Zero Temperature QMC Outline of lecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Zero Temperature QMC Outline of lecture


updated for CP-SA update for Hong-Kong ... Outline of lecture Variational Monte Carlo Diffusion Monte Carlo Fermion systems – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Zero Temperature QMC Outline of lecture

Zero Temperature QMC Outline of lecture
  • Variational Monte Carlo
  • Diffusion Monte Carlo
  • Fermion systems
  • Coupled Electron-Ion Monte Carlo
  • Applications
  • Electron gas
  • High pressure hydrogen

Variational Monte Carlo
  • Historically first quantum simulation method
  • Slater-Jastrow trial function
  • Examples liquid helium and electron gas.
  • Wavefunctions for Quantum solids
  • WaveFunctions beyond Slater-Jastrow back flow
    and 3-body
  • Twist Averaged Boundary Conditions

The Variational Theorem
  • Assume is a trial function
    where R are the quantum degrees of freedom
    (positions, spin) a are variational
  • Conditions matrix elements exist, symmetries and
    boundary conditions are correct.

  • Expand trial function in terms of the exact
  • Energy and variance are second order in
  • Other properties are first order.
  • Temple lower bound

E0 E
Linear Basis approach
  • Assume trial function is a linear combination of
    known functions a basis fn(R).

Problem that MC solves Unless we use 1-particle
basis, integrals are too slow to perform.
Properties of solution to GEP
  • For a basis of size m, there exist m
    eigenvalues and orthonormal eigenfunctions
  • McDonalds theorem the nth eigenvalue in a basis
    is an upper bound to the nth exact eigenvalue.
  • We can always lower all the energies by
    augumenting the basis
  • When basis is complete, we get exact answers!

Symmetry reduces complexity
  • If an operator P commutes with H P,H0 we can
    reduce complexity by working in a basis with that
  • rotational symmetry use Ylm.
  • Translation symmetry use plane waves.
  • Inversion symmetry even/odd functions
  • Matrix elements are non-zero only for states
    within the same sector.
  • By reordering we can block diagonalize
  • Reduces complexity from M3 to k(M/k)3M3/k2.
  • McDonalds theorem applies to each sector

  • Individual coordinate of a particle ri
  • All 3N coordinates R (r1,r2, . rN)
  • Total potential energy V(R)
  • Kinetic energy
  • Hamiltonian

Liquid heliumthe prototypic quantum fluid
  • Interatomic potential is known more accurately
    than any other atom because electronic
    excitations are so high.
  • A helium atom is an elementary particle. A weakly
    interacting hard sphere.
  • Two isotopes
  • 3He (fermion antisymmetric trial function, spin
  • 4He(boson symmetric trial function, spin zero)

Helium interaction
  • Repulsion at short distances because of overlap
    of atomic cores.
  • Attraction at long distance because of the
    dipole-induced-dipole force. Dispersion
    interaction is
  • c6r-6 c8 r-8 .
  • He-He interaction is the most accurate. Use all
    available low density data (virial coefficients,
    quantum chemistry calculations, transport
    coefficients, .) Good to better than 0.1K (work
    of Aziz over last 20 years).
  • Three body interactions are small but not zero.

Helium phase diagram
  • Because interaction is so weak helium does not
    crystallize at low temperatures. Quantum exchange
    effects are important
  • Both isotopes are quantum fluids and become
    superfluids below a critical temperature.
  • One of the goals of computer simulation is to
    understand these states, and see how they differ
    from classical liquids starting from
    non-relativistic Hamiltonian

Variational Monte Carlo (VMC)
  • Variational Principle. Given an appropriate trial
  • Continuous
  • Proper symmetry
  • Normalizable
  • Finite variance
  • Quantum chemistry uses a product of single
    particle functions
  • With MC we can use any computable function.
  • Sample R from ?2 using MCMC.
  • Take average of local energy
  • Optimize ? to get the best upper bound
  • Error in energy is 2nd order
  • Better wavefunction, lower variance! Zero
    variance principle. (non-classical)

First Major QMC Calculation
  • PhD thesis of W. McMillan (1964) University of
  • VMC calculation of ground state of liquid helium
  • Applied MC techniques from classical liquid
  • Ceperley, Chester and Kalos (1976) generalized to
  • Zero temperature (single state) method
  • Can be generalized to finite temperature by using
    trial density matrix instead of trial

Trial function for helium 4Jastrow or pair
  • We want finite variance of the local energy.
  • Whenever 2 atoms get close together wavefunction
    should vanish.
  • The pseudopotential u(r) is similar to classical
  • Local energy has the form
  • G is the pseudoforce
  • If v(r) diverges as ?r-n how should u(r) diverge?
  • u(r)?r-m
  • Keep N-1 atoms fixed and let 1 atom approach
    another and analyze the singular parts of the
    local energy.
  • Gives a condition on u at small r.
  • For Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential, Jastrow goes as

Periodic boundary conditions
  • Minimum Image Conventiontake the closest
  • rM min ( rnL)
  • Potential is cutoff so that V(r)0 for rgtL/2
    since force needs to be continuous. Remember
    perturbation theory.
  • Image potential
  • VI ? v(ri-rjnL)
  • For long range potential this leads to the Ewald
    image potential. You need a back ground and
    convergence method.

(No Transcript)
Optimization of trial function
  • Try to optimize u(r) using reweighting
    (correlated sampling)
  • Sample R using P(R)??2(R,a0)
  • Now find minima of the analytic function Ev(a)
  • Or minimize the variance (more stable but
    wavefunctions less accurate).
  • Statistical accuracy declines away from a0.

Quantum Crystal Trial Function
  • Jastrow trial function does not freeze at
    appropriate density.
  • Solution is to break spatial symmetry by hand.
  • Introduce a bcc lattice
  • Zi
  • bcc has the lowest Madelung energy, but others
    may have lower zero point energy.
  • Introduce localized one-body terms (Wannier
  • Make a Slater determinant possibly with spin
  • More complicated trial functions and methods are
    also possible.
  • C is a variational parameter to be optimized.

