV
  • Televisions Increasing Influence
  • major national corporations lined up to buy time
    and produce advertisements
  • pricing of time for TV advertisements was quickly
    tied to the number of viewers the programming
  • television stations invited advertisers to use
    their expertise to create commercials
  • nine TV stations of 1945 grew to 98 stations by
  • 1996 223 million television sets in the United
    States (many homes have at least two television

Timeline of TV
  • 1945 Fewer than 7,000 TVs in U.S.
  • 1946 ABC network formed
  • 1947 Howdy Doody show aired
  • Ed Sullivan Show, advertisers
  • accept tv and buy time
  • Ad sponsors leave radio for tv
  • _at_ record rates
  • I Love Lucy-sitcom is born
  • 1951 1st color TV
  • Protests about program content,
  • advertisers spend 228 million for
  • TV time
  • 1953 Color TV
  • 1958 Advertisers for radio/TV hit 2 billion
  • 1963 Instant replay introduced
  • Debate over cigarette commercials
  • First color network.._________
  • 1967 Survey 63 dont like commercials
  • 1969 Cigarette advertisers agree stop ads
  • 1971 FCC prohibits 3 networks to re-
  • broadcast primetime shows
  • 1979 ESPN debuts
  • 1980 CNN, MTV
  • 1982 Home Shopping Network
  • Apple Computer commercial-starts
  • havoc for Super Bowl, Michael
  • Jacksons hair on fire from Pepsi
  • commercial
  • Neilson ratings gets tech advance of
  • w/people meter
  • 1988 Video Cassette Recorder
  • 1991 Coke sponsors Olympics
  • 1992 Infomercials are born
  • 1993 Letterman moves from NBC to CBS
  • World Cup reaches 33 billion
  • baseball strike (loses 95 mil in ads,
  • 500 million in spending)

How are you entertained?
  • Cable Mania
  • cable television programs are picked up by a
    master antenna and delivered to homes throughout
    the country, users pay for cable
  • new cable channels target specific demographic
  • Fox Family Channel offers the girlzChannel and
    the boyzChannel aimed at the Junior-high-age
  • Let's look at some channels on cable TV.

Satellite TV
  • allows rural areas to receive many or any of the
    stations offering more than 200 channels
  • must buy a dish (starting at 130) and subscribe
    to a monthly service (beginning at 20 per month)
  • expected to grow to 40 million households by 2007
  • buy products through the telephone or Internet
    after seeing them advertised on television
  • What are the disadvantages of having hundreds of
  • What are advantages of satellite TV versus cable
  • How much longer will broadcast channels be
    available free w/an antenna?

Entertainment Technology
  • How many of you use the Internet? WHY?
  • How many use it to find info?
  • What about sports/entertainment info?
  • Do you think marketers know when YOU visit these
  • How, what info are they collecting?

  • Been around since the 1960s (for government
    purposes originally)
  • Grew in 1970s with Universities

Internet Entertainment
  • Its expected in your lifetime that television
    and internet use will be a combined service.
  • Each room of your home will be connected to your
    home server where you will be able to watch TV,
    surf the net, etc.
  • Imagine watching your favorite music video and
    clicking on anything in the video (clothing,
    jewelry, furniture) And youd be able to have it
    sent directly to your home!
  • Your home server would hold your movies, music,
    television etc.

Amazing Growth
  • Now its estimated that in Sept 2006 there were
    over 108 million MySpace registered users.
  • If MySpace were a country itd be the 11th
    largest in the world. (between Japan and Mexico)
  • There are over 207 billion searches on Google
    each month. (What did we do BG?)
  • The number of text messages sent per day exceeds
    the total population of our planet.
  • 3,000 books are published each day
  • 47 million laptops were shipped last year

Internet Entertainment
  • marketers prepare advertising campaigns geared
    toward those users
  • Internet is becoming the most valuable place to
    advertise (320 million Internet users and 55
    million being Internet shoppers anticipated in

Profits and Distribution
  • Lesson 2

The Profit Makers-Movies
  • The Big Six movie studios 20th Century Fox,
    Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures, NBC Universal,
    Warner Brothers Entertainment, Buena Vista Group.
  • Average cost to make a movie in 2004
  • 63,800,000!
  • Average cost to market a movie in 2004
  • 39,000,000!

Trailers and Previews
  • When waiting for a movie to start, marketers have
    a captive and target audience
  • These trailers or previews are CRITICAL to
    attracting an audience.

