Title: Disability Employment Initiative (DEI)
1Disability Employment Initiative(DEI)
- Ticket to Work Boot Camp
- Your EN Business Model Partnerships for Success
Hosted/Facilitated by Laura Gleneck, NDI
Technical Assistance Team Presented by Kevin
Nickerson, NDI Technical Assistance Team Karen
Davidson, Senior Account Manager, Region 9,
Operations Support Manager
April 17, 2012
2Disability Employment Initiative (DEI)
- DEI Projects at the state level and/or local
level participating LWIBs are required to become
Employment Networks under Social Security
Administrations Ticket to Work Program. - Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects
in attaining Employment Network status and
implementing effective EN operations is provided
under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting,
Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). - Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects
implementation and outcomes as Employment Network
will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract
with Social Dynamics.
3Learning Objectives
- Upon completion of this training webinar, DEI
grantees - and participants and partners from the public
- workforce system will have the following
- Information on how to establish a successful
Employment Network - An understanding of the types of partnerships and
partnership strategies to utilize for the benefit
of your Employment Network.
- Establishing your Employment Network Business
Model - Partnerships that will help you develop a
successful EN - Logistics for the next Ticket to Work Boot Camp
5Understanding your Employment Network Business
6EN Business Model Basics
- An Employment Network is a business, and like any
other small business, careful planning and
forethought will increase your chances of success - Your business model will set the stage for all
subsequent steps you will take in developing your
EN operations - Examples
- Determining whether you will specialize in
serving certain disability groups, or serve all
groups, if they are a good fit for the EN
services you offer - What types of services you provide may be driven
by an agency mission and/or the individuals
within your One-Stop providing Ticket services
7EN Business Model Basics
- An Employment Network operates under contract
with the Social Security Administration, and now
requires you to be identified by your DUNS number - There are various EN Models that exist
Nationally, and new models continue to emerge
(i.e. NYS Administrative EN Model) - Basic EN Models of operation might include
- Local level operation
- Collaborative operation
- State level operation
8EN Business Model Basics
- Examples of Employment Network Models
- Local level Strategy A One-Stop/EN which has
applied to become an EN based on a specific
Workforce area, typically under the Workforce
Investment Boards (WIB) DUNS Number - Advantages
- All Ticket funds generated go to local EN
- Design of EN business operations is up to the EN
- One-Stops have the distinct advantage of having
staff from partner agencies that should be able
to contribute to the Ticket holders success - Challenges
- Local EN responsible for all EN operations,
including all service delivery (Career
Counseling, Job Development, Long-Term follow-up
supports, etc.), marketing, billing and tracking
of all Ticket Holders - No shared resources, therefore local EN must
fully staff all operations and provide equipment
and supplies necessary to support EN activities
9EN Business Model Basics
- Local Level with Collaborative Agreement Either
a One-Stop or a partner agency is the EN of
record and is partnering through a local written
agreement. This increases the resources
available to Ticket Holders that are served in
this collaborative model as both the partner
agency and One-Stop provide resources to the
Ticket Holder. - The local agreement guides the services and
contributions that both the One-Stop and
community agency provide through the
collaborative EN. - Advantages
- Sharing of resources
- Increased access for Ticket Holders (more than
one site) - Specific advantage when partnering with One-Stop
Career Centers Access to a pool of Ticket
holders who are already registered at the
One-Stop, and would prefer to use a more
mainstream job search approach - Integrated Resource Teams
- Challenges
- Sharing of Ticket funds per written agreement
- Coordination of services between two sites, where
shared staff may be utilized
10EN Business Model Basics
- State Department as EN State Department of
Labor, for example, becomes the EN of record, and
lists the One-Stop sites in the RFQ that will be
serving Ticket holders. One application covers
all sites included in the RFQ, and each site
operates under the State DUNS number. - Advantages
- Reduced administrative burden for local areas
- Additional resources at the State level to market
the program state-wide - Ongoing targeted marketing to Ticket Holders by
the state and EN sites - One application required, local areas need not
apply to become EN - Challenges
- Tracking of Ticket Holders at the State level
would require dedicated staff time - Tracking large volumes of Ticket Holders would
require a coordinated tracking system - Payments to local areas would vary, potential
distribution challenge - State would likely require an administration fee
for time spent
11EN Business Model Components Contract Obligations
- Is your CCR registration up to date?
