Title: Self-Colonization of Central and Eastern Europe
1 Self-Colonization of Central and Eastern Europe
- Alexander Kiossev,
- University of Sofia
2- Part 1 The Post-Colonial Turn
- Introduction into the mess of concepts
- Colonialism is the establishment and
maintenance, for an extended time, of rule over
an alien people that is separate from and
subordinate to the ruling power. It is no longer
closely associated with the term colonization,
which involves the settlement abroad of people
from a mother country as in the case of the
ancient Greek colonies or the Americas.
Colonialism has now come to be identified with
rule over peoples of different race inhabiting
lands separated by salt water from the imperial
center ... Some further features of the
colonial situation are domination of an alien
minority, asserting racial and cultural
superiority over a materially inferior native
majority contact between a machine-oriented
civilization with Christian origins, a powerful
economy, and a rapid rhythm of life and a
non-Christian civilization that lacks machines
and is marked by a backward economy and a slow
rhythm of life and the imposition of the first
civilization upon the second - Emerson, Rupert Colonialism. In Sills, David L.
(Hg.) International Encyclopedia of the Social
Sciences. Bd. 3. New York, London Macmillan
1968, pp. 1-5
4Analysis of the definition
- Rule/domination over alien people
- Settlers (not necessarily)
- Distance (salt water)
- Alien-ness as different race (race distance)
- Alien-ness as cultural difference (cultural
distance) - Alien-ness as religious difference (religious
distance) - Technological difference (technological distance)
- Economic differences (economic distance)
- Different rhythms of life (anthropological
distance) - Imperial centre
- What is the reason for connecting the rule with
the imposition of the first civilization upon
the second? Colonization is more than rule it
requires imposition of superior civilization by a
distant Empire. - Why are differences presented as distance and
distance as superiority legitimizing the
rule/imposition? - The concept of superiority is split religious
(Christian) superiority vs. ethnic/racial
superiority reducible vs. irreducible
(natural) superiority. - What is the role of the salt water? It implies
new type of sea transportation, a whole new manly
world of sailors after 1492, risky voyages into
the dangerous open sea, sea monsters, pirates,
savages, adventures, exotic islands, earthly
paradises It implies imagination.
6What does imposition of civilization mean?
- Import of institutions
- Power/knowledge import of cognitive categories
supporting the rule - Import of practical know how
- Standardization/Normalization
- Import of legal frame
- Control and sanctions, menagerial skills
- import of religion and ideology the Grand
Narrative of progress, modernization and the
burden of the white man - Import of educational models
- Giving birth to new goals, dreams and longings
7What is social imagination?
- Social imagination usually implies a background
intuitive knowledge, a body of stereotypes shared
by a community for Charles Taylor it is a widely
shared pre-theoretical reservoir of shared
perceptions, both descriptive and prescriptive. - Here we assume that usually this reservoir is
structured as a historical narrative, which rules
the dreams, longings and phantasma shared by the
members of certain social group. - Next assumption Colonialism is not only rule
over distant territories and alien populations
it is rule over the collective imaginations, over
the reservoir of dreams, longings and phantasma
both of the imperial and the colonized
populations. It is imposition of a Grand
Eurocentric Narrative. - I.e. colonization is not only domination, it is
hegemony internalization of the hegemonic
cultural values, narratives, images - self-
stigmatizion and traumatic subjectivization. It
is a longing for Ëurope, The West, the
civilized World. - Modern colonization is marked by two dominant
mirror longings the innocent Earthly Paradise
vs, The Civilized World of Christianity,
Progress, Enlightenment and Civilization Between
them are distance and the salt water.
