Y [team finish] = ? ?X [spending] - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Y [team finish] = ? ?X [spending]


Example: Y [team finish] = + X [spending] Expressing the model in words, values of the Y variable (team finish) are a function of some constant, plus some amount of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Y [team finish] = ? ?X [spending]

  • Example
  • Y team finish ? ?X spending
  • Expressing the model in words, values of the Y
    variable (team finish) are a function of some
    constant, plus some amount of the X variable.
  • The question we are interested in is how much
    change in the Y variable (team finish) is
    associated with a one-unit change in the X
    variable (spending). The answer lies in ß (beta),
    this is know as the regression coefficient. In
    terms of the baseball example, it would be the
    amount of improvement in team finish (1first, 2
    second, . and 7 last) associated with an
    additional 1 million in spending on players
  • Q Would we expect the relationship to be
    positive or negative?

  • Todd Donovan using 1999 season data and a
    bivariate regression found
  • Team finish 4.4 0.029 x spending (in
  • This means that the slope of the relationship
    between spending and team finish was 0.029. Or,
    for each million dollars that a team spends,
    there is only a 3 percent change in division
    position. This result is significant at the .01
    level. These results show that a team spending
    70 million on players will finish close to
    second place. We can also show that any given
    team would have to spend 35 million more to
    improve its team finish by one position (-0.029 x
    35million 1.105).
  • Pearsons r for this example was -0.39 which
    means that spending explains only 15 percent of
    variation in the teams finish (r2 .15 -0.39
    x 0.39).

  • Coefficient of determination r-squared

  • Coefficient of nondetermination
  • 1- r2

  • Sum of Squares for X
  • Some of Squares for Y
  • Sum of produces

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Multiple Regression
  • I. Multiple Regression
  • Multiple regression contains a single dependent
    variable and two or more independent variables.
    Multiple regression is particularly appropriate
    when the causes (independent variables) are
    inter-correlated, which again is usually the
  • ßi is called the called a partial slope
    coefficient as it is what mathematicians call the
    slope of the relationship between the independent
    variable Xi and the dependent variable Y holding
    all other independent variables Constant.

  • II. Assumptions
  • Normality of the Dependent Variable Inference
    and hypothesis testing require that the
    distribution of e is normally distributed.
  • Interval Level Measures The dependent variable
    is measured at the interval level
  • The effects of the independent variables on Y are
    additive For each independent variable Xi, the
    amount of change in E(Y) associated with a unit
    increase in Xi (holding all other ind. Variables
    constant) is the same.
  • The regression model is properly specified. This
    means there is no specification bias or error in
    the model, the functional form, i.e., linear,
    non-linear, is correct, and our assumptions of
    the variable are correct.

  • Why do we need to hold the independent variables
  • Figures 1 and 2 may help clarify. Each circle may
    be thought of as representing the variance of the
    variable. The overlap in the two circles
    indicates the proportion of variance in each
    variable that is shared with the other. Since the
    proportion of variance in a variable that is
    shared or explained by another is defined as the
    coefficient of determination, or r2.

  • In figure 1 the fact that X1 and X2 do not
    overlap means that they are not correlated, but
    each is correlated with Y. In figure 2 X1 and
    X2 are correlated. The area c is created by the
    correlation between X1 and X2 c represents the
    proportion of the variance in Y that is shared
    jointly with X1 and X2. To which variable should
    we assign this jointly shared variance? If we
    computed two separate bivariate regression
    equations, we would assign this variance to both
    independent variables, and it would clearly be
    incorrect to count it twice. Therefore bivariate
    regression would be wrong.
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