LECTURE 5 Attitudes and Behaviour - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LECTURE 5 Attitudes and Behaviour


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LECTURE 5 Attitudes and Behaviour

LECTURE 5Attitudes and Behaviour
  • Administration
  • What are attitudes?
  • Origin of attitudes
  • How do we measure attitudes?
  • Explicit versus implicit measures
  • IAT how did you do?
  • IAT video
  • Break
  • The attitude-behaviour link
  • Do attitudes determine behaviour?
  • Does behaviour determine attitudes?
  • 7) Next Class

  • Definition
  • An evaluation of a person, object, or idea

Attitudes Towards(Likert Scale)
  • Ice-cream
  • Very Very
  • negative positive
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Asians
  • Very Very
  • negative positive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Nudity on TV
  • Very Very
  • negative positive
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Attitudes towards(Likert Scale)
  • It is essential that all citizens exercise their
    right to vote if government is to effectively
    reflect the will of the people.
  • Strongly Strongly
  • Disagree Agree
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Homelessness in Canada is a serious social
    problem that needs attention.
  • Strongly Strongly
  • Disagree Agree
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • I believe that a family with a mother and father
    is the best.
  • Strongly Strongly
  • Disagree Agree
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Where do attitudes come from?
  • (C) Cognitively Based Attitudes
  • Based primarily on a persons beliefs about the
    properties of an attitude object.
  • I like this vacuum cleaner because this one
    picks up more dirt
  • (A) Affectively Based Attitudes
  • Based primarily on peoples feelings and values
    pertaining to the attitude object
  • Can be a sensory reaction (chocolate),
    conditioned (love warm comforters on rainy days),
    or value-based (anti-abortion)
  • (B) Behaviourally Based Attitudes
  • Based on an observation of how one behaves
    toward an attitude object
  • I recycled, so I must have a positive attitude
    toward environmental issues
  • Sometimes we might be ambivalent toward certain
    objects because of these different determinants
  • ABCs of attitudes

How do we measure attitudes?
  • Explicit vs. Implicit Why Important?
  • Explicit Measures
  • Likert Scales (already shown)
  • Evaluation Thermometer
  • Semantic Differential Scale
  • Modern Prejudice

Attitudes Towards(Likert Scale)
  • Gay men
  • Very Very
  • negative positive
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Evaluation Thermometer
Gay Men Very favorable 100 50 0 Very
Semantic Differential Scale
Gay Men Bad ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Good Worthless ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Valuable Unpleasant ____ ____ ____ ____
____ Pleasant Boring ____ ____ ____ ____
____ Interesting Unfavorable ____ ____ ____
____ ____ Favorable Harmful ____ ____
____ ____ ____ Beneficial
Modern Prejudice Scale
strongly disagree

agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Gay men are
getting too demanding in their push for equal
rights. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2. Prejudice against
gay men is still a problem. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3.
The government should not help make any special
effort to help gay men because they should
help themselves. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
How do we measure attitudes?
  • Implicit Measures
  • Bogus Pipelines
  • Reaction Time Measures - IAT
  • Physiological Measures EEG and fMRI (brain
    activity), ECG (heart rate)

Bogus Pipeline StudiesPage Sigall (1971)
  • A bogus pipeline fools people into disclosing
    their attitudes by convincing them that a machine
    can be used to gauge their private attitudes.
  • Participants hold a wheel that measures whether
    they agree with a statement or not. Electrodes
    are attached to their arm and the fake machine
    supposedly gauges their tendency to turn the
    wheel to the left (disagree) or to the right
    (agree). This attitude machine was demonstrated
    by showing participants how it worked on an
    attitude that they had expressed earlier.
  • Once convinced that the machine worked,
    participants were asked about their racial
    attitudes. Compared to control conditions, who
    were not on the machine, these participants
    reported more negative attitudes toward Blacks.

But is it possible that we are not even aware of
our implicit attitudes?
  • The Implicit Association Task and studies using
    physiological measure suggests that this may in
    some instances be the case.
  • Did you test your Hidden Biases/Attitudes with
    the IAT?
  • Which IAT did you do?
  • What were the results?