8The postcolonial condition
- The process of decolonization after the WW II in
Asia, (the Arab world, Indo-China, Indonesia)
and Africa 1949 1965. The model cases Indian
independence 1947 the Suez Crisis 1956. The
spread of the decolonization process all around
the world, disintegration of all colonial
Empires. - Local Asian and African nationalisms, democracies
and authoritarian regimes, political chaos,
ethnic cleansing success stories and
unsuccessful states. - The problem of the colonial legacy and the
Empire writes back. The europeanizined local
elites and their values. - The anti-colonial intellectual resistance Frantz
Fanon and the program for vomiting of the
European cultural values. Are alternative
culture, alternative language (cultural codes)
and alternative, non-European imagination
possible? New national and pan-African
literatures - Cultural wars and the revision of the Eurocentric
cultural canons 1982 Stanford
9Postcolonial studies
- Inside the American and west-European university
academic critique and deconstruction of
Eurocentrism - Edward Said and Orientalism as critique of the
Eurocentric power/knowledge about the East - Homi Bhabha and the critique of hegemonic
narratives. The split, hybrid and fragmented,
impossible narratives of the colonized - Gayatry Spivak and The Subaltern cannot speak
- The general problem lack of authentic symbolic
resource of the colonized knowledge, narratives,
language imagination. Symbolic colonization.
10The Metaphor Self-Colonization
- This metaphor can be used for cultures having
succumbed to the cultural power of Europe and the
West without having practically been invaded and
turned into colonies. Historical circumstances
transformed them into an extra-colonial
periphery, lateral viewers who have not been
directly affected either by important colonial
conflicts or by the techniques of colonial rule. - Yet, they are in a situation where they had to
recognize self-evidently the foreign cultural
dominance and voluntarily absorb the basic values
and categories of colonial Europe. The result
might be named hegemony without domination. - The reason the rule over imaginations
trespasses the borders of the actual territorial
colonial rule In the world of late XIX centuries
the colonial imagination started functioning as
Universal (in fact, Eurocentric) Symbolic
Order, valid everywhere - even in the few
non-colonized corners of the. - Short labels for this process of global
conquering the various local imaginations
civilization process, progress, Modernity,
westernization, Europeanization.
11Self-colonization, imagination and public
- Important difference between factual colonial
conquer and the conquer of desires, longings and
hopes. The conquer of the imagination of the
repressed (the dream about the West,
Europeanization) the ultimate form of Power. - The maps of the real Empires and the Empires of
the imaginations do not coincide the ideal West
is bigger than the real West. - This form of Power the conquer of imagination
could be called self-colonization. The joke and
the Californication. - Self-colonizing imagination is not a
psychological phenomenon it is the inner
structure of cultural production and the paradigm
of the public discourse of the peripheral
countries it has public validity.
12Example 1 the first Bulgarian journal the
obsessive imagining of absence
- In 1842 Konstantin Fotinov (1790 - 1858), the
creator of the first Bulgarian magazine
Lyuboslovie (Philology), published a remarkable
appeal which treats ardently and with pain all
that lack of civilisation in the Bulgarians - "Where are their daily newspapers and magazines,
or the weekly and monthly ones? Where are their
artistic magazines, their rhetoric, mathematics,
logic, physics, philosophy, etc., etc., which man
needs more than bread? Where is their history,
written in detail and widely spread among people,
such as the other nations have and which would
help us to stand side by side with the others and
make the others aware of the fact that we are as
verbal as the rest of God's creatures?" - The Bulgarian press during the National Revival
abounded in similar appeals dealing with the lack
of civilisation. They all represent patriotic
complaints about various shortages about the
lack of cultural institutions, literary or
scientific achievements, good manners or great
Bulgarian poets. Yet, in spite of their variety
and heterogeneity one can see that all these
complaints expressed much more a morbid awareness
of the absence of a whole civilisational model
rather than of some concrete civilisational
13- Part II
- Modernization, Civilization, Europeanization or
14Imagination and practice
- During the XIXth century this imagination of
absence (variants of barbarity, orientalism,
backwardness etc.) has been transformed into
practical modernization programs. Important!