- A requirement for all ENs and for federal
contracting, the ENs DUNS number must be
registered at www.CCR.gov (visit
http//fedgov.dnb.com/webform for more
information on DUNS numbers) - Which staff will be required to fulfill SSAs EN
Security and Suitability Requirements? - Any staff member involved in your EN operations
that is receiving Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) from Maximus, or who is
providing PII to Maximus, will need to have
security clearance in place - Security and Suitability is also required to
receive the Beneficiary Referral CD - NOTE For a Checklist which will help you through
this process, contact Emily Malsch at
12EN Business Model ComponentsStaffing Services
- What kind of services will your EN offer?
- Note SSA requires that ENs provide at least the
following core services to Ticket holders - Career Counseling
- Job Placement
- Long-Term Follow Up Supports
- You will likely provide additional services
through your One-Stop EN, for example, Resume
development, interviewing skills, workshops,
funds for training (where applicable), subsidized
wages (youth programs), Incentives to Employers
(OJT, WOTC) - Will you serve Ticket Holders pursuing
self-employment? - Note There are additional rules associated with
Self-Employment, such as how SSA counts income
(Net Earnings from Self-Employment vs. Wage
Employment), and additional Work Incentives that
13EN Business Model ComponentsStaffing Services
- Will you serve Ticket Holders looking for
full-time work, part-time work, or both? - ENs will want to serve Ticket holders who are
interested in work that will help them achieve at
least Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) level
work, which in 2012 is 1,010/month (non-blind),
and 1,690/month (blind) - In order to achieve any payments beyond the
initial Phase 1 Milestones, Ticket holder must be
achieving SGA level employment, but remember, the
goal of the Ticket program, ultimately, is to
assist beneficiaries in becoming self-sufficient - Per the new RFQ, Workforce ENs have the following
options to consider for providing Long-Term
Follow Up Supports, this in an important part of
your EN Business Model you should consider - EN will provide all agreed services for initial
and ongoing follow-up supports (quarterly
follow-up required) - EN will provide agreed upon services for initial
supports to assist in securing employment (Phase
1), after which, Ticket holder will need to find
another EN to assist with long term follow-up
supports - EN will partner with an agency for agreed upon
services for both the initial AND long term
follow-up supports
14EN Business Model ComponentsStaffing Services
- Which staff will assist with your EN efforts?
- While the DRC is the most likely staff person to
be involved in serving Ticket holders, it is
likely that many other One-Stop staff will be
involved to some degree - Here are some typical staffing needs you should
consider - 1. Ticket holder Assessment Assignment of
Tickets (who will screen, and determine which
Ticket holders you should serve, and submit the
Individual Work Plan to Maximus) - 2. Benefits Advisement and Planning
- 3. Job Development services for Ticket
holders - 4. Long-term follow-up supports for Ticket
holders - 5. Billing and Tracking of Ticket holders
- 6. Who will be the Signatory Authority?
- 7. Who will be the EN/Beneficiary Primary
Contact, the EN staff member the Ticket holder
will contact for more information on your EN
services? - 8. Marketing and Outreach to Employers
15EN Business Model ComponentsMarketing Outreach
- How will you effectively identify potential
Ticket Holders Your Outreach methods? For
example - Will registration for One-Stop services include a
voluntary question about disability status? - Will registration form include a question about
SSA benefits? - Will you use e-Data sharing? (A part of the
e-Process) - Will you use the Beneficiary Referral CD?
- Will you have training events that examine SSA
Work Incentives as a way to draw beneficiaries to
your One-Stop? - What media will you use to market your new EN
services? - How will you market your EN to community service
providers, and other referral sources?
