Algebraic Symmetries in Quantum Chemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Algebraic Symmetries in Quantum Chemistry


New Tools A Crash Course in Representation Theory A group is a special collection of operators which ... 10 numbers with m = m2 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Algebraic Symmetries in Quantum Chemistry

Algebraic Symmetries in Quantum Chemistry
Clifford Algebra and Para-Fermi Algebra in
Correlated Many-Electron Theories
  • Nicholas D. K. Petraco
  • John Jay College and the Graduate Center
  • City University of New York

  • Part I, The Setting
  • Quantum Chemistry and many-electron wave
  • Solving the Schrödinger equation including
    electron correlation
  • Part II, Mathematical Tools
  • Representation Theory
  • Part III, Application
  • Spin-adaptation and some algebra
  • Representation theory of the unitary group U(n)
  • Para-Fermi algebra
  • The Clifford algebra unitary group U(2n)
  • U(n) module in U(2n) form
  • Matrix element evaluation scheme
  • Speculation!
  • Acknowledgements

How a Quantum Chemist Looks at the World
  • An atom or molecule with many electrons, can be
    modelled with at least one Slater determinant
  • Account for Pauli Exclusion Principle and some
  • electron-electron repulsion
  • Do not treat electron-electron repulsion properly!

In order to account for instantaneous electron
repulsion properly we need to find a basis in
which to perform matrix mechanics
How a Quantum Chemist Looks at the World
  • Solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation
    for atomic and molecular systems
  • Choose a finite one-electron basis set composed
    of 2n spin-orbitals.
  • This lets us write the Hamiltonian in second
    quantized form as
  • For an N-electron system expand exact wave
    function in configurations from the totally
    antisymmetric tensor product space

Problems, Problems, Problems!
  • This simplistic approach presents a horrendous
    computational problem!
  • The many electron basis scales as
  • Three principle approaches to solve the
    Schrödinger equation
  • Configuration Interaction (CI). Requires many
  • Perturbation Theory (PT). Requires many hard to
  • Coupled Cluster Theory (CC). Requires hard to
  • Physical inconsistencies creep into the
    determinant representation of the many-electron

New Tools A Crash Course in Representation
(No Transcript)
A Closer Look At Spin
  • Since to good approximation, and the
    Hamiltonian for most chemical systems is spin
  • Also and are invariants in
    , so their eigenvalues label irreps of the
    su(2)-module of many electron wave functions
  • Slater determinants are a common and convenient
    basis used for many-electron problems (i.e. basis
    for ).
  • Slater dets. are always eigenfunctions of
    but not always of !
  • This basis yields spin-contaminated solutions
    to the Schrödinger eq.
  • We loose the advantage of partial diagonalization
    of in a non-spin-adapted basis.

Unitary Transformation of Orbitals
  • V2n is invariant to unitary transformations
  • Through the same analysis

Therefore V2n carries the fundamental irrep,
of U(2n)!
Vn carries the fundamental irrep of U(n)
S2 carries the fundamental irrep of U(2)
Now For Some Algebra
  • Let and with

Generators of
Lie product of u(n)
Method to construct eigenstates of
Tensor Irreps of U(n)
  • Gelfand and Tsetlin canonical orthonormal basis.
  • Gelfand-Tsetlin basis adapted to the subgroup
  • Irreps of U(k) characterized by highest weight
    vectors mk
  • for N-electron wave functions carries the
    totally antisymmetric irrep of U(2n),
  • Gelfand-Tsetlin (GT) basis of U(2n) is not an
    eigenbasis of
  • We consider the subgroup chain instead
  • Only two column irreps of U(n) need to be
  • The GT basis of U(n) is an eigenbasis of !

A Detour Through the Strange Land of Para-Fermi
  • Operators forming a para-fermi algebra satisfy
  • The and can be built from the
    Green ansatz
  • The and are weird kinds of
    Fermions satisfying
  • However, unitary group generators can be built as

Para-Fermi Algebra in Quantum Chemistry
  • Define the operators
  • Then the weird fermions are given as
  • And the para-fermi operators are defined through
  • Two terms in the sum, therefore electronic
    orbitals are para-fermions of order 2

Clifford Algebra Unitary Group U(2n)
  • Consider the multispinor space spanned by
    nth-rank tensors of (single particle Fermionic)
    spin eigenvectors
  • carries the fundamental reps of SO(m), m
    2n or 2n1 and the unitary group U(2n)
  • carries tensor irreps of U(2n)
  • Using para-Fermi algebra, one can show only
    of U(2n) contains the p-column irrep of U(n)
    at least once.
  • For the many-electron problem p 2 and thus
  • All G2a1b0c of U(n) are contained in G2 of
    U(2n), the dynamical group of Quantum Chemistry!

