Title: Consortium of Social Cooperatives
1- Consortium of Social Cooperatives
- Elpendù
- 10 years of experience
- in Social Cooperation in Apulia
- and in European Planning
2Headquarter and Offices
- 70042 Mola di Bari - Via R. Canudo n.12
- Phone number 39 (0)80 47.37.580
- Fax number 39 (0)80 47.31.042
- E-mail address elpendu_at_elpendu.it
- Web site www.elpendu.it
3Purpose and Title
- The Consortium's purpose may be inferred from the
name itself as a matter of fact, ELPENDÙ is an
Italian acronym sounding like the English verbal
expression to Help and Do". - Help whom and why?
- Article 3 of the Statute states "The Consortium
is supposed to be a useful tool intended to
increase the general interest of common people
for human advancement and social integration - Do what?
- being a tool able to match professional
abilities, planning activities, entrepreneurial
and social spirit, launching on the market" a
particular form of "Social Private Organisation"
the social enterprise.
4ELPENDÙs activities
- designing and implementing pilot projects. These
latter are completely innovative in the field of
human assistance and promotion and of social and
labour integration of underprivileged people - Carrying out research in the social field
- taking on, from public and private authorities,
commitments concerning management of social,
health and educational services realization of
works intended to promote the working integration
of socially underprivileged people - organising and managing professional training
courses as well as qualification, re-training and
refresher courses
5ELPENDÙs activities
- creating Agencies and Monitoring Centres intended
to study, monitor and promote the way how social
Co-operation develops in different fields where
intervention is required. They are also intended
to supply services also including the planning of
interventions supported by regional, national and
community aids - promoting, organising and holding conferences,
studies and surveys concerning human advancement
and social integration of citizens - disseminating informative tools, as well as
scientific textbooks dealing with institutional
issues and research in the social field.
6The Elpendùs network
ESCOOP European Social Cooperative
LAPE Agency for Promotion of social Cooperation
DROM National Consortium for Social Cooperation
Elpendù Consortium
Associated Social Cooperative
8Elpendùs Projects
- Project for an intervention dedicated to female
cooperators working in social enterprises.
Financed within the framework of the Italian Law
n. 125/91 - Positive actions for the realization
of man-woman equality at work - The project, after having analysed the working
condition of women working in social Cooperatives
and their demand for professional growth, has
realized a training pathway, aiming to their
managerial advancement. - HAND Project Financed within the framework of the
EMPLOYMENT Community Initiative, Youthstart
sector - The project has been realized in six Italian
regions. Even if it was designed, submitted and
led by Elpendù, the Apulia Region (the region
where the Consortiums office is situated), did
not financed the projectual aspect that should
have been realized in its region. The project
realized a training pathway and for enterprise
formation in the field of construction, by using
biocompatible techniques, respectful for the
environment and the local building tradition.
9- FUTURE KEEPING Project Financed within the
framework of the ADAPT Community Initiative - The project realized a map of the Apulian
families demands, through a research that
involved 1500 families, living in 101 towns and
analysed the professional profiles required to
satisfy the emerged needs, predisposing and
testing the training pathway for some
professional profiles. The research had been
published and used by the University of Lecce as
a didactic tool. - HOME Project, The House of Man for a New
Wellbeing Financed on base of the Article 10
ERDF, REGIONAL AND LOCAL INNOVATIVE ACTIONS - The project experimented the cooperation between
different Public Corporations and enterprises, of
both private and no-profit making nature, aiming
at reclaiming the building patrimony applying
biocompatible techniques and at employing
socially underprivileged workers, strongly
involving the citizens living in the
neighbourhood where the intervention was
realized, both in the planning and operative
10- ARTIFICIO Project, Creativity as Enterprise -
EMPLOYMENT Community Initiative - II Turn,
Youthstart Sector - The project has proposed a training pathway for
underprivileged minors (penal area, risk of
involvement in criminal activities) and has been
focused on some technical works in the fields of
show and of recreational activities and games
organisation. - CRADLE TO CRADLE Project, Creativity as
Enterprise EMPLOYMENT Community Initiative - II
Turn, Youthstart sector - The project, planned in two areas of the country
(North and South), was financed only for the
Northern one. The purpose consisted in realizing
different activities (research, training and
enterprises start-up), aimed at re-using building
materials coming from demolitions and at turning
them into new materials that could have been
reintroduced in the productive process.
