Energy requirements of plants and animals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Energy requirements of plants and animals


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Energy requirements of plants and animals

Energy requirements of plants and animals
  • Plants and animals require energy for
  • Growth
  • Activity
  • Maintenance

Tolerance Range
  • All organisms have tolerance ranges within which
    various internal conditions must be maintained.
  • The maintenance of internal conditions is known
    as homeostasis.
  • Organisms have an optimum level for internal

Tolerance Range
Tolerance Range
Feedback systems
  • In order for organisms to maintain stable
    internal conditions, they have a range of
    regulatory mechanisms known as homoeostatic
  • Homeostasis ensures that internal conditions
    remain within the normal tolerance range for
    individual organisms.

Negative Feedback Systems
  • Negative feedback systems regulate internal
    conditions by constantly monitoring changes in
    the internal environment and then making
    adjustments based on these changes.
  • Negative Feedback Systems use changes in internal
    conditions as a stimulus. The organs responsible
    for detecting changes in the environment are
    known as receptors.

Negative Feedback Systems
  • Messages detected by the receptors, about changes
    in the internal conditions, are normally received
    by a coordinating centre known as a modulator.
    These modulators are often found in the central
    nervous systems of organisms.

Negative Feedback Systems
  • Once the stimulus information is coordinated in
    the modulating centre, then an appropriate
    response from an effector is normally solicited.
    The effector initiates changes in the physiology
    of an organism which result in a change in
    internal conditions towards the optimum.

Negative Feedback Systems
Negative Feedback Systems
Negative Feedback Systems
Question Set 1
  • Explain the difference between an optimum level
    and tolerance range in living things.
  • The optimum level for any internal factor is that
    level at which the performance of an organism is
  • The tolerance range is the range for an internal
    factor in which an organism can function without
    adverse effects.

Question Set 1
  • Draw a diagram to show the system by which an
    organism maintains its internal environment.

Question Set 1
Question Set 1
  • What is the difference between homeostasis and a
    negative feedback system?
  • Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant
    internal environment, mediated by feedback
  • A system in which a change in the internal
    environment results in a homeostatic response
    which brings the internal factor back towards the
    optimum level.

Carbon Dioxide
  • It is important to keep carbon dioxide levels
    within the tolerance range of animals because
  • In large quantities carbon dioxide can change the
    pH of an organisms internal environment. This
    can have an adverse effect on the functioning of
  • Very low levels of carbon dioxide can also cause
    problems because the regulation of breathing
    rates in many organisms are often governed by
    levels of carbon dioxide.

Carbon Dioxide
  • The relationship between controlling the levels
    of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the body is very
  • If carbon dioxide levels increase, then generally
    speaking, the levels of oxygen in the body will
    be depleted.
  • In order to decrease the levels of carbon
    dioxide, the body will increase ventilation rates
  • This will, in turn, increase the levels of oxygen
    in the body.

Glucose Control
  • Glucose is a fundamental substance necessary for
    cellular respiration. It is used to provide the
    energy necessary for converting ADP and P into
    ATP, which is then used to drive other metabolic
  • Levels of glucose in the body fluctuate based on
    food intake and activity levels. These
    fluctuations are monitored and adjusted by the

Glucose Control
Glucose Control
  • Glucose is the ready form of energy in the
    body, while glycogen is a complex carbohydrate
    which is used to store glucose energy in the
    body. Glycogen is predominantly stored in the
    liver and the skeletal muscles of the human body.

  • This is the formation of glycogen from glucose.
    This glycogen would be stored in the liver and
    skeletal muscle.
  • Glycogenesis would occur when there are excess
    amounts of glucose in the blood.
  • Insulin, a hormone produced by the Beta cells in
    the pancreas, will cause the body to convert
    excess glucose into glycogen.

  • This is the process which converts glycogen into
    glucose for use in cellular respiration.
  • Glycogenolysis occurs predominantly when there
    are low glucose levels in the blood.
  • Glucagon, a hormone produced by Alpha cells in
    the pancreas, results in glycogen being converted
    into glucose.