Scalar Properties, Static Correlations and Order
  • What do we get out of a simulation? Energy by
    itself doesnt tell you very much.
  • Other properties
  • do NOT have an upper bound property
  • Only first order in accuracy
  • Static properties pressure, specific heat etc.
  • Density
  • Pair correlation in real space and fourier space.
  • Order parameters and broken symmetry How to tell
    a liquid from a solid
  • Specifically quantum the momentum distribution

Other quantum properties
  • Kinetic energy
  • Potential energy
  • Pair correlation function
  • Structure function
  • Pressure (virial relation)
  • Momentum distribution
  • Non-classical showing effects of bose or fermi
  • Fourier transform is the single particle
    off-diagonal density matrix
  • Compute with McMillan Method.
  • Condensate fraction 10

Like properties from classical simulations No
upper bound property Only first order in accuracy
Order parameters
  • A system has certain symmetries e.g.translation
  • At high temperatures one expects the system to
    have those same symmetries at the microscopic
    scale. (e.g. a gas)
  • BUT as the system cools those symmetries can be
    broken. (a gas condenses or freezes).
  • At a liquid gas-transition the density is no
    longer fills the volume droplets form. The
    density is the order parameter.
  • At a liquid-solid transition, both rotational
    symmetry and translational symmetry are broken
  • The best way to monitor the transition is to look
    how the order parameter changes during the

Microscopic Density
  • ?(r) lt ?i ?(r-r i) gt
  • Or you can take its Fourier Transform
  • ? k lt ?i exp(ikri) gt
  • (This is a good way to smooth the density.)
  • A solid has broken symmetry (order parameter).
    The density is not constant.
  • At a liquid-gas transition the density is also
  • In periodic boundary conditions the k-vectors are
    on a grid k2?/L (nx,ny,nz) Long wave length
    modes are absent.
  • In a solid Lindemanns ratio gives a rough idea
    of melting
  • u2 lt(ri-zi)2gt/d2

Snapshots of densities
  • Liquid or crystal or glass? Blue spots are

Pair Correlation Function, g(r)
  • Primary quantity in a liquid is the probability
    distribution of pairs of particles. Given a
    particle at the origin what is the density of
    surrounding particles
  • g(r) lt ?iltj ? (ri-rj-r)gt (2 ?/N2)
  • Density-density correlation function
  • From g(r) you can calculate all pair quantities
  • (potential, pressure, )
  • A function gives more information than a number!

g(r) in liquid and solid helium
  • First peak is at inter-particle spacing. (shell
    around the particle)
  • goes out to rltL/2 in periodic boundary

(The static) structure factor S(k)
  • The Fourier transform of the pair correlation
    function is the structure factor
  • problem with (2) is to extend g(r) to infinity
  • S(k) is measured in neutron and X-Ray scattering
  • Can provide a direct test of the assumed
  • Used to see the state of a system
  • liquid, solid, glass, gas? (much better than g(r)
  • Order parameter in solid is ?G where G is a
    particular wavevector (reciprocal lattice vector).

Bragg peak
  • In a perfect lattice S(k) will be non-zero only
    on the reciprocal lattice vectors G S(G) N
  • At non-zero temperature (or for a quantum system)
    this structure factor is reduced by the
    Debye-Waller factor
  • S(G) 1 (N-1)exp(-G2u2/3)
  • To tell a liquid from a crystal we see how S(G)
    scales as the system is enlarged. In a solid,
    S(k) will have peaks that scale with the number
    of atoms.
  • The compressibility is given by
  • We can use this is detect the liquid-gas
    transition since the compressibility should
    diverge as k approaches 0. (order parameter is

Crystal liquid
Momentum Distribution
  • Momentum distribution
  • Classically momentum distribution is always a
  • Non-classical showing effects of bose or fermi
  • Fourier transform is the single particle
    off-diagonal density matrix
  • Compute with McMillan Method.
  • For fermions we need to use the determinant
    update formulas to find the effect of the
    movement of 1 electron.

Derivation of momentum formula
  • Suppose we want the probability nk that a given
    atom has momentum hk.
  • Find wavefunction in momentum space by FT wrt all
    the coordinates and integrating out all but one
  • Expanding out the square and performing the
    integrals we get.
  • Where
  • (states occupied with the Boltzmann
  • For a homogeneous system, n(r,s)n(r-s)

Calculation of n(r)
  • Naïve procedure
  • Generate sample with VMC
  • Take one particle at random and displace by a
    distance r.
  • Find ratio of trial function for old and new
  • O(1) work/1 distance
  • McMillan procedure
  • Generate sample with VMC
  • Determine change of trial function if each
    particle is destroyed. ak
  • Insert a new particle at a random position in the
    box and determine trial function for the
    insertion b
  • For each k perform the average b/ak and add to
  • Repeat for O(N) insertions.
  • O(N) work/O(N2) distances

The electron gasD. M. Ceperley, Phys. Rev. B 18,
3126 (1978)
  • Standard model for electrons in metals
  • Basis of DFT.
  • Characterized by 2 dimensionless parameters
  • Density
  • Temperature
  • What is energy?
  • When does it freeze?
  • What is spin polarization?
  • What are properties?

Charged systems
  • How can we handle charged systems?
  • Just treat like short-ranged potential cutoff
    potential at rgtL/2. Problems
  • Effect of discontinuity never disappears (1/r)
    (r2) gets bigger.
  • Will violate Stillinger-Lovett conditions because
    Poisson equation is not satisfied
  • Image potential solves this
  • VI ? v(ri-rjnL)
  • But summation diverges. We need to resum. This
    gives the ewald image potential.
  • For one component system we have to add a
    background to make it neutral.
  • Even the trial function is long ranged and needs
    to be resummed.