16EN Business Model ComponentsGoal Setting for
your EN
- Do you have a projected number of Ticket holders
you expect to serve? - Like any business, you should consider goals for
your EN, including the total number of
beneficiaries you expect to serve, in any given
year - One way to do this is to first determine how many
Ticket holders reside in your service area, by
accessing the Maximus web-site here - https//yourtickettowork.com/web/ttw/en-beneficiar
17EN Business Model ComponentsGoal Setting
Example Caseload size
- Our EN serves primarily Tompkins County, New York
- Total Beneficiaries 3007
- Our Goal To serve between ½ and 1 of all
Ticket eligible beneficiaries in our primary
service area - 3007 X .01 30.07
- Based on this information, our goal is to achieve
an average caseload of about 30 Ticket holders at
any given time - Remember, in any given month, you may have to
un-assign a Ticket (for a variety of reasons), a
ticket may terminate due to receiving all
possible payments, etc. - NOTE If you are serving a much larger area, you
may have to adjust based on available staffing
18EN Business Model ComponentsGoal Setting
Example - Revenue
- Revenue projections for the Ticket program can be
very tricky, based on the number of variables
associated with each Ticket holder, and how the
payment structure works - You also have to consider that only part of the
total Ticket payments available, will be received
each year, for each Ticket holder - Sometimes past performance is the best indicator
of future revenue potential - Tracking Ticket revenue can help you in
subsequent years, in addressing revenue
19EN Business Model ComponentsReporting
- Have you considered how you will track Ticket
Holders for purposes of billing and case
management? - Organizing your Ticket holder data is an
important administrative task every EN has to
develop - There are currently two different tracking tools
that Maximus has been provided by ENs that can be
adopted for use, if your EN doesnt want to
create a system from scratch - Ticket Data Manager (NY, Challenge Workforce
Solutions) - EN Ticket Tracker (Iowa)
- NOTE These tools will be provided on a future
training, and reviewed in detail.
20EN Business Model ComponentsReporting
- Who will maintain Ticket Holder files, and what
information will they contain? - At a minimum, your paper file will need to
contain the Ticket holders signed IWP - There are other documents you may want in a
Ticket holders file, although not required, such
as - Wage Data
- Benefits information
- 18-Month Prior Earnings Worksheet
- Billing submissions
- Pertinent medical documentation
- Lastly, each year every EN must complete an
Annual Performance Outcome Report (APOR), which
is why managing data is important, to make this
task fairly easy - You should consider, in advance, who will be
completing the APOR, and examine the information
that is collected in this report, so you are
21Conclusions Preparing for EN Operations
- Developing your internal operations prior to
accepting Ticket holders for services will allow
you to provide better customer service to all
customers involved (i.e. internal staff, Ticket
holders, businesses) - While you can plan in advance for many of the
components of your EN operations, you will
continue to streamline your business operations
as you mature as an EN, dont expect to have
everything go smoothly from day one, even with
excellent planning
22Conclusions Preparing for EN Operations
- Addressing EN operations internally first will
provide you a platform to then market to Ticket
holders, and other key stakeholders - There is no teacher like experience, therefore,
you should connect with other successful ENs
whenever possible to learn from, and to
collaborate with, in order to continually improve
services you offer - An EN Business Model Checklist Planning Guide
has been developed to assist you in taking next
steps in your planning process, available at the
conclusion of todays webinar -
2325 Essential Tools for Ticket Startups
- Karen Davidson, Senior Account ManagerTicket to
Work Operations Support Manager
24OPERATIONS1. Goals and Timelines
- Set goals performance benchmarks
- Break them down monthly
- Set them for individual staff members
- Motivate staff to take ownership of the program
252. Know SSA Rules
- Know SSA Ticket rules, Work Incentives
- SSA Red Book www.socialsecurity.gov/redbook/
- (Pub. No. 64-030)
- Know enough to guide Ticketholders through
effect of work on disability medical benefits - WIPA support good, but need in-house knowledge,
too. - Know enough to navigate SSA billing process
263. Interest Form
- Tired of sticky notes from Ticket phone calls?
- Handy form to track new Ticket calls
- Use this form for initial data entry to database
- Track monthly calls and who referred them for
marketing purposes and staff work flow. -
284. Database
- Track clients, services provided, employment
outcomes, other pertinent data - Include fields needed for Annual Performance
Outcome Report required by SSA - Track staff progress Ticket program goals, save
staff time
Last Name First Name Soc. Sec. Street
Address City County State Zip Home Phone No.
