Title: Welcome! First Grade Curriculum Night
1Welcome!First Grade Curriculum Night
Please sign up on the side table for a fall
conference time. Remember to fill out and take a
reminder sheet with you!
2- Every student can learn, just not on the same
day or in the same way . - - George Evans
3Contact Information
- jbersky0622_at_oswego308.org
- 630-636-3741
- Office 630-636-3700
- Attendance 630-636-3701
- Website www.oswego308.org/schools/wolfscrossing
4Berskys Behavior Plan
- Rules in 1B
- T Think Before You Act
- E Everyone be Respectful
- A Always do your best
- M Make sure to listen and follow directions
- Behavior Management
- Individual
- Behavior chart
- Caught Being an All-Star Tickets
- Daily Behavior Calendar
- Team Tallies
- Whole class pom-poms
Grand Slam
Base Hit
At Bat
Strike 1
Strike 2
Strike 3
5A day in the life of a first grader
- Houghton Mifflin
- We will have reading groups that are met with
each week. These groups are very fluid and can be
changed as needed. - All students are assessed on their reading level
at least 3 times throughout the year. - Skills and strategies that we work on are
Sequencing, Comprehension, Predictions,
Inferences, Evaluating, Questioning, Summarizing,
Compare and Contrast, and Monitoring and
Clarifying. - Baggie Books will be starting soon. These are
sent home every day. More information will come
home soon!
7Daily 5"The Daily Five" is a way of structuring
the reading block so every student is
independently engaged in meaningful literacy tasks
- 3 Ways to Read a Book
- Read the Pictures
- Read the Words
- Retell the Story
- Read to Self
- Read to Someone
- Work on Writing
- Word Work
- Listen to Reading
- Spelling Words
- Weekly spelling words, which will be tested at
the end of the week. - Sight Words (High-frequency Words)
- Must be read in 3 seconds to be considered a
sight word - 103 Words
- Words Their Way
- A word study program differentiated to allow
students to study letter and sound patterns at
their individual spelling level. - Word sorts and activities will be done at school.
- Practice, practice, practice!
- Writing will focus on using invented spelling
(Kid Writing) with an emphasis on spelling Word
Wall Words and sight words correctly. - Students will be introduced to Word Families
throughout the school year. - Students will also work on writing expository,
narrative, and opinion pieces using graphic
organizers, correct grammar, and correct
- Please practice at home!
- Starting at the top and working on correct letter
formation - Placing letters correctly on lines
- Proper spacing between words
11MathEveryday Math Edition 3
- We will focus on the following areas
- Numeration
- Operations and Computation
- Data and Chance
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Patterns
- You can find the specific skills for each area in
the orange curriculum overview book. - Students are assessed throughout the units in
class, and will take a cumulative assessment at
the end of a unit.
12Math cont.
- Math Home Links
- Math Home Links are sent home nightly this year
to align with the Common Core. Please look each
night for a Home Link in your childs Home
Folder. In general, Fridays will have no Home
Link. - Math Game Kit
- This kit will come home with each student at some
time during the year. This has many different
games to play that reinforce what we are doing in
the classroom.
Please remember to send in 20 pennies, 10 nickels
dimes, and 4 quarters.
13Science and Social Studies
- 3 science units
- Balance and Motion
- Properties
- Butterflies
- Social Studies focuses on community, traditions,
people in the world, holidays, and good
14Other Loose Ends
- Math Home Links
- Baggie Books
- Reading each night
- Practicing spelling words
- Optional monthly calendars
- SPORTS binder
- Friday folders
- E-mail updates and newsletters
- Student of the week
Please send in a pair of earbuds/head phones for
your child if you havent already.
15Birthday Treats and Snack Time
- Birthday Treats
- We will celebrate your childs birthday in our
classroom. However, no edible treats are allowed.
If you would like to send a treat please send
things like pencils, stickers, bookmarks, etc. - Snack Time
- We will eat snack each afternoon in our
classroom. This needs to be a healthy fresh fruit
or vegetable snack (apples, carrots, etc.) Please
try to avoid sending snacks that require the use
of a utensil. Thank You!
16Art, Music, PE, LRC
- Students will earn a grade for Art, Music, and
PE. There are assessments that they will complete
in these classes. If you have a specific question
about something that is done during specials
please contact that teacher. - PE Mr. Bock
- Art Mrs. Brown
- Music Mrs. Doggett
- LRC Mrs. Layman
- Your child needs to wear or bring in a pair of
gym shoes for PE every Wed., Thurs., and Fri.
17Take Home
- Take Home
- ABCs of 1st grade
- Key Ideas on the Common Core
- Strategies for Tricky Words
- Handwriting Template
- Understanding invented spelling
- Highlights and Scholastic Book Orders
- Web Page http//mysite.oswego308.org/schools/WC/st
aff.asp?EID2756 - If you are interested in volunteering please send
the volunteer sheet back to school with your
child. - Any time there is a different way your child will
be going home, PLEASE send a note to school! - Giving Tree leaves, survey, and Parent-Teacher
Conference sign-up on the side table.
19Thank You for Coming!