Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
2Rock Mass Classification
- Why?
- How does this help us in tunnel design?
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
3Rock Mass Classification WHY?
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
4Ground interaction
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
5Summary of rock mass characteristics,
testing methods and theoretical considerations
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
6Types of failure which occur in rock masses under
low and high in-situ stress levels
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
7Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
8Engineering Rock Mass Classification Schemes
- Developed for estimation of tunnel support
- Used at project feasibility and preliminary
design stages - Simple check lists or detailed schemes
- Used to develop a picture of the rock mass and
its - variability
- Used to provide initial empirical estimates of
tunnel - support requirements
- Are practical engineering tools which force the
user to - examine the properties of the rock mass
- Do Not replace detailed design methods
- Project specific
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
9Terzaghis Rock Mass Classification (1946)
- Rock Mass Descriptions
- Intact
- Stratified
- Moderately jointed
- Blocky and Seamy
- Crushed
- Squeezing
- Swelling
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
10Terzaghis Rock Mass Classification (1946)
- Intact rock contains neither joints nor hair
cracks. Hence, if it breaks, it breaks across
sound rock. On account of the injury to the rock
due to blasting, spalls may drop off the roof
several hours or days after blasting. This is
known as a spalling condition. Hard, intact rock
may also be encountered in the popping condition
involving the spontaneous and violent detachment
of rock slabs from the sides or roof. - Stratified rock consists of individual strata
with little or no resistance against separation
along the boundaries between the strata. The
strata may or may not be weakened by transverse
joints. In such rock the spalling condition is
quite common. - Moderately jointed rock contains joints and hair
cracks, but the blocks between joints are locally
grown together or so intimately interlocked that
vertical walls do not require lateral support.
In rocks of this type, both spalling and popping
conditions may be encountered.
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
11Terzaghis Rock Mass Classification (1946)
- Blocky and seamy rock consists of chemically
intact or almost intact rock fragments which are
entirely separated from each other and
imperfectly interlocked. In such rock, vertical
walls may require lateral support. - Crushed but chemically intact rock has the
character of crusher run. If most or all of the
fragments are as small as fine sand grains and no
recementation has taken place, crushed rock below
the water table exhibits the properties of a
water-bearing sand. - Squeezing rock slowly advances into the tunnel
without perceptible volume increase. A
prerequisite for squeeze is a high percentage of
microscopic and sub-microscopic particles of
micaceous minerals or clay minerals with a low
swelling capacity. - Swelling rock advances into the tunnel chiefly on
account of expansion. The capacity to swell seems
to be limited to those rocks that contain clay
minerals such as montmorillonite, with a high
swelling capacity.
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
12Rock Quality Designation Index (RQD) (Deere et
al. 1967)
- Aim to provide a quantitative estimate of rock
mass - quality from drill logs
- Equal to the percentage of intact core pieces
longer than - 100mm in the total length of core
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
- Directionally dependant parameter
- Intended to indicate rock mass quality in-situ
- Adapted for surface exposures as Jv number of
- discontinuities per unit volume
- Used as a component in the RMR and Q systems
- Palmstrom (1982)
- Priesta i Hudsona (1976)
- l - number of joints per unit length
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
14Procedure for Measurement and Calculation of RQD
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
15Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
16Weathering of Basalt with depth
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
17Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
18Multi parameter Rock Mass Classification Schemes
- Rock Mass Structure Rating (RSR)
- Rock Mass Rating (RMR)
- Rock Tunnelling Quality Index (Q)
- Geological Strength Index (GSI)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
19Rock Mass Structure Rating (RSR) (1972)
- Introduced the concept of rating components to
arrive at - a numerical value
- Demonstrates the logic in a quasi-quantitative
rock mass - classification
- Has limitations as based on small tunnels
supported by - steel sets only
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
20Rock Structure Rating Parameter A General area
Considers (a) rock type origin (b) rock
hardness (c) geotechnical structure
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
21Rock Structure Rating Parameter B Geometry
Effect of discontinuity pattern
Considers (a) joint spacing (b) joint
orientation (strike and dip) (c) direction of
tunnel drive
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
22Rock Structure Rating Parameter C Groundwater,
joint condition
Considers (a) overall rock mass quality (on the
basis of A B) (b) joint condition (c) water
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
23RSR support estimates for a 7.3m
diameter circular tunnel
Examples RSR 62 2 shotcrete 1 rockbolts _at_
5ft centres RSR 30 5 shotcrete 1 rockbolts
_at_ 2.5ft centres OR 8WF31 steel sets _at_ 3ft centres
(After Wickham et al. 1972)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
24Geomechanics Classification or Rock Mass Rating
System (RMR) (Bieniawski 1976)
- Based upon
- uniaxial compressive strength of rock material
- rock quality designation (RQD)
- spacing of discontinuities
- condition of discontinuities
- groundwater conditions
- orientation of discontinuities
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
25Rock Mass Rating System
- Rock mass divided into structural regions
- Each region is classified separately
- Boundaries can be rock type or structural, eg
fault - Can be sub divided based on significant changes,