Your results suggest Strong automatic
preference for Moderate automatic preference
for Slight automatic preference for Little
or no automatic preference Slight automatic
preference for Moderate automatic preference
for Strong automatic preference for
unpleasant or BLACKS
pleasant or WHITES
unpleasant or BLACKS
pleasant or WHITES
unpleasant or WHITES
pleasant or BLACKS
unpleasant or WHITES
pleasant or BLACKS
Your results suggest Strong automatic
preference for Whites Moderate automatic
preference for Whites Slight automatic
preference for Whites Little or no automatic
preference Slight automatic preference for
Blacks Moderate automatic preference for
Blacks Strong automatic preference for Blacks
Percentage of Total Respondents on IAT
website Blacks/Whites IAT Preference for
Whites 70 Little or no preference
17 Preference for Blacks 12
Implicit Association Test (IAT)Greenwald,
McGhee, Schwartz (1998)
Explicit vs. Implicit Measures of Bias IAT and
Semantic Differential Scale Blacks (/Whites) Bad
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Good Worthless ____ ____ ____ ____
____ Valuable Unpleasant ____ ____ ____
____ ____ Pleasant Video Dateline on
IAT http//www.youtube.com/watch?vn5Q5FQfXZag
Implicit Association Test (IAT)Greenwald,
McGhee, Schwartz (1998)
Positive Ingroup Evaluations Blacks vs. Whites
Video A girl like me http//www.youtube.com/wat
But can the IAT predict behaviour? If so, what
type of behaviour? Explicit
Implicit Behaviour Behaviour explicit
attitudes predict Yes No implicit
attitudes predict No Yes
The Attitude-Behaviour Link
  • Do attitudes determine behaviour?
  • What are the conditions under which attitudes
    predict behaviour?

Attitudes can predict behaviour when
  • we minimize social influence on attitudes
  • Reduce social desirable responding (bogus
    pipeline, implicit measures)
  • we match the level of specificity of attitudes
    and behaviours
  • General attitudes predict behaviours in general
  • Specific attitudes predict specific behaviours
  • The theory of planned behaviour
  • attitudes are strong

General attitudes predict behaviours in general
  • A general attitudes toward an object or a concept
    may not predict any specific behavior but if we
    average behaviours over many occasions, attitudes
    can predict behaviour.
  • Principle of aggregation
  • A persons religious attitude may not predict
    whether they go to church next weekend but it
    will predict the total number of a wide array of
    religious behaviours over time.

Specific attitudes predict specific behaviours.
  • A general attitude will often not predict a
    specific behavior.
  • But when attitude measures are directly pertinent
    to the situation they will predict behavior in
    that situation.

Theory of Planned Behavior
Ajzen Fishbein, 1985
Specific Attitude
(Subjective) Norms
Behavioral Control
Theory of Planned Behavior
  • Problems with this theory
  • It is very rationale and deliberative.
  • Intentions are not great predictors of behaviour.
  • Attitudes sometimes have a direct relationship to
    spontaneous, unintentional behaviour.
  • It also can not explain habits which are very
    unthoughtful actions.
  • This theory also does not take into account our
    implicit attitudes and how our behavior can also
    be influenced by these evaluations that are often
    quite different than our explicit attitudes.

Strong attitudes predict behaviours(not all
attitudes are equal)
  • People with a strong attitude
  • Often have acquired more information about the
    attitude object
  • Often are personally involved with the attitude
    object. It is important to them.
  • Often have had direct experience with an attitude
  • Strong attitudes are important because they are
    more accessible. More accessible attitudes direct
  • (e.g., I think we must protect the environment.)

The Attitude-Behaviour Link
  • Do attitudes determine behaviour?
  • Sometimes.
  • Does behaviour determine attitudes?
  • Sometimes.
  • When and why?

Why and when do behaviourschange attitudes?
  • e.g., Donating money to foreign aid.
  • Self-Presentation (not actual attitude change)
  • Self-Justification - Cognitive Dissonance
  • Self-Perception

  • To appear consistent (and avoid appearing
    foolish), we express attitudes that match our
  • Assumes conscious awareness of the discrepancy
    between the real attitude and the presented
  • Not genuine attitude change
  • (e.g., If I donate money to a relief charity, I
    may state that I am more positive toward this
    charity if I am with women who saw me give money
    than if I was with a different group of women who
    did not witness my initial donation.)

Self-Justification Cognitive Dissonance
  • Real change that occurs within the self.
  • Tension arises when we are aware of
    inconsistencies in the self
  • You realize that your behaviour doesnt match
    your attitude
  • To reduce that tension we often change our
    attitudes to fit the behaviour
  • (e.g., I would state that I am more positive
    toward this charity even if I was with a
    different group of women who did not witness my
    initial donation or if no one was around.)

Self-Justification Cognitive Dissonance
  • When?
  • Insufficient Justification
  • Postdecisional Dissonance

Self-Justification Cognitive Dissonance
  • 1) Insufficient Justification
  • We change our attitudes to be more consistent
    with our behaviours if we act in a certain way
    that is not consistent with our attitudes and we
    have no strong justification for acting in this
    way. If we do have a reasonable justification, we
    will not change our attitudes.

Self-Justification Cognitive Dissonance
  • Classic Study Festinger Carlsmith (1959)

How much I enjoyed the experiment (-5 to 5)
Self-Justification Cognitive Dissonance
  • 2) Postdecisional Dissonance
  • People often reduce dissonance that is aroused
    after making a decision by
  • increasing their liking for the chosen item and
  • - decreasing their liking for the rejected item.

Post-decision DissonanceSchultz, Leveille,
Lepper (1999)
  • Ask 13 year olds to rate the attractiveness of
    various posters.
  • Some children were allowed to choose between 2
    posters they rated very positively. After
    choosing, they rated the poster they rejected
    more negatively than they had previously.
  • - Rejecting a positive objects produces
    dissonance. So you need to change your attitude
    toward positive object that you reject.
  • Other children were allowed to choose between 2
    posters they rated very negatively. After
    choosing, they rated the poster they chose more
    positively than they had previously.
  • - Choosing a negative object produces dissonance.
    So you need to change your attitude toward
    negative object that chose. This effect was

Arousal and Cognitive Dissonance
  • Dissonance and the pill (Cooper Zanna, 1974)
  • Procedure
  • Subjects were asked to write a counter-attitudinal
  • banning all speakers on campus
  • Either an illusion of high choice or low choice
  • Given a pill told will be arousing, have no
    effect, or be relaxing (really a placebo)
  • Examine attitude change

Dissonance and the Pill
  • Dissonance and the pill (Cooper Zanna, 1974)

Self-Perception Theory
  • When unsure of our attitudes, we infer them by
    observing our behaviour.
  • Examples, listening to country music channel (no
    one forcing me)
  • Social Embodiment
  • Overjustification Effect

Social Embodiment
  • Recent theorizing on embodiment suggest there is
    a close relationship between bodily feedback and
    higher cognitions. They assuming that actions and
    body movements can directly influence our
    thoughts and attitudes.
  • For example, if we are evaluating cartoons when
    we holding a pen with a mouth that grins rather
    than a circular mouth, we will find the cartoons
  • Likewise, if we are evaluating Chinese ideographs
    when we are pulling up on a table (upward flex)
    compared to when we are pushing down on a table
    (downward extend), we will like the object more.
  • The feedback from our body influences our

Overjustification effect
  • The result of paying people to do what they
    already like doing, may make the task less
    intrinsically motivated and less likely to occur.
  • This effect occurs when someone offers an
    unnecessary reward beforehand in an effort to
    control behaviour.

Overjustification effectDeci (1971)
  • Procedure
  • Monitored participants who are initially
  • allowed to play with puzzles.
  • - ½ subjects paid to solve puzzles
  • ½ not paid
  • Next removed all rewards for the paid group.
  • Monitored who continued to work on the puzzle

Overjustification effectDeci (1971)

Amount of Time played with puzzles
  • Overjustification Effect
  • (Self-Perception Theory)
  • Getting paid for something you want to do.
    Getting paid for doing puzzles when you like
    solving puzzles. No dissonance here I like
    solving puzzles and I am solving puzzles. My
    attitude and my behaviour are consistent.
  • However, self-perceptions may lead people to
    believe that by receiving an unnecessary reward
    for the behaviour they may not really like the
    task so much - - that they are just doing it for
    the money. They believe that the reason they are
    behaving like they are is because of extrinsic
    rather than intrinsic motivations.

  • Underjustification Effect
  • (Cognitive Dissonance Theory)
  • Getting paid for something you dont want to do.
    Getting paid to tell someone that a task is fun
    when your real attitude is that it is a boring
    task. Dissonance is that your behaviour and your
    attitudes are not consistent.
  • Why am I telling this person it is a fun task
    when it is really boring it cant be because of
    the money (1), it wasnt enough to make me act
    that way, I must really like the task.

Next Class
  • Class 6 Persuasion
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