Leadership Team Development Conference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Leadership Team Development Conference


Leadership Team Development Conference Armagh City Hotel 28 ... Commitment to the profession 5 Lessons from Geese for Teams Lesson 1 As each goose flaps its ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Leadership Team Development Conference

  • Leadership Team Development Conference
  • Armagh City Hotel 28-29th May 2012

Welcome Holy Family Primary
School St Marys Primary School St Macartans
Primary School
Who are we?
  • We are in the midst of a powerful movement in
    education based on the simple, ethical idea that
    everyone matters and every way we do things

Introductions Names Why
teaching? Why the Leadership Team?
Programme Outline
  • Day 1
  • Directed Session
  • Break
  • Team Time
  • Lunch
  • Team Time
  • Break
  • Review Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Directed Session
  • Break
  • Team Time
  • Lunch
  • Team Time
  • Plenary Session
  • Evaluation Close

  • My vision for the future is one that sees
    schools as vibrant self-improving communities of
    good practice, meeting the needs and aspirations
    of individual pupils through high quality
    teaching and learning. This is in a context where
    there is sound governance, effective leadership
    and a focus on the needs and outcomes of children
    and young people.


  • We believe that schools themselves, through
    honest and open engagement in self-evaluation,
    using effectively, the wide range of data
    available to them, are well placed to identify
    areas for improvement and to implement changes
    that can bring about better outcomes for pupils.

The Characteristicsof a Successful School
  • Child-centred provision
  • High quality teaching and learning
  • Effective leadership
  • A school connected to its local community

School Improvement
  • We regard school improvement as a distinctive
    approach to educational change that enhances
    student outcomes as well as strengthening the
    schools capacity for managing change. In one
    sense school improvement is about raising student
    achievement through focussing on the teaching and
    learning process and the conditions which support

The core tasks of leadership teams are clear
  • Build a vision and set direction
  • Understand and develop people
  • Redesign the organisation for learning
  • Lead teaching and learning
  • Southworth 2008

Why Leadership ?
  • As far as we are aware, there is not a single
    documented case of a school successfully turning
    around its pupil achievement trajectory in the
    absence of talented leadership
  • Leithwood 2007

Reflection Time
  • Assumptions about
  • School leadership teams
  • The first is that Leadership Teams are a good
    thing and that effective Leadership Teams are
    necessary in order for a school to continue to
    develop and improve.
  • The second is that becoming and remaining an
    effective Leadership Team is hard work.
  • NAHT Leadership Paper 14, 2003

General Teaching Council N.I. Core Values
  • Trust Honesty Commitment
  • Respect Fairness Equality
  • Integrity Tolerance Service
  • Commitment to children,
  • Commitment to colleagues others,
  • Commitment to the profession

5 Lessons from Geese for Teams
  • Lesson 1
  • As each goose flaps its wings, it creates an
    uplift for the birds following. By flying in a
    V formation the whole flock adds 71 more
    flying range than if each bird flew alone.
  • People who share a common direction and sense of
    community can get where they are going more
    quickly and more smoothly because they are
    travelling on the thrust of one another.

Lesson 2
  • Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it
    suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying
    to fly alone and quickly gets back into formation
    to take advantage of the lifting power of the
    birds immediately in front.
  • If we have as much sense as the goose, we will
    join formation with those who are headed where we
    want to go.

Lesson 3
  • When the lead goose gets tired it rotates back
    into formation and another goose flies at the
    point position.
  • It pays to take turns at the hard tasks and
    sharing leadership - with people, as with geese,
    we are interdependent with one another.

Lesson 4
  • The geese in formation honk from behind to
    encourage those in front to keep up their speed.
  • We need to make sure our honking from behind is
    encouraging not something less helpful.

Lesson 5
  • When a goose gets sick or wounded, two geese drop
    out of formation and follow their fellow member,
    to help and provide protection. They stay with
    this goose until it is able to fly again or dies.
    Then they launch out on their own to catch up
    with their own flock or another formation.
  • If we have as much sense as geese well stand by
    one another in difficult times like they do.

Leadership Team CharterA properly functioning
team is one in which
  • People care for each other
  • People are honest and truthful
  • There is a high level of trust
  • Decisions are made by consensus
  • There is strong team commitment
  • Conflict is faced up to and worked through
  • People really listen to ideas and feelings
  • Feelings are expressed freely
  • Process issues are dealt with

Conference Aim
  • The conference aim is to consider our impact as a
    leadership team and to make clear for everyone
    the link between what this team does and the
    achievement of all our children.

Team Time
  • Consider the tasks your Team needs to complete
    over these two days and how does it need to
    function if it is to be successful?
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