Ewald summation method
  • Key idea is to split potential into k-space part
    and real-space part. We can do since FT is
  • Bare potential converges slowly at large r (in
    r-space) and at large k (in k-space)

Classic Ewald
  • Split up using Gaussian charge distribution
  • If we make it large enough we can use the minimum
    image potential in r-space.
  • Extra term for insulators

How to do it
O(N3/2) O(N) O(N3/2) O(N3/2) O(N1/2) O(N3/2) O(
  • r-space part same as short-ranged potential
  • k-space part
  • Compute exp(ik0xi)(cos (ik0xi), sin (ik0xi)),
    k02?/L ? i
  • Compute powers exp(i2k0xi) exp(ik0xi
    )exp(ik0xi) etc. This way we get all values of
    exp(ik . ri) with just multiplications.
  • Sum over particles to get ?k all k.
  • Sum over k to get the potentials.
  • Forces can also be done by taking gradients.
  • Constant terms to be added.
  • Checks perfect lattice V-1.4186487/a (cubic

Optimized EwaldJ. Comput. Physics 117, 171
  • Division into Long-range and short-ranged
    function is convenient but is it optimal? No
  • Trial functions are also long-ranged but not
    simply 1/r. We need a procedure for general
  • Natoli-Ceperley procedure. What division leads
    to the highest accuracy for a given radius in r
    and k?
  • Leads to a least squares problem.
  • FITPN code does this division.
  • Input is fourier transform of vk
  • on grid appropriate to the supercell
  • Output is a spline of vsr(r)
  • and table of long ranged function.

Problems with Image potential
  • Introduces a lattice structure which may not be
  • Example a charge layer.
  • We assume charge structure continues at large r.
  • Actually nearby fluid will be anticorrelated.
  • This means such structures will be penalized.
  • One should always consider the effects of
    boundary conditions, particularly when
    electrostatic forces are around!
  • You need to have a continuum model to understand
    the results of a microscopic simulation.

Fermions antisymmetric trial function
  • At mean field level the wavefunction is a Slater
    determinant. Orbitals for homogenous systems are
    a filled set of plane waves.
  • We can compute this energy analytically (HF).
  • To include correlation we multiply by a
    pseudopotential. We need MC to evaluate
  • New feature how to compute the derivatives of a
    deteminant and sample the determinant. Use tricks
    from linear algebra.
  • Reduces complexity to O(N2).

Slater-Jastrow trial function.
Jastrow factor for the e-gas
  • Look at local energy either in r space or
  • r-space as 2 electrons get close gives cusp
    condition du/dr0-1
  • K-space, charge-sloshing or plasmon modes.
  • Can combine 2 exact properties in the Gaskell
    form. Write EV in terms structure factor making
    random phase approximation. (RPA).
  • Optimization can hardly improve this form for
    the e-gas in either 2 or 3 dimensions. RPA works
    better for trial function than for the energy.
  • NEED EWALD SUMS because potential trial function
    is long range, it also decays as 1/r, but it is
    not a simple power.
  • Long range properties important
  • Give rise to dielectric properties
  • Energy is insensitive to uk at small k
  • Those modes converge t1/k2

Derivation of the e-gas Jastrow
  • For simplicity, consider boson trial function

Generalized Feynman-Kacs formula
  • Lets calculate the average population resulting
    from DMC starting from a single point R0 after a
    time t.

Wavefunctions beyond Jastrow
  • Use method of residuals construct a sequence of
    increasingly better trial wave functions.
    Justify from the Importance sampled DMC.
  • Zeroth order is Hartree-Fock wavefunction
  • First order is Slater-Jastrow pair wavefunction
    (RPA for electrons gives an analytic formula)
  • Second order is 3-body backflow wavefunction
  • Three-body form is like a squared force. It is a
    bosonic term that does not change the nodes.

Backflow wave function
  • Backflow means change the coordinates to quasi-
  • Leads to a much improved energy and to
    improvement in nodal surfaces. Couples nodal
    surfaces together.
  • Kwon PRB 58, 6800 (1998).

Dependence of energy on wavefunction 3d Electron
fluid at a density rs10 Kwon, Ceperley,
Martin, Phys. Rev. B58,6800, 1998
  • Wavefunctions
  • Slater-Jastrow (SJ)
  • three-body (3)
  • backflow (BF)
  • fixed-node (FN)
  • Energy ltf H fgt converges to ground state
  • Variance ltf H-E2 fgt to zero.
  • Using 3B-BF gains a factor of 4.
  • Using DMC gains a factor of 4.

Comparison of Trial functions
  • What do we choose for the trial function in VMC
    and DMC?
  • Slater-Jastrow (SJ) with plane wave orbitals
  • For higher accuracy we need to go beyond this
  • Need correlation effects in the nodes.
  • Include backflow-three body.
  • Example of incorrect physics within SJ

Analytic backflowHolzmann et al, Phys. Rev. E
68, 0467071-15(2003).
  • Start with analytic Slater-Jastrow using Gaskell
    trial function
  • Apply Bohm-Pines collective coordinate
    transformation and express Hamiltonian in new
  • Diagonalize resulting Hamiltonian.
  • Long-range part has Harmonic oscillator form.
  • Expand about k0 to get backflow and 3-body
  • Significant long-range component to BF
  • 3-body term is non-symmetric

Results of Analytic tf
  • Analytic form EVMC better for rslt20 but not for
  • Optimized variance is smaller than analytic.
  • Analytic nodes always better! (as measured by
  • Form ideal for use at smaller rs since it will
    minimize optimization noise and lead to more
    systematic results vs N, rs and polarization.
  • Saves human machine optimization time.
  • Also valuable for multi-component system of
    metallic hydrogen.

Twist averaged boundary conditions
  • In periodic boundary conditions (? point), the
    wavefunction is periodic?Large finite size
    effects for metals because of shell effects.
  • Fermi liquid theory can be used to correct the
  • In twist averaged BC we use an arbitrary phase ?
    as r ?rL
  • If one integrates over all phases the momentum
    distribution changes from a lattice of k-vectors
    to a fermi sea.
  • Smaller finite size effects

Twist averaged MC
  • Make twist vector dynamical by changing during
    the random walk.
  • Within GCE, change the number of electrons
  • Within TA-VMC
  • Initialize twist vector.
  • Run usual VMC (with warmup)
  • Resample twist angle within cube
  • (iterate)
  • Or do in parallel.

