Democracy and the Age of Jackson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Democracy and the Age of Jackson


Democracy and the Age of Jackson Classroom Activity Age of Jackson In pairs or Triad s Create a visual representation of Andrew Jackson s Presidency Timeline of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Democracy and the Age of Jackson

Democracy and the Age of Jackson
Focus Question
  • What changes did Andrew Jackson represent in
    American political life?
  • Jackson encouraged the idea of the common mans
    participation in politics
  • Made elections more inclusive and democratic

Classroom Activity Age of Jackson
  • In pairs or Triads Create a visual
    representation of Andrew Jacksons Presidency
  • Timeline of Sec 4 5
  • Flow Chart
  • Outline.

The Controversial Election of 1824
  • End of the Era of Good Feeling
  • Republicans compete for the presidency
  • Sec of State John Quincy Adams
  • Speaker of House Henry Clay

The Controversial Election of 1824
  • Sec of War John C. Calhoun
  • General Andrew Jackson
  • William H. Crawford
  • Calhoun backed out in the hope of securing the
    vice presidency

The Controversial Election of 1824
  • No majority in the electoral college
  • Adams finished with 84 votes, Jackson 99,
    Crawford 41 and Clay 37

The Controversial Election of 1824
  • 12th Amendment if no candidate receives a
  • Election decided by the House of Representatives
    from among the top three candidates

The Controversial Election of 1824
  • Jackson clearly expected to win, figuring that
    the House would act to confirm his strong showing
  • However, Clay, as Speaker of the House, used his
    influence to sway the vote to Adams

The Controversial Election of 1824
  • The Philadelphia Observer charged that Adams had
    made a secret deal to obtain Clays support
  • Three days later, Adamss nomination of Clay as
    secretary of state seemed to confirm the charges
    of a corrupt bargain.

The Election of 1828
  • Jackson won every state in the South and West
  • Adams won the electoral votes of every state in
    the North except Pennsylvania and part of New
  • The election results were a clear victory for

The Age of Jackson
  • Jacksons Appeal to the Common Citizen
  • Jackson claimed he was of humble backgrounds
  • Jackson was a wealthy plantation owner

The Age of Jackson
  • Spoils System
  • Incoming officials throw out former appointees
    and replace them with their own friends

What does the cartoonist imply?
That Andrew Jackson was corrupt and foolish for
rewarding party loyalty with government jobs
The Age of Jackson
  • Favored a rotational system of staffing the
  • Gave away huge numbers of jobs to friends and
    political allies

The Indian Crisis
  • Jackson favored the forcible removal and
    relocation westward on reservations
  • Using harassment and bribery, Jacksons Admin.
    Forced many of the Indian Nations to march west
    to present day Oklahoma

The Indian Crisis
  • Occupied massive amounts of land in Georgia, the
    Carolinas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee
  • Farmers and miners wanted the land of the five
    civilized tribes

The Indian Crisis
  • Indian Removal Act of 1830
  • Five Civilized Nations Cherokee, Chickasaw,
    Creek, Choctaw, Seminole
  • Federal government provided funds to negotiate
    treaties that would force the Native Americans to
    move west

The Indian Crisis
  • Jackson stated the removal policy was, not only
    liberal, but generous, because it would enable
    native Americans to maintain their way of life

Trail of Tears
  • Cherokee Nation tried to fight Indian Removal Act
    through the courts
  • Chief Justice John Marshall refused to rule on
    first case brought against Georgia
  • Cherokee nation had no federal standing
  • Neither foreign nation or a state

Trail of Tears
  • Worcester v. Georgia 1832
  • Samuel Austin Worcester- missionary
  • Court recognized Cherokee nation as a distinct
    political community of people

Trail of Tears
  • SC ruled Georgia was not entitled to regulate
    lands and remove Indians
  • Jackson replied by stating
  • John Marshall has made his decision now let him
    enforce it.

Analyze Political Cartoons King Andrew Jackson
Political Cartoons King Andrew Jackson
Trail of Tears
  • By 1837, the Jackson administration had removed
    46,000 Native American people from their land
    east of the Mississippi
  • Opening 25 million acres of land to white
    settlement and to slavery

Trail of Tears Cause, Effect and Justification
  • Compare the following maps that illustrate the
    land holdings of the Cherokee people at specific
    times in history

Trail of Tears Cause, Effect and Justification
Focus Question
  • What major political issues emerged during the

The Nullification Crisis
  • 1828 Congress passed a high tariff
  • Know as the Tariff of Abomination
  • drive up duties to as high as 45 while imposing
    heavy tariffs on raw materials like wool
  • Disliked by southerners

Calhoun Champions Nullification
  • John C. Calhoun South Carolina
  • Supported the idea that state have the right to
    nullify or void any federal law deemed
  • South Carolina nullified the Tariff of 1828
  • Prohibited the collection of tariff duties
  • Threatened to secede from the nation
  • Calhoun resigns the Vice Presidency becomes a
  • Pres. Jackson rejects South Carolinas
    nullification and threatens to force if necessary
    Force Bill passed

The Bank War
  • Jackson Opposes the Bank of the United States
  • Jacksonian Democrats opposed the national bank
    because they thought it favored the wealthy.
  • In 1832, Henry Clay supported a bill for the
    rechartering of the BUSfour years early
  • He felt that if Jackson signed it, hed alienate
    his followers, and if he vetoed it, hed lose the
    supports of the best people of the East.

The Bank War
  • Jackson vetoed the renewal of the BUS
  • Declared the bank as unauthorized by the
    Constitution (despite political foe John
    Marshalls ruling that it was okay), and
  • The veto increased the power of the president by
    ignoring the Supreme Court and aligned the West
    against the East.

The Whig Party Forms
  • Henry Clay and Daniel Webster form the Whig party
    in response to Jacksons policies
  • Believed in a strong national government
  • Broad interpretation of the Constitution
  • Challenged Jacksonian Democrats in local, state
    and national elections
  • Election of 1832 Clay ran for Pres.
  • Jackson won in a landslide

Politics After Jackson
  • Van Burens Presidency and the Panic of 1837
  • The first president to have been born in America
  • Inherited the depression caused by Jacksons BUS
  • The panic of 1837 was caused by over speculation
    and the Bank War,
  • Hundreds of banks fell, including some of
    Jacksons pet banks, banks that had received
    the money that Jackson had withdrawn from the BUS
    to kill it

Daily Quiz
The practice of rewarding political supporter
with government jobs became known as
  • spoils system

The Trail of Tears refers to the forced
relocation of the Cherokee and other Native
Americans to
  • Oklahoma

How did President Jackson react to Georgias
seizure of Cherokee lands?
  • He sided with Georgia in defiance of the Supreme

Andrew Jackson found his greatest support among
  • common people.

Why did the United States government remove
Native Americans from the Southeast in the 1830s?
  • White Southerners wanted the Native Americans
    valuable land

How was the presidential election of 1824 decided
  • By the House of Representatives

Indian Removal A Clash of Diverse Cultures
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