Title: Cindy S. Oliveri
1 Dining With Diabetes
An Ohio State University Extension Signature
- Cindy S. Oliveri
- Extension Specialist, Family and Consumer
Sciences - Ohio State University Extension
2A Community Partnership ?Extension
Educators ?Department of Health
?Registered Dieticians ?Certified Diabetes
Educators ?Hospitals
3Public Awareness
- Survey of 2,000 People with Diabetes
- (Fall 2001)
- Findings
- 68 do not consider cardiovascular disease
- to be a complication of diabetes
- 50 dont feel at risk for heart condition or
stroke - 60 dont feel at risk for high blood pressure or
cholesterol - Awareness lowest among elderly, minorities
American Diabetes Association, 2006,
4What Is Dining with Diabetes?
- Program Developed in Georgia and adapted by West
Virginia Extension Service - Series of Three Classes with follow-up Reunion
- Topics include
- Health Management
- Menu Planning
- Plate Method
- Healthy Recipes
- Guest Speakers
5The Plate Method
Remember Your Serving Sizes
6Food Labels
Total Fat 6.5 gm 10 --
Saturated Fat 2.5 gm -- Trans Fat
1.0 gm Cholesterol 30.0 mg 10
- An Important Part of a Healthy Lifestyle
8 Ohio Partnership Efforts
- Train the Trainer Workshops
- Federally Qualified Health Center Projects
- Site Visits
- Statewide Teams
- Annual Conferences
9Washington County
10Trumbull County Team
11Brown County FCS Educator
12 Learning about the Plate Method
13Participant Taste Testing
14Ross County Program
15Program Counties
- 62 counties trained
- More than 1900
- participants annually
16Program Impacts 2008
- Program reached more than 1900 Ohio residents.
- Evaluations indicate the following changes
- knowledge gained
- behavior changes portion control, menu planning
and label reading - lowered blood pressure and blood sugar levels
- weight loss
- support systems established
17Participants Comments
- The availability of information surprised me!
- Extra hints were helpful.
- The information shared was very important.
- You take a complicated subject and make it very
easy. - I always learn something new every time I attend.
18Additional Comments
- I started to water exercise since taking this
class. - Ive increased my walking to 45 minutes.
- I have walked away with more knowledge and a few
friends not to mention a better grip on the
quality of my life. - Two participants had dilated eye exams and one a
foot exam. - You have caused us to leave this class more
informed and happy to have been a part of it.
19March 30, 2009
March 30, 2009
Cooking for a Healthy Lifestyle with the Diabetic
Chef - Chris Smith, author of Cooking with the
Diabetic Chef and The Diabetic Chefs Year-Round
Cookbook This live event features a cooking
demonstration with professional but
easy-to-implement cooking methods and
techniques. Free Diabetes Health Fair 430 630
20- Dining with Diabetes helps by teaching
participants how to reduce sugar, salt and fat
without giving up good taste!
21- Complications of diabetes may be delayed or even
prevented by carefully controlling blood sugar.
22- What questions do you have?
23- Thank you
- Cindy S. Oliveri
- Extension Specialist
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Ohio State University Extension
- oliveri.1_at_osu.edu