Title: MIPS Assembly Language Programming (2)
1MIPS Assembly Language Programming (2)
CDA 3101 Discussion Section 03
2Basic Instructions
- Manipulate data
- Memory Instruction
- Branches
- J
3Decisions C if Statements
- 2 kinds of if statements in C
- if (condition) statement-block
- if (condition) statement-block1 else
statement-block2 - 2nd statement can be rewritten as
- if (condition) goto L1 statement-block2
goto L2 - L1 statement-block1
- L2
4Example Compiling C if into MIPS
- f s0, g s1, h s2,
- i s3, j s4
- MIPS code
- beq s3,s4,True
- sub s0,s1,s2
- j Fin
- True add s0,s1,s2
- Fin
- C Code
- if (i j) fgh else
- fg-h
5Loops in C/Assembly
- There are three types of loops in C
- dowhile
- while
- for
6Case-Switch Statement
- C code
- switch(k)
- case 0 f i j break
- case 1 f g h break
- case 2 f g - h break
- case 3 f i - j break
- Can be rewritten as
- if (k 0) f i j
- else if (k 1) f g h
- else if (k 2) f g h
- else if (k 3) f i j
8Example Code
- main()
- int a, b
- sum(a,b)
- int sum(int x, int y) return(xy)
- Steps
- Caller places parameters in a place where the
procedure can access them - Transfer control to the procedure
- Acquire storage resources required by the
procedure - Execute the statements in the procedure
- Called function places the result in a place
where the caller can access it - Return control to the statement next to the
procedure call
9How do we achieve all this in MIPS Assembly
- To achieve this, following registers are used
- 4-7 (a0-a3) used to pass arguments
- 2-3 (v0-v1) used to pass return values
- 31 (ra) used to store the addr of the
- instruction which is to be
executed - after the procedure returns
10main() int a, b sum(a,b)
int sum(int x, int y) return(xy)
main add a0,s0,zero x a add
a1,s1,zero y b addi ra,zero,?
ra? j sum jump to sum ... sum
add v0,a0,a1 jr ra new instruction
In MIPS, all instructions are 4 bytes, and stored
in memory just like data.
11main() int a, b sum(a,b)
int sum(int x, int y) return(xy)
1000 main add a0,s0,zero x
a1004 add a1,s1,zero y b 1008 addi
ra,zero,? ra? 1012 j sum jump to
sum ... 2000 sum add v0,a0,a12004 jr
ra new instruction
12main() int a, b sum(a,b)
int sum(int x, int y) return(xy)
1000 main add a0,s0,zero x
a1004 add a1,s1,zero y b 1008 addi
ra,zero,1016 ra1016 1012 j sum jump
to sum ... 2000 sum add v0,a0,a12004 jr
ra new instruction
- MIPS provides a single instruction called jal
to - Load ra with addr of next instruction
- Jump to the procedure.
13main() int a, b sum(a,b)
int sum(int x, int y) return(xy)
1000 main add a0,s0,zero x
a1004 add a1,s1,zero y b 1008 jal
sum ra1012, jump to sum ... 2000 sum
add v0,a0,a12004 jr ra
14Non-Leaf Procedures
- main()
- int a, b
- sum2(a,b)
- int sum2(int x, int y)
- return(sum(x,x) y)
- int sum(int p, int q)
- return(pq)
- main add a0,s0,zero
- 1004 add a1,s1,zero
- 1008 jal sum2 ...
- sum2 add a1,a0,0
- 2004 jal sum
- 2008 add v0, v0, a1
- 2012 jr ra
- sum add v0, a0, a1
- 4004 jr ra
15- 1000 main add a0,s0,zero
- 1004 add a1,s1,zero
- 1008 jal sum2 ...
- sum2 add a1,a0,0
- 2004 jal sum
- 2008 add v0, v0, a1
- 2012 jr ra
- sum add v0, a0, a1
- 4004 jr ra
Instr.Addr ra a0 a1 v0
1000 a
1004 b
1008 1012
2000 a
2004 2008
4000 aa
2008 aaa
2008 aaaa
We need to do some bookkeeping! We need to save
registers before rewriting them. Where should we
save them?
16Memory Organization
Stack Dynamic Data
Static Data
- Stack grows from Hi addr to Lo addr
- sp (29) points to the top of the stack
- To push a word on stack, decrement sp by 4, and
use sw - To pop a word from stack, increment sp by 4
17Saving registers
- Following registers should be spilled to the
stack - ra (31)
- a0-a3 (4-7)
- t0-t7 (8-15)
- s0-s7 (16-23)
- fp (30)
Saved by caller on stack before jal and restored
after returning from jal done only for registers
used after jal
Saved by called procedure before rewriting and
then restored back before returning
18- 1000 main add a0,s0,zero
- 1004 add a1,s1,zero
- 1008 jal sum2 ...