Where the Clifford Algebra Part Comes in
  • The monomials are a basis for the Clifford
    algebra Cn
  • The monomials can be used to construct generators
    of U(2n).

primitive Clifford numbers
  • Since m is a vector of 0s and 1s then using
  • Elements of a 2-column U(n)-module, are
    linear combinations of two-box (Weyl)

we can go between the binary and base 10 numbers
with m m2
Action of U(n) Generators on in
  • Action of U(2n) generators on is
    trivial to evaluate
  • Since any two-column tableau can be expressed as
    a linear combination of two-box tableaux, expand
    U(n) generators in terms of U(2n) generators

weights of the ith component in the pth monomial
hard to get sign for specific E
Action of U(n) Generators on in
  • Given a G2a1b0c the highest weight state in
    two-box form
  • Get around long expansion by selecting
    out that yield a non-zero result on the
    to the right.
  • Consider with
    (lowering generator)
  • Examine if contains and/or
  • e.g. If and
    then contains .
  • Generate r from i and j with p and/or q
  • e.g. If contains then

can be lowered to generate the rest of the
Basis Selection and Generation
  • Given a G2a1b0c lower from highest weight state
    according to a number of schemes
  • Clifford-Weyl Basis
  • Generate by simple lowering action and thus
  • Equivalent to Rumer-Weyl Valence Bond basis
  • Can be stored in distinct row table and thus has
    directed graph representation
  • Gelfand-Tsetlin Basis
  • Generate by Schmidt orthagonalizing CW basis or
    lowering with Nagel-Moshinsky lowering operators
  • Can be stored in DRT
  • Orthagonal
  • Lacks certain unitary invariance properties
    required by open shell coupled cluster theory

Basis Selection and Generation
  • Jezorski-Paldus-Jankowski Basis
  • Use U(n) tensor excitation operators adapted to
    the chain
  • Symmetry adaptation accomplished with Wigner
    operators from SN group algebra
  • Resulting operators have a nice hole-particle
  • No need to generate basis explicitly
  • Orthagonal and spin-adapted
  • Has proper invariance properties required for
    open-shell Coupled Cluster
  • Operators in general contain spectator indices
    which lengthen computations and result in even
    more unnatural scaling
  • Determinant Basis
  • Just use the two-box tableau
  • Easy to generate
  • Symmetric Tensor Product between two determinants
  • Orthagonal

Formulation of Common Correlated Quantum
Chemical Methods
  • Equations of all these methods can be formulated
    in terms of coefficients (known or unknown)
    multiplied by a matrix elements sandwiching
    elements of
  • Configure Interaction
  • Coupled Cluster Theory
  • Rayleigh-Schrödinger Perturbation Theory

Formulation of Common Correlated Quantum
Chemical Methods
  • One can use induction on the indices of each
    orbital subspace
  • core
  • active
  • virtual
  • This invariance allows one to use numerical
    indices on these matrix elements and generate
    closed form formulas

to show that the multi-generator matrix elements
are invariant
to the addition or subtraction of orbitals within
each subspace
  • A composite particle composed of two electrons
    occupy geminals
  • There are various schemes to form geminals from
    pairs of orbitals
  • Most forms of geminals behave as bosons form a
    second-quantized point of view
  • The geminals that are formed from bosonized
    orbitals are really only approximate bosons, form
    a purists point of view
  • Also, there are lots of ways to bosonize orbitals
  • An openshell molecule is composed of paired and
    unpaired electrons in orbitals
  • SPECULATION! Can we treat general openshell atoms
    and molecules as interacting systems of
    (approximate) bosons and fermions?

Supersymmetry in Quantum Chemistry?
  • Composite systems of interacting bosons and
    fermions with the added symmetry that boson and
    fermions can transform into one another can be
    treated be Lie superalgebras
  • In nuclear physics there is the supersymmetric
    interacting boson-fermion models of Iachello et
  • Pairs of nucleons are treated approximately as
  • Any unpaired nucleons are treated as fermions
  • Excitation of a boson to a fermion changes the
    net particle number and interrelates nuclei of
    different masses by classifying them as
    transforming as the same superirrep (the totally
    supersymmetric one)
  • Model works ok when compared to experiment
  • Can we interrelate molecules in different sectors
    of Fock space and include proper spin adaptation
    by studying U(mn) modules?

  • John Jay College and CUNY
  • My collaborators and colleagues
  • Prof. Josef Paldus
  • Prof. Marcel Nooijen
  • Prof. Debashis Mukherjee
  • Sunita Ramsarran
  • Chris Barden
  • Prof. Jon Riensrta-Kiracofe
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