Title: Power Curriculum At UCCS
1 Power Curriculum At UCCS
- ECE 3910-3, Power Systems I, Offered in Spring
Semester - Basic concepts and analytical methods in
three-phase electric power systems single-phase
equivalent models per-unit system of
calculations power, apparent power, and energy
basic properties of power systems elements
short-circuit current voltage drop and losses.
Includes lectures and demonstrations. - ECE 4910-3, Power Systems II, Offered in Fall
Semester - An expansion of topics covered in the first
course in Power Systems. Covers transmission
lines, power flow analysis, generation dispatch
and the dynamic behavior of machines and power
systems during abnormal conditions. - ECE 4160-4 Power and Energy. Planned for future
offerings. - Magnetic Circuits and materials, transformers,
electromechanical energy conversion principles,
introduction to rotating machines, poly phase
induction machines, synchronous machines, DC
machines, stepper motors, laboratory experiments
on transformers, synchronous motors, induction
motors, steeper motors, motor control circuits.
2Planning to offer Certificate Course in
Collaboration with Colorado Spring
Utilities. Electric Machines and Electric
Power Power Systems Analysis Power Quality
Electric Power Systems Operation and Control
Energy Policy and Electricity Environment,
Energy and Global Energy Politics Energy
Economics and Electricity Market Renewable
Energy and Distributed Power Generation Smart
Grid, Power Electronics and Advancement in Energy
Systems Energy Systems, Power Electronics
Machines Laboratory, Simulation Modeling
Advanced Electric Power Systems Current and
Future Challenges in Distribution Systems