Team Leadership and Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Team Leadership and Management


Team Leadership and Management Session 1 - January 12th Introduction Teams/Groups – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Team Leadership and Management

Team Leadership and Management
  • Session 1 - January 12th
  • Introduction
  • Teams/Groups

  • Overview of module and brief explanation of
  • Significance of leadership in our current system.
  • Brief overview of key practices and beliefs about

  • GTC state that You cant improve schools without
  • Leadership at all levels is the main strand of
    the School Effectiveness Framework.
  • School leaders need to develop school cultures to
    facilitate the growth of their leaders good
    schools nurture good leaders and schools work
    better where there is a culture of shared
    leadership (Day et al, 2009).
  • Its importance is underlined by its inclusion as
    a main theme of the current WAG review of CDP
  • Better leadership offers the potential for
    improved learning and wellbeing for our children.

Leadership Capacity
  • All teachers (and arguably other support staff)
    require and demonstrate leadership skills
    throughout their careers.
  • Leadership in the classroom requires
    practitioners to lead the implementation of
    pedagogy, curriculum innovation and knowledge
    about learning.. (SEF, p13).
  • Teachers are required to be leaders of learning,
    to inspire, build trust and motivate.

  • Evidence shows that effective middle leadership
    is essential to drive improvement and supply the
    system with future headteachers an effective
    middle tier is essential if all schools (not
    just some schools) are to be great schools
    (McKinsey, 2010, p 13).

Key Beliefs
  • there is not a single documented case of a
    school successfully turning around its pupil
    achievement trajectory in the absence of talented
    leadership. (McKinsey Company, 2010)
  • Evidence from Estyns inspection reports shows
    that schools with good and outstanding leaders
    are nearly all good and outstanding schools.
    Schools needing significant improvement or
    special measures to improve are nearly all those
    that have short comings in leadership. (Estyn,

What makes a good leader?
  • Discussion
  • Use your own experience of leading and/or being
    lead to answer this.

  • The School Effectiveness Framework summarises the
    main characteristics of leadership as being
    visionary and strategic, collaborative and
    deploying resources to improve childrens
    learning and wellbeing.
  • However, there is more to it. The recent
    McKinsey report (2010) summarises key elements of
    good leadership which are consistently identified
    in research.

Building a shared vision and sense of purpose
Setting high expectations for performance
Role modeling behaviours and practices
Establishing effective teams and distributing
Designing and managing a LT program
Understanding and developing people
Key Practices
Protecting teachers from issues that distract
Monitoring performance
Establishing school routines and norms of
Connecting the school to parents and the community
Recognizing and rewarding achievement
Resilient and persistent in goals but adaptable
to context and people
Focused on student achievement puts child ahead
of personal and political interests
Willing to develop a deep understanding of people
and context
Beliefs Attitudes and personal attributes
Willing to take risks and challenge accepted
beliefs and behaviours
Optimistic and enthusiastic
Self-aware and able to learn
Key Roles that School Leaders Play
  • All leaders and high performers are motivated
    mainly by their ability to make a difference
  • They focus more on instructional leadership and
    developing teachers.
  • Distinguished less by who they are and more by
    what they do
  • They find supporting the improvement of other
    schools and leaders attractive

The Importance of Teams
  • For schools to work and for leaders to be
    effective, it is vital that all staff see
    themselves as teams of practitioners.
  • As such it is worth looking at what constructs
    and effective team and how a team works at an
    optimum level

  • More than simply a group of people. Groups tend
    to have some characteristics that differentiate
    themselves form others e.g. smokers, Man Utd
    supporters, doctors
  • Groups rare in education.
  • Teams are formed of specific reasons, usually
    connected to the responsibilities that people
    have or functions they fulfil

Teams in Schools
  • Senior Management Team
  • Middle management teams - subject heads, pastoral
  • Staff teams - within departments, phase groups,
    administrative units, maintenance, food
  • Interdisciplinary teams - those implementing
    policy at operational level
  • Project teams - established to achieve short-term
    goals. (These are the ones used to push
    organisational improvement)

How do teams work?
  • Your own experience. Focus on two examples.
  • What did the/do the teams do?
  • What was/is your role?
  • What are your feelings about them? Why?
  • What do you/ did you learn from being a member?
  • What did you bring to either that was unique?

Why use Teams?
  • They bring to organisational development a
    quality that is essential in the effective
    management of change.
  • Combining skills of individuals makes greater use
    of individual personal skills - forms an entity
    that is capable of achieving far more than
    individuals operating in isolation.

  • Team approaches increasingly used in education
  • People working in isolation in organisations are
    more likely to suffer stress
  • Change more effectively managed in a collegial
  • Policy implementation is best achieved when
    groups of people work together to achieve
    consistency of practice.
  • Research indicates that schools benefit from
    developing teams that serve a variety of
    functions and purposes.

Five Stages of a Team (Tuckman, 1965)
  • Stage 1 - Forming - dependence on leader
  • Stage 2 - Storming - counterdependence.
  • Stage 3 - Norming - norms established.
  • Stage 4 - Performing - interdependence
  • Stage 5 - Ending (mourning)
  • At all times, team leaders must remain aware of
    context team is performing in and how this may
    impact on the life of the team.

Dr. Meredith Belbin - Group Behaviour
  • British Psychologist best known for work on
    Team-role theory.
  • A tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate
    with others in a particular way
  • He defined 9 particular roles in a team. (More
    than one role can be filled by any individual but
    team can have all)

Belbins Team Roles
  • Plant - creative, imaginative, unorthodox. Solves
    difficult problems
  • Resource Investigator - Extrovert, enthusiastic,
    communicative. Explores opportunities. Develops
  • Co-ordinator - mature, confident, a good
    chairperson. Clarifies goals, promotes decision
    making, delegates well.
  • Shaper - challenging, dynamic, thrives on
    pressure. The rive and courage to overcome

Team Roles contd..
  • Monitor evaluator - sober, strategic. Sees all
    options, judges accurately
  • Teamworker - co-operative, mild, perceptive and
    diplomatic. Listens, builds, averts friction
  • Implementer - disciplined, reliable and
  • Completer/finisher - painstaking, conscientious,
    anxious. Searches out errors. Delivers on time
  • Specialist - single-minded, self-starting,
    dedicated. Provides knowledge and skills in rare

  1. Develop collective responsibility
  2. Reduce isolation and parochialism within the
  3. Greater variety of complex problems can be dealt
    with by the pooling of expertise
  4. Problems seen from a number of different
  5. Job satisfaction - part of the solution
  6. Issues that cross departmental boundaries can be
    dealt with more easily and with more awareness
  7. Teams are flexible and adaptive
  8. Teams more likely to have higher quality decision
    making than individuals

  • Must be properly managed - if not can have
    negative effect on morale
  • Poorly managed teams tend to have issues of
    competition, withdrawal, lack of trust,
    secretiveness, fighting for resources and power

  • An effective, performing team needs a number of
    different skills
  • Team members have to be prepared to compromise
    their individuality in favour of corporate
    responsibility and success
  • Effective leaders recognise how far each
    individual member of the team can compromise and
    accommodate them within the team as a whole.
  • Must achieve balance between intended outcome,
    maintaining team dynamic and making each
    individual feel valued.
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