11- IMAGES Project EMPLOYMENT Community Initiative
II Turn, HORIZON Sector - The project had the purpose to study and design
new modalities to sensitize the public opinion,
aimed at making people recognize the full right
to life and work of the handicapped person, and
the role that the social enterprise plays through
the media, by activating, among other activities,
a sensitization campaign. - STARe Project Prime Ministership Tourism
Department - Survey on the accessibility conditions and
realization of a map on touristic structures for
people with special needs Hotels, Museums,
Restaurants Railway Stations, Airports, Beaches,
Campings etc.
12- INTER-MEDIA Project European Union against
discriminations with the support of the European
Commission General Direction of Labour and
Social Affairs - The project was concerned about the spreading of
non-discriminating customs in and through the
media. A Local Agency for Social Communication
(Alcos) was established in four European
Countries (Italy, Spain, France and Greece),
which realized 1. A survey on the relation
diversity-media, 2. Deep- interviews to people
representing categories liable to discrimination
(because of racial and ethnic origins, religion
belief, handicap, age and sexual orientations)
3. Monitoring and analysis on what has been
published by newspapers on the subject 4. A
press office in each Country 5. Seminars
involving people working in the field of
Communication 6. Publication of the results. - Euroteatro Project- Culture 2000 Community
Initiative - The project, through the organisation of
workshops and the realization of a theatrical
performance, has experimented and codified good
practices aimed at the social integration of
handicapped people through theatrical activities.
13- Project for Burn-Out prevention in psychiatric
therapeutical-rehabilitative activities EUROPEAN
AGENCY FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK - It had realized training activities, structures
and organisational styles and defined decision -
making modalities concerning the working
activities able to prevent and manage the
interpersonal and organisational stress which
causes theBurn - Out syndrome. A publication
and a handbook have been published (in Engish
too) available on-line on the website
www.elpendu.it. - Nodi territoriali per la formazione manageriale
e sviluppo dellImpresa Sociale Project
IT-G-PUG-110 (Territorial knots for managerial
training and Social Enterprise advancement) -
EQUAL Community Initiative - Nodi Territoriali created a network of
territorial knots on the Apulian territory and
activated an on-line service aimed at supplying
real services for social cooperatives enterprises
and realized a managerial training process for
the leading groups of the latter.
14- IT-G-PUG-0109 Cure Care Project EQUAL
Community Initiative - It has experimented a Public-private territorial
department to offer socio-health services,
moving from the cure to the taking care. - Starting from the analysis of the socio-health
demands of the population living in the District
of Brindisi and from the analysis of the
socio-health workers training needs, the mixed
public-private supply of socio-health services
has been experimented on the territory, by means
also of telemedicine techniques. - IT-G-PUG-0111 Double Spiral Project - EQUAL
Community Initiative - It was aimed at designing, starting and
experimenting a socio-health service of cure,
resilience, rehabilitation and re-socialization
for patients suffering from double diagnosis
syndrome caused by psychiatric disorders and
problems of pathologic drugs-addiction
(alcoholism included). - In Italy, the two pathologies are cured in a
separate way by two specific health Services that
hardly ever co-operate, while a service that
takes care for the patient suffering from double
diagnosis syndrome, is missing. An epidemiologic
research run by the project, showed that the
double diagnosis syndrome affected the 73 of the
analysed patients. The results of the research
can be viewed on the web site of the Consortium
15- IT-G-PUG-093 Project Eco Canoni training
principles and reclaiming techniques in
bio-building - EQUAL Community Initiative - The project EcoCanoni allowed, apart from
