Title: Deep Underground and Sea Nuclear Park Accelerator Facility
1Deep Underground and Sea Nuclear Park Accelerator
- Hiroshi Takahashi
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- At KUR Dec. 4-9, 2005
- Why ADS
- President Carter s International Nuclear Fuel
Cycle Assesment (INFCE) 25 years ago. - BNL proposed LWR fuel rejouvenation
- 400 MW beam (Prof. Lawrence MTA )Linac at LNAL
conference - Director Prof. Deusche at DOE tel call to BNL
director Vineyard To Fire 4 people Kouts. P.
Grand, Steinberg, Takahashi. Powell
3ADS (2)
- Dr. Mukaiyama JAERI proposed incinerate minor
actinide by fast reactor. - Low delayed neutrons it is dangerous to operate
in critical condition. - Phenics fast reactor sudden drop of power
- I proposed to run sub-critical condition in Ispra
workshop k0.99 - International symposium at Madrid
- Mandrion cyclotron proton beam
4ADS (3)
- 0.6MW proton Beam SIN cyclotron
- FFAG for more flexible beam Prof. Mori
- POP accelerator
- 10 MW 1.5 Gev beam run 1GWe power reactor k0.99
- advanced FFAG by Mori and Ruggiero .
- I hope to have high power 10 MW beam
5Deep Underground Nuclear Park Concept
- Nuclear Energy
- LWR reactor 1GW e GE,
- Shoreham NP plant in Long Island
- North of BNL 5 miles
6Underground Reactor
- A. Sachrov
- E Teller
- Sweden,
- Switerland
- Kansai Electric Power Company Study
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9Kannagawa Hydulic Power Plant
- 600 meter deep underground between artificial
lakes of - embedded the generator station and transformer
- embedding the reactor pressure vessel into earth
through the sands or the other grout type
10TEPCO kannagawa Hydraulic Power plant
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17Deep underground laboratory
- High energy physics
- Geology mineralogy,
- Volcano inner earth ( Nagamine pioneering work
using muon beam can be extended use of neutrino
Tomography and transmutation ) - Biology. Bacteria activity in deep underground
- Dr. R. Davis , Home Stake gold mine (solar
neutrino) - Prof. Koshiba, Super-Kamiokande
18Deep underground accelerator facility
- Proposed for deep underground nuclear park
concept for nuclear energy. - Many advantage over near earth surface facility
- Natural shielding reduces the cost
- Fast Pulsed reactor like Dubna, Euratom, BNL (
1000MW,peak power) - many neutrinos produced from nuclear reaction and
use of anti-electron neutrino from fission
reaction similar to N.P generation of electricity
19Heavy Metal Decay Chains
Neutron capture
(n,2n) reaction
LHC large hadron collider at CERN
21Deep underground accelerator facility(2)
- FFAG ( cyclotron 10 MW beam)
- Many detectors, accelerator can be installed
- Radiation field can be well shielded
- Contamination of water can be avoided in deep
underground Even use of deep tunnel water can
be handled - Solid foundation for heavy equipment detector
(50-100 ton on the solid rock)
22Deep underground accelerator facility
- Proposed for deep underground nuclear park
concept for nuclear energy. - Many advantage over near earth surface facility
- Natural shielding reduces the cost
- Fast Pulsed reactor like Dubna, Euratom, BNL
- generation of electricity, and use of
anti-electron neutrino
23Weak interaction Nuclear Reactor Physics
- Delayed neutron
- Decay Heat for reactor safety
- Radio active waste (Managements)
24Neutrino Physics
- electron neutrino
- mu neutrino
- tau-neutrino
- dark matter
- dark energy
- cosmology
- Mexico montrrey symposium Feb, 2005
25High beam physics
- Quantum physics
- Condensation of beam
- Quantum condensation
- Coherent sate description ( classical )
- Multi phase analysis due to quantum
- Quantum Field Theory (String theory application)
26Deep Underground Accelerator Facility
- Deep Underground Nuclear Park
- many possibility
- earth shielding
- high intensity Protect from radiation
- Pulsed fast reactor (Dubna, Euratom Ispra, BNL)
- provides many energies of neutrinos
27Deep Underground Accelerator Facility
- Well shielded, no earth mound ( Expensive)
- Many detectors can be installed in close to
neutrino source - High intensity, short experiments time
- Get high resolution data
- Electricity from fission power from target
reactor ( economical)
28Pulsed fast reactor
- Dubna type pulsed reactor
- supercritical by reflector rotation
- Euratom (ISPRA)
- BNL after HFBR
- Spallation neutron source (1-10 MWe)
- Fission energy
- Power generation possible
29Pulsed fast reactor
- Low energy Neutrino, Many energy spectrum from
Fission products and decay products, - Instead of commercial Nuclear Power Plant Reactor
30Pulsed fast reactor(2)
- Well defined Neutrino Source We can calculate it
by neutrino production taking account many
channel process similar to cascade calculation,
but it need the sophisticated model for weak
interaction like beta decay study. Higgs field
31Low energy neutrino
- High Intensity neutrino than NPT ( short
distance, Variety of neutrino from many decay
process) many correlation functions can be
obtained by small volume detector has been
explored in research on the dark energy, axion
32Beta Decay analysis
- Long history reference, Profs. Wu, and Moshinsky.