social imagination is not only imagination, it
has real practical consequences. - The sociological mechanism of this process the
local elites were educated in cross-border
universities back home, they took up roles as
educators, revolutionaries, writers, journalists,
tutors and started disseminating the
Europe-centered colonial conceptual repertoire. - They did it without violence or colonial
governmentality but through the softer channels
that had the leverage for captivating the
imagination stories, books, school classes and
textbooks, popular literature, political
propaganda and journalism. - These early patriots without nations, self-styled
national utopians and visionaries, introduced the
notion of the sovereign nation and invented, by
dint of studied models, local historical
15The dark side of the universal Eurocentric
imaginary the internalization of asymmetries
and hierarchies
- Traditionally named Europeanization and
Modernization, this process had along with
its indisputably positive effects its dark side
as well. - Along with the values of Christianity,
civilization, the Enlightenment, along with the
placards of progress, liberty and revolution, the
Europe-centered colonial were irreversibly
cemented into the collective imagination of such
groups. The trauma of being peripheral is
internalized and transformed into a key element
of the national identity building process. - The notions of a European center and peripheries,
of masters and natural subjects,
enlightened and non-enlightened of a
civilization source and its passive recipients,
are taken to be natural, eternal and
self-apparent they became part of the common
cultural currency and the public discourse of
the new nations.
16Consequences the traumatic identity building
- The new imagined communities (i.e. the modern
nations) emerge in a power field in an
asymmetrical global imagined geography, which is
strongly hierarchical and hegemonic - they
immerge in an Eurocentric World. - Their collective identities are from the very
beginning fatefully marked by their specific
imaginary l?cation in this asymmetrical colonial
Eurocentric world they are either in the Centre
(the focus of Civilization, Modernity and
Progress) or in one or another of the variously
stigmatized peripheries (backward, barbaric,
exotic or shameful). - Accordingly, the peripheral nations internalize
their birth-stigma and perceive themselves trough
it a process of traumatic collective
identity-building, painful and sometimes shameful
collective subjectivation and sense of belonging.
They perceive themselves as cultures of absences
and backwardness. - There is dialectical duality of shame and pride
in the self-perception of such peripheral
nations, in their public sphere emerge two group
of ideologists apologists of better
westernizations and catching up with West
and the opposite trend, pride nationalists,
nativists (zapadniki I povhveniki)
17Consequences the imported, imitative and hybrid
high cultures
- The artists and thinkers in such cultures are
living with the sense of periphery and
provincialism, they follow fashions, rarely
create fashions, ideas, paradigms. - They struggle for recognition by foreign
audiences and experts the local (peripheral)
recognition is not enough. - Translation and translatability are crucial
issue. - Any attempt of self-centering in such cultures
looks suspicious it borders with nationalism,
autochthonic ideologies, archaic nativism and
18Example 2 the longing for Bulgarian novel
- 1870 1890 The Sense of Absence of the Novel.
Translation, Bulgarizations. genre Imitations
import of models. - The First Bulgarian Novel (1989 Ivan Vazov) and
the negative reaction of the newly born Bulgarian
literary criticism two accusations 1. it is
imitation 2. it is not a real novel. - 1890ies. The rival literary context the
competing non-Novels memoirs,
autobiographies, short stories, journalistic
documentary, vs. epic poems, lyric prose, lyrics.
- 1890 1914 Generational Quarrels,
Non-recognition of previous novels, contested
tradition, difficult canon building - The need for recognition by foreign authorities
- Problems of translatability/non-translatability.
2012-2013 The case Gospodinov Ruskov.
19The imported modern public institutions and their
social status
- Similar to the situation in the real colonies,
the institutions in the self-colonizing cultures
were not created in a process of incremental
maturing and adaptation turning them into
unquestionable and long-lasting, habitual
practices. - They were imported as prestigious European models
and imposed by sweeping modernizing gestures of
the elites who scraped them together and
legitimized them in a broadly westernizing and
very often eclectic and inherently controversial
manner. - In this process there always remained a whole lot
of things impossible to import the practical
know how, the habits and routines, the well
established ethos, the roles and rules in an
everyday performance of an institution. - As a result, the institutions were too often
accommodated, used in unexpected ways to
unforeseen ends, in line with bricolage patterns,
i.e. they are hybridized. - This in turn provided a special role to the
public sphere it had to live up to certain
standards amidst public outcry, vitriolic
criticisms and blazing philippics. Public
institutions often found themselves under so much
and so blatant pressure as to push them to the
brink of loosing their credibility altogether.