Large Studio Role
  • Paramount Pictures (Viacom, Inc.) and Twentieth
    Century Fox Film Corporation (News Corp.) were
    successful thanks to the blockbuster
  • (Titanic which sold more than 1.8 billion in
    tickets worldwide)
  • Large studios take on the role of financial
    manager in an effort to spread the economic risk
    of making a movie
  • Titanic first movie to earn more than 600
    million in North America
  • promoters never missed a promotional
    opportunity and succeeded at each
  • Titanic was still showing in 502 theaters the
    weekend prior to its video release
  • stores all over the country stayed open after
    midnight to accommodate customers who lined up to
    purchase the video when it was released at
    1201 a.m.

How can studios generate a profit besides ticket
sales in the United States? How might the movie
distribution system differ in countries other
than the U.S.?
Profit and Opportunity
  • Other Sources of Income
  • Profit from an American film depends largely on
    the popularity of that film overseas
  • income from merchandising, soundtracks,
    relationships to theme parks, global releases,
    and ticket sales in the U.S. and abroad
  • The Blair Witch Project grossed 36 million in
    ticket sales during its first three weeks in
  • Fox sold nearly 2 billion in movie tickets
    outside the U.S. (Titanic, Theres Something
    About Mary, The X Files)
  • International release of a movie can increase box
    office receipts by 50 to 100 percent
  • Most films generate less than 25 percent of their
    final income from domestic ticket sales alone
  • The 1.3 billion people in China is a promising
    new potential audience

Big Time Failures
  • Gigli 2003 Budget 54,000,000
  • Estimated
    marketing costs 20,000,000
  • Worldwide Gross Box office

  • US Box Office Gross 6,068,735

  • Loss 70,366,896
  • The Stepford Wives 2004 Budget
  • Estimated
    marketing costs 35,000,000
  • Worldwide Gross Box
    office 101,913,194
  • US
    Box Office Gross 59,484,742

  • Loss 74,043,404

Nicole Kidman, Glen Close, Matthew Broderick,
Bette Middler, Christopher Walken, Jon Lovitz,
(No Transcript)
Is it a movie or a commercial?
  • ancillary rightsthe permission to use a films
    characters on other products such as toys, games,
    and clothing
  • Toy Story and The Lion King (toy promotion
    bonanzas) promotional plans for toys were
    finished before the scripts for the movies were
  • making a good movie is the key to selling toys
  • parents vote for or against a movies popularity
    with the dollars they spend on the related toys
    and merchandise

Why would a movie be released directly to video
rather than a wide release (2000 theaters or
more) first?
So let's look at an example p. 194 13
  • A local band with five members has the following
  • Renting a studio 2400
  • Release song over web 5000
  • Duplication of CD 50,000 (20,000 copies)
  • Advertising 62,000
  • Fees (agent/songwriter) 10
  • If CD sells for 15 per copy, how many copies
    will have to be sold in order to clear 10,000
    for each member of the band?

Walt Disney Company.more than castles and
cartoonsIts a MEGA conglomerate..all of these
companies are under the same ownership
  • Theme parks
  • Video distribution
  • Movie studios
  • ABC TV
  • Television production
  • Hockey team
  • ESPN
  • Broadway shows
  • Publishing
  • Cruise line

Marketing Entertainment Today
Lesson 3
Global Challenges
  • uncertainty about government policy in some
    countries chills the spark of interest in selling
    entertainment products in those countries
  • countries want to develop their own entertainment
  • France is very protective of its culture in the
    film and television industry
  • Global Distribution
  • Some examples
  • Disney In Europe, Elvis in Israel,
  • Intl Music, Country Music all over,
  • Intl Sports

Awards Event Marketing
  • Have you ever watched
  • an award show?
  • What did you think?
  • What does it mean financially for a movie to be
  • What kind of PROMOTION is this? (advertising,
    sales promotion, publicity or personal selling)

  • Simply being NOMINATED is all it takes

  • The Oscars statue looks like Uncle Oscar
  • Given by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
  • 5,000 members determine each Academy Award
  • Oscar nomination is a promotional bonanza for a
    motion picture, director, studio, and star,
    creates exciting media coverage increases the
    number of ticket buyers
  • winning an award and getting a nomination have
    promotional value that money cannot buy Getting
    an Award
  • weeks prior, studios spend as much as 15 millon
  • -second-highest TV viewership after the
    Super Bowl
  • ABC network has purchased broadcast rights to the
    Academy Awards through the year 2008
  • In 1998 ABC charged 915,000 per ad minute during
    the Oscars.