Morita, Yamada - Fermi Theory
- Weak interaction still going on research work,
cosmology, gravity , super string theory.
33Super computer
- Tera flop computer
- IBM- BNL _Riken Collaboration
- QCD molecular Dynamics
- quantum computation
- Entangled state, super radiant state squeezed
state, - interaction between super strong laser and
- Hamiltonian
- Lagrange formula
- Feynman path integral formalism.
- Stochastic quantization
- quantum fluctuation computation
- quantum noise, not complete random, structure
spectrum in polymer
35Double beta decay
- Dirac neutrino
- Mayorana neutrino
- Symmetry Violation
- CP violation
- Electro-Baryon
- g-2 experiments
- Beyond Standard model
- Loop diagram
36Axion , dark matter and dark energy detection
- University Chicago
- Si technology, Multi- cell detector
- Detector technology, Cell phone, digital camera,
- multi channel, multi- modal,
- communication through using module
- Group theory, set theory, new mathematics
37Neutrino Tomography
- Using high energy neutrino
- neutrino from super-nova
- neutrino from LWR power plants,
- medium size detectors (Nano-Technology)
- using low energy coherent neutrino reaction
38Neutrino from pulsed reactor in deep underground
- Short pulsed fission reaction milli sec width
- pulsed length can be changed
- by using the proper elements, we can make many
kind neutrino source energy spectrum - delayed neutron decay heat study was extensively
done with our safety study ( Yamada group, Japan
nuclear data center
39Nuclear Data center accumulating many data of
- Beta, alpha, gamma transition, but not neutrino
data - Neutrino data is not obtained due to small cross
section, but it can be obtained by taking the
correlation functions in many channels, theory is
not well developed yet, This can be explore with
quantum field theory developed for string theory
in near future.
40Detector Technology
- Cherenkov counter
- Si-Ge
- Cd-Te
- Nano-Technology
41Double Beta Decay Search using Cd Te Detectors
- Cobra 5 b-b- 4 bb
- 116 Cd 130 Te
- Majorana neutrino mass lt1 eV
- K Zuber ( univ Dortmund Germany)
- nucl-ex /05018v1
42Proximity Focussing Ring Imaging Cherenkov
- Astro-ph/0201051
- T. Thuiller, et al
- pattern recognition
- homeland security
43Nuclear Reactor Safeguards and Monitoring with
Anti neutrino Detectors
- nue n-gt en .
- 239Pu, 235U
- neutron capture such as Cd, Cl, Li
- tight time coincidence
- high energy (8 MeV, capture signature )
44Nuclear Reactor Safeguard and Monitoring
Antineutrino Detector
- Sandia Lab IAEA for non proliferation.Pu and
U235, beta decay of neutron rich fragments in
Heavy element fission - cubic meter size.
- nuep-- e n , 1.81 MeV
- Large neutron capture G a, Cl or Li
- San Onofre NP
- small size detector organic sintilator,
bio-compatible scintillator phenylxylylethan - A,A,Hahn, (Phys. Lett. B218(1989) 325, BR. Davis
45Algebra operator formalism
- Commutator
- non Abelian
- factorization.
- Polynomial formula
- algebraic curve
- function form.
46Non linear formalism
- Algebraic curve
- multi dimension
- many kind manifold
- Rieman geometry
- gravityCurvature, Ricci tensor, flatten space
for linear formalism - neighbor ball , connection curve.
47Formalism of differential geometry
- Ricci tensor
- number theory
- fractional number
- measure theory, dimension theory,
- stability, singularity, surgery, horizon
- polarization
- outer multiplication, inner products, scalar
vector space tensor formalism
48Deep underground laboratory
- Physics , chemistry biology, nuclear engineering
, cosmology dark matter - Geology seismic study, earth science, magma earth
tectonic study. Earth movement volcano study by
muon beam or neutrino beam - Transportation. Civil engineering mega city,
49Coherent neutrino
- Low energy long wave length
- reaction are coherent
- Increase the cross section
- detector technology
- Chicago University, New nano-technology
- axion cherenkov radiation.
- Green function formalism
50Quantum Theory Free Electron Laser
- 1978 paper, but It was not well accepted.
- Neutrino cross section is very small ,but the
coherent cross section - miller, focussing of neutrino is possible.