Grand Canonical Ensemble QMC
  • GCE at T0K choose N such that E(N)-?N is
  • According to Fermi liquid theory, interacting
    states are related to non-interacting states and
    described by k.
  • Instead of N, we input the fermi wavevector(s)
    kF. Choose all states with k lt kF (assuming
    spherical symmetry)
  • N will depend on the twist angle ?. number of
    points inside a randomly placed sphere.
  • After we average over ? (TA) we get a sphere of
    filled states.
  • Is there a problem with Ewald sums as the number
    of electrons varies? No! average density is
    exactly that of the background. We only work with
    averaged quantities.

Single particle size effects
  • Exact single particle properties with TA within
  • Implies momentum distribution is a continuous
    curve with a sharp feature at kF.
  • With PBC only 5 points on curve
  • rs4 N33 polarized
  • No size effect within single particle theory!
  • Kinetic energy will have much smaller size

Potential energy
  • Write potential as integral over structure
  • Error comes from 2 effects.
  • Approximating integral by sum
  • Finite size effects in S(k) at a given k.
  • Within HF we get exact S(k) with TABC.
  • Discretization errors come only from non-analytic
    points of S(k).
  • the absence of the k0 term in sum. We can put
    it in by hand since we know the limit S(k) at
    small k (plasmon regime)
  • Remaining size effects are smaller, coming from
    the non-analytic behavior of S(k) at 2kF.

3DEG at rs10
We can do simulations with N42! Size effects now
go like We can cancel this term at special
values of N! N 15, 42, 92, 168, 279,
Brief History of Ferromagnetism in electron gas
  • What is polarization state of fermi liquid at low
  • Bloch 1929 got polarization from exchange
  • rs gt 5.4 3D
  • rs gt 2.0 2D
  • Stoner 1939 include electron screening contact
  • Herring 1960
  • Ceperley-Alder 1980 rs gt20 is partially
  • Young-Fisk experiment on doped CaB6 1999 rs25.
  • Ortiz-Balone 1999 ferromagnetism of e gas at
  • Zong et al Redo QMC with backflow nodes and

Ceperley, Alder 80
T0 calculations with FN-DMC
  • 3d electron gas
  • rslt20 unpolarized
  • 20ltrslt100 partial
  • 100ltrs Wigner crystal

Energies are very close together at low density!
More recent calculations of Ortiz, Harris and
Balone PRL 82, 5317 (99) confirm this result but
get transition to crystal at rs65.
Polarization of 3DEG
  • We see second order partially polarized
    transition at rs52
  • Is the Stoner model (replace interaction with a
    contact potential) appropriate? Screening kills
    long range interaction.
  • Wigner Crystal at rs105
  • Twist averaging makes calculation possible--much
    smaller size effects.
  • Jastrow wavefunctions favor the ferromagnetic
  • Backflow 3-body wavefunctions more paramagnetic

Phase Diagram
  • Partially polarized phase at low density.
  • But at lower energy and density than before.
  • As accuracy gets higher, polarized phase shrinks
  • Real systems have different units.

Recent calculations in 2D
Tanatar,Ceperley 89 Rapisarda, Senatore 95 Kwon
et al 97
T0 fixed-node calculation Also used high
quality backflow wavefunctions to compute energy
vs spin polarization. Energies of various phases
are nearly identical Attaccalite et al PRL 88,
256601 (2002)
  • 2d electron gas
  • rs lt25 unpolarized
  • 25lt rs lt35 polarized
  • rs gt35 Wigner crystal

Polarization of 2D electron gas
  • Same general trend in 2D
  • Partial polarization before freezing
  • Results using phase averaging and BF-3B

Linear response for the egas
  • Add a small periodic potential.
  • Change trial function by replacing plane waves
    with solutions to the Schrodinger Eq. in an
    effective potential.
  • Since we dont care about the strength of
    potential use trial function to find the
    potential for which the trial function is
  • Observe change in energy since density has mixed
    estimator problems.

Fermi Liquid parameters
  • Do by correlated sampling Do one long MC random
    walk with a guiding function (something
    overlapping with all states in question).
  • Generate energies of each individual excited
    state by using a weight function
  • Optimal Guiding function is
  • Determine particle hole excitation energies by
    replacing columnsfewer finite size effects this
    way. Replace columns in slater matrix
  • Case where states are orthogonal by symmetry is
    easier, but non-orthogonal case can also be
  • Back flow needed for some excited state since
    Slater Jastrow has no coupling between unlike

Summary of Variational (VMC)
Simple trial function
Better trial function
Summary and problems with variational methods
  • Powerful method since you can use any trial
  • Scaling (computational effort vs. size) is almost
  • Learn directly about what works in wavefunctions
  • No sign problem
  • Optimization is time consuming
  • Energy is insensitive to order parameter
  • Non-energetic properties are less accurate. O(1)
    vs. O(2) for energy.
  • Difficult to find out how accurate results are.
  • Favors simple states over more complicated
    states, e.g.
  • Solid over liquid
  • Polarized over unpolarized

What goes into the trial wave function comes out!
GIGO We need a more automatic method! Projector
Monte Carlo
Projector Monte Carlo
  • Originally suggested by Fermi and implemented in
    1950 by Donsker and Kac for H atom.
  • Practical methods and application developed by

Projector Monte Carlo(variants Greens function
MC, Diffusion MC, Reptation MC)
  • Project single state using the Hamiltonian
  • We show that this is a diffusion branching
    operator. Maybe we can interpret as a
    probability. But is this a probability?
  • Yes! for bosons since ground state can be made
    real and non-negative.
  • But all excited states must have sign changes.
    This is the sign problem.
  • For efficiency we do importance sampling.
  • Avoid sign problem with the fixed-node method.

Diffusion Monte Carlo
  • How do we analyze this operator?
  • Expand into exact eigenstates of H.
  • Then the evolution is simple in this basis.
  • Long time limit is lowest energy state that
    overlaps with the initial state, usually the
    ground state.
  • How to carry out on the computer?