  • This process occurs predominantly when both the
    levels of glucose and glycogen are low in the
    blood system.
  • In this process, substances other than glycogen
    are converted into glucose. The substances
    converted into glucose might include fats and

Water Balance
  • The amount and concentration of water within an
    organism, and the relative concentration compared
    to the environment is extremely important.
  • Water is required because all of the metabolic
    activities of living things take place within a
    water soluble environment.

Water Balance
  • The concentration of dissolved substances is also
    very important since the concentration of various
    substance can affect the rate at which essential
    metabolic reactions take place.
  • Finally, the relative concentration of an
    organism compared to an environment will affect
    the rates at which passive forms of transport
    take place.
  • An organism can be adversely affected, via the
    osmotic loss or gain of water, if the
    concentration of its body does not suit its
    environment and its internal tolerance limits.

Water Balance
  • It is important for temperature to be maintained
    within the tolerance range of an organism.
  • Ectothermic organisms are those for which body
    temperature is largely controlled by the ambient
  • Endothermic organisms are those for which body
    temperature is internally regulated.

  • The advantage of ectothermy is that minimum
    energy is invested by the organism into
    regulating body temperature.
  • The disadvantage of ectothermy is that these
    organisms rely on the ambient temperature to
    provide the energy required for activity.
    Therefore, activity levels often coincide with
    high levels of ambient temperature.

  • The advantage of endothermy is that the
    activities of the organism can be undertaken
    independently of ambient temperature.
  • The disadvantage of endothermy is that
    considerable amounts of metabolic energy are
    often required to maintain body temperature
    within tolerance ranges.
  • Those organisms which are small and endothermic
    need to generate more heat via metabolic activity
    because they lose more heat to the environment
    through their relatively larger surface in
    relation to volume.

  • It is important to note that the control of body
    temperature is largely a case of balancing heat
    loss to the environment and heat gained from the
    environment and other means.
  • The nett gain or loss of heat energy will
    determine the body temperature of an organism.

  • If the temperature of an organism falls below its
    tolerance range then the normal chemical
    reactions which occur within cells gradually slow
    and ultimately stop. This is because the rate of
    any chemical reaction is greatly affected by
    temperature. Generally, we call a fall in an
    organisms temperature to below its tolerance
    range, hypothermia.

  • If the temperature of an organism rises above its
    tolerance range then the organism runs the risk
    of doing permanent damage to essential proteins
    in the body, such as enzymes.
  • All proteins are denatured (their shape is
    changed) by extremes of temperature.

  • The shape of enzymes is essential for their
    normal functioning. If an enzyme is denatured by
    temperature then it ceases to be able to
    undertake its role as a chemical catalyst for
    essential metabolic reactions.
  • Generally, if the temperature of an organism
    rises above its tolerance range, we call it

  • It is important to note that there are physical,
    physiological and behavioural mechanisms for
    controlling temperature.
  • Organisms use different combinations of these as
    a means of maintaining normal body temperature
    within their tolerance range.

  • Physical adaptations for regulating body
    temperature include
  • Piloerection body hair stands on end to reduce
    heat loss by convection over the surface of the
    body. (mammals)
  • Adaptive increases or decreases in surface area
    Organisms may have increased or decreased surface
    area which allows for more efficient control and
    transfer of heat energy, as required. The large
    ears of many Australian marsupials are an example
    of using large surface areas to conduct/convect
    excess heat to the environment.

  • Physiological adaptations for regulating body
    temperature include
  • Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation the control
    of blood flow to the extremities by reducing or
    increasing the diameter of blood vessels near the
    surface. This increases or decreases the rate of
    heat loss via conduction and convection.

  • Physiological adaptations for regulating body
    temperature include
  • Evaporative Cooling including panting and
    sweating. Both means of losing excess heat to
    the environment via the energy needed to cause
    water to evaporate. As the water evaporates it
    carries excess heat energy with it into the

  • Physiological adaptations for regulating body
    temperature include
  • Shivering increased, and spasmodic muscle
    movement, requires increased metabolic energy.
    Along with the energy needed for muscle
    contraction, heat is produced which helps to
    increase the temperature of the body.
  • Changes in metabolic rate similar to above.
    Changes in metabolic rate will produce more or
    less heat as required to maintain body
    temperature within normal tolerance range.