- sum2 add a1,a0,0
- 2004 jal sum
- 2008 add v0, v0, a1
- 2012 jr ra
- sum add v0, a0, a1
- 4004 jr ra
Instr.Addr ray a0 a1 v0
1000 a
1004 b
1008 1012
2000 a
2004 2008
4000 aa
2008 aaa
2008 aaaa
19- Addr ray a0 a1 v0 spx
- a
- 1004 b
- x-4
- 1012
- 1020
- 2000 x-12
- 2004
- 2008
- a
- 2020
- 4000 2a
- 4004
- b
- 1020
- x-4
- 2ab
- 2036
- y
- 1000 main add a0,s0,zero
- add a1,s1,zero
- addi sp, sp, -4
- 1012 sw ra, 0(sp)
- jal sum2
- 1020 lw ra, 0(sp)
- 1024 addi sp, sp, 4
- 1028 jr ra
- 2000 sum2 addi sp, sp, -8
- 2004 sw ra, 4(sp)
- 2008 sw a1, 0(sp)
- 2012 add a1,a0,0
- jal sum
- lw a1, 0(sp)
- lw ra, 4(sp)
- 2028 add sp, sp, 8
- 2032 add v0, v0, a1
- 2036 jr ra
y 1020 b
20Recursive functions
- main addi a0, 0, 2
- 1004 addi sp, sp, -4
- 1008 sw ra, 0(sp)
- 1012 jal fact
- 1016 lw ra 0(sp)
- 1020 addi sp, sp, 4
- 1024 jr ra
- 2000 fact slti t0, a0, 1
- 2004 beq t0, 0, L1
- 2008 addi v0, 0, 1
- 2012 jr ra
- 2016 L1 addi sp, sp, -8
- 2020 sw ra, 4(sp)
- 2024 sw a0, 0(sp)
- 2028 addi a0, a0, -1
- 2032 jal fact
- 2036 lw a0, 0(sp)
- main()
- fact(2)
- int fact(int n)
- if (n lt 1)
- return(1)
- else
- return(nfact(n-1))
- main addi a0, 0, 2
- 1004 addi sp, sp, -4
- 1008 sw ra, 0(sp)
- jal fact
- 1016 lw ra 0(sp)
- 1020 addi sp, sp, 4
- 1024 jr ra
- 2000 fact slti t0, a0, 1
- 2004 beq t0, 0, L1
- 2008 addi v0, 0, 1
- 2012 jr ra
- 2016 L1 addi sp, sp, -8
- 2020 sw ra, 4(sp)
- 2024 sw a0, 0(sp)
- 2028 addi a0, a0, -1
- 2032 jal fact
- Addr ray a0 t0 v0 spx
- 2
- 1004 x-4
- 1008
- 1012 1016
- 2000 0
- 2004
- x-12
- 2020
- 2024
- 2028 1
- 2032 2036
- 2000 0
- 2004
- 2016 x-20
- 2020
- 2024
- 2028 0
- 2032 2036
4 bytes
y 1016 2 2036 1
22Argument Passing
- Recall arguments to a procedure passed through
a0-a3 - What if the procedure has gt 4 arguments?
- First four arguments are put in a0-a3
- Remaining arguments are put on stack by the
caller - Example silly7(int x0, int x1, , int x7)
- Caller places arguments x0-x3 in a0-a3
- Caller places arguments x4-x7 on stack
23Return Values
- Recall return values from a procedure passed
through v0-v1 - What if the procedure has gt 2 return values?
- First two return values put in v0-v1
- Remaining return values put on stack by the
procedure - The remaining return values are popped from the
stack by the caller
- Memory for Global variables is allocated using
assembler directives like .space, .word,
.halfword, .byte, etc. - Memory allocated is in the static data portion if
MIPS memory - What about local variables?
25Local Variables in procedures
- Example
- int sillyfunc(int i, int j)
- int k, l, m, n, stuff3
- .
- How to acess stuff2?
- How to access stuffm?
Hi addr
stuff2 stuff1 stuff0 n m l k
Lo addr
26Local Variables in procedures
- Example
- int sillyfunc(int i, int j)
- int k, l, m, n, stuff3
- .
- How to acess k?
- Say, sillyfunc() calls another function and saves
t0 on stack before this call - What will be the offset of k with respect to sp
Hi addr
stuff2 stuff1 stuff0 n m l k t0
Lo addr
27Frame Pointers
- Use register 30 (fp)
- At entry the called procedure
- Saves old fp on stack
- sets fp sp 4
- During the procedure execution, fp does not
change - Address of m is always -20(fp)
- Before return
- Set sp fp 4
- Restore old fp value from stack and set fp
old fp
Hi addr
Old fp stuff2 stuff1 stuff0 n m l k t0
Lo addr
28Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Memory allocated on heap
- In PCSPIM, do the following to dynamically
allocate memory - Set v0 9
- Set a0 number of bytes you want to allocate
- syscall