  • Individual coordinate of a particle ri
  • All 3N coordinates R (r1,r2, . rN)
  • R can depend on imaginary time, time slice or
    Trotter index t or on iteration number Rt.
  • Total potential energy V(R)
  • Kinetic energy
  • Hamiltonian

The Greens function
  • Operator notation
  • We define the coordinate greens function (or
    density matrix by
  • Roughly the probability density of going from R0
    to R in time t. (but is it a probability?)
  • Properties

Froebinius Theorem
  • When can we consider the wavefunction as a
    probability? First how about the Greens
  • But if we start with a non-negative function it
    will stay non-negative, and can be interpreted as
    a p.d.f.
  • Not true for all Hamiltonians (require
    off-diagonal matrix elements to be non-positive.)
    (not pseudopotentials, not magnetic fields.)
  • Only true for the bosonic ground state.

Monte Carlo process
  • Now consider the variable t as a continuous
    time (it is really imaginary time).
  • Take derivative with respect to time to get
  • This is a diffusion branching process.
  • Justify in terms of Trotters theorem.
  • Requires interpretation of the wavefunction as a
    probability density.
  • But is it? Only in the boson ground state.
    Otherwise there are nodes. Come back to later.

Trotters theorem
  • How do we find the solution of
  • The operator solution is
  • Trotters theorem (1959)
  • Assumes that A,B and AB are reasonable
  • This means we just have to figure out what each
    operator does independently and then alternate
    their effect. This is rigorous in the limit as
  • In the DMC case A is diffusion operator, B is a
    branching operator.
  • Just like molecular dynamics At small time we
    evaluate each operator separately.

Evaluation of kinetic density matrix
Putting this together
  • n is number of time slices.
  • ? is the time-step
  • V is diagonal
  • Error at finite n comes from commutator is
  • Diffusion preserves normalization but potential
    does not!

Basic DMC algorithm
  • Construct an ensemble (population P(0)) sampled
    from the trial wavefunction. R1,R2,,RP
  • Go through ensemble and diffuse each one
    (timestep ?)
  • number of copies
  • Trial energy ET adjusted to keep population
  • Problems
  • Branching is uncontrolled
  • Population unstable
  • What do we do about fermi statistics?

ndrn uprn floor function
Sampling the normal distribution
  • Inverse mapping is a little slow, also of
    infinite range.
  • Trick generate 2 at a time r(x,y)
  • Or sample angle using rejection technique
  • Sample (x,y) in square
  • Accept if x2y2 lt1
  • Normalize to get the correct r.

Code to sample normal distribution
  • Normal distribution ltxgtx0 and lt(x-x0)2gt?2

1 xsprng()-0.5 ysprng()-0.5 r2xxyy
if (r2gt0.25) go to 1 radius sigmasqrt
(-2ln(sprng())/r2) xnormalx0xradius
  • No trig functions, 1 log, 1 sqrt, 1 divide
  • Mixes up regularity of random numbers
  • Efficiency of angle generation is 4/?.
  • Gets 2 ndrns each time.

Population Bias
  • Having the right trial energy guarantees that
    population will on the average be stable, but
    fluctuations will always cause the population to
    either grow too large or too small.
  • Various ways to control the population
  • Suppose P0 is the desired population and P(t) is
    the current population. How much do we have to
    adjust ET to make P(tT)P0?
  • Feedback procedure
  • There will be a (small) bias in the energy caused
    by a limited population.

Importance SamplingKalos 1970, Ceperley 1979
  • Why should we sample the wavefunction? The
    physically correct pdf is ?2.
  • Importance sample (multiply) by trial wave
  • Evolution diffusion drift
  • Use accept/reject step for more accurate
  • make acceptance ratiogt99 . Determines time
  • We have three terms in the evolution equation.
    Trotters theorem still applies.

Commute ? through H
Brownian Dynamics
  • Consider a big molecule in a solvent. In the high
    viscosity limit the master equation
    (Smoluchowski or Fokker-Planck eq.) is

Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo without branching
is the same as Brownian Dynamics. Use same
Greens function for a gradient
  • What is Greens function for the operator?
  • This operator just causes probability
    distribution to drift in the direction of F.
  • Smoluchowski equation for Brownian motion it was
    the effect of gravitational field on the motion
    of colloids.
  • In practice, we limit the gradient so the walk is
    not pushed too far.

  • To the pure diffusion algorithm we have added a
    drift step that pushes the random walk in
    directions of increasing trial function
  • Branching is now controlled by the local energy
  • Because of zero variance principle, fluctuations
    are controlled.
  • Cusp condition can limit infinities coming from
    singular potentials.
  • We still determine ET by keeping asymptotic
    population stable.
  • Must have accurate time evolution. Adding
    accept/reject step is a major improvement.

  • Importanced sampled Greens function
  • Exact property of DMC Greens function
  • We enforce detailed balance to decrease time step
  • VMC satisfies detailed balance.
  • Typically we choose time step to have 99
    acceptance ratio.
  • Method gives exact result if either time step is
    zero or trial function is exact.

Schematic of DMC
  • Ensemble evolves according to
  • Diffusion
  • Drift
  • branching
  • ensemble

(No Transcript)
Local Markov process
  • Let us make a course approximation to a molecular
    dynamics of a large molecule in the presence of a
    solvent that we want to eliminate.
  • Particle will follow a continuous trajectory
  • Let us assume that the movement is Markovian and
  • Describe in terms of the Greens function
  • This is probability density of a particle at
    (r,t) starting at (r,0).
  • The master equation describes its time evolution
  • Evolution
  • Initial condition

General form of evolution
  • What could we have for O?
  • Not hard to prove that O must be a sum of first
    and second derivative operators. The most
    general form is
  • Clearly probability is conserved.
  • Steady state solution is

  • How do we prove dynamics is unique?
  • If it is a continuous walk-it has to be made of
    little random steps.
  • Central limit theorem says that the only things
    that survive adding together many little steps
  • Mean value this is the drift term
  • The variance this is the diffusion term
  • Hence the smart MC gaussian is the most general
    Markovian form, if we allow a general diffusion
  • If we choose it to be isotropic and independent
    of position then D(R) is a constant.
  • it could vary in some media both in position and
  • also it could couple particles far apart,
    hydrodynamical effects.