editing a handbook of best practices for Public
Administrations, to train and start socially
underprivileged people in work in the field of
building patrimony and street furnitures
reclaim, by the adoption of bio-compatible
techniques. The Elpendù Consortium led the
training processes and, through the social
cooperative Lobiettivo (member of the
Consortium), it started the trained socially
underprivileged people in work. - IT-G-PUG-012 Project Innovative pathways of the
social economy in the environmental field - EQUAL
Community Initiative - The project, carried out by a partnership
composed by members representing different Public
Bodies, had the purpose to promote the social
enterprise in the field of enviromental
- IT-G2-PUG 038 Project - Per lImpresa Sociale
- (For the Social Enterprise)
- The project aims to realize innovative Actions
for the advancement of Social Co-operation. - IT-G2-PUG 043 Project - Social Crafts
- The project will develop actions aiming at the
working integration of underprivileged people in
the field of high quality and artistic
handicrafts. -
- IT-G2-PUG 080 Equal Time Project
- The Projects objective is to develop actions
aiming to create the conditions to realize gender
equal opportunities, particularly in the
agricultural field. - IT-G2-PUG 002 Project Vivo di Spettacolo The
Projects aim is to allow the underground work in
the field of show to emerge and promote the
employment of all the professional profiles
linked to show. -
18POR PUGLIA 2000-2006 Measure 3.4
- Training course for socio-cultural worker
- Project
- The project La Compagnia dei Celestini is
focused on a training pathway aiming at promoting
social integration, job creation, support to
selfentrepreneurship, particularly in the Third
Sector and in new employment fields - by defining
the professional profile of the socio-cultural
worker competent in recreational, cultural and
sports activities. The role of the socio-cultural
worker implies the acquisition of skills in
fields such as communication, promotion of the
participation in groups and communities,
technical/relational abilities and competences,
based on game and creative organisation and
19POR PUGLIA 2000-2006 Measure 3.4
- Training course for actors
The action consists in training actors. The
project is intended to favour the enhancement and
development of proper skills necessary to allow
the underprivileged person to acquire an
artistical professional profile. The theatrical
experience offers the opportunity to build a
symbolic dimension where the individual can live
relational, emotional, behavioural, imaginative
experiences and then relate and report them
outside the theatrical experience, within the
real life.
20Associated Cooperatives - Activities and staff
Employment C. I. Youthstart Sector
- La strada verso OZ Cantieri possibili (The road
to OZ possible yards) - Sviluppo e sperimentazione di modello integrativo
transnazionale per la formazione, la
qualificazione e loccupazione di giovani in
situazione svantaggiata come operatori edili
esperti in tecniche ecologiche e artigianali
tradizionali (Development and experimentation of
a transnational integrative model for training,
qualification and employment of underpriviledged
young people in the field of building with
expertise in ecological and artisanal traditional
techniques) - Atti del convegno conclusivo del progetto HAND
(Proceedings of the final conference of the HAND
project) Ravello, December 18 1998
Bioarchitecture, training and new jobs. The
results of an experimentation
- Famiglia e qualità della vita in Puglia, (Family
and quality of life in Apulia), by Luigi Za
Future Keeping Project (IC/009/A) - ADAPT C. I. - Prove aperte di cittadinanza. Strategie di
partecipazione e pratica dei Diritti di
Cittadinanza nel Progetto Home (Open tests of
citizenship. Strategies for participation and
exertion of the Citizenship Rights in the Home
Project) ERDF - Home Project n. 101 Article
10 - Home la casa delluomo, nuova qualità per un
nuovo benessere (Home the house of man, new
quality for a new wellbeing) - ERDF - Home
Project n. 101 Article 10
- Nessuna Pietà (No mercy) IMAGES Project