Cell Phone No. Email Address Site Office
location most convenient for client visit 1st
Contact Date Date client first contacted
office/phone or in person SSI/SSDI SSI, SSDI,
or SSDI/SSI if on both Cash Amount Total amount
of monthly cash benefits Impairment Nature of
their disability Age Birthdate M/F Ethnicity
A Asian B Black C Caucasion H
Hispanic HSS Hispanic, Spanish Speaking
only/limited English O Other VET Military
Veteran? Yes or No Referred By Who referred
them to our office, name of agency, friend, etc.
If they saw our flyer, indicate where. If they
called from list of ENs, put Maximus) Staff
Rep Job Developer assigned to them
Status Interested, Assigned, Employed, Closed,
Nonpar (Assigned but not participating),
Unassigned, Inactive - Change status as situation
NATION Employment Goal From the IWP Last
Contact Date of the last contact made with the
client Comments Put any helpful info. here not
covered elsewhere Assigned Date of Assignment
Same date as IWP Assessment Date assessment was
completed Activity Job Search, GED Classes, AA
Degree, etc Current Employer If more than one
job, put current employer Job Title Industry
Use Industry types from TTW Annual Performance
Outcome Report 1st Day/1st Job If someone
changes jobs, retain this date to help track
payments Pay/Hr. Convert all pay to hourly
Hrs/Wk No. of hours expected to work each week
Est Monthly Estimated monthly pay Weekly pay
times 4.3333 Med. Coverage (1) Group Ins.,
Medicare, Medicaid, VA Coverage, etc. Med.
Coverage (2) If covered by more than one, list
2nd one here. TWP? Yes or No. Yes means they
qualify for the trial work period Mos How many
trial work period months they have left
Placement Notes. Info. on employment, next
milestone due, changes in job, hours, etc.
315. Benefits Planning Query
- BPQY has wealth of information about clients
case - Clients sign both BPQY releases SSA-3288 when
they sign Individual Work Plan (IWP) - To get BPQY, fax release forms to SSA field
office, ask them to fax BPQY back to you (takes
2-5 days) - Handbook Website
- www.ssa.gov/disabilityresearch/.../BPQY_Handbook
32Thisrelease allows you to get IRS data
33Thisrelease isforallotherSSAdata
346. Release of Information - Employer
- What if clients dont give you their pay stubs?
- Get Employer Release of Information Form signed
up front, same time as IWP. - Use this form to fax to employer, request
earnings information, but dont divulge any
information relating to their disability or
Ticket to Work
authorize my employer to release any and all
pertinent employment information (start date,
salary, ending date, etc.) as well as current
address and phone number to any Your
Agency Name staff person who
calls/faxes to verify employment. I understand
this information is required to assist in keeping
accurate data regarding job services. By signing
below, I give my consent to the Release of
Information and will receive a copy of it upon
request. This authorization shall be valid for
five years from the date signed.
______________________ Signature
367. Checklist for Client File
- Simple list of functions to do on all cases
- Check them off as you go
- Before fine-tuning list for your agency
needs,establish flow-chart of Ticket functions.
398. Staff Training
- Use Maximus resources
- EN Training Modules, Forms, and Manuals
- Ticket Training Tuesdays
- www.yourtickettowork.com
- Conduct regular staff training
- SSA/EN Monthly Teleconferences
40MARKETING9. Free Advertising
- Free ad on EN Directory at www.yourtickettowork.
com - Text box shows up directly below EN Name
- Say anything useful, up to 270 characters
- To get ad, use BPA Change Form at
www.yourtickettowork.com. - Attract Ticketholders most suited to your
4110. Ticket Website
- Incorporate info about your Ticket program on
your organizations website. - Consider using an online interest form
- Add a link to your Ticket website to the service
provider directory. - To add website, use BPA Change Form located in
the forms sections at www.yourtickettowork.com
4211. Appropriate Name
- Does your Agency or Ticket program name give away
too much info, breach client confidentiality or
mislead people as to what you do? - What first impression does a potential client get
when they see your name? - You can set up a Doing Business As and attach a
name to your Ticket program. To add DBA, use the
BPA Change form located in the forms section at
4312. Press Release
- Use Press Release to promote program tolocal
news media. - Launching or expanding Ticket program
- Include a success story of a clients
improvedlife or enjoyment of work news media
love a feel good story.