Moment Expansion
For the variance
Mixed estimators
  • Problem is that PMC samples the wrong
  • OK for the energy
  • Linear extrapolation helps correct this
    systematic error
  • Other solutions
  • Maximum overlap
  • Forward walking
  • Reptation/path integrals

Forward WalkingKalos et al. 1974.
  • Lets calculate the average population resulting
    from DMC starting from a single point R0 after a
    time t.
  • We can estimate the correction to the mixed
    estimator by weighting with the number of
    descendants of a given configuration.
  • Problem the fluctuations in the weights
    eventually diverge.
  • Dont make t too large.

Fusion sticking coefficientPhys. Rev. A 31, 1999
  • Consider the 3 body system (? d t)
  • For the sticking coefficient, we need the exact
    wavefunction at the point where 2 nuclei are at
    the same position. (this is a singular point)

Other projector functions can be used
  • Common effect on long-time (iteration) limit.
  • 3rd choice generates a Krylov sequence. Only
    works for bounded spectra such as a lattice model.

Greens Function Monte CarloKalos, Levesque,
Verlet Phys. Rev. A9, 2178 (1974).
  • It is possible to make a zero time-step-error
  • Works with the integral formulation of DMC
  • Sample time-step from Poisson distribution
  • Express operator in a series expansion and sample
    the terms stochastically.
  • Recent Revival Continuous time Monte Carlo for
    lattice models.

  • How can we do fermion simulations? The initial
    condition can be made real but not positive (for
    more than 1 electron in the same spin state)
  • In transient estimate or released-node methods
    one carries along the sign as a weight and
    samples the modulus.
  • Do not forbid crossing of the nodes, but carry
    along sign when walks cross.
  • Whats wrong with node release
  • Because walks dont die at the nodes, the
    computational effort increases (bosonic noise)
  • The signal is in the cancellation which dominates
  • Monte Carlo can add but not subtract

Transient Estimate Approach
  • ?(?) converges to the exact ground state
  • E is an upper bound converging to the exact
    answer monotonically

bcc hydrogen, N16
Model fermion problem Particle in a box
  • Symmetric potential V(r) V(-r)
  • Antisymmetric state f(r)-f(-r)

Initial (trial) state
Final (exact) state
Sign of walkers fixed by initial position. They
are allowed to diffuse freely. f(r) number of
positive-negative walkers. Node is dynamically
established by diffusion process. (cancellation
of positive and negative walkers.)
Scaling in Released-Node
Initial distribution
Later distribution
  • At any point, positive and negative walkers will
    tend to cancel so the signal is drown out by the
  • Signal/noise ratio is tprojection time
  • EF and EB are Fermion, Bose energy (proportional
    to N)
  • Converges but at a slower rate. Higher accuracy,
    larger t.
  • For general excited states
  • Exponential complexity!
  • Not a fermion problem but an excited state
  • Cancellation is difficult in high dimensions.

Exact fermion calculations
  • Possible for the electron gas for up to 60
  • 2DEG at rs1 N26
  • Transient estimate calculation with SJ and BF-3B
    trial functions.

General statement of the fermion problem
  • Given a system with N fermions and a known
    Hamiltonian and a property O. (usually the
  • How much time T will it take to estimate O to an
    accuracy e? How does T scale with N and e?
  • If you can map the quantum system onto an
    equivalent problem in classical statistical
    mechanics then

With 0 lta lt 4
  • This would be a solved quantum problem!
  • All approximations must be controlled!
  • Algebraic scaling in N!
  • e.g. properties of Boltzmann or Bose systems in

Solved Problems
  • 1-D problem. (simply forbid exchanges)
  • Bosons and Boltzmanons at any temperature
  • Some lattice models Heisenberg model, 1/2 filled
    Hubbard model on bipartite lattice (Hirsch)
  • Spin symmetric systems with purely attractive
    interactions ult0 Hubbard model, nuclear Gaussian
  • Harmonic oscillators or systems with many
  • Any problem with ltiHjgt ?0
  • Fermions in special boxes
  • Other lattice models
  • Kalos and coworkers have invented a pairing
    method but it is not clear whether it is
    approximation free and stable.

The sign problem
  • The fermion problem is intellectually and
    technologically very important.
  • Progress is possible but danger-the problem maybe
    more subtle than you first might think. New ideas
    are needed.
  • No fermion methods are perfect but QMC is
    competitive with other methods and more general.
  • The fermion problem is one of a group of related
    problems in quantum mechanics (e.g dynamics).
  • Feynman argues that general many-body quantum
    simulation is exponentially slow on a classical
  • Troyer Wiese show that some quantum sign
    problems are NP hard.
  • Maybe we have to solve quantum problems using
    analog quantum computers programmable quantum
    computers that can emulate any quantum system.

Fixed-node method
  • Initial distribution is a pdf.
  • It comes from a VMC simulation.
  • Drift term pushes walks away from the nodes.
  • Impose the condition
  • This is the fixed-node BC
  • Will give an upper bound to the exact energy, the
    best upper bound consistent with the FNBC.
  • f(R,t) has a discontinuous gradient at the nodal
  • Accurate method because Bose correlations are
    done exactly.
  • Scales well, like the VMC method, as N3.
    Classical complexity.
  • Can be generalized from the continuum to lattice
    finite temperature, magnetic fields,
  • One needs trial functions with accurate nodes.

Proof of fixed-node theorem
  • Suppose we solve S.E. in a subvolume V determined
    by the nodes of an antisymetric trial function.

