Economic Statecraft - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Economic Statecraft


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Economic Statecraft

Economic Statecraft
  • February 11, 2014

  • Economic statecraft instruments and objectives
  • Economic sanctions not always successful, but
    still useful
  • Economic incentives an under-appreciated
    instrument of statecraft?
  • Economic interdependence source of political
    harmony or conflict?

Economic statecraft
  • Statecraft the use of instruments by central
    political authorities to serve foreign policy
    purposes (diplomatic, military, economic)
  • Economic statecraft the use of economic tools
    and relationships to achieve foreign policy
    objectives. Part of the wider array of foreign
    policy instruments, where economic measures are
    used in conjunction with military and diplomatic

Economic Statecraft - overview
  • Long history of use, at least to ancient Greece
  • But used much more heavily in modern times
  • 174 recorded use of sanctions between 1914 -2000
  • Strong economies with many economic instruments
    are more likely to use economic statecraft than
    weaker economies

  • Despite widespread use, economic sanctions dont
    often appear to be that successful
  • However, many argue that still have important
    role, even if they dont solve major problems
  • Can be useful to signal intentions, build
    consensus, or even set stage for military action

Economic statecraft instruments and objectives
  • Tools of economic statecraft include
  • Trade restrictions
  • Financial sanctions
  • Investment restrictions
  • Monetary sanctions

Trade restrictions
  • Trade restrictions are placed on given exports or
    imports of a particular country
  • Countries that rely heavily on imports or
    exports, or in general, or of particular
    commodities, are more vulnerable
  • Examples
  • 1973 OPEC crisis, UN sanctions against Iraq, US
    trade embargo of Cuba

Financial Sanctions
  • Often used alongside trade restrictions in effort
    to increase pressure on a government
  • Includes things like cutting off of economic or
    military aid or the blocking or freezing of
    access to lending institutions (e.g. World Bank)
  • Sometimes target specific assets of government
    leaders held in other jurisdictions
  • Examples
  • US freezing Iranian assets during hostage crisis,
    freezing assets of suspected terrorist/supporters

Investment restrictions
  • Restricting foreign direct investment (FDI),
    which affects the states infrastructure
  • Particularly powerful for countries that are
    highly dependent on FDI for economic growth and
  • Have been used by Western nations against Iraq,
    Iran and Libya
  • Also used against South Africa during the 1980s

Monetary sanctions
  • Destabilizing a given currency/exchange rate
    (buying and selling of large quantities of a
    target states currency)
  • If effective can create serious financial crisis
    for target state
  • Examples US against the UK during the Suez Crisis

Negative uses of sanctions (sticks)
  • Governments use economic sanctions to satisfy a
    range of foreign policy objectives
  • Altering the domestic politics of a target
    country (e.g. over human rights practices)
  • Influencing the foreign policy behaviour of a
    target country (forcing an end to a conflict, or
    the withdrawal of troops)

  • Affect the economic or military capabilities of a
    target country (e.g. slowing military growth)
  • Attempting to bring about regime change (forcing
    political capitulation)

Positive uses of sanctions (carrots)
  • Trade promotion (promise or actuality of expanded
  • Increase aid/transferring of significant
    resources (Marshall Plan)
  • Encourage foreign investment
  • Support a countrys currency
  • Promise of economic rewards to lock in a series
    of desirable, long-term changes (EU enlargement)

Economic sanctions not always successful, but
still useful
  • Economic sanctions offer a possible alternative
    to war as a means to settle disputes and contain
  • Both League of Nations and the UN encouraged
    members to use sanctions before war
  • Cumulative post-war experience suggest that
    economic sanctions were for the most part an
    ineffective form of statecraft.

Implementation difficulty
  • So why is it so hard to for sanctions to work?
  • Difficulty of maximizing economic pain
  • Target states always have options to work around
    sanctions, even the majority of states are
    cooperating with sanctions
  • States can respond over time to diversify their
    economy to produce what cant get

  • Even the imposition of economic pain does not
    necessarily translate into desired political
  • Instead of creating political disarray and
    pressure domestic pressure on the government can
    have the opposite effect
  • Can create solidarity, political integration with
    the target country or rally around the flag
    effect - unit against external enemy
  • E.g. Castro in Cuba

  • Sanctions can be costly to the sanctioner as
    well as the target, making political support
    difficult to sustain over time.
  • In increasingly integrated economy hard to impact
    economy of one country without creating ripple
    effects on others (allies or own)
  • Examples - Reagan lifting US grain embargo on
    USSR, China-US today

  • Can create political and public relations
    problems for sanctioners when the effects fall
    disproportionately on vulnerable groups
  • Cant guarantee how the sanction will be felt
    inside the country and by whom
  • Those with means inside the country can still
    find access, while the poorest and most
    vulnerable can be most impacted

  • Sanctions can be so effective actually create a
    humanitarian crisis inside the country, which can
    cause backlash against sanctions themselves
  • E.g. Iraq, Haiti
  • Has led to smart sanctions that attempt target
    damage more precisely
  • E.g. target certain sectors of economy (e.g.
    weapons imports), or the assets of leaders

  • In spite of the challenges, governments still
    find sanctions useful for a number of reasons
  • Sanctions may satisfy some, if not all, of a
    states goals.
  • Sanctions may pave the way for use of military
  • Sanctions may be a relatively attractive option
    in the absence of alternatives.

  1. An instrument increasingly used in post-Cold War
    era (though not necessarily more effective)
  2. Globalisation has important cross-cutting
    implications for economic sanctions (increases
    both vulnerability and options)

Economic incentives an under-appreciated
instrument of statecraft?
  • Positive economic statecraft
  • Promise or provision of economic benefits to get
    a state to do something. Two basic types
  • 1) Tactical linkage Operates at the immediate
    level, offer a specific benefit for a specific
  • The economic reward is tactically calculated to
    gain maximum effect.
  • The reward usually conditional on the action

  • 2) Structural linkage more of a long-term effort
    to use a steady stream of economic benefits to
    reconfigure the balance of political interests
    within a target state.
  • It tends to be unconditional

  • Given the importance of economic relations in
    foreign policy its not surprising that scholars
    have begun to rediscover the agenda of positive
    economic statecraft
  • Some argue that US foreign policy objectives
    would be better served by employing carrots
    rather than sticks, even in relations with
    seemingly intractable states such as Iran and
    North Korea

Economic interdependence source of political
harmony or conflict?
  • Liberals argue that economic interdependence
    decreases incentives for conflict.
  • Realists argue that economic interdependence is
    more likely to lead to state conflict.
  • Each position has its own empirical support. It
    may be useful to search for intervening variables
    that help to explain the circumstances under
    which economic interdependence leads to war or

  • Economic statecraft is important and widely used
    aspect of foreign policy
  • Sanctions, despite not always achieving major
    objectives, are widely used and can have
    important impacts on foreign policy
  • Have seen a growth in use of sanctions since the
    end of the Cold War
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