(0330/E2/H/M) Horizon Programme II Turn - Essere Dire Vendere, i fabbisogni di Immagine,
Comunicazione e Marketing delle cooperative
IMAGES (Being Say Sell, the needs of Image,
Communication and Marketing of the IMAGES
cooperatives ) IMAGES Project (0330/E2/H/M)
Horizon Programme II Turn - La ricerca in Inter-media approcci sperimentati
e risultati ottenuti (The research in
Inter-media experimented approaches and obtained
results) Inter-media Project - Grant
Agreement VS/2000/0698 CE GD IV Employment and
Social Affairs - Preparatory measures to fight
and prevent discrimination
- Manuale di teatro per persone con handicap
(Handbook of theatre for handicapped people)
Euro theatre Project Cultura 2000 C.I. - Teatro e Disabilità . Manuale di Buone Prassi
(Theatre and Disability. Handbook of good
practices) Euro theatre Project Cultura
2000 Programme - Vademecum ad uso degli operatori dei servizi
terapeutici/riabilitativi psichiatrici (Vademecum
for people working in psychiatric
therapeutical/rehabilitative services) - Burn
out Project SME2002/4886/IT Burn-out
prevention in psychiatric therapeutical/rehabilita
tive activities
25PUBLICATIONS EQUAL Community Initiative I Turn
- Malattia e Cura nella provincia di Brindisi,
(Disease and Cure in the Brindisi District), by
Luigi Za - CureCare Project (IT-G-PUG-109) - Manuale operativo per lintegrazione delle
politiche sociali locali (Operating handbook for
the integration of local social policies) Nodi
territoriali per la formazione e sviluppo
dellimpresa sociale Project (IT-G-PUG-110)
26PUBLICATIONS EQUAL Community Initiative I Turn
- Guida al Manuale della Qualità per le imprese
sociali (Guide to the Quality Handbook for social
enterprises), University of Lecce, Department of
Philosophy and Social Science Nodi territoriali
per la formazione manageriale e sviluppo
dellimpresa sociale Project (IT-G-PUG-110) - Il laboratorio Ecocanoni la ricerca (The
Ecocanoni yard the research) Ecocanoni
principi formativi e tecniche di recupero in
bioedilizia Project (IT-G-PUG-093)
27PUBLICATIONS EQUAL Community Initiative I Turn
- Comorbidità fra disturbi mentali e dipendenze
patologiche il problema della cosiddetta Doppia
Diagnosi (Comorbidity between mental disorders
and pathologic drugs-addiction the problem of
the so called Double Diagnosis), by Guido Di
Sciascio and Marcello Nardini Double Spiral
Project (IT-G-PUG-111) - Risultati di una ricerca epidemiologica nei Ser.T
e nelle CT della provincia di Bari (Results of an
epidemiological research in Services for
drugs-addiction cure and Terapeuthical
Communities in the Bari District) Psychiatric
comorbidity in drugs-addiction phenomena the
results of an epidemiological research - Double
Spiral Project (IT-G-PUG-111)
28PUBLICATIONS EQUAL Community Initiative I Turn
- Metodologia di una ricerca epidemiologica nei
Ser.T e nelle CT della provincia di Bari
(Methodology of an epidemiological research in
Services for drugs-addiction cure and
Terapeuthical Communities in the Bari District)
Psychiatric comorbidity in drugs-addiction
phenomena the results of an epidemiological
research - Double Spiral Project (IT-G-PUG-111) - LInnovazione nei Servizi Socio-Sanitari
sperimentazioni a confronto (The innovation
within Caring Services comparison among
experimentations) A.S.C.E.S.A. Project
(022-PUG-109/111) Action 3
- Famiglia e qualità della vita in Puglia, (Family
and quality of life in Apulia) by Luigi Za
Future Keeping Project (IC/009/A) - ADAPT C. I.
- The reasearch, inspired by the consideration
that the needs of people and the social demands
expressed by a society which is permanently in
progress, are continuously changing, led to the
design of a Regional Map of needs, a tool by
means of which the services suppliers can
orienteer their training pathways and
professional activity. The reasearch has, indeed,
allowed to identify the specific skills and
professional profiles required to satisfy the
emerged needs and design an innovative training
model to qualify the workers involved that has
been tested in the implementation of the project.
Finally the map, if properly updated, may
represent a point of reference for public
administrations to plan their activities.