20Example 3 modernization and de-Orientalization
of Sofia the longing for European capital.
- 1880 1930 The modernizing struggle of the
municipality. De-Orientalization of Sofia on
symbolic and infrastructural level. Streets,
public parks, pavement, street lamps,
electricity, trams. - Destruction or self-destruction of the old
turkishmarketplace, of the numerous mosques. - Building of prestigious public buildings in
European style national parliament, national
theatre, university, banks, galeries, schools
21Sofia 1879
22The De-Orientalization process
23The De-Orientalization process 2
24Sofia-Centre 1900
25Sofia-Centre The National Theatre 1907
26Sofia-Centre the University 1930
27Example 4 building and usages of Sofias first
modern waterworks network
- By the time of the National Liberation (1878)
Sofia populations (11 000) uses water from only
54 public fountains there are just 3 Ottoman
"experts to take care for them. - The first waterworks project was designed by the
engineers Belov and Kubassov. 1884 - difficult
financing, yet the municipality demonstrates
will for modernization combined with a chaotic
tactics of economizing and improvised
adjusting off the technical realization of the
project. The hybrid nature of the technological
result. - Tensions between political authorities and
technical experts, corrupted governmentality,
private interests shadowing the public interest
and the technological standards.
28The real waterworks cultural practices and
- Resistance by the peasant population surrounding
Sofia sabotages. - The unexpected difficulties in maintenance of the
waterworks network. Lack of educated technical
personnel. - The strange water habits of the Sofioters (
1900 population of 70 000) and the economic
collapse of the modernizing project - the
population, used to pre-modern attitude to water,
doesnt regard water as commodity, refuses to
pay for it, it steals water with illegal pipes
29The imagined ideological waterworks
- Municipality pride of the technical miracle
- Journalistic enthusiasm about the symbol of
progress - General approval and pride of the public
30The first phase 1884 -1900
31The first phase 1884 -1900 the Apostles of
32The Consumers of Progress
33Consequences on the anthropological level the
status of norms and practices in everyday life
- Lack of factual colonial governmentality bad
management, imperfect rules of the game, local
interests, weak control of results and misusages - The imported norms (ideals, models, rules) remain
non-imbedded in the everyday practices they are
too distant, too alien, too non-habitual. - The habitual everyday practices are wild,
resistant, non-obedient they tactically use
the norms for their own purposes
34Example the German Menscheschlange and English
queue vs. the Bulgarian ??????
- The Queue simple model of social institution
habitual formal rules, ruling roles, behaviors
and mutual expectations - Visibility of norms, usages and mis-usages
- Visualisation of order, disorder (chaos or
transgression?) and sanctions
36Menschenschlange (arbeitslose Informatiker in
37English queue
38English queue
39Bulgarian ?????? (literal meaning tail)
40Queue in front of Sofias bank
41Ukrainian case
42The western message of the queue image - the
reproduced social order
43?????? as the eastern image of poaching tactics
44Poaching tactics is conscious about the norm
45Interactions and tensions between high and
popular culture
- It could be summarized as a stream of indignant
criticisms alleging shortage of civilization from
the top and torrent of irony, adaptations,
adjustments, travesties, special uses,
substitutions and hybrids from the bottom
designed to evade or undermine the top. - The masses, engrossed in their traditional way of
living (with its own channels, agents and pace of
modernizing and Europeanizing), never went the
whole way in recognizing their Europeid elites
with their modernizing projects and civilizing
claims. - The elites suffered the paradox of an inherent
illegitimacy as being locally born, not truly
European on their part, they decried the
inferior human material of the masses
46Discussion about the situation in Eastern Europe
before 1989
- Was the membership in the Eastern bloc under the
leadership of the Soviet Union and during the
Cold War a colonial rule? Or maybe not?
47Discussion about the recent situation in Eastern
- How should we interpret the enlargement of EU
- Accession?
- Colonization?
- Self-Colonization?
- None of this terms is adequate, we have to look
for a different label - What are the reactions of the different
sociological strata of the population in your
country toward the accession, what are the
tactical East European uses and misuses of EU And
Europe? -