The Grammys
  • Look like a gramophone.old fashioned record
  • Given by the National Academy of Recording Arts
    and Sciences (NARAS) an association of more than
    13,000 musicians, producers, and other recording
  • 92 categories in the Grammy Awards
  • winners selected by vote of the committee members
  • brings a lot of attention to a musician but does
    not guarantee success or sales
  • Milli Vanilli (prize later revoked when the
    group admitted that they did not sing one note on
    their prize-winning album)Girl You Know It's True

The Emmys
  • Given by The Academy of Television Arts and
  • 8,000 member organization Primetime Emmy for
    excellence in nighttime and daytime television
  • winning shows or stars can increase the viewing
  • Whats your agenda?
  • The Practice Camryn Manheim dedicated her Emmy
    to all the fat girls (brought attention and a
    marketing boost to size-oriented publications)
  • Why do the Emmys distinguish between nighttime
    and daytime shows?

The Tony Awards
  • named after Antoinette Perry, who served as the
    head of the Board of the American Theatre Wing
  • given to professionals in theater for
    distinguished achievement
  • since 1976 recognizes regional theaters that
    have contributed to artistic achievement and
    growth of the theater
  • Rating of the awards went up with Rosie ODonnell
    as the host in 1998
  • How can we increase interest in the Tony Awards?
  • Who do you think would be a good host for awards?

  • How would you define Recreational Activities?
  • Give some examples of these activities?
  • What is the difference between entertainment

Marketing Recreation
  • Lesson 4

  • renewing or rejuvenating your body or mind with
    play or amusing activity
  • Recreational Activities involved in travel,
    tourism, and amateur sports not associated
    w/educational institutions
  • Can be customized to fit many different income

Recreational Sports
  • entice people away from home-based entertainment
    (golf, tennis, bowling, hiking, snow skiing, snow
    boarding, biking, travel, tourism)
  • recreational sports require purchase of products
    and services
  • the participant must make a commitment of time
    and money for lessons, practice, equipment, and
    travel to a facility or location
  • planning the product or service is very important
  • people remaining active throughout lives rec.
    activities can cross generations

Lets look at the Opening Act
  • on page 19

Travel and Tourism
  • Tourism traveling for pleasure whether the
    travel is independent or tour-based
  • tourism includes vacations, honeymoons,
    conventions, and family visits
  • The travel industry employs 130 million people
    and is the worlds largest industry!

3 Think Critically p. 23
  • Why do you think California attracts more
    visitors than any other state in the nation?
  • How could South Dakota and Oklahoma could attract
    more travelers?

Travel Technology
  • E-Tickets
  • airlines offer web sites to book their own travel
    tickets (e-tickets) instead of buying them from a
    travel agent
  • Travel Traditions
  • travelers prefer convenience and experienced,
    informed guidance of a travel agent to save time
    (takes care of airline, hotel, car rental, and
    dinner reservations)

The Traveler
  • The Business Traveler
  • airlines and hotels cater to these people (major
    source of profit)
  • business fares make up 60 percent of the airline
  • airlines have member-only clubs in most major
  • The Tourist
  • family vacations are a booming business
  • 1998- 108.4 million U.S. adults took two
  • family reunions are a major incentive for the
    travel industry to market to adults
  • self-indulgence travel luxurious culture
    travel highlight historical resources
  • Ecotourism
  • one of the fastest growing segments of the travel
  • responsible travel to natural areas that
    conserves the environment and sustains the
    well-being of local people
  • matter of educating the travel industry and

Theme Parks/Resorts
  • First theme parks were back in 1550s in Europe.
  • Today the US has over 600 theme parks
  • Disneyland (1950s) changed parks into what they
    are today
  • New rollercoaster can cost as much as 50 million

Theme Parks
  • theme parks are family-oriented destinations
    (have activities, rides, and other attractions
    centered on celebrities, characters, or
    entertainment that are well known to children)
  • Promoting theme parks means catching the
    attention of the children who influence the
    choice of destination
  • connect the theme park to movies, television, or
    other interests of young people
  • Look at page 233 for the most popular Theme Park

  • Aimed at adults
  • Focus on a single or small number of sports

Have you been to a Hall of Fame?
  • serves as a basis for promoting tourism
  • (from lacrosse to jousting, from chess to
  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in
  • U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame in Titusville, FL
  • National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame in
    Saratoga Springs
  • More than 200 in U.S.
  • attracting visitors is critical to keeping the
    hall alive
  • needs a perfect marketing mix right theme for
    the site, located at the right exit, promoted in
    the right way at the right places, and priced
    just right
  • word of mouth is an excellent source of promoting
    to future customers

The End..
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