Nodal Properties
  • If we know the sign of the exact wavefunction
    (the nodes), we can solve the fermion problem
    with the fixed-node method.
  • If f(R) is real, nodes are f(R)0 where R is the
    3N dimensional vector.
  • Nodes are a 3N-1 dimensional surface. (Do not
    confuse with single particle orbital nodes!)
  • Coincidence points ri rj are 3N-3 dimensional
  • In 1 spatial dimension these points exhaust the
    nodes fermion problem is easy to solve in 1D
    with the no crossing rule.
  • Coincidence points (and other symmetries) only
    constrain nodes in higher dimensions, they do not
    determine them.
  • The nodal surfaces define nodal volumes. How many
    nodal volumes are there? Conjecture there are
    typically only 2 different volumes ( and -)
    except in 1D. (but only demonstrated for free

Nodal Picture 2d slice thru 322d space
  • Free electron
  • Other electrons
  • Nodes pass thru their positions
  • Divides space into 2 regions
  • Wavelength given by interparticle spacing

  • How do we treat spin in QMC?
  • For extended systems we use the Sz
  • We have a fixed number of up and down electrons
    and we antisymmetrize among electrons with the
    same spin.
  • This leads to 2 Slater determinants.
  • For a given trial function, its real part is also
    a trial function (but it may have different
    symmetries), for example momentum
  • For the ground state, without magnetic fields,
    spin-orbit interaction we can always work with
    real functions.
  • However, in some cases it may be better to work
    with complex functions.

Fixed-Phase methodOrtiz, Martin, DMC 1993
  • Generalize the FN method to complex trial
  • Since the Hamiltonian is Hermitian, the
    variational energy is real
  • We see only one place where the energy depends on
    the phase of the wavefunction.
  • If we fix the phase, then we add this term to the
    potential energy. In a magnetic field we get also
    the vector potential.
  • We can now do VMC or DMC and get upper bounds as
  • The imaginary part of the local energy will not
    be zero unless the right phase is used.
  • Used for twisted boundary conditions, magnetic
    fields, vortices, phonons, spin states,

Problem with core electrons
  • Bad scaling in both VMC and DMC
  • In VMC, energy fluctuations from core dominate
    the calculation
  • In DMC, time step will be controlled by core
  • Solution is to eliminate core states by a
  • Conventional solution semi-local form
  • Ensures that valence electrons go into well
    defined valence states with the wavefunction and
    energy for each angular momentum state
  • PP is non-local OK for VMC. Leads to an extra MC
    integral. But DMC uses a locality approximation
    and good trial functions. Extra approximation.

Solid state / chemical applications
  • Use LDA derived pseudopotentials
  • Take orbitals from other methods
  • Gaussian-xx give orbitals for molecules
  • DFT-PW codes give orbitals for extended systems
  • HF is slightly better because of self-interaction
    effects within DFT
  • Multiply by a Jastrow function (electron gas or
    otherwise). Can include higher order e-e-n terms
  • Must add a compensating e-n term in order to
    cancel out purely repulsive character of e-e
  • Assuming LDA density is correct, this can be done
    by making sure VMC electron densityLDA electron
    density. (Fahy correction).

Summary of T0 methodsVariational(VMC),
Fixed-node(FN), Released-node(RN)
Problems with projector methods
  • Fixed-node is a super-variational method
  • DMC dynamics is determined by Hamiltonian
  • Zero-variance principle allows very accurate
    calculation of ground state energy if trial
    function is good.
  • Projector methods need a trial wavefunction for
    accuracy. They are essentially methods that
    perturb from the trial function to the exact
    function. (Note if you dont use a trial
    function, you are perturbing from the ideal gas)
  • Difficulty calculating properties other than
    energy. We must use extrapolated estimators or
    forward walking.
  • Bad for phase transitions and finite temperature,
    complex systems.
  • Path Integral MC solves some of these problems.

Reptation Methods
Reptation Monte Carlo (RQMC)
  • Similar technique to Diffusion MC
  • Instead of imaginary timecomputer time, keep
    entire path in memory
  • Update with a Metropolis based method instead of
    branching diffusing random walks
  • Get exact properties no extrapolation or mixed
  • Good for energy differences.
  • How to move the particles? Reptation means move
    like a snake. This is how polymers can move.

Reptation Monte Carlo
  • ?(?) converges to the exact ground state as a
    function of imaginary time. More accurate than
  • E is an upper bound converging to the exact
    answer monotonically
  • Do Trotter break-up into a path of p steps a la
  • Bosonic action for the links
  • Trial function at the end points.
  • For fixed-phase add a potential to avoid the
    sign problem. Exact answer if potential is

Reptation moves
  • Let d be the direction of the move
  • -1 tail move
  • 1 head move
  • Standard method.
  • Choose d at random
  • Acceptance probability is
  • Takes O(p2) steps to decorrelate.
  • One way reptation gives the wrong answers.
  • Bounce method
  • add d to the state.
  • Change d only on rejections.
  • Use same acceptance formula!!
  • Does not satisfy detailed balance but still gives
    correct answer since it is an eigenfunction of T.
  • Moves are 1/(rejection rate) times more

Link action
  • PIMC method pair potential plus nodal action
  • DMC method. Use importanced-sampled evolution to
    suggest action (good for accurate trial
  • Symmetrize with respect to R and R to get higher

Tests on bcc hydrogen, N16 Good results in a
few slices p20.
Coupled Ionic-Electronic Simulations Carlo
Pierleoni, Kris Delaney and DMCIllinois ,
As computers get more powerful, we can use more
accurate intermolecular potentials
Quantum Monte Carlo
  • We need to use simulation techniques to treat
    many-body quantum problems, just as in classical
    liquids, lattice spin models
  • Various QMC methods for electronic structure
  • Variational Monte Carlo
  • Projector Monte Carlo e.g. Diffusion MC,
    Reptation MC
  • Path Integral Monte Carlo
  • Let us assume that QMC gives most accurate
    energies for general quantum many-body systems?
    we want to use it for the energy surface of an
    ionic system.
  • We want to use the Born-Oppenheimer
    approximation a big separation in electron and
    ionic energies.
  • Try out CEIMC method on a simple but difficult
    many-body system warm dense hydrogen.

Coupled electron ion MC
  • To calculate thermodynamic properties, we sample
    the classical (or quantum) Boltzmann
  • The electronic energy E(S) is obtained by solving
    the electronic Schroedinger equation for a given
    position, S, of the ions.
  • MC is simpler and more rigorous than MD
  • No ergodic problems.
  • Flexibility in choosing transition moves.
  • Possibility of canceling noise. (how do we do
    this in MD?)