- Essere Dire Vendere, i fabbisogni di Immagine,
Comunicazione e Marketing delle cooperative
IMAGES (Being Say Sell, the needs of Image,
Communication and Marketing of IMAGES
cooperatives ) IMAGES Project (0330/E2/H/M)
Horizon Programme II Turn - The research actions planned by the project
implied the organization of proper communication
workshops, where contents have been confronted
and productive techniques experimented, to create
new services and supporting activities for
institutional communication in cooperatives. This
committment has allowed to enrich the
professional abilities of the people involved, to
provide social enterprises with
technical-operating tools and bring a new entity
to life, in the form of a national agency that
will continue to propose and organize campaigns,
events, services for the social communication.
- La ricerca in Inter-media approcci sperimentati
e risultati ottenuti (The research in
Inter-media experimented approaches and obtained
results) Inter-media Project-Grant Agreement
VS/2000/0698 CEGD IV Employment and Social
Affairs Preparatory measures to fight and
prevent discrimination - Aim of the research has been that of detecting a
possible critical behaviour in citizens towards
the media, for what concerned the image of social
categories at risk of discrimination, diffused by
the latter Thus, a first opinion survey has been
carried out, in order to detect the level of
discrimination in media towards the before
mentioned social categories, according to
peoples impression. The obtained data have been
completed with targeted interviews, to supply a
more articulate framework of information and
knowledge. The results of the survey have
highlighted differences in the meanings that the
used words, such as minority and
discrimination, have acquired in the different
local communities. From this evidence, the need
has arisen to deepen on the theorical level and
standardize the meaning of the words themselves.
- Malattia e Cura nella provincia di Brindisi
(Disease and Cure in the Brindisi District), by
Luigi Za - CureCare Project (IT-G-PUG-109) - The research implied an analysis of the networks
of social relationships and of the emotional and
caring needs of the people living in then
territory of reference. Then an assessment of
resources, needs, interests and availability both
of those who make use of the service and of the
parties that form the network supplying the
latter has been carried out. The results have
allowed to tailor the training pathway for people
working both for public and in private bodies and
to adapt the experimental socio-health activities
to that of welfare. In this way, supporting
networks may be activated for improving the
quality of life and creating a new job of cure.
- Il laboratorio Ecocanoni la ricerca (The
Ecocanoni yard research) Ecocanoni principi
formativi e tecniche di recupero in bioedilizia
Project (IT-G-PUG-093) - The workshop was intended to promote a culture
of quality inspired by higher environmental
sustainability, thanks to the rediscovery of
ones own cultural identity. The starting point
has been the research on the urban inhabitants of
the towns of Mola di Bari and Taviano, involved
in the project, concerning ideological
guidelines, both formal and qualitative, which an
action of reclaim of the urban context could have
been inspired by and a training pathway of those
working in the sector.
- Risultati di una ricerca epidemiologica nei Ser.T
e nelle CT della provincia di Bari (Results of an
epidemiological research in Services for
drugs-addiction and Terapeuthical Communities in
the Bari District) Psychiatric comorbidity in
drugs-addiction problems the results of an
epidemiological research - Double Spiral
Project (IT-G-PUG-111) - The DOUBLE SPIRAL project has hypothesized the
possibility to face the problem of Double
Diagnosis (disorders caused by psychiatric
disorders and problems of drugs-addiction) by
means of a preliminary epidemiological research,
carried out by the Department of Neurological and
Psychiatric Science of the University of Bari,
that involved the users of all the Services for
drugs-addiction cure in the District of Bari and
has been addressed to the following aims - To quantify the problem of Double Diagnosis on
the territory - To describe the personal data, the
psychopathologic, psychosocial characteristics
and those concerning the health of patients, in
order to design both services and training plans
for a wide range of professional roles and
competences that are already employed in the
sectors of psychiatry and drugs-addiction cure. - The results of the research have confirmed the
seriousness of the socio-health problem, thus the
Partnership of the Project has decided to pursue
the training activities addressed to the workers
involved and to experiment a proper service, that
would have been interrupted in the case of non
meaningful results. The researchs results have
been published on the web site www.elpendu.it -