- I am interested in low energy neutron rather than
high energy neutrino pursued in high energy
51Quantum Theory Free Electron Laser
- Two times Green function method
- Su(2), SU(3)
- Non linear interaction
52Weak interaction
- Fermi theory
- Gammow Teller theory to
- Quark physics
- Flavor Change
- B physics. To refine the theory
- Low energy physics vs High energy physics K meson
53Neutrino physics
- Neutrino oscillation/
- KMS theory
- high energy neutrino
- low energy neutrino beta-decay
- decay process.
- Combined with pulsed reactor
- High neutrino intensity, short distance between
source and detector
54Neutrino reaction mechanism
- SU(3) based group theory.
- SU(2) ,- charge
- high energy neutrino
- tricolor
- Quantum field theory,
- Sting theory, differential geometry.
- Higgs field formalism, super gravity formalism.
55Reactor physics
- Heterogeneous system
- Integral Transport Theory. Grpha,code.
- Simple geometry, Slab lattice. Cylindrical
lattice, - Neutron Thermalization. Neutron Scattering Kernel
56Reactor physics
- Nuclear cross section
- resonance escape probability
- Wigner formalism, Brigit Winger type
cross-section - Winger Innonu
- Group theory low level state
- IBM model
- Nuclear physics
57Nuclear physics
- Wood saxon potential
- nuclear reaction theory
- randum matrix formalism porter Dyson meta
resonance distribution. - Particle , Point is not
- non local theory Yukawa
- missing energy by Pauli s formalism neutrino
58Nuclear physics
- Bohr-Wheeler
- fission reaction
- deformed liquid drop model
- many shape
- Ternary fission
- Dumb bell shape
- internal coordinate, multi dimension
- String theory
- algebraic curve,
- not straight line,
- continuous , analytic, Caucy theory, gauss
- pole branching points,
- Manifold, non-local theory.
- Lattice gauge theory
- QCD lattice, Computation ( Si technology)
60Quantum theory of free electron laser
- Matsubara Two times Green function method (
condensed matter physics, Linear response theory,
Prof. Kubo. Van Hove theory) - Non linear ,
- Extend the space to multi dimensional space
theory. - Differential Geometry. Geometric Universe(Roger
61Quantum Field Theory and string theory
- Yang Millgauge theory
- boundary of boundary is zero
- closed manihold .
- Twister integrable system and soliton, instanton
- Framings, SU(2) - SU(3) invariance
- Super-complex manihold, Holonomy, and Hyper-
Geometric function.
62Conformal Theory
- Einsteins equation and Conformal Structure
- twister 3-dimensional space times
- integrable Yang-Mills Higgs system
- Duality, triality. Kobayashi-Masukawa KMS
(theory) - 4 dimensional Einstein Manifold.
63Particle beam Physics,
- FFAG , Induction accelerator
- beam spill, quantum mechanical formalism.
- Quantum fluctuation to Classical, plasma
oscillation - free electron quantum formalism, using the
Matsubara two times green function method. High
module formalism application of the quantum field
theory - Number Theory, Modern mathematics.
64Weak interaction (2)
- Fast pulsed reactor for neutron
- Much higher power and neuron flux
- Generating the power same time
- Neutrino from Reactor Kansai Power company
- TEPCO underground hydraulic power plant
- Many tunnels
65Neutrino Physics
- Neutrino Oscillation
- Davis , Home-Stake Gold mine
- Deep underground
- Neutrino Detector, Mirror,Focusing
- Coherent Scattering and Absorption
- Geological anormaly(Earth Quake, Tsunami)
- Volcano( Nagamine), Pilamid
66Beta Decay Theory
- Fermi., Gamow-Teller interaction (classical)
Long history in weak interaction.) - Lee Yang parity non conservation
- Co60 experiments by Prof. Wu
- proper Lorentz transformaton
- I S.V.T, A, P ,scalar, vector, time
reversal,axial vector, parity - neutrino helicity, polarization
67Deep Sea Exploration
- Deep sea vents
- No digging earth
- Repair ( Fuel Exchange) can be done at dry dock
- Submarine type operation but no air space,
embedding in sea water - disposal into sea bottom?
68Deep sea nuclear power plant.
- Submarine technology. Clean up of Russian sub,
- embedding submarine no clue automatic operation.
Maintenance at dry dock by sub-marged reactor. - Very thin pressure vessel.
- To prevent the ocean water, it should be operated
well protected bay
69Deep sea NP.
- Economical, explore sea bottom, magma, earth
science study - Japanese Chikyuu project for deep hole program
- Neutrino detector program
- Earth science
- volcanic activity and the relation with seismic
analysis earth quake study
70Deep Sea embedded reactor
- Deep sea neutrino experiments or bottom of
ice-field. - Save the digging ground cost
- But should not contaminate the sea water by
accident need the tunnel in sea bottom.
- Deep underground is another Frontier
72Neutrino Geophysics 2005
- Honolulu, Hawaii De.14-16, 2005
- Davis,