4513. Script for New Calls
- Does your staff know what to say when a person
makes that first call about his/her Ticket? - It helps to have a script or talking points, so
the callers first point of contact answers their
questions - Benefits of signing up for Ticket program
- Services that your agency provides
4614. Network with Local SSA
- You want to establish a good relationship with
local SSA field offices. Ways to do that - Get to know local managers and staff
- Do in-service trainings for local field office
staff - Give staff your marketing brochures to add to
their list of providers in the area. - Share your accomplishments success stories.
- Ask for a telephone directory of Claims Reps.
4715. Network with Providers
- Do all service providers (who are not ENs) in
your area know about your Ticket program? - Offer to be guest-speaker at in-service events
- Make sure they know you can co-enroll
participants who may be completing training or
receiving other services from them. - Network with your local VR agency to establish a
Partnership Plus arrangement for retention and
follow-along services.
4816. WIPA
- Get to know your local Work Incentives Planning
Assistance (WIPA) agency. - Call them, introduce yourself, invite them to
visit your office or visit theirs. - Collaborate on outreach events and community
functions - Refer consumers to them as needed for more
in-depth work incentive planning - Let them know youre actively taking tickets and
what services you provide.
4917. CD Referral List
- Great marketing tool
- CD has all the SSA disability beneficiaries in
your requested region, with age and history if
worked ever, last 5 years, last 18 months. - Data for targeted marketing, such as age group.
- To sign up for this monthly CD, instructions can
be found in the forms section of
51GETTING PAID18. Paystubs
- Ticket is performance-based, must
documentearnings to bill for EN payments. - Paystubs are primary (best) earnings evidence.
- Fax all client paystubs to local SSA monthly
- Fax to local SSA first, then bill for Ticket
payments - This also helps avoid overpayments to
5219. The Work Number
- What if client wont provide paystubs?
- Sign up for The Work Number Social Services
www.theworknumber.com/SocialServices/index.asp - Can verify employment earnings from
participating employers - Has helped ENs get thousands of dollars in
revenue - There is a small charge for the Express Service
- SS Search is also available
5320. Earnings Flow-Chart
- Track Milestones, months of Trial Work Period,
Substantial Gainful Activity, and Outcomes to
ensure you bill for all revenue earned. - Handy one page chart for each Ticket client..
5521. IPP System
- Dept. of Treasury system provides online
verification of direct deposits (EN payments). - Save time sorting out payments, esp. if deposit
account receives funds from other programs. - You get email notification of direct deposit
withweb access to each deposit with details. - Sign up at http//www.ipp.gov
5622. Income Chart
- Handy chart to quickly calculate weekly hours
pay to reach Trial Work Level for Phase 1
Milestones, and Substantial Gainful Activity to
reach Phase 2 Milestones - Useful in discussing employment goals planning
schedule for billing purposes.
5823. EN Payment Status Report
- Track your billing and payment activity.
- This goes out approx. every week by email,
usually on Friday. Notifies you current status of
each case. - You should automatically receive this report once
you submit your first payment request.
5924. Association for ENs
- National Employment Network Association.
- Indispensable peer-to-peer support, industry
voice for providers to government agencies. - Sign up for listserve for free or to become a
member, visit www.nenaticket.com - Interactive community The only interactive site
for ENs in the U.S. www.community.nenaticket.com
6025. DUNS
- All Employment Networks will need to use their
DUNS instead of their EIN on all forms and
communication with Maximus SSA. - All ENs must be registered with CCR at
www.ccr.gov. Keep your registration current
they do expire every year. - Changes in your bank must be made at the CCR site
in order to receive your direct deposits from SSA
- Today we covered the following
- Information on how to establish a successful
Employment Network - Partnerships and partnership strategies that will
benefit your Employment Network.
- If you have a comment or question you can
- A Submit it to the host in writing via the Chat
or QA Box to the right, or - B Click on the raise hand icon to have your
line un-muted and ask your question/make your
63Contact Information
- Karen Davidson
- Senior Account Manager
- Workforce Team, Operation Support Manager
- (831) 747-1548
- karenedavidson_at_maximus.com
- Kevin Nickerson
- Program Associate
- NDI Technical Assistance Team
- (607) 272-7570 Ext. 136
- knickerson_at_ndi-inc.org