  • In Coupled Electron-Ionic Monte Carlo (CEIMC )
  • Do classical MC or Path Integral MC for the ions
    at Tgt0.
  • Let electrons be at zero temperature, a
    reasonable approximation for room temperature
  • Do MC, not MD, for the ions.
  • Assumptions are convenient, not necessary.
  • Advantages to having T0 electrons
  • Zero variance principle in ground state can
    reduce computation time for high quality wave
  • Quality of zero temperature wavefunctions is
    higher than for Tgt0 implies fewer time slices.
  • Possibility of using existing DFT/SCF/QMC
    wavefunctions at T0.
  • Energy difference methods can be efficient.

Plan of talk
  • Describe some features of the CEIMC method
  • The penalty method
  • New trial functions
  • Reptation MC
  • Energy difference method
  • Path Integrals for protons
  • Twist averaged boundary conditions
  • Hydrogen Phase diagram
  • Crystal-liquid transition
  • Molecular-atomic transition
  • Advantages of Coupled-Electron Ion MC

A single CIEMC step
  • Move ions from S to S
  • Pre-reject moves based on empirical potential
  • Determine new trial function ?T (RS)
  • Sample electron coordinates from P(RS,S)
  • Determine energy difference E(S)-E(S).
  • Use penalty method to accept or reject

S ? S
Basics of the classical random walk methodMarkov
chain with rejections
  • The Metropolis, Rosenbluth, Teller (1953) method
  • Move from S to S with probability
  • Accept move with probability
  • a(S?S) min 1 , exp ( - (E(S)-E(S))/kBT )
  • Repeat many times
  • Given ergodicity, the distribution of the state,
    S, will be
  • exp(-E(S)/kBT)/Z
  • E(S)energy of ionic arrangement S,
  • Zpartition function.
  • Only the difference in energy enters in the
    acceptance probability.

Problem QMC energy difference will be noisy
Average energy of Lennard-Jones liquid
  • Ignoring noise gives a systematic increase in the
    energy because high energy moves are occasionally
    wrongly accepted.
  • Acceptance formula is non-linear min 1 , exp (
    - ?E/kBT )
  • But it is possible get the exact distribution,
    independent of noise level!!

Approaches to deal with this noise
  • Ignore problem will smooth out distributions.
  • Compute energy difference very accurately takes
    a lot of computer time!!
  • Langevin Dynamics (Grossman and Mitas PRL, 2005)
  • Solve MD with random component to forces.
  • Noise must be small with respect to time step and
  • Dynamics is artificial since noise doesnt
    correspond to a physical process.
  • Linear Noise (Kennedy and Kuti, PRL 54, 2473,
  • Used in lattice gauge simulations where noise is
  • Sign problem for large fluctuations
  • Non-optimal it increases rejections
    unnecessarily, especially for large noise.
  • Our approach modify the formula for accepting
  • Similar to fuzzy MC by Krajcí and Hafner, PRL
    74, 5100 (1995) but with higher efficiency and
    fewer approximations.
  • Recent development (more general distributions)
  • R. C. Ball et al. PRL 91, 030201 (2003).

The Penalty method DMC Dewing, J. Chem. Phys.
110, 9812(1998).
  • Assume estimated energy difference ?e is normally
    distributed with variance ?2 and the correct
  • lt ?e gt ?E
  • lt ?e- ?E2 gt ?2
  • OK because of central limit theorem for ?lt?
  • a(?e ?) is acceptance ratio.
  • average acceptance A(?E) lt a(?e) gt
  • Markov chain goes to the correct distribution if
    flux of transitions from S to S is symmetric
    detailed balance A(?E) exp (- ?E ) A(-?E)
  • An exact solution is to use a modifed acceptance
    formula a(x,?) min 1, exp(-x- ?2/2)
  • ?2/2 is penalty additional rejections caused
    by the noise.

Estimating the error
  • Problem both the mean and variance are unknown
    and are spatially varying.
  • Both energy and variance are estimated from the
    data and must be included in the acceptance rate
    formula a(?,v)
  • Sample M independent estimates of ?E ek
  • ?? ek/M ? ?E
  • v? ek - ?2/(M(M-1)) ? ?2
  • 2 parameter integral equation, normal in ? and
    ?2(vM) in v.
  • Unique smooth solution is a Bessel function
    JM/2(?Ms). Expand
  • a(?,s) exp - ? - v/2 - v2/4(M1)
  • Error of noise causes an additional penalty!
  • Asymptotic series only good for vlt4M. But very
    accurate for vlt0.1M.

2 Parameter Integral Equation
The estimated variance, s, is distributed
according to a chi-squared distribution with
(N-1) degrees of freedom.
Detailed Balance Equation
to be satisfied for all values of y and ?2 .
Optimization of Efficiency w.r.t. Noise Level
  • As the noise level increases, the acceptance
    ratio decreases because of the penalty.
  • Assume it is usual MC rule to reduce the
    variance. That is
  • ?2t/M where M data points ? CPU
    time ? (?/?)2 constant
  • ? error of the energy per step.
  • For double well, optimal noise turns out to be
  • Large noise (order k B T) is much more efficient
    than small noise.
  • Trying many cheap steps, rejecting most of
    them, is more successful than spending much
    computer time crafting a step which will be
  • Nonetheless there is n upper limit to the noise
    because you need to estimate the variance also.

Average time to achieve a given error in mean
Other uses of the Penalty method
  • Consider a problem where there are a finite but
    large number of terms in the potential.
  • Example long range potential (order N terms
    after 1 particle is moved.) Ewald sums for
    coulomb potential scale as N1/2 .
  • Fast multipole method O(1) is only appropriate
    if all particles are moved together as in
    molecular dynamics.
  • We must compute the neighboring term
    directly--otherwise error will not be normally
    distributed. Split pair potential into
    short-range and long-range terms v(r)
  • We can sample terms at position, r, of the
    long-range part. Since it does not diverge
    anywhere, its variance is finite.
  • The optimal sampling probability is

  • For efficiencys sake we want to make moves as
    far as possible.
  • We use an empirical potential (Vm) to decide if a
    move is at all reasonable (first level
    rejection) choose Vm self-consistently.
  • 2-stag
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