  • Behavioural adaptations for regulating body
    temperature include
  • Exposure control All of those behaviours which
    aim to increase or decrease exposure to extremes
    in ambient temperature. These include
  • Basking in sun to increase temperature
  • Hibernating or torpor during extremes of
  • Nocturnal habit which reduces exposure to
    extremely high temperatures.
  • Burrowing to reduce exposure to extremes of

  • Behavioural adaptations for regulating body
    temperature include
  • Increasing or Decreasing surface area available
    for heat exchange. This includes such things as
    huddling in groups and rolling into a ball to
    reduce heat loss to the environment. Similarly,
    organisms attempting to increase heat loss to the
    environment will spread out parts of their body
    to increase surface area.

Question Set 2
  • Give the word equation for cellular respiration.
  • C6H12O6 O2 ADP P ? CO2 H2O ATP

Question Set 2
  • Which part of the human body is the effector for
    glucose control and explain how this occurs?
  • Pancreas

Question Set 2
Question Set 2
  • Why is it important to keep the temperature of an
    organism within its tolerance limits?
  • If temperature rise above tolerance limits then
    there is a risk of denaturing the proteins of the
    body. Specifically, enzymes can be damaged so
    that they do not function thus blocking essential
    chemical reactions.
  • If temperatures drop below tolerance limits then
    there is a risk of essential chemical reactions
    slowing and possibly stopping.

Question Set 2
  • Give four means by which organisms adapted to
    regulate temperature.
  • Refer to slides 26 to 41 for answers.

  • As a result of normal activity, living organisms
    produce waste materials.
  • These waste materials can become toxic to the
    organism if they rise above normal tolerance
  • Organisms will expend energy to actively
    eliminate wastes from their body.

Nitrogenous Waste
  • One of the most toxic wastes are those which
    result from the breakdown of nitrogen based
    compounds, such as proteins.
  • The nitrogen based wastes produced are known as
    nitrogenous wastes. The main form of nitrogenous
    waste is ammonia (NH3). This can then be
    converted into urea or uric acid.

Nitrogenous Waste
  • Ammonia is the simplest form of nitrogenous
    waste. It is
  • Water soluble and requires large amounts of water
    to be removed from the body.
  • Highly toxic so it must be eliminated from the
    body as quickly as possible.
  • Low in energy cost to produce.
  • Produced by fish and juvenile amphibians.

Nitrogenous Waste
  • Urea is a more complex form of nitrogenous waste.
    It is
  • Water soluble but requires less water to be
    eliminated from the organism. Normally leaves
    organism in a solution known as urine. Organisms
    that produce urea can normally control the
    concentration of their urine, thus allowing for
    the control of water loss.
  • Toxic but not as toxic as ammonia.
  • Produced using some energy.
  • Produced by mammals.

Nitrogenous Waste
  • Uric acid is a very complex form of waste. It
  • Water Insoluble and can be stored as a paste for
    extended periods of time.
  • Non-toxic which also allows it to be stored for
    extended periods of time.
  • Extremely energy hungry so requires large
    amounts of energy to be produced from ammonia.
  • Produced by birds and reptiles.

Nitrogenous Waste
  • Osmosis is the passive (does not use energy)
    movement of water, through a semi-permeable
    membrane, from an area of relatively low
    concentration of solution to an area of
    relatively high concentration of solution.

  • If the concentration inside an organism is lower
    than the surrounding environment, then the
    organism is said to be hypotonic in relation to
    its environment.
  • If the concentration inside an organism is higher
    than the surrounding environment, then the
    organism is said to be hypertonic in relation to
    its environment.
  • If the concentration inside an organism is the
    same as the surrounding environment, then the
    organism is said to be isotonic in relation to
    its environment.

Osmotic Pressure in Animals
  • Organisms can deal with the movement of water
    into or out of their body in a couple of ways
  • They can maintain their body concentration at the
    same as their environment (isotonic). These
    organisms are known as osmoconformers.
  • They can maintain body concentration within their
    normal tolerance limits which is either above
    (hypertonic) or below (hypotonic) their
    environment. These organisms are known as

Osmotic Pressure in Animals
  • Osmoconformers do not need to deal with a nett
    gain or loss of water because there is no osmotic
    pressure for water to enter or leave their cells.
  • This group of organisms includes the sea anenome
    and jellyfish.