eg - discontinuity spacing
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
26Rock Mass Rating System
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
27Rock Mass Rating System
- BUT 1976 to 1989 Bieniawski
- System refined by greater data
- Ratings for parameters changed
- Adapted by other workers for different
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
28Development of Rock Mass Rating System
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
29Rock Mass Rating System
(After Bieniawski 1989)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
30Rock Mass Rating System
Rating Class Description
81-100 I Very Good Rock
61-80 II Good Rock
41-60 III Fair Rock
12-40 IV Poor Rock
Less than 20 V Very Poor Rock
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
31Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
32Rock Mass Rating System
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
33Guidelines for excavation and support of 10m span
rock tunnels in accordance with the RMR system
(After Bieniawski 1989)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
34Prediction of in-situ deformation modulus Em from
rock mass classifications
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
35Rock Mass Rating System
- Nicholson Bieniawski (1990)
- Bieniawski (1978) and Serafim Pereira (1983)
- Hoek i Brown (1997)
- Verman (1993
- H depth, a 0.16-0.3 (decreases with rock
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
36Prediction of in-situ deformation modulus Em from
rock mass classifications
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
37Estimates of support capacity for tunnels of
different sizes
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
38Rock Mass Rating System
Support pressure - Unal (1983) s - tunnel
Hoek (1994)
mi - constant from 4 (weak shales) to 32
Aydan Kawamoto (2000)
Kalamaras Bieniawski (1995)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
39Rock Mass Rating System
Aydan Kawamoto (2000)
Lets assume
Hoek Aydan Kalamaras Bieniawski
Aydan Kawamoto (2000)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
40Rock Tunnelling Quality Index Q Barton, Lien,
- Based on case histories in Scandinavia
- Numerical values on a log scale
- Range 0.001 to 1000
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
41Q Classification System
(After Barton et al. 1974)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
42Q Classification System
- represents the structure of the rockmass
- crude measure of block or particle size
(After Barton et al. 1974)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
43Q Classification System
- represents roughness and frictional
- characteristics of joint walls or infill
(After Barton et al. 1974)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
44Q Classification System
- consists of two stress parameters
- SRF can be regarded as a total stress parameter
- measure of
- loosening load as excavated through shear zones
- rock stress in competent rock
- squeezing loads in plastic incompetent rock
- JW is a measure of water pressure
(After Barton et al. 1974)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
45Classification of individual parameters used in
the Tunnelling Quality Index Q
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
46Classification of individual parameters used in
the Tunnelling Quality Index Q (contd)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
47Classification of individual parameters used in
the Tunnelling Quality Index Q (contd)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
48Q Classification System SRF update
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
49Q Classification Scheme
- Resolves to three parameters
- Block size ( RQD / Jn )
- Interblock shear strength ( Jr / Ja )
- Active stress ( Jw / SRF )
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
50Q Classification Scheme
- Resolves to three parameters
- Block size ( RQD / Jn )
- Interblock shear strength ( Jr / Ja )
- Active stress ( Jw / SRF )
- Does NOT include joint orientation
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
51Equivalent Dimension De
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
52Estimated support categories based on the
tunnelling quality index Q
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
53Q Classification Scheme
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
54Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
55Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
56Q Classification Scheme
Roof pressure
Length of the bolts (roof)
Bhasin Grimstad (1996)
Youngs modulus
Seismic wave velocity
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
57RMR Q - Correlations
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
58Rock Mass Classification System
- RMR and Q system or variants are the most widely
used - both incorporate geological, geometric and
- design/engineering parameters to obtain a
value of - rock mass quality
- empirical and require subjective assessment
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
59Rock Mass Classification System
- Approach
- accurately characterise the rockmass ie full
and - complete description of the rockmass
- assign parameters for classification later
- always use two systems for comparison
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
60Geological Strength Index (GSI)
- Method to link the constants m and s of
Hoek-Brown - failure criterion to observations in the field
- ie a possible solution to the problem of
estimating - strength of jointed rockmass
- A system for estimating the reduction in
rockmass - strength for different geological conditions
- Overcomes deficiencies of RMR for poor quality
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
61Estimate of Geological Strength Index GSI based
on geological descriptions
Estimation of constants based upon rock mass
structure and discontinuity surface conditions
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
62Geological Strength Index (GSI)
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
63Geological Strength Index (GSI)
Estimate of Geological Strength Index GSI based
on geological descriptions.
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
64Plots of cohesive strength and friction angles
for different GSI and mi values
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics
65Klasyfikacja KF
Marek Cala Dept. of Geomechanics, Civil
Engineering Geotechnics