Title: Recovery and Rebirth
1Chapter 12
- Recovery and Rebirth
- The Renaissance
2- Meaning and Characteristics of the Renaissance
- Making of Renaissance Society
- Social Changes in the Renaissance
- Peasants and Townspeople
- Family and Marriage in Renaissance Italy
- Italian States
- Birth of Modern Diplomacy
- Machiavelli and the New Statecraft
- Italian Renaissance Humanism
- Education, History and the Impact of Printing
- Art in the Early Renaissance
- The Artist and Social Status
- European State in the Renaissance
- The Church and the Renaissance
3(No Transcript)
4Meaning and Characteristics of the Italian
- Renaissance
- Jacob Burkhardt
- Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860)
- Age of Recovery
- Emphasis on individual ability
5The Making of Renaissance Society
- Economic Recovery
- Revival in trade
- Italian cities lose economic supremacy
- Hanseatic League
- Manufacturing
- Banking
- Florence and the Medici
6Social Changes in the Renaissance
- The Nobility
- Reconstruction of the aristocracy
- Aristocracy 2 3 percent of the population
- Baldassare Castiglione (1478 1529)
- The Book of the Courtier (1528)
7Peasants and Townspeople
- Peasants
- Decline of manorial system and serfdom
- Urban Society
- Patricians
- Petty burghers, shopkeepers, artisans,
guildmasters, and guildsmen - The poor and unemployed
- Slaves
8Family Marriage in Renaissance Italy
- Husbands and Wives
- Marriages
- Husbands
- Wives
- Children
- Wealthy and Poor
- Sexual Norms
- Prostitution city regulation
9The Italian States in the Renaissance
- Five Major Powers
- Milan
- Venice
- Florence
- The Papal States
- Kingdom of Naples
- Independent City-States
- Mantua
- Ferrara
- Urbino
- The Role of Women
- Warfare in Italy
10Map 12.1 Renaissance Italy
11The Birth of Modern Diplomacy
- Modern diplomacy a product of Renaissance Italy
- Changing concept of the ambassador
- Resident ambassadors
- Agents of the territorial state
12Machiavelli and the New Statecraft
- Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 1527)
- The Prince
13Italian Renaissance Humanism
- Classical Revival
- Petrarch (1304 1374)
- Humanism in Fifteenth-Century Italy
- Humanism and Philosophy
- Translates Platos dialogues
- Synthesis of Christianity and Platonism
14Education, History, and the Impact of Printing
- Education in the Renaissance
- Humanism and History
- Secularization
- The Impact of Printing
- Johannes Gutenberg
- The spread of printing
15Art in the Early Renaissance
16Masaccio, Tribute Money
17Raphael, School of Athens
18The Artist and Social Status
- Early Renaissance
- High Renaissance
- Heroes
19The European State in the Renaissance
- The Renaissance State in Western Europe
- France
- England
- Spain
- Unification of Castile and Aragón
- Establishment of professional royal army
- Religious uniformity
- The Inquisition
- Conquest of Granada
- Expulsion of the Jews
20Map 12.2 Europe in the Second Half of the
Fifteenth Century
21Map 12.3 The Iberian Peninsula
22The Church in the Renaissance
- The Problems of Heresy and Reform
- John Wycliff (c. 1328 1384) and Lollardy
- John Hus (1374 1415)
- Urged the elimination of worldliness and
corruption of the clergy - Burned at the stake (1415)
- Church Councils
- The Papacy
- The Renaissance Papacy
- Julius II (1503 1513)
- Warrior Pope
- Nepotism
- Patrons of Culture
- Leo X (1513 1521)