Fish in Salt water
  • Fish which live in a salt water environment
    generally have a body concentration which is
    lower than their environment. They are
  • This means that there will be a nett movement of
    water out of their body via osmosis.
  • This also means that there will be a nett
    movement of salts into the body via diffusion.

Fish in Salt Water
Fish in Fresh Water
  • Fish which live in a fresh water environment
    generally have a body concentration which is high
    than their environment. They are hypertonic.
  • This means that there will be a nett movement of
    water into their body via osmosis.
  • This also means that there will be a nett
    movement of salts out of their body via diffusion.

Fish in Fresh Water
Question Set 3
  • What are the three forms of nitrogenous waste?
  • Ammonia, Urea, Uric Acid

Question Set 3
  • Why is nitrogenous waste produced by organisms?
  • Nitrogenous waste is produced as a result of the
    breakdown of nitrogen based compounds, such as

Question Set 3
  • Give a definition of osmosis.
  • Osmosis is the passive (does not use energy)
    movement of water, through a semi-permeable
    membrane, from an area of relatively low
    concentration of solution to an area of
    relatively high concentration of solution.

Question Set 3
  • Describe the movement of solutes and solvents in
    a fish which is living in salt water.
  • Fish which live in a salt water environment
    generally have a body concentration which is
    lower than their environment. They are
  • This means that there will be a nett movement of
    water out of their body via osmosis.
  • This also means that there will be a nett
    movement of salts into the body via diffusion.

Question Set 3
  • Describe the movement of solutes and solvents in
    a fish which is living in fresh water.
  • Fish which live in a fresh water environment
    generally have a body concentration which is high
    than their environment. They are hypertonic.
  • This means that there will be a nett movement of
    water into their body via osmosis.
  • This also means that there will be a nett
    movement of salts out of their body via diffusion.

Plants dealing with water
  • Plants must also maintain water balance.
  • More complex, terrestrial plants must have
    mechanisms for maintaining a level of water
    within their tolerance range.
  • They must also be able to move water around their
    body to meet the requirements of the various
    parts of the plant.

Angiosperms A vascular plant
  • The angiosperms (flowering plants) have adapted
    to become vascular plants. They have specialised
    tissue for conducting water and nutrients around
    the plant.
  • Angiosperms are generally terrestrial plants with
    a wide range of sizes, shapes and niches.
  • The angiosperms live in a wide range of
    environments with varied water supplies.

Vascular Tissue
  • Vascular plants have two types of vascular
  • Xylem is responsible for carrying water which
    flows from the roots, up through the stems and
    out into the atmosphere through the stomata on
    the leaves.
  • This flow of water is known as transpiration.

Xylem Vessels
  • Xylem forms a network of continuous tubes
    throughout the plant
  • Water moves through xylem by a combination of
    processes including capillary action, adhesion
    and cohesion of water molecules and osmotic

Vascular Tissue
  • Phloem is responsible for transporting water and
    nutrients from one location to another in a
  • This relocation of water and nutrients in known
    as translocation.

Phloem Vessels
  • Phloem is shown here in cross section (top
    bottom) and longitudinal section (middle)
  • It differs from xylem in that it is living
    tissue. It has to be living because it relies on
    active transport to move sugars around the plant

  • This is the movement of water from the ground
    through a plant and out into the atmosphere
  • Water travels in the xylem of roots, stems and
    leaves and exits the plant via the stomata
  • This process also provides soil minerals to the
    plant, because they are dissolved in the water
  • Excess water loss leads to the collapse of the
    plant (wilting)

Transpiration continued
Plant Adaptation
  • In order to be successful in the wide range of
    environments, plants adapt various features to
    better suit them to their environment. These
  • Leaf size and colour
  • Stomatal Rhythm
  • Stomatal structure and distribution
  • Cuticle presence
  • Growth habit
  • Root shape and structure
  • Reproductive strategy
  • Photosynthetic rhythm
  • Leaf hairs

Leaf Size and Colour
  • In high light intensity environments, plants
    reduce both the amount of chlorophyll in leaves
    and the surface area of the leaves.
  • In low light intensity environments, plants will
    have more chlorophyll in the leaves and the
    leaves will have a larger surface area.
  • Plants may also take on a silver or grey colour
    to reflect more of the excess available light
  • Plants may also vary the surface area of leaves
    exposed to intense light and heat by leaf rolling
    or hanging leaves vertically.

