Title: Benefits of Rock Climbing
1Benefits of Rock Climbing
2 Rock climbing is a great way of going out and
enjoy the nature. Its a huge way of having good
exercise. No matter if you are interested in
improving your cardiovascular health, toning
muscles, or losing weight, rock climbing may be
just what the doctor ordered! Rock climbing
is a huge way to enjoy the great outdoors while
getting in solid exercise.
3A few fitness benefits rock climbing
4- Weight Loss
- Increased Muscle Tone
- Cardio Workout
- Flexibility and Coordination
- Strength Training
5Weight Loss
One of the main benefit of rock climbing is
that you can loose your weight hastily. Rock
climbing at a moderate intensity for around one
hour will burn around 400 calories. Many people
go for rock climbing once occasionally with this
goal in their mind.
6Increased muscle tone
Rock climbing is a great exercise because it
focus muscles in the arms, back, chest, legs.
This is greatly beneficial for people who cant
do exercises daily. They gets a total body
exercise from this one workout.
7Cardio workout
One of the supreme significant exercise
benefits associated with rock climbing is the
effect on your cardiovascular health. While you
are climbing, the continuous contraction of your
muscles roots your heart to work a lot faster
than it would while doing exercises using weights
at a gym. By rock climbing, you can loose up to
800 calories.
8Flexibility Coordination
While climbing rocks you will find your body
in positions you would normally never get
yourself into. The reaching for awkward grips and
points for your hands and feet to grip and secure
your position, moving vertically and
horizontally, greatly enhances your flexibility
and coordination.
9Strength Training
The coordination amongst your lower and upper
body in often non horizontal and awkward
positions is how your underlying strength is
obtained. Even though rock climbing is a great
strength workout for muscles throughout your
body, it doesn't train all your muscles.
10 Rock climbing has numerous benefits. But
before going for rock climbing you need to
organize yourself well physically by doing proper
strength training, and you then you will enjoy
the sport while allowing your body to recover
from the extreme strain rock climbing can put you
into. Aside from physical benefits rock climbing
also have some psychological benefits like
overcoming your fear, explore your mental
capabilities, self awareness, confidence
etc. Its very important that you always go for
rock climbing under someones supervision. High
Xposure Adventures, Inc has many years of
experience in guiding rock and ice climbing.