Emotional and Social Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Emotional and Social Development


Emotional and Social Development Infants ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Emotional and Social Development

Emotional and Social Development
  • Infants

Emotional Development
  • The process of learning to recognize and express
    ones feelings and to establish ones identity as
    a unique person.
  • Healthy Emotional Development Self-Confidence,
    Stress Management, Empathy

Social Development
  • The process of learning to interact with others
    and to express oneself to others.
  • Healthy Social Development Tolerance for
    Others, Good Communication, Good Listening Skills
  • Emotional and social development begin at birth
    and continue throughout life.

Many influences shape how a child develops in
these areas
  1. Bond between parent and child (Attachment)
  2. Emotional atmosphere of the home (Climate)
  3. Temperament of the child (Attitude)

  • Babies have a basic need for physical
    contactholding, cuddling, rocking, or even just
    being near another person.
  • This contact builds a bond between a parent or
    caregiver and a child, a bond called attachment.
  • Some famous research studies should how
    important that bond is.

Attachment (continued)
  • Studies
  • Monkey Study
  • Romanian Orphan Study
  • Baylor University Study

Attachment (continued)
  • Monkey Study
  • American experimental psychologist, Harry Harlow,
    made some monkey-shaped forms out of chicken-wire
    and some out of soft cloth. He then used these
    substitute mothers to raise baby monkeys. He
    found that the baby monkeys clung to the
    mothers made out of soft cloth even if the
    chicken-wire mothers held their feeding
    bottles. Clearly, the monkeys needed to feel
    physical closeness as well as receive a feeding.

Attachment (continued)
  • Monkey Study
  • Once the babies were grown they didnt know how
    to relate to other monkeys. They did not develop
    normal social relationships. Harlow believed this
    was caused by lack of interaction between the
    babies and real mothers.

Attachment (continued)
  • Romanian Orphan Study
  • In the 1990s, child care experts were alarmed at
    the children they found in government homes for
    orphaned and abandoned babies in Romania. They
    conditions in the country were desperate and the
    children had little personal care from adults. As
    a result, the physical and emotional development
    of these children was slower than normal.

Attachment (continued)
  • Baylor University Study
  • Researchers studied abused and neglected
    children. Those who failed to receive love,
    touch, and opportunities for learning had brains
    20 to 30 smaller than average.
  • This problem is most likely to develop when
    physical needs are met but babies receive no
    emotional or social care. This may happen in
    institutions, but it can happen in families as
    well. When infants get little attention and
    encouragement from caregivers, their cries
    weaken, their smiles fade, and they become

Attachment (continued)
  • Failure-to-thrive A condition in which the baby
    does not grow and develop properly. If these
    babies are not helped they become unattached.
    Even as adults they will be unable to develop
    caring, meaningful relationships with others.
  • Fortunately, these children can be helped in most
    cases. The children in Romanian institutions
    improved when they went to live in loving and
    supportive homes. Caregivers can be given
    instructions and support so that they can help
    the baby recover and grow.

  • Long before they know the meanings of words,
    babies catch the tone of adults feelings.
    Worries or angry caregivers are likely to be
    tense in handling their baby. The baby senses
    these feedings and, in turn, becomes irritable
    and fussy.
  • Every family has ups and downs, and a baby
    adapts to them. It is essential, however, for a
    baby to feel that affection and caring are the
    basis of the familys interactions. Bitterness
    and mistrust can hinder a babys healthy

Climate (continued)
  • Frustrations need to be talked over when family
    members are calm. They need to find ways they can
    help each other so they can help their baby. The
    challenge can be greater for single parents. With
    no other adults to share the workor their
    worrieswith, they may feel alone. Its important
    to find ways of releasing negative feelings away
    from the child. That way, they can have the
    patience and calmness to create a caring
    environment for their baby.

  • Every baby copes with life in a very personal
    way. This is because each baby brings his or own
    individuality to a situation.
  • Temperament is the style of reacting to the
    world and relating to others. Different
    temperaments are revealed in how children react
    to a situation.
  • Researchers have found nine different ways of
    looking at temperament.

Attitude (continued)
  • Parents and other caregivers have personal
    temperaments, too. Problems can arise if the
    adults temperament conflicts with the childs.
    Understanding such differences can help prevent
    clashes. For instance, a parent who is low in
    energy has to be prepared to accept the activity
    level of a high energy child. If a high energy
    child becomes bothersome, a trip to the park or
    other opportunity for vigorous play might help.

How Behavior is Learned
  • Babies learn depending on the messages he or she
    receives from caregivers.
  • Caregivers must provide more positive than
    negative attention.
  • To help children understand what behavior is
    expected, parents must provide consistency.

Emotions in Infancy

Crying and Comforting
  • Some babies dont cry often Some babies may cry
    often and very loudly.
  • STEP 1
  • See if there is a physical problem
  • Diaper, Temperature, Burp, Sick
  • If all clear move to step 2

Crying and Comforting
  • STEP 2
  • Cuddle up with the baby in a rocking chair
  • Move the baby to a new position
  • Talk softly to the baby or sing to the baby
  • Offer a toy to interest and distract the baby
  • Rub the babys back to give comfort

Crying and Comforting
  • Babies also develop their own methods of
  • Sucking a thumb or finger
  • Sucking a hand or fist
  • Pacifier
  • Check and clean regularly.
  • NEVER tie around a babys neck.
  • Use a short pacifier ribbon
  • Blanket or stuffed toy
  • Rocking

  • Condition in which an otherwise healthy baby
    cries or screams frequently and for extended
    periods without any known reason.
  • There is no accepted explanation for colic.
  • Colic may be caused by trapped gas in the
    digestive tract.
  • This theory is not yet proved or disproved.
  • One step to try to prevent colic may be to
    eliminate foods that may cause it.
  • Breastfeeding moms would cut back foods such as
    milk, cabbage, caffeine and onions which may
    cause the irritation.
  • Formula fed infants would use a soy-based product
    instead of milk-based.

Social Development
  • In the first Year

Social Development
  • First days of life
  • Baby responds to human voices
  • Calm, soothing voice will quiet baby
  • Loud, harsh voice will upset baby

Social Development
  • One month
  • Most babies stop crying when lifted or touched
  • Babys face brightens when he or she sees a
    familiar person
  • Two month
  • Babies can smiles at people
  • Will watch people move around the room

Social Development
  • Three months
  • Baby turn head in response to voice
  • Want companionship as well as physical care
  • Four months
  • Baby laughs out loud
  • Look to others for entertainment

Social Development
  • Five months
  • Increased interested in family members other than
  • May cry when left alone
  • May babble to toys or themselves
  • Six months
  • Love companionship
  • Love games like peek-a-boo

Social Development
  • Seven months
  • Prefer parents over other family members or
  • Eight months
  • Prefer to be in a room with other people
  • May crawl from room to room looking for company

Social Development
  • Nine and ten months
  • Socially active
  • May creep after parents
  • Love attention
  • Enjoy games
  • Throw it on the floor and you pick it up

Social Development
  • Eleven and twelve months
  • Most friendly and happy
  • Sensitive to others emotions
  • Able to influence and adjust to emotions of
  • Centre of attention
  • Tolerant of strangers

Stranger Anxiety
  • Fear of unfamiliar people
  • Baby may sit cheerfully on someones lap but
    burst into tears when an unfamiliar person
  • Usually expressed by crying
  • Shows the babys memory is improving
  • Remind new people to approach baby slowly and
    give baby time to adjust
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