Stomatal Rhythm
  • In order to reduce water loss through
    transpiration during the hottest parts of the
    day, plants will reduce the amount of time that
    stomata are open in daylight.
  • Reversed or reduced stomatal rhythms mean that
    plants need to modify their photosynthetic

Photosynthesis light dependent
  • Plants with reversed stomatal rhythms will
    undertake light dependent phase photosynthesis
    during the day. This does not require the
    stomata to be open since light dependent phase
    photosynthesis only fixes light energy as
    chemical energy in the form of electron transfer
  • This occurs in the stroma of choloplasts.

Photosynthesis light independent
  • At night, when the loss of water through
    transpiration is less, plants with reverse
    stomatal rhythms will open their stomata. This
    allows essential gases to be exchanged with the
    environment. It is at this point that light
    independent phase photosynthesis can occur. This
    occurs in the stroma of choloplasts. Carbon
    dioxide enters the leaf through the stomata and
    oxygen exits.
  • This gas exchange occurs in the spongy mesophyll
    of the leaf. This tissue has a large number of
    air spaces between the mesophyll cells to allow
    maximum gas exchange.

Stomatal Structure
  • Another plant adaptation, used in arid
    environments, involves changes in the structure
    of stomata to reduce water loss gas exchange.
  • The stomata may be sunken to provide a humid
    cavity above the opening and therefore reduce
    water loss.
  • The stomata may be covered with flap-like cells
    which again promotes a humid environment above
    the stomatal opening.
  • Stomata may also be found only on the underside
    of leaves which reduces their direct exposure to
    the direct heat of the sun.

Stomatal function
  • Stomata open and close based on the turgidity of
    the guard cells. When they are turgid (ie full of
    fluid), the stomata are open. When they are
    flaccid, the stomata are closed.
  • Guard cells contain more chloroplasts than the
    surrounding epidermal cells, so when they
    photosynthesise and accumulate sugars, they set
    up a concentration gradient so that water moves
    in by osmosis, and the stomata open
  • This can create problems if water is scarce,
    because the plant may lose water faster than it
    can replace it from the soil. If this happens,
    the plant will wilt, and water will move out of
    the guard cells, closing the stomata.
  • This solves the problem of water loss, but also
    prevents the uptake of CO2, and thus limits

Leaf adaptations
Leaf adaptations continued
  • In the sections on the previous slide, can you
    see the structural adaptations of the leaves?
  • Rank them in order of least adapted to a dry
    environment to most adapted.

Leaf Covering
  • Some plants have developed a waxy cuticle which
    is impermeable to water. This reduces the loss
    of water through the surface of the leaf in arid
  • Leaves may also have leaf hairs which promote a
    humid region around the leaves. This in turn
    reduces water loss through transpiration.

Growth Habit
  • Plants show varied growth habits in relation to
    their environment.
  • Plants living in high rainfall areas tend to be
    larger with more branching and leaves. They tend
    towards tallness to allow them to compete with
    other plants for available light.
  • Plants living in arid areas tend to be smaller
    and closer to ground with smaller leaves.
  • Some plants, like Acacias, have reduced or absent
    leaves to reduce water loss. Instead they have
    modified stems known as phyllodes.

Root Structure
  • Plants will also vary their root structure in
    different environmental conditions.
  • They may grow long tap roots in extremely dry
    conditions. These plants are known as
  • Other plants will use roots which range over a
    wide area, just below the ground, to increase the
    surface area over which water is collected.

Question Set 4
  • Give four adaptations of plants for conserving
    water and explain how each of these works.
  • Refer to slides 68-82 for answers.
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