Title: Intensive Communication Group for People with aphasia (ICGA)
1Intensive Communication Group for People with
aphasia (ICGA)
- Research Project at QMU
- Motivation
- Need for more practised based learning
opportunities for SLT students with adult clients
with acquired neurological conditions. - Funding The Headley Trust
2Background 2012 Scoping
- Consultation
- Scottish Health Boards
- Voluntary Sector Chest, Heart and Stroke, The
Stroke Association, Speakability - HEIs, National and International good evidence
of effectiveness - No Intensive Group Experience available in
3Background 2013 Pilot Run
- 11 People with Aphasia communication partners
referred by SLT services in Borders, Forth
Valley, Lothian - Therapy Team
- 2 Highly Experienced SLT Leads
- 1 Art and 1 Music Therapist 1Physiotherapist
- 8 SLT Student placements, 1 internship
4The Programme
- Introductory Day
- 5 Therapy Days for people with Aphasia
- Communication Partners attended on 2 days
- An evaluation and dissemination of results
5The Programme
- QMU as a venue
- multiple opportunities for communication
throughout the day - QMU staff involved security, reception,
catering, AHP professionals - Large/small group sessions 11
- IT support, students
6The Programme
- Workshops
- Aphasia and impact on family
- What makes a good communicator
- Practical session with other PWAs
- Sharing ideas apps, software (react2), hardware
- Exercise after stroke
7Quotes from clients
Liberating nice to know I am not in this space
Gives an opportunity to speak would come back
I talked and the words were coming out.
The pictures and the students helped the words
come out easier.
Now that I have communicated with others in the
group, I am very confident. (CP)
Enjoyed being buddy with a new person with
aphasia (CP)
8Quotes from Students
- It turned out to be a wonderful placement
allowed us to work independently and also as a
team and provided us with the opportunity to do
group work which students dont often have the
chance to do
we saw the clients interacting in everyday
situations e.g. ordering lunch
I was hesitant at first that I wouldnt get
enough client contact on this placement as the
actual program only ran for 5 ½ days. However,
because there were 11 clients on the program and
I was engaging them individually and as a group,
I feel I received a substantial amount of client
Also provided us with the opportunity to work
with other health professionals and communication
9Future plans
- Funding for 2014 and towards 2015 and 2016
- Annual summer group ? sustainable?
- SLT Art and Music placements ? other AHPs?
- Disseminate model
- Other client groups?
10More information?
- Executive summary and full report including
outcomes for all participants including students - http//www.qmu.ac.uk/icga/