Title: This is your 30-Second
1Good Day
- This is your 30-Second
- Employer Training
30-Second DEI Trainings are a collaborative
effort Coming soon will be local Disability
Resource Coordinators in several areas of the
Click here to begin
2Introductory information about the Americans with
Disabilities Act for Employers
- The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) gives
civil rights - protections to individuals with disabilities
similar to those - provided to individuals on the basis of race,
color, sex, - national origin, age, and religion.
- It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals
with - disabilities in public accommodations,
employment, - transportation, State and local government
services, and - telecommunications.
3What are the basic protections offered by the ADA
employment provisions (ADA Title I)?
People with disabilities have equal opportunity
to apply for work and be promoted in jobs for
which they are qualified.
People with disabilities have equal access to the
benefits and privileges of employment.
People with disabilities are protected from a
hostile work environment and harassment based on
their disability.
All of the above.
4Close, Try Again
- While the ADA does provide people
- with disabilities the same opportunity
- to apply for jobs, work, and be
- promoted as any other similarly
- qualified individuals, the ADA also
- provides several other protections.
- To find out what those other
- protections are
Try Again!
- The ADA prohibits
- discrimination against a
- qualified individual on the
- basis of disability regarding
- fringe benefits available by
- virtue of employment (e.g.,
- child care, dining, social
- events).
- But theres more!
Please try again!
- Harassment is a form of discrimination under the
ADA. - Harassment is any unwelcome conduct based on
- disability. Examples can include offensive jokes,
name - calling, slurs, physical assaults or threats, and
ridicule or - mockery. For more information about harassment,
visit - the EEOC website by clicking here.
- However, the ADA does so much more.
Try Again!
- Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 prohibits private - employers, state and local governments,
employment agencies and - labor unions from discriminating against
qualified individuals with - disabilities in job application procedures,
hiring, firing, advancement, - compensation, job training, and other terms,
conditions, and - privileges of employment.
- For more information about Title I of the ADA,
visit the EEOC website.
Thank you From Glenn Olsen your Disability
Employment Initiative State Lead Glenn